Roots Reggae Tape - Jamaica 1973 rare
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Channel: Rastawelt
Views: 6,087,621
Rating: 4.9102273 out of 5
Keywords: Jamaica (Country), Reggae, Roots, 1978, rare, Tape, Vinyl, Mixtape, Roots Reggae (Musical Genre)
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 25sec (3625 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 26 2014
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The Wailers & Johnny Lover - Sun is shining// The Righteous Flames - Must be a revolution// Maurice Wellington - Girl you’re so divine// Shenley Duffus - To be a lover// The Flames - Zion// Senya - Oh Jah come// Little Roy & Ian Rock - Christopher Columbus// Errol Dunkley - This train// Ronnie Davis - Money never build a mountain// The Ethiopians - The word is love// The Mighty Maytones - Ital queen// The Heptones - It’s like heaven// King Burnett & Lee Perry - I man free// Asher & Trimble - Humble yourself// Prince Alla - Bosrah// Morvin Brooks - Cheer up black man// The Royals - Make it believe// Gladstone Anderson - Rockers// Paul Freeman - Life is sweeter than money// Bob Marley - She used to call me data// Chenley Duffus - At the end