Root Chakra Healing Music || Clear + Unblock Root Chakra with Subtle Seed Mantra Chants

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Channel: Meditative Mind
Views: 678,292
Rating: 4.8614016 out of 5
Keywords: root chakra, root chakra healing, root chakra healing music, unblock root chakra, seed mantra chants, root chakra mantra, root chakra seed mantra, chakra healing, balance root chakra, meditative mind, root chakra meditation music, root chakra music, chakra seed mantra, root chakra activation, lam chants, chakra, chakra chants, chakra healing chants, root chakra healing chants, chanting meditation, chakra healing music, healing sleep music, chakra meditation, muladhara
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 183min 3sec (10983 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 24 2018
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