Roosevelt Family Tree

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hi this is Matt Baker today I'm going to show you the family tree of the Roosevelt family this family of course includes two U.S presidents Theodore Roosevelt also known as Teddy and Franklin Roosevelt also known as FDR however this family also includes lots of other interesting people as well and is closely connected to several other famous families such as the duponts the delanos and even the white rajas of Sarawak so be prepared to meet lots of interesting figures and to discover how they're all connected but first I want to introduce you to today's sponsor an up-and-coming DNA company called adentro many of you have already had your DNA tested through companies such as 23andMe ancestry or myheritage well if you've done this you can upload your data to adentro and get several additional reports for free no credit card required one of the free reports is this one which Compares your susceptibility to covid to that of other people another is this admixture report which shows a 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Conway's Game of Life simulator so if you want to give a dentro a try just follow the link in the description or pinned comment and if you decide to sign up for the paid version be sure to use the code useful charts to get 10 off okay let's now look at the Roosevelts let me start by showing you exactly how Theodore Roosevelt and Franklin Roosevelt are related both of these presidents are direct mail-line descendants of a man named class van rosenvelt who was born in Holland but who immigrated to the new world in the 1640s at that time what is now New York was a Dutch settlement called New Amsterdam class bought a farm there and interestingly what was once his form is now one of the busiest parts of the city in fact his plot included the land that the Empire State Building now stands on class had a son named Nicholas who changed the family name from Van rosenvelt which meant from the Rose Field to Roosevelt he in turn had 10 children including Johannes and James johannes's family eventually ended up settling in Oyster Bay on Long Island while James families settled in Hyde Park on Mainland New York Theodore Roosevelt belongs to the Oyster Bay Branch while Franklin Roosevelt belongs to the Hyde Park branch so let's trace the two lines down to find the exact relationship Johannes and James were brothers which means that their sons Jacobus and Isaac were first cousins these two James's were thus second cousins making their sons Cornelius and Isaac third cousins Theodore senior and FDR's father were thus fourth cousins making the two presidents fifth cousins now fifth cousins is not actually a very close relationship so even though they shared the same surname Theodore and FDR are not actually as close as say Zachary Taylor and James Madison who were second cousins however Theodore and FDR do have a closer connection through marriage what a lot of people don't know is that Eleanor Roosevelt was actually herself a Roosevelt in other words her last name was Roosevelt even before she married Franklin that's because her father Elliot was Theodore's younger brother so that makes her Theodore's niece okay so let's now go back and look at Theodore Roosevelt's side of the family in more detail first of all I'd like to point out that Nicholas Roosevelt had a sister named Elsie who married a Rutgers her great-grandson Henry Rutgers is the namesake of Rutgers University another early descendant of the Roosevelts was Elizabeth de Pastor the second wife of Charles Wilson peel the famous revolutionary era painter who did portraits of people like George Washington and Thomas Jefferson and who founded America's first art school and art museum in Philadelphia their son Franklin peel went on to become the chief coiner at the U.S mint let's now go to Theodore Roosevelt's great grandfather James Roosevelt he married Maria van schlock who was the third cousin of President Martin Van Buren together they had two sons Cornelius and James James was the first Roosevelt to serve as a federal politician he sat in the House of Representatives for one term as a Democrat before becoming a New York Supreme Court Judge Cornelius on the other hand focused more on business he made a fortune selling window glass and was one of the founding directors of chemical bank which through a series of Acquisitions and mergers is now part of JP Morgan Chase the largest bank in America Cornelius has many interesting descendants Beyond just his famous grandson Theodore these include an Olympic gold medalist a builder of church organs an early Aviation expert a war correspondent and a Hollywood actress there's even a line that inherited a British title the baronetsi of Dunham Lodge the current holder sir Lawrence Clark ran hurdles for the UK during the 2012 London Olympics but let's now turn our attention to cornelius's son Theodore senior he married a woman from the south named Martha Bullock who some say was the inspiration for the character Scarlett O'Hara from Gone With the Wind her two brothers fought on the Confederate side of the Civil War while Theodore supported the union together Theodore senior and Martha had four children however they both ended up dying at relatively young ages before he died Theodore senior used his considerable wealth inherited from the family's banking fortunes to support many causes for example helping to found the Met Museum the American Museum of Natural History and the New York Children's Orthopedic Hospital because his parents died young Theodore Roosevelt's older sister Anna known as bammy became sort of the new matriarch of the family she was one of Theodore's closest advisors even during his presidency however it was his younger sister Corinne who ended up in politics in a more official capacity she served as an executive for the Republican National Committee and was an adviser to Calvin Coolidge during his presidential campaign as I mentioned earlier Theodore's younger brother Elliot was the father of Eleanor Roosevelt well Eleanor's mother was Anna Hall the great great granddaughter of Robert Livingston Robert Livingston was one of the founding fathers of the United States helping to write the Declaration of Independence and administering the oath of office to George Washington so yeah if you have include into it yet the Roosevelts were basically the equivalent to what in Europe would have been considered nobility however like many people born into Rich well-connected families Elliot ended up becoming what we would today call a nepo baby he became a severe alcoholic and was confined to a sanatorium where he eventually attempted suicide by jumping out of a window he survived the initial fall but then died the next day from heart failure Eleanor was just nine years old at the time and by that point had already lost her mother to ditheria so she was now an orphan and ended up being raised by her Livingston relatives we'll come back to her a bit later for now let's look at Theodore Roosevelt and his descendants Theodore was a Republican and although he was involved in politics from a young age it wasn't until the Spanish-American war that he became a household name he helped lead a unit known as the Rough Riders that won a key battle in Cuba at a place called Kettle Hill this is why he's often remembered as looking more like this than this after the war he became the governor of New York but was then chosen to run as president McKinley's new vice president in 1900 the previous vice president having died in office McKinley won re-election and therefore Roosevelt became the vice president but then just six months later McKinley was assassinated which led to Roosevelt instantly becoming president he served the remainder of that first term and then was re-elected so in total he served as president for about seven and a half years presidents were not actually limited to two terms in those days so he could have run again in 1908 but he decided not to passing the torch to William Howard Taft however in 1912 he decided to run again he lost the Republican nomination so created a new party called the Progressive Party but better remembered as The Bull Moose Party however he came in second place to Democrat Woodrow Wilson he therefore turned his attention to Adventure instead going on a scientific expedition in the Amazon helping to explore a river that ended up being named after him he then lived to see the start and end of world war one before dying in 1919 at the age of 60. he's since been memorialized as one of the four faces on Mount Rushmore Theodore was married twice and had six children his first wife Alice died on the exact same day as his mother in the exact same house with her he had just one daughter Alice who lived to be 96. here she is with Queen Elizabeth in the 1970s Theodore's second wife was Edith Carro and it was she who served as first lady during his presidency their eldest son was Theodore Jr note that even though he was the third Theodore Roosevelt in a row he was simply called Junior because by then his father was considered to be the main Theodore Roosevelt anyhow Theodore Jr went into politics like his father but was not as successful due in part to his connection to the teapot Scandal which prior to Watergate was the most famous political scandal in U.S history it was around that time during the 1920s that a rivalry started to develop between the two branches of the Roosevelt family by this point Eleanor was married to Franklin Roosevelt who was a democrat in contrast to Theodore Jr who like his father was a republican although not as famous in politics as his father or cousin-in-law Theodore Jr did end up as sort of a war hero he was a veteran of both World War one and World War II and by the time of World War II he was a one star General in fact he was the only General to land on the beach on D-Day and at age 56 was the oldest person on the ground that day on top of these two distinctions his son Quentin landed as well making them the only father-son combo to take part in the initial Invasion unfortunately however Theodore Jr died of a heart attack just one month later and Quentin died in a military plane crash shortly after the war theater Junior's brothers Kermit and Archibald both served in both world wars as well although sadly Kermit committed suicide during World War II the youngest brother Quentin only served in World War one because he unfortunately died in action during that war as a pilot becoming the only child of a U.S president to die in war three of President Theodore Roosevelt's grandsons ended up working for the CIA Cornelius III Kermit senior and Archibald Jr and one of his granddaughters Theodora Keo ended up becoming a novelist most prominent among Theodore's living descendants is probably Theodore IV who is currently the managing director of Barclays bank now before I move on I want to address Theodore Roosevelt's connection to teddy bears as I mentioned earlier Theodore's nickname was Teddy although he supposedly hated the name in 1902 while President he took part in a hunting competition during which a black bear was caught and tied up for him to shoot he refused saying that it was unsportsmanlike and the incident ended up in the Washington Post as a cartoon this resulted in a toy maker making and selling a toy bear called Teddy's bear they were extremely popular and the name stuck so nowadays any toy bear is called a teddy bear okay let's now switch over to FDR's side of the family the first person of prominence in this line was his great great grandfather Isaac Roosevelt in contrast to the Oyster Bay Roosevelts who made their money in window glass Isaac made his money in the sugar refining business he was also heavily involved in New York's transition from a British colony to a U.S state his son James followed in his footsteps as did his grandson Isaac it was Isaac who first moved to Hyde Park along the Hudson river which is where many of the ultra wealthy had homes in those days people like the Vanderbilts Isaac had two sons James and John John was the father of Grace and Ellen Roosevelt who were championed tennis players James the father of FDR married twice with his first wife he had a son James Jr who was FDR's half-brother he worked as a diplomat but died before FDR became President when James senior's first wife died he married again to Sarah Anne Delano I'll be coming back to the Delano Family a bit later but for now note that Delano was Franklin's middle name and hence the D in FDR Franklin of course married Eleanor who as you already know was Theodore Roosevelt's niece in fact it was Theodore who was president at the time that walked her down the aisle there are very few examples of the two Roosevelt presidents together in a single photo but I did manage to find one now like Theodore FDR served as the governor of New York just prior to becoming president in 1933 but what a lot of people don't know was that he was actually on the presidential ticket in 1920 as well as the candidate for vice president he and James Cox lost that year to Warren Harding and Calvin Coolidge but in 1932 he won in a landslide implementing his new deal policies to help end the Great Depression this marked a turning point in U.S political history you see before FDR the Republicans and the Democrats were kind of the opposite of what they are today black voters used to prefer the Republicans and white Southerners used to prefer the Democrats nowadays of course it's the complete opposite well that all started with FDR the other thing that was different back then was that there were no limits yet on how many terms a president could serve so FDR ended up being elected a record four times and serving for over 12 years until his death in 1945. so he ended up serving as President during most of World War II the other thing that a lot of people forget or simply don't know about FDR is that he was America's first and so far only disabled president this is because this fact was mostly hidden during his lifetime back then it was thought that he suffered from polio but nowadays many experts suspect that he had something called Gian Bahrain syndrome either way he was mostly paralyzed from the waist down and had to use stilts or other supports to stand up or walk and when the cameras weren't around he used a wheelchair something that has only been acknowledged recently as seen by this 2001 statute now although FDR is generally seen as being one of America's best ever presidents his wife Eleanor was and still is perhaps just as famous she was one of the most politically active first ladies ever and continued her advocacy work after her husband's death most notably she was America's first ambassador to the UN and chaired the committee that developed the un's universal Declaration of Human Rights she was also quite possibly a lesbian it is well known that the relationship between Franklin and Eleanor was kind of unusual Franklin had several Affairs and Eleanor is rumored to have had some sort of relationship with a female journalist named Lorena Hickok Franklin and Eleanor did however have six children together although one died in infancy Anna in FDR's final year served as a sort of second first lady and accompanied her father to the famous yelta conference the four sons all served during World War II and both James and Franklin Jr went on to serve in Congress Franklin Jr married a member of the wealthy Dupont family and then their son Franklin Roosevelt III married a descendant of Charles Goodyear the guy who developed the type of rubber used in making tires now since this channel is known for covering Royal lines I want to point out an interesting connection between the Roosevelts and the white rajas of Sarawak one of the more stranger dynasties in world history basically this guy here a simple British soldier eventually became the Raja or king of his own independent state in Borneo called Sarawak his nephew Charles the second Raja of Sarawak married Margaret dewint who was a descendant of Nicholas Roosevelt therefore their son the third and final white Raja was the fifth cousin once removed of both Theodore and Franklin Roosevelt I'd also like to point out a very minor crossover between my own family and the Roosevelts my wife's maternal grandmother grew up not far from Hyde Park and in the 1950s wrote several letters to Eleanor Roosevelt in which she invited her over for tea Roosevelt accepted and on November 20th 1953 at four o'clock she had tea with my wife's grandmother okay let me now End by briefly mentioning the Delano Family from which FDR's mother came this family can be traced back to a Belgium immigrant named Philip Delano who arrived in America just one year after the Mayflower in addition to FDR he's also the ancestor of two other U.S presidents Ulysses Grant and Calvin Coolidge as well as several other notable Americans such as Laura Ingalls Wilder author of The Little House on the Prairie books and Jane Delano founder of the American Red Cross Nursing service other Delano descendants include the chef Julia Child the astronaut Alan Shepard the pop star Britney Spears and the fan of this channel that made today's chart so we've now covered the family trees of eight U.S presidents on this channel you can find a link to those on screen right now and don't forget to check out adentro by clicking the link in the description or pinned comment thanks for watching [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: UsefulCharts
Views: 159,906
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Id: 8we_TQtJ52E
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Length: 22min 16sec (1336 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2023
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