Roomies Mid Century || The Sims 4: Speed Build

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[Music] hi guys it's Alisa here so welcome to another speed build so today I am building a mid-century style house for the roommates household that live in Oasis Springs they came with the base game and they consist of four roommates and they are zoe patel mitchell Kalani I'm not exactly sure how to say his last name correctly jaehun cheating the third and then Gavin Richards so I think this is such a fun household this is one of my favorite base game households to come with the Sims I think they're all really just kind of interesting characters and I like the idea of this many roommates living in one house so I knew I wanted them to have a pretty large mid-century modern style house and I looked at so many different pictures on Pinterest and the one that I ended up going off of was more for the floor plan and I did change up the exterior quite a bit mostly the roofing cuz the roofing was quite flat and not as mid-century looking in my opinion I kinda wanted this house to have more of that butterfly look to it if you guys know what I mean it's where the roofs of the house kind of go in opposite directions maybe it'll make more sense when we get on to the roofing but I think it looks really cool I love the color scheme that I went for it's very earthy very Brown and I just overall really liked this house so I hope you guys will like it too but of course let me know what you guys think so as you guys can see the front facade is starting to come together I started off with the carport area because that was something I really liked from my reference picture I thought it was kind of a nice addition and I thought we could just walk into the kitchen and dining area from the door leading out to the carport I thought that made sense and then yeah so for this house it does have four bedrooms so enough for each of the roommates to have their own room there's also three bathrooms of one of the bathrooms is also a laundry room and so that's really close to the front door so it's just kind of a quick bathroom or an easy-access bathroom whatever you want to call it just is you're running out the door you can just go to the bathroom really quick and guests can use it and all those kinds of things there's also a shared bathroom in the hallway that I imagine all of the guy use and then Zoe has her own bathroom that's an ensuite so you'll notice as we go through this bill I kind of spoiled Zoe a little bit and I did that because she's the only girl in the house and so I kind of figured that maybe there'd be like okay you can have you know the master bedroom since it has its own private bathroom that way she has a little bit more privacy and then the guys can all share I didn't think that mattered too much I don't know I was probably overthinking it but as I was thinking about that I thought that maybe Zoe's parents own this house cuz these Sims they're not very far in their careers actually when you start out the game Zoe is unemployed I'm going to give her a career for my save file I'm not exactly sure what I'm gonna have her do yet her skills she is a little bit charismatic she has two skill points in that and then she has one skill point in mischief so yeah I'm not really sure exactly what to give her as far as her skills go and then for her personality she's a goofball cheerful and clumsy so she's just kind of a fun girl she has the front of the world aspiration so she's go garius I don't know do you guys have any ideas um but anyways yeah so I was thinking that maybe her parents own this house and so she kinda has first dibs on which room she gets and then they all rent the house from her parents maybe or maybe it was left to her by an aunt or an uncle or a grandparent or something that's a potential storyline I'm not exactly sure maybe it's one of the guises houses I was kind of thinking that I don't think they all have like very strong relationships usually when you start out the game they all don't really have like too strong of relationships with each other when they're roommates and even like family members I don't know it's a bit weird so I'm thinking that I'm going to have her be like lifelong like childhood friends with one of the guys and I'm kind of leaning towards Mitchell because he also he wants to be a comedian and so she has some mischief so maybe they just kind of grew up together they pulled some pranks together and maybe he's kind of always had a crush on her and she's never seen him that way and she's always like kind of had him in the friend zone is what I was thinking you know she's just like always like a brother to me and he's like no I love you that kind of thing you guys understand what I mean I'm sure you guys do and maybe she has her eyes more on J cuz I kind of see J as more of the kind of ladies man like all the girls kind of swoon over him even though he's kind of he's kind of a interesting looking guy I think he's a really good-looking sim but his eyes are a bit strange so I did change those for my safe because I knew it would make him a little bit better looking and so I kind of wanted him to portray that kind of character a little bit more like the jockey guy who gets with all the ladies but doesn't really get tied down he doesn't want to like claim any titles to relationships like technically call anybody his like girlfriend or anything because he is non-committal he's also a bro and active I felt like that suited him really well I thought that made it like so much since he's also a bodybuilder but yeah back to Mitchell I was thinking that him and Zoe have just grown up together maybe the other two guys are friends of Mitchell's maybe he met them in some sort of a club or school or something like that I'm not exactly sure maybe they just put out an ad for roommates and they're two random guys that showed up and called to the ad maybe that's a possibility but yeah Mitchell he is an assistant dishwasher so he's in the culinary career but he wants to be a joke star so he wants to be a comedian so maybe he just doesn't have the confidence to actually go for it and like get up on stage so if you want to play with this household I thought that would be a fun storyline to go with maybe that was their their intentions when they created this household so he has a little bit of a comedy spiel he has a little bit of a mixology skill he's also a bro to like Jay he's outgoing which I thought was kind of surprising since he isn't you know going after his a career but maybe he would like to and he's also lazy so maybe he's just too lazy to that's definitely a possibility and then the last sim that lives in this house is Gavin Richards and Gavin is a writer he has a pretty high writing skill he has a level three in the writing skill he's also a bro I didn't realize this until now so they're all Bros all of the guys anyways so I imagine they just sit around the TV watch the game and kind of grow out together it's not the proper way to say it I'm not exactly sure but he's creative neat and AM user he wants to be a best-selling author so when I went to go decorate his room I tried to make it look a little bit more like tidy and clean like everything has its place and I kind of feel like him and Mitchell probably have a little bit of conflicting personalities cuz I was thinking since Mitchell is in the culinary career and he's also a bit lazy I made the kitchen a little bit messy and I was kind of thinking that he's always in there like cooking and messing around and he doesn't really clean up after himself and maybe that bothers Gavin because he is so neat and maybe he's always going through and cleaning up after him just because he can't stand the mess even a little bit so I also added a soda can next to Mitchell's room now he's not a slob so I didn't want to put like a bunch of like dirty stuff throughout his room I didn't want the house to look like you know a slob really lived here just somebody who's a bit lazy and doesn't clean up after themselves so I put some clothes on the floor in the bathroom that I thought he left behind and his rooms just a little bit messier than the other rooms and I just had a lot of fun with it like I said I really enjoyed this household if you guys have watched my knots of Barry challenge Joey is my not-so Barry my mint Sims best friend and I think it's just such a fun household I'm very excited to placed this house in that game so I can see it across the street from my house I just love this neighborhood it's one of my favorites in game and yeah very excited to start up that series again I do get questions all the time what happened in that series am I not playing it anymore or what is going on with that I just took a little bit of a break from it because I don't know I just have some trouble recording gameplay and I haven't had as much time at home alone at the past few weeks or month or so however long it's been but my husband is starting a new job and that starts in about a week so I'll have more time at home by myself and yeah I will start up that series again I'm also thinking about doing miniseries with the new game pack that's coming out called stranger Ville I think that might be a lot of fun maybe we can complete the task I've heard from so many people that they don't want it spoiled so if that's not really something you guys are interested in seeing please let me know I can of course and I will put a disclaimer at the beginning of the videos that says there will be some spoilers in the episode that way you guys don't watch it if you don't want to be spoiled but yeah give me a gazes feedback I did do a creative sim after I watched the trailer that I thought was a lot of fun it was just inspired by the atmosphere that I saw on the trailer did you guys like it did you guys watch it are you guys excited for this pack was it something that you were expecting cuz I definitely was not expecting anything like this but I think it's a lot of fun and bring something interesting to the game and I am of course very excited to have a new world and if you guys did see there is 11 new lots that comes with the pack and I wasn't expecting it to be that big I'm pretty sure that's as big as the world that we got with get famous I'm pretty sure it's as big as that world which is really surprising because it's a game pack and I'm just so excited about that I did mention in my create-a-sim how I wasn't sure if I was going to include it as part of my save file but I think I'm going to because I don't imagine that we will get any more worlds by the time I am finished I don't know that's hard to say but I just find so many things that I want to include from that pack in my save and having the new world and being able to use the items I haven't exactly made at my mind yet maybe I maybe I'll hold off and then just do an update of it what do you guys think do you guys think would be better to just include it as part of my save and just start going through and doing renovations doing you know builds and all those kinds of things or do you guys think would be a good idea just to hold off a little bit finish what I'm already working on and then just do an update later cuz I will of course do some builds on it because yeah it's a new pack and I can't help myself so I'll do some builds anyways but maybe I'll just do one or two and then hold off I don't know if I really want to do that though I kind of just wanted this go all out and include it as part of my save let me know you guys is a pain but anyways I have rambled on long enough about the new pack and about the household but yeah like I mentioned I really like this household I wanted this house to be a lot of fun have a lot of activities so I included a couple of planter boxes back here so they can do a bit of gardening if they want to I just really wasn't sure what else to add you can of course get rid of those if you don't want them this is a huge lot so really on the other side of the house there's this big open grass area so you could even add like the slip and slide out there if you wanted to have a family in this house you could definitely put some like playground equipment over there or if you need the house to be bigger you could definitely expand it that direction too so lots of possibilities and then here I'm creating some pool toys which I thought was such a fun idea now this isn't my idea or creation I first saw this over on tumblr on pocketful Asim shines page now they're one of my favorite sim blurs to follow so I will definitely link them in the description so you guys can check them out they have some beautiful screenshots of their homes and their gameplay and all of those kinds of things so yeah I thought this was a great idea and I thought it'd be a lot of fun to include in this house so I could definitely see these Sims like out playing in the pool tossing the ball around or just kind of goofing off and playing now of course these aren't functional pool toys hopefully we will get something like that eventually I think that would be really cool especially to have like a little toddler with like the floaties and like the floaty arms that would be so cute or like Sims sunbathing on a big floaty that would be really cool or just pool games in general but anyways yeah they're not functional your Sims might try to clean them up now I didn't put a toy box for dog toys or cat toys on this lot so they won't have anything to clean them up into so they'll probably just leave them alone if you do decide to get a pet your Sims will probably try to clean them up I assume maybe they can't even reach them because they're just kind of sitting there on the water I'm not exactly sure at this point cuz I haven't played tested this house with a pet so it might if some things might happen but I'm gonna leave it as it is because I think it's a really cool idea and I really like adding that bit of decoration to the swimming pools but yeah the exterior has pretty much came together I really like the landscaping on this build I honestly wasn't really sure of it while I was doing it I thought about redoing it but I decided to leave it alone and then I you know left the game came back to it later and I decided that I really liked it and if you're wondering where those agave plants came from they're in the debug menu I've been getting a lot of questions lately asking about the debug menu and how you access it so all you have to do is hit ctrl shift C to open up the cheat bar and then type in BB dot show hidden objects and so that will bring in more stuff to the regular building by catalog that you can just see there like there's some school decorations you can find postcards and frogs and bugs and other random decorations but then if you want to see even more things you go into the search bar that's in the bottom left-hand screen that you can see there above the building stuff whatever you want to call that if you type in debug into that menu it'll open up all of the stuff that your sins kind of use through like game play and different interactions so some of the things you can't really place they might delete or you can't really place them or really do anything with them or if they're food items or unfortunately glasses and plates because I would love to actually use those as like clutter decoration but they do spoil so they get stinky and your Sims will have to clean them up but they're in there if you want to use them a lot of the magazines and stuff that I use you can find they're in the debug catalog as well so yeah that's how you access that but we are on to the interior now the first thing I wanted to do is just pick out wallpapers and kind of get the color scheme kind of sorted out I wanted to go pretty neutral for the majority of the house because I felt like that made the most sense so I went for these kind of light grayish brown walls brown floors Brown tile and kind of a soft yellowy color for the walls in the bathrooms and then for each of their bedrooms I decided to go for a more bright color scheme more of a themed color scheme for each of their rooms so gavin has the green room cuz I felt like the green kind of suited the writing career I'm not really sure if that makes sense but he was wearing a green jacket originally I forget exactly what I changed his outfit to look like but he did have that green jacket then J has the blue because I felt like that just suited him a little bit more and then Mitchell has the red bedroom and then this is Zoey's room that pinkish purple bedroom in the back I do actually change the color to a brighter pink later it's actually more of like a dustier light rose pink you'll see it later on but I felt like her walls needed to be a bit brighter but here I am starting off with the furnishing I felt like starting with the living room because I really wanted to get this area sorted out first and here I created some built-ins with some of the upper head based game cabinets I felt like this looked so mid-century now with the decorating style for this house I wanted it to go kind of mismatched I mean I wanted it to all look okay like I didn't want it to be too hard on the eyes I didn't want it to be too off-putting but I definitely wanted it to look like random roommates lived here so they brought in all of their random furniture you know they don't have a whole lot of money so I used a lot of the cheaper items like the cheaper cabinets and I mean it's probably not a cheap house though cuz I went full-on with the landscaping and there's so much clutter and clutter adds up it's very expensive but I just really wanted this house to look lived in I mean there's four people living in this house but they're young adults so it's not all very matchy or very well-put-together some of you guys actually mentioned when I did the BFF household how that house looked to put together and that one was actually a little bit more intentional because I felt like they're a little bit further on in their career I feel like they're more of a responsible kind of more put-together household does that make sense I feel like this one's a little bit more chaotic and they're kind of start like they're trying to figure out their lives a little bit more I feel like the BFFs they kind of have their lives a little bit more figured out like one of them's an astronaut I forget the other careers exactly at this moment but I felt like that was a bit more appropriate for their house and especially since there's two females living there I felt like they would try to keep the house a little bit more decorated and organized because actually when I was 18 I moved out of my parents house and I lived with I lived I lived with several guy roommates and our house basically I mean it didn't even look nice it was a lot more mismatched and messy and not put together at all but this is kind of the idea that I had in mind they're just random roommates living together and things aren't gonna look that nice whereas the other household I thought it was more appropriate so that's what I did but Here I am decorating the coffee table and what I ended up doing was adding some regular clutter decorations that I normally add like a plant in a magazine and the remote that I found in the debug menu but I also decided to put a pizza box with a slice of partially eaten pizza next to it I thought that was so fun I mean it'll of course spoil so your Sims will have to clean it up if you do move into this house and they eat it quick enough it should be just fine I think your Sims should be able to eat it I'm not exactly sure but I thought it made like fun decoration for the screenshots and for the atmosphere so I decided to place that in there and I really like the way it turned out and then you probably noticed me use that red shelf that I have in my game to be able to lift the remote to place it up on top of that magazine to get it to the right level I've been getting a lot more questions about that red shelf as well I have it linked in the description I have the link to the tumblr page where you can download it it's a very handy tool it is custom content though so you'll have to download it and place it into your mods folder like you would any other piece of custom content and then just don't leave it in your build before you upload it to the gallery that way your build isn't marked as having CC in it that way it's easier for people to find your builds cuz that's what I do I just use it as a tool and then I don't place it in my build I just use it as yeah a tool basically I did do a move objects tutorial a few weeks ago so you guys can watch that if you want me to go and do a little bit more detail I do cover that in that video how I use that shelf and those kinds of things because yeah ever since I downloaded it I have been using it non-stop and I don't ever imagine not using it because it's it's really that handy so you can check it out in that video I also cover on how I freely move objects and rotate them and lift objects up and those kinds of things so if you're curious about the building tips and tricks that I use I will link it in the endcard I can also put it in the description guys haven't watched that tutorial yet cuz I do get a lot of questions asking about those kinds of things so I thought I would just talk about that a little bit in this video but anyways as you guys can see I am decorating the entryway to the build I really kind of struggled with this area if I'm being honest you'll notice I try several different things I end up putting a cork board here with that calendar merged into it and then I also pulled out some of these postcards I really like using this as a decoration in a lot of my builds I've been doing it for a long time and I'd probably do it a little bit too often but I really like it so um yeah I also have a lamp there with some mail and then some other clutter decorations like that really nice basket that has like some blankets and towels in it I really like that item it came with seasons but I put it there next to the mirror and then the coat rack so yeah so nice items there but this is the bathroom that's closest to the front door so this is the one that is also a laundry room I thought it'd be kind of nice to have a bathroom that's close to the front door and then I kind of struggled with this room as well you'll see me try a few different things with the sinks and I thought about placing a shower in here for a moment so there's definitely a room in here if you would like to because at this point there's only two showers in the rest of the build so that might be maybe not enough if you're having you know the four sins or if you decide to play with a whole entire family in this build maybe it won't be enough so you could definitely put another shower or bathtub in this bathroom and I end up going with this sink I thought it looked kind of cool in here and then I put these shelves above the toilet because I couldn't actually place the soap dispenser next to the sink without it looking like it was just gonna fall off the edge of it and I always like to place that item because I feel like it's really realistic and it's just something I like to place next to every single sink so I was able to put it on the shelves and then I was able to have it there and yeah I really like the way this bathroom it turns out I really like the bright blue color of the washer and dryer and then I hung up a robe in there because I really wasn't sure what to put on that wall and I felt like there needed to be something so just put that there but this is going to be the kitchen now this kitchen is very mismatched and I just had a lot of fun with it it it's probably not going to be to everybody's taste I am totally aware that I mean this whole house in general probably won't be but I just had a lot of fun with it I went with these bright blue colors for the stove and the refrigerator and then this green color for the microwave and yeah then there's the orange trashcan and then I think I did maybe a brown color for the coffee pot but I just tried to make it look like all of these things were maybe picked up from I don't I don't know just like hand-me-downs basically so they're not like purchased as an entire set or they're all like really nice modern stainless-steel appliances I really wanted it to look pretty messy and pretty mismatched and I just I love it I think building like this is so refreshing and so so much fun because so many times I try to build things that look really just pleasing and decorated and kind of I don't know more put together so I still have fun trying to make this look a little bit more messy and mismatched and yeah I don't know I really like it so I hope you guys will like it too but there I just placed the coffee pot over here and like I mentioned earlier since Mitchell is in the culinary career I tried to make this kitchen look a little bit cluttery I didn't put any like dirty pots and pans around um anything from the debug menu anyways but I did put some pots up on top of the stove I do imagine that he leaves things around quite a bit and then like I said gavin goes through and just like ah cleans up after him because he gets so frustrated I think that's kind of a fun idea and then I use this mid-century modern dining set that we got with the bullying stuff pack over here by these open windows that look out into the pool I love this so much those are some of my favorite windows especially in this building style I think they're so pretty and let in so much light which I really like so yeah I just have a lot of fun with this area but other than that I just put some decorations around like some paintings on the wall I think I put a plant in the corner over by the sliding glass door leading out to the carport I thought about putting a side table here where I'm putting up that poster but I decided to move that poster over to the other wall and then I hang up that what is it it's kind of like this picture I think we got it would dine out but it has like the orange slices and the breakfast stuff on it I thought it was just kind of fun and quirky a lot of the artwork that I tried placing in this build I wanted it to look like there were movie posters or things that kind of teenagers would probably have in their room because I imagine that these sims are very young adults so maybe they still have a lot of stuff from their childhoods so they have some posters but they have framed a lot of them so they look a little bit nicer throughout the house and I also puts up with those neon signs on the wall I thought that was kind of a fun thing to include actually when I lived with those roommates that I was talking about we have a lot of like street signs and like random signs as decorations on our balls and it looked a little bit silly but I think it's so appropriate for young Sims living together so I really liked it a lot and then here I'm trying to find a painting to put there on that wall but I went with that one with the like eggs and the orange slices I think it's pretty fun poster so that's basically it for the main living area and then over here I do decorate the bathrooms right away I decorate both Zoey's bathroom and then the guys bathroom I do Zoey's first though and I really like the way her bathroom turned out I really wanted her bathroom to look really cluttered and decorated so you'll see that when I go to decorate the counters and I also really like how the toilets in that separate area it's only like separated by that archway how that looked pretty cool anyways but here in just a moment I pull out so many decorations for the bathroom counters I figured since she's the only one that uses this bathroom she doesn't really care who sees it she doesn't care about leaving you know her makeup around her hairbrush her dryer those kinds of things so her bathroom is totally cluttered with so many decorations and I just really had so much fun with it I also end up giving her the vanity table in her bedroom that we'll see later on her bed Jen's actually the last bedroom that I decorate but I do give her the vanity table and I go through the debug menu and pull out some of those makeup decorations like the eyeshadow and blush palette and there's like a nail file and an eyeliner there's a few random things but we'll see that here in just a moment but yeah over here is going to be the guys's bathroom like I said both of the bathrooms have the Parenthood showers I just have different curtains I felt like these ones looked pretty nice and for their bathroom I tried to not overly clutter it up because I imagine the guides keep most of their personal bathroom items in their own rooms but there's like some toothbrushes and some towels and a few things but the messy clothes on the floor I thought that was left around by Mitchell he just kind of like he throws his clothes on the floor he doesn't really care too much I know I don't think lazy Sims actually leave their clothes on the ground like when it comes to actual clothes for laundry but I liked the idea of him just being a bit lazy just not picking up after himself so that's why I did that and then here I'm decorating the hallway the hallway is pretty simple I just put a side table over there with a few decorations there's a clock and a plan to end some bookcases yeah nothing too special I just moved that foosball table out to the patio by the way I try to make it work out there but I decided it didn't look quite right I really wanted to add that item somewhere in this build because I thought it'd be a lot of fun for them to play some foosball together but I end up not including it in the end and then this is going to be Jays bedrooms over his room I went for a very blue color scheme like I mentioned because I felt like that just suited him really nicely there's also pops of orange each sim also has their own computer and computer desk in their bedroom and for him he is the tech guru career and I'm not really sure if I think that fits him that well I might give him a different career I haven't exactly made up my mind but he does have a little bit of programming skill he has two points for that he also has two skill points in fitness but his aspiration is to be a bodybuilder so I'm not sure if he really wants to be in the tech guru career maybe it just kind of like was handed to him or he fell into it a little bit easier I'm not sure do you guys have any ideas on what his career should be have you guys played in with other careers I don't know I think I'm probably gonna change it though for my save file because I think that'll make a little bit more sense but I really like his room I like that there's a punching bag in here I will make sure that the Sims can use that before I upload this to the gallery I haven't checked it yet I have placed them in bedrooms before pretty close to other objects and they seem to work just fine but I will make sure that it's placed in a good location before I uploaded he also has his own walk-in closet I do end up getting a wardrobe in here and I end up going with this one that came with city I mean I felt like it suited him really nicely I put a calendar over there by his door he also has a couple of framed posters and then I put a mirror above the bed but yeah that's basically it for his bedroom but I really like it and then this is going to be Gavin Richards room so the green bedroom and for his room I went for a pretty yellow and green color scheme I felt like that suited him really nicely I kind of had a lot of fun picking out the color schemes for other bedrooms by the way I really enjoyed it and I felt like this mid-century modern bed that we got with get famous suited him really nicely this isn't my favorite bed in my opinion it looks kind of like a hard bed and I don't really like the headboard so I haven't really used it that much since that pack came out but for him I felt like um yeah I felt like it suited him pretty nicely he also has a walk-in closet all of the Sims have their own walk-in closets I felt like that was kind of a nice thing to include and I feel like it suits the mid-century modern theme a little bit I'm not exactly sure why but that's what I decided to do and then over here he has this computer desk I decided to not add a bunch of clutter decorations on his computer desk just a few things and I also gave him a guitar because he is creative and I know that probably pertains more to his writing skill but I felt like maybe he dabbles a little bit in music so that's why I put that guitar frame thing above his desk and then he also gave him that guitar there next to his side table but yeah he has a neat sim so I didn't want to like overly cluttered up with too many posters and decorations and things like that because I feel like he really wouldn't hold on to those kind of things but this is going to be Mitchell's room so he has the red bedroom his room also has a little bit of orange colors into it as well because I felt like this bed just suited him really nicely and it probably would have been way too much if I gave him a red bed on top of these like really red walls but I felt like this bed is really nice this is one of my favorites it came with seasons the seasons beds are so pretty I I know I probably mention this way too much but they're really the best beds in my opinion in the entire game I really like them and then I gave him that single tile computer desk over here by his door and then I thought that framed poster of the chef was kind of fun and then here I gave him this microphone since he has the aspiration to be a jokester he kind of wants to be a comedian and so I thought that he probably practices his jokes a little bit but he just doesn't really I don't know I feel like he might have the confidence because he is outgoing but he's just too lazy to really act on his I guess he's just a little bit too lazy to act on his dreams maybe but not exactly sure but I think he's a fun character and over here I put some decorations on his side table which is a few different little things and then I also give him a wardrobe oh oh and then there I placed the soda can from the debug menu just because I felt like he was a little bit too lazy to pick it up and then here I wasn't exactly sure what I should put above his bed I was going to put like a couple of posters but I decided not to I decided to leave that chef one alone and then I added that other one over there by its computer but what I decided to do is use this framed thing I'm not exactly sure why usually when I try to place these that look like they're framed like articles from a newspaper or magazine I usually try to think of a reason why they would have it in their room I didn't really come up with one but I thought it looked nice and I put some clutter decorations here from the shelves just a few random things that I thought he might want to keep around in his room and then this is going to be Zoey's room so she has like this full-on entryway I felt like this looked pretty old-school in my opinion with the closets and in the full-length mirrors it kind of reminded me of my parents bedroom my parents live in a house that I think was built sometime around 72 so it has a lot of those like older styles that has like older carpet it's a very out of date but in their master bedroom they actually have these closets that have mirrors for doors now I could have used move objects to do something like that in the game but I wanted the closets to be usable so I decided not to do that but I thought having the mirrors on the other side kind of made it look like that older style anyway so I don't I kinda like that idea but for her room I went for a very kind of light color scheme little bits of yellow and pink like I said I do end up changing the wall color to a deeper pink color later on because I felt like this gray pink was just a little bit too dull and it kind of drownded everything out since I used so much like white furniture at least in my opinion that's what I was thinking here was picking out some decorations to put on her computer desk and then over here I do have the vanity and like I said I go into the debug menu to pull out some like makeup clutter decorations and then there I just placed that mid-century modern style plant in the living room it went by kind of quickly but that plant came with get famous and it's in a very cool kind of mid-century style I think it's supposed to be anyways and I always kind of forget to use that planned I'm not exactly sure why cuz I really like it and I would like to use it more but I feel like I don't know I feel like I just forget about it a little bit not exactly sure why but I was happy to remember it but here I was taking out some of those clutter decorations for the vanity table I put that kind of fashion makeup magazine there's the Eiffel Tower now that I bought our I think is made out of the children's clay so the Sims will probably pick it up and play around with it but it looked Li nice and then over here I wanted to add a seating area it took me a little while to kind of figure out that area I go back to it in a little while but here I wanted the magazine to look like it was just resting on the bed and this is something I have checked already I wanted to make sure the sim could use this side of the bed and I had it my I had my sim go take a nap and she went right to that side of the bed and used it no problems so it shouldn't cause any issues it might look a little bit weird with clipping if the Sims are sleeping or whoo-hooing or anything like that but I thought it looked kind of nice but Here I am trying to pick out some chairs I go with these ones these mid-century modern ones that came with the bowling stuff pack in that soft yellow color I thought that looked really nice but um yeah this is basically it for the build we are almost onto the screenshot so hope you guys have enjoyed this mid-century modern style house for the roommates household and yeah thank you guys so much for watching and please leave any comments or suggestions that you have and I'll talk to you guys soon bye [Music] behind [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: SimLicy
Views: 149,916
Rating: 4.9600906 out of 5
Keywords: #beautiful, #sims, #simlicy, #sims4, #builds, #building, #apartments, #simsbuilds, #restaraunts, #french, #Asian, #Italian, #cityliving, #gettogether, #popular, #funny, #parenthood, #family, #traditional, #suburban, #modern, #fantasy
Id: UdkOgSIV6Lw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 23sec (2243 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 23 2019
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