Room Transformation & Tour πŸ•― Victorian Light Academia

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[Music] hello it's ruby and in today's video i am finally going to be showing you my room decoration transformation video so back in january i decided i wanted to change up my room because it had been the same since i was 11 and i just feel like my taste has changed since then it's not that i didn't like my room i love how light and airy it is but all of the furniture is very modern which just isn't really in line with my tastes anymore i much prefer old-fashioned victorian style things and i had a massive double bed in the middle of the room it took up pretty much all of the room and meant that i didn't have much space to play around with in my bedroom so i do workouts in my room but i would be constricted to a very small space i've been very lucky to have a double bed since i was 11 but i don't really make use of my double bed and then i also really wanted to get a second bookshelf because my other one is beautiful but i have a lot of books and i didn't want to put more on display in my bedroom okay so the first thing was finding a new bed as i say i wanted to get a single bed and that was the first piece of furniture i looked for i was looking for a victorian antique single bed it took a few weeks but eventually i found the perfect one for 70 pounds okay i've just bought a bed i am so excited about this this is my bed and i'm changing it for a single bed it was on a bidding thing and i've had the alarm on all day it was lifted for 70 pounds and because i was the only bidder i got it for 70 pounds which i think is really really good i'm very happy the bed basically looks like this but it's got the same it's like an antique victorian bed frame and i really want to make my room a bit more old-fashioned then the hard and exciting bit actually putting the bed in which involved disassembling my huge double bed okay so it's so dusty underneath the bed you're gonna put it on your shoes yeah realistic oh my gosh it's like ridiculous yes it was disgustingly dusty the issue with the spare there was no way that i could have moved it to clean underneath without disassembling it and so it just hadn't been cleaned which is really disgusting i know and i'm so glad that i've been able to clean it now and that my current bed is much easier to clean the underneath of so dad and i just took that apart and took it out of my room [Music] okay my room is now bedless and it feels so big it's also really echoey but i'm just gonna temporarily clear out this stuff from my room and i'll bring it back in when i have got everything clean so then i just moved everything out of my room that had been under the bed or like around the sides okay it's now time for the heavy duty cleaning and then it was time to actually get started on cleaning i picked up the largest dust bunnies and then i hoovered then i just used some warm water to wipe down the floor and also some wood cleaner [Music] and i also cleaned the skirting boards [Music] okay so then this is the old double bed frame and as you saw it was quite dirty so i just cleaned this with some warm soapy water and then my dad and i put in and assembled the new single bed which is just beautiful and very very heavy as well [Music] and then after that i was able to make the bed for the first time which i actually found very exciting it's a lot easier to make a single bed than a double bed i've got this beautiful throw cushion honestly it is so so pretty i love this one but it's been my only throw cushion for five years now i think i can't even eat custard creams because they're not vegan and i do want to get another cushion so today i'm finding an older one i'm gonna order it from etsy i really want to get something plain but kind of old-fashioned i just looked on etsy until i found the perfect one and i love the one that i chose look as well my cushion arrived it's so cute i love it so now time for some finishing touches i i laid down this old cream fluffy bedspread that i had as a carpet i also added this wooden coffee table we've been waiting around for too long for something to show and my dad hand made me this little bedside table for my water because i taken out my bedside table and i just wanted a surface to put my water glass on in the evenings grab your car keys and check it cause honey we're ready to go [Music] let's get in the car and you'll drive we're leaving tonight [Music] away from these streets and the coal bus been keeping our heads up on water struggling and striving we ain't gonna turn back this time we'll just keep driving [Music] then finally for finishing touches my dad changed out the handles on my wardrobe for these metal decorative ones oh and there was quite a lot of sorting and organizing to do over the course of this redecoration project so now onto the really exciting bit okay the bookshelf is so nearly done literally i am obsessed with it it's pretty much identical to the one that i already have but i love my bookshelf so much and so i'm so glad that it's identical it's currently just in my parents room but this is what it looks like and my dad really kindly painted this for me yesterday i have decided to go for like just an undercoat of paint as opposed to the glossy paint on top because that's what i have on my bookshelf at the moment and i actually really love the way it looks this is where the shelves will go so they will slot in it's also absolutely massive like i can't even reach it and six shells for books i can't wait to set it up okay so bookshelves we've put in i obviously pulled out my rug whilst it was being done so i'm just gonna pull that back now well actually i might give it a bit of a shake out because it's a little bit dirty whilst the bookshelf was put in i had also put a sheet over my bed so that everything didn't get all dusty [Music] okay look here it is the bookshelf oh i love it so much it's just been put in my room and honestly it is just stunning it's been like screwed into the wall as you can see so it's not gonna fall on me which is very useful and yeah i can't wait to set this up and then i got to set up my bookshelf which was so much fun my next video will be me setting up the bookshelf and then the very final thing that i did was just some cleaning [Music] and okay now the really exciting bit i can show you the finished product and i love how it turned out so much it's nicer than i ever could have expected it to be and it just feels so much for me than my old bedroom hello and welcome to my new bedroom so this one is all pretty much the same i've just got dressing gown and bags hanging up here this wall is exactly the same as it was as well i've just got some nice polaroid photos hanging but down here i have added a wash basin i actually used to have a wash basin down here but um took it out in like 2018 this stool is my mom's so then here this is a new addition i used to have a bedside table here but my dad actually made me this little stand for um keeping the things i need during the night so i've just got some water hand cream uh this little pop with pens and pillow mist and things and then above here i've got some really nice postcards so uh this is a painting actually that my friend andrea drew for me which is really really really lovely and my friend molly made me this so then we've got my wardrobe here nothing has really changed i've just added like my bonnet and diaries on top my mom has just uh very kindly informed me that that is not a bonnet it is a boater um got a mistake on that my boater is up there so wardrobe here um actually my dad changed out the handles they used to be like black wooden doorknobs but these my mom ordered too many of them so i stole a few of them because you're not going to use them right no no okay so then down here i really really like this i've got this bust pot from anthropology and i'm using it to store all of my hair scrunchies i just put this like twig in if you can see there's like a branch that i painted white and i think it looks quite cool i actually really like it uh back here i usually keep my yoga mat but that's downstairs at the moment this is the most exciting thing about my bedroom and this is the newest edition this is like the last thing that i was waiting on before filming this video my new bookshelf oh my goodness i'm so excited to have this new bookshelf and as i say i will be sharing the bookshelf set up and tour in a separate video just because otherwise it will be too long this video it's so fantastic to be able to display more of my books because i do have quite a lot of books so then moving on to this wall i used to have a scratch remap here but instead i've got this poster which i got from waterstones i think it's spy calvinian cove then we've got my desk here not much has changed really at all so i have got my armchair here i use an armchair as my desk chair i used to have this really uncomfortable white plastic chair but uh this is the coziest thing and i really love just being able to like move it around so um now that we've moved all the furniture around i have so much more space like i've got like so much face i can do yoga here or ballet i've got my beautiful candlestick here i found this in a charity shop for four pounds um and also this is a matching pot with the other one i've got the scrunchies in oh always a mug of tea as well on the desk look this is a rusty down here i've just got a little letter organizer work because i like to write lots of letters and so these are letters i have got to post and these letters to respond to great things this armchair is on wheels so i can just move it around as i said down here i've got my edwardian writing scoop and this is really really cool i store my letter writing supplies in that as you can see so then i've got my mood board here and i've also started this thing where i if i read something really nice like a really lovely line in a book i'll just write it up in fountain pen and stick it to the wall so i can read it whenever so um for example i walked the beach under the paling stars of morning which is from walt whitman's song of myself okay so move the chair back so i can show you this bit so um i've got a table here okay i love having this extra table it's really versatile so like sometimes i will move it here so i've got like extra desk space often i'll move it to the middle of the room and then i can like work here with the armchair or i can put it here and then of course i've got my other bookshelf which i just think look looks even better now that i've got the other one too because i've got this lovely lovely shelf for all of my charles dickens books and on top as you can see i've got my picnic basket so then finally we move on to the bed kind of the biggest change that like having a single bed is definitely what's allowed me to obviously maximize bay so much i feel like it's quite unusual to go from having like a double bed to a single bed i don't need a double bed like um it seems like it's using up a lot of room when actually i use like a small section of the bed anyway so what's the point in having a double bed this is a victorian antique bed which is so cool which is the same bed as our spare bed actually and i found this with 70 pounds on ebay if you have a look then you can find some really really nice beds like this on ebay yeah i absolutely love this bed and then above here i've just got this poster of a little princess and also this willow tree painting and yes that's kind of oh and i've just hung the like candle thing up here as well which i like anyway thank you so much for watching this video i hope you enjoyed it and i hope that you have a productive [Music] week you
Channel: Ruby Granger
Views: 133,413
Rating: 4.968904 out of 5
Keywords: how to be productive, morning routine, night routine, study with me, english literature, how to get motivated, university fresher, college freshman, british girl, old fashioned, vintage, cosy, wholesome, day in my life, get productive with me, uni move in, week in my life, study tips, study advice
Id: X63yu9Kw7z0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 20sec (860 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 04 2021
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