Room Overview Lovelace Dashboard

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in this video i'll show you how to make a simple overview and room dashboard for your lovelace make sure you stick around and if you like what you see hit that subscribe button below and keep an eye out for more videos [Music] hi i'm will from will surge tech and today we're going to jump into lovelace and create a simple overview dashboard which links to room specific pages so let's get going so i've done a generic dashboard video for a while so i thought i'd show you my latest one it's this so in here we have a basic page showing you an overview of the key information for each room with basic kind of useful control for example general lights the music and the temperature and then if you click on it you can go to a more detailed view with more information about each room and specific control this dashboard has developed a bit since i started i wanted something quick and easy where i could see everything in one place and control it in that one place basically so initially i started off with this dashboard where i had a different page for each device type which kind of worked and it has its place like if i come home and i want the heating on in every room this is great but if i'm going into one room and want to set that room up for what i want it to be then i have to set up the lighting then go over here turn the heating up and then go here and turn the music up which is a bit of a waste of well time and effort and everything really um so that's where this one came from because i can do it all in one place now for each room right so i'm going to show you how i create this in fact we're going to create it again so if we go into our lovelace dashboard and we create a new dashboard room video there we go so first thing we want to do is take control with an empty dashboard we don't want any of that and we need a number of tabs i'll just create two for now um you can obviously create more later on and then in our home tab the first card that i really like having is the search card this is a custom card and it is a custom search card so obviously with any of these custom cards you need to save them or download them from hacks um there are a few custom cards that we're going to be using throughout this and i'll link a link below leave a link below to all the custom cards that we use first one is the search card that means that you've got everything at your fingertips if you need it and then for the main room card we're going to use a custom banner card and that is because it gives us a nice box in which we can put all the entities and i really like this card i think it gives a great aesthetic it organizes things and it keeps uniformity throughout all your devices so you when when you have multiple of these cars lined up next to each other so we've added the heading which is obviously the bedroom a link which takes us straight to the bedroom tab and then we need to add our entities so our first one is our light bulb bedroom this is the light group um so it shows up here and we want to call it light so it doesn't because otherwise it says bedroom we know it's the bedroom because it's in the bedroom card our next one is a binary sensor this is for flory's desk so i know whether it's open or closed the moment it's unavailable that's a zigbee issue that i've got at the moment but ignoring that that's where it would show up and then our last one is our our last one is our input boolean for sleeping so that's where the sleeping mode is on or off that's because i have sleeping mode automatically turn off when the alarm goes off but the weekend i don't have an alarm obviously so my sleeping mode actually stays on until i manually turn it off i need to work out the best automation to fix that but for now there's a simple billion that i can toggle in case my automations aren't working because it thinks i'm still sleeping when actually i'm not so then we have a media player now by default the media player takes up a whole line which is very nice because that is a nice divide uh in this section and then we can add our next row so in our next row is going to be predominantly climate related i say predominantly it is partially climate related oh it helped like a spell uh and for this card it's very clever it can pull out specific attributes so we want to attribute or we want to establish the current temperature we don't just want because the entity of the climate will be heat off or cooled or the state entity thing which we don't want um no so by adding the attribute we instead of getting heat we're going to get the temperature that it currently is in the room obviously if you have an average temperature for this then you can take that from elsewhere from your sensor but for this i'm just going to take it straight from the current temperature of the climate entity next we are going to have a slightly more complicated one and this is going to be the set temperature so the attribute is the temperature and the name is set then what we're going to do is add an action and this i will show you what this script does uh in a minute and then the last thing on this is the input boolean for bed occupancy and because an input boolean it shows up like this but i don't really want it to show up like this because it's actually a binary sensor that i want so i'm going to set the domain to a binary sensor and that just makes it appear like this rather than like this because i want to see it it's state i don't want to be able to toggle it well i say i don't want to be able to look at it i actually do want to be able to toggle it so the action is input boolean dot toggle so in theory i don't know why all these colors are completely wrong everywhere but in theory that should be our first card so we have bedroom which toggles us along we have our lights our desk and our sleeping mode which we can turn on and off we have our easy access for our media player we have the current temperature the set temperature and the occupancy and the occupancy we can toggle on and off the set temperature we can also toggle and i'll show you what that does now so if we head over to our file editor there we go and then we head over to our script we have the temperature toggle thing now what this does is it basically does something depending on the current state so it'll cycle through the three values of set temperature that i want so and those three values are 13 degrees 18 degrees and 20 degrees so if it's above 20 degrees so the climate dot room remember we specified room in the card itself if we go back in here we specified room in the card itself here so it knows bedroom so then in the service in the script it says climate dot room which is bedroom and it merges those the temperature of it which is the set temperature if it's less than 20 then we do this we call the service and we set the temperature of to 13 degrees so if it's more than 20 it goes to 13 because if it's hot we want it to turn cold if it's less than 15 then we set it to 18 degrees because if it's cold we want it to go to a kind of medium ground and then otherwise it will go to 21. so basically cycle it through between 13 18 and 21 degrees and obviously if i've set it manually i won't have set it exactly to one of those three i might have set it to 22 and a half degrees so if it's above that it'll then drop right down to 13. so we have the control over what it does basically i'll leave a link to it below um because actually getting this value template wasn't as easy as i had hoped but we're here now and it works and if we go back into here you can see it working because if we click on this it goes from 13 to 18 and then from 18 to 21. so now that is done we need to go into the bedroom and this is a much simpler landscape to navigate um we're going to be limiting our custom cards and we just want all our entities on a page we could make something a lot more complicated but for now let's not so the first card is going to be very simple we want a thermostat card for the bedroom done next we need a button card and that button card needs to navigate us to home and if we do that very simple and we click on that and we go home click on that and we come back okay now i'm going to have an entities card this is going to be for my sleep stuff so in here we have alarm time we have alarm we have bed scene we have sleep scene and we have a morning scene very simple and we don't want the header toggle because we never want to trigger all these at once crikey all sorts of stuff would go down but that is that card very easy now we want an a glance card for our generic entities of the room so in here we're going to have our bedroom door our bedroom motion and our bedroom occupancy again my zigbee stuff is playing up next we are going to have our mini media player now this is an incredible card i love it because it does everything very well mostly because of the group functionality that you can have with it so artwork i want so if the artwork i want the cover don't want any of those to be doing anything and then for the speaker groups we obviously want to add these because they are very useful the platform is of course sonos and our entities are the sitting room the cave and the kitchen boom now our card we have our groups we have our easy access playlists and we have everything we need so the last card and this is the last card this time is our lighting card so this is another custom card this is a vertical stacked in card and in here we're going to put a selection of cars first card being a custom paper buttons row custom paper buttons right and these buttons are going to be some scripts i'm using scripts because i extracted the hue scenes uh using scripts and i've had them set up like that for a while so these copy these trigger a huge scene basically um which means that i still have control over them in the hue app which is quite useful and we want three of these so we've got our three commonly used scenes we've got our daytime scene our evening scene and our sleeping scene very simple and then we need the rest of our entities so we have an entities card and our entities are bedroom night there we go and i thought light's in there very simple oh actually it's not my fault it's in there right and that is all of our entities so here we have our dashboard now it's a bit convoluted at the moment if we move them all around so you want them in all of them make sense to me having the lighting at the top is key and the rest of it you know happens where it happens and there we go that is our dashboard now you may have noticed that on my initial home page i also had another entities card which had some useful scenes easily accessible such as i didn't guest mode sleeping as i said the sleeping situation causes problems at the moment and then the kind of three scenes that i use during the day and that just helps to make things a bit prettier and now what of course you need to do is add a theme i am a huge fan of this kibabit dark cards theme it gives a nice background it gives nice cards and all in all i think it looks quite good um there are plenty of other themes out there but this is just my favorite at the moment and there we have it so we go a nice user interface for your rooms a nice glance overview where you can trigger things directly from the main dashboard or if you want you can go into a detailed view for each room to control more things and see more information so there we go reasonably simple room dashboard lovelace display make sure you hit that subscribe button below and click the bell icon to find out more about my smart tech and how you can build yourself the ultimate smart home
Channel: Will Surridge Tech
Views: 15,107
Rating: 4.8876405 out of 5
Keywords: Will Surridge, Surridge, Tech, Will, hassio, home automation, smart kit, home assistant, ambilight, tv, speaker, sonos, smart plug, plug, tp-link, camera, wyze, ikea, honeywell, evohome, amazon, echo, echo spot, echo show, echo dot, WillSurridge, SmartHome, home, kit, review, hue, philipshue, alexa, Smart, tech, homeassistant, homeautomation, lovelace, SmartTech, Projects, UK, dashboard, overview, room, custom, kibbit, bannercard, media, heating, temperature, script
Id: m34MIuhRK1g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 46sec (1186 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 30 2021
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