RomWod with Coach K

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hello everybody welcome to wrong one today into the short variation of this routine we will start in a single leg forward fold on our right side from a seated position your right leg is straight out in front of you left leg is bent and opened up lean into your right leg let your body relax towards the floor this will be a one minute position targeting hamstrings and lower back we will stay in this position for the next position we'll do our qlt variation next you have 45 seconds from here just try to relax and focus on your breathing and you're at your halfway point [Music] [Music] and the time is up for this variation so now let's stay in the right side but open up into a side bend by extending the left arm overhead trying to reach for the right foot with the left arm the qlt is a side bend this will be a one minute variation of this pose starting now [Music] hello [Music] so [Music] [Music] and now the time is up for the side so please change to the single leg forward bin on the left side targeting hamstrings and lower back remember the first variation is straight down into the leg and the second variation will be a side bend so the first variation starting now one minute [Music] so [Music] and you're at your halfway point [Music] now please change into the qlt variation so this again is the side bend so the right arm will reach overhead open your chest towards the right you should feel this in the right side body this will be a one minute position starting now [Music] no [Music] and you're at the halfway point [Music] yeah the time is up for this pose so please transition out of it our next position will be a right side pigeon pose so please transition to a right side pigeon position targeting the gluteal plus the id band making sure you feel comfortable in the target areas without feeling pain in the knee or in the hip crease this pigeon position will be a two minute pose starting now [Music] so [Music] [Music] if at any point within this pose that you need to adjust that's fine feel free to adjust your body's position just staying relaxed within the targets is the priority so just no actively pushing or pulling to go deeper you are past your halfway point [Music] [Music] now let's please come out of the side and we will now change to the left side so everyone pigeon position on the left leg again another two minute position two minutes left side starting now [Music] [Music] [Music] and you now have one last minute everyone one more minute here [Music] and it's kind of out of curiosity but just see how deep you can get your breathing to be those deep breaths are facilitating a calmness and an openness in your mind and in your body this can help so much everyone so please bring your awareness to the breath and exaggerate the inhales and slow down the exhales your last 30 seconds from here [Music] and then please come on out of this position and i just want you to come to a very easy cross shin position with your spine tall we are going to do one minute of counted breathing this isn't a lot of breathing but it will help so while you're sitting tall spine tall relax your shoulders you can even close your eyes to bring your attention closer to your breath right now take a large inhale full capacity and then please exhale everything out now together let's try to breathe inhale for one two three four five six seven and eight now exhale for ten nine eight seven six five four three two and one we'll add retention so inhale one two three four five six seven now hold your breath for ten [Music] and hold it for five and now the exhale ten nine eight seven six five four three two now leave your lungs empty four five four three two now take a giant inhale on your own exaggerated peek it out and a strong exhale to follow officially that's going to do it for today's routine thanks for joining us everyone take care out there and we will see you for tomorrow's program
Channel: Karina Damiani
Views: 5,332
Rating: 4.9130435 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 11sec (671 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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