Rome: Total War - Part 34 - The Memphis Fiasco

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good afternoon ladies and gentlemen i'm jawless as many 'true did and welcome back to rome total war where last time our cunning plan to attack Alexandria and then Memphis down in the south of Egypt while the Egyptians were distracted with Juliana's Virginia's has not gone quite according to plan did you she said one more huge army that I was actually expecting so if we want to take Memphis right now we're gonna have to beat a huge amount of reinforcements before they can actually get inside the city let's see if we can pull this off with manious barbatus who unfortunately it's extremely inexperienced his only real experience is that he's not very good at farming and also he's a good defender we're attacking right now so that doesn't help very much there we are Memphis a huge city but I'm not interested in that city right now I need to come round here because some reinforcements are gonna be coming from the south they're gonna be coming from about oh that's not good they'll be coming from like this point pretty much we're like we're here on the road more like here equal to the the gate or there abouts so they're gonna come in here and then they're gonna basically try and walk straight for the city I can only start way over here oh that's gonna be really difficult but I might at least be able to pick apart say yeah a few of them before they get to the city actually there's another option which is I could try and delay them while I get inside the city and just start basically trying to take the gates because there's nothing in this city but cavalry it's the general on his heavy cavalry and tunis of Nubian cavalry to support if I could just get inside this city and climb up into one of the towers then actually once that's done I could just run around and I could see all that gate what if sealed that gate yeah now that that is a good plan right okay let's made that happen as my backup my oranges are gonna be way over here and they are basically is gonna take down this wall and then warning of infantry is gonna run in here run up this tower and then desperately try and get to the gates before these reinforcements can it's gonna be tight and it depends whether our they've run because if they're walking I should have time to do it right there's no one particularly obvious to do that so instead it's just going to be 1 unit of primp we're gonna hang out here and yet there just get to run in the moment the way is open the rest of my arm needs to be over here to try and catch as many of these guys off guard before they can get to the city so you guys incidentally you go in your own little group to mark you as special by the way don't forget to put on fire at well and also god mode yeah this doesn't know like a big force right start the battle now they have started coming in straight away my ologist start taking apart this warm that will should go down pretty quickly right yet you've started firing immediately those print pairs are ready to move in I need to have a look see what I've got it actually the one event we do have their battle lines quite wide so I might be able to get like a few of their chariot and if I get that chariot I might be able to pull the rest of their fouling saz in I would say start just running forward towards those charit as quick as you can please thank you so everyone just yet guys guys good run guys your orders are to run your run guys Brodie and slingers this this includes you this is literally everyone guys there we go we've got a bit of a delay going on here possibly because manious barbatus is utterly terrible at everything but we do at least have oh wait hang on oh this isn't what I was expecting to see this isn't what I was expecting to see so it would appear that potentially the charity are gonna go and try and flip in ambush my actual things okay hang on if the charity's gonna try and ambush my printer pears and my actual flippin catapult that's no good in the slightest you guys are just some of them do appear to be sprinting in this direction I just don't know whether they're actually going for for me or not right I need to use my cavalry to hold off these guys which I don't really like doing because cavalry are not well-suited to taking on flippin chariot but we may have to do guys guys guys come on come on come on come on come on why aren't you guys firing it what I feel like you should be quite frankly okay go go go go yeah that's right that's right go go release the dogs release the hounds release all of the dogs release dogs versus charity I've no idea what that looks like in comes that okay they've broken immediately because of morale penalties and whatever so that's good so we've taken out at least some of them the ward dogs are gonna take some damage in a hurry income the camels a day late and a dollar flippin short income some more Egyptian chariots we're just gonna try and ride these guys how this is not gonna work out well for us but with the dog support they might actually break especially as the camels will actually mean that their morale is lower than it should be so we ratchet doing a pretty good job just cutting through these things right forward more Egyptian chariots more dogs these guys gonna break or a we gonna break first because we're taking really heavy and fast losses here two more losses two more loss I think we've pretty much cleared out their chariot at least yep I think we are winning that fight just chariots and they have broken right and we've got oh gosh darn it the Nubians have responded the rider trying to fill the breach that's really annoying well we've taken out the chariots at least but we've sacrificed most of our flippin cavalry to do it but the dogs are coming in the dogs are coming in in the Etzel to our advantage and that is light cavalry it's light cavalry it's not very much I need to get my guys in there like right now support to the flippin dogs damn it also the origins can help the owner just can just pour a couple of like giant stones on top of the Nubian cavalry why not let's just weaken those guys a little bit before I flip and bring keepers get in oh gosh darn it the flippin generals responding as well he knows this is where the breach is I was expecting him to hang out on the flipping thing right these guys decided to come out to here right you guys now probably need to stop the dogs are don't know what the dogs are doing right the printer pairs have indeed managed to just about kind of make touch with the new being cavalry I just don't really know what they're planning to do about the Nubian cavalry and where the rest of the army is that appears to be coming up to the gate very slowly I've no way of getting into that gate now unfortunately but we should be able to kill light cavalry very very easily here so Nubian cavalry is going down yeah it's going down very fast it's already too shaken these guys have taken a knock but yet that is broken right now I just need to get up yeah where's the general no sign of em right inside the city yet inside the city right now and up on the walls we can take some of the walls that means they'll take a load of knocks from the wall defenses all right this could still flippin work oh wait so it would appear that the the reinforcements Army has kind of changed its mind about what it wants to do but this still works because if they had you want to fight a fight over here and if I take the walls I just move my army over here I can just let the wall defenses do the majority of the heavy lifting guys I need you to get up there right now before the general shows up okay he seems to have backed off good that was their one chance they can stop me get up on walls with the general I just need to start slowly backing off now they've thrown away their cavalry but in all fairness I've kind of thrown away all of mine toe so I need to start slowly moving my troops more in this direction ready to be closer to the Wolves who is that over there who's trying to come in I think that's that's more flippin cavalry right my Creek pets are obviously taking a knock because they would do but we have actually taken yep we've taken our first tower so our guys are now here and there's gonna be no one to approach them on the walls get my guys over here as fast as they can take the wall defenses okay now we've got oh those guys are flipping going for are they going for my own urges or are they going for the walls I don't know right at this point we might just be able to pin these guys between our you know we might be able to pin these guys between the walls and ours right this is this is a ridiculous fight all of a sudden but I'm happy with how it's going guys also run you're gonna be wanting to speed up here okay seriously are they going for my where you going I think they are I think they're going for my actual things right they're going to there I need all my cavalry to go and relieve my flipping on edges these homages will do a surprisingly good job fighting but at this point we've taken this tower oh yeah the towers are shooting you down now screw you right guys guys guys guys Oh flip where's the flippin cavalry the cavalry is now charging in over here you guys need to just everyone just needs to stop for a second pretty much aside from the guys who are charging off you guys all need to stop okay cuz these guys are the really tough ones they're charging in but they'll be hit by that they've broken immediately which is quite frankly weird but whatever so guys over there are gonna go oh my ownage is are broken that's a shame but these guys are now walking past towers which are actually under my control which is really really good and it does over desert Cavalry's actually as it turns out the leader oh this is perfect he can't have put himself where the way I assumed the flipping kind of elite guys over there will be the leader but no it appears not their leaders dead all that's gonna be problematic for all of this right guys and you all now nothing can stand up to us now nothing can stand up to us right okay guys guys guys guys guys get everything out of here more flippin Nile cavalry coming in oh that's gonna be a problem but the cameras will help yeah the cameras involved they will not be happy because yeah there's cameras going on - they're already wavering because they just don't like those camels my channels have broken immediately but that's fine so my army is now Oh everything's weird everything's going really really weird so they've broken into so have I but that's fine we can ride most of them down immediately beautiful they still know what they want to do to be honest I've got loads of archers just basically shooting these guys slingers yeah they're not gonna do a good job let's get my cavalry back over here please the camels are just naft off who knows where they're going um but no so we're theologist oh the origins have been really badly damaged which is so sad but I'd say this is fine don't actually charge in don't you charge in just somewhere troops aren't --red e2 flank at this point these guys are just gonna be attacked forever by the towers they've got themselves caught in an opposition they can't go for the breach in the walls because if they do I'll be behind them they can't go for that gate anymore cuz I've literally sealed to that gate away so there's nothing they can this this was not the most efficient way you could get to this gateway but whatever you you go for it whatever you say now any troops that run along here will just be slowly picked apart by the towers which is marvelous and over here these guys don't really know what they want to do because yeah they're being attacked by my archers from one side I just need to get my if I get my cavalry round the other side let's just get the cavity around the other side here huh and my cameras are over there as well my cameras are back in the game get the camel's back over here yeah these phalanxes don't really know what it is they want to do exactly they walk over there my arches just get to shoot them in the back I'm happy with that quite frankly if i weirdly their morale seems to have started collapsing immediately their morale is actually collapsing which means now I think I should just be able to basically oh all the archers just shooting them in the back over and over oh this looks so bad for them and there's more flipping towers yet that belonged to me I think at this point probably my faction leader assuming we just kind of have him kind of safely out of the way could probably just charge into all of these guys and we're just looking at complete total flippin collapse oh yes Manny is barbatus well flipping done don't get yourselves to cut out though there are still ones that have not broken yet right need someone eat of a quitters over there to mop up the people that are fleeing before they start causing trouble for us later everyone else needs to basically just focus on the ones who aren't yet broken where are the flippin cameras get the Campbells back in the fight damn it though the generals come to relieve the general is coming to relieve I see him there the flippin heavy cavalry are coming right get back out side the city just mop up as many of these guys as we can we don't want to get caught by the general we will break immediately just get into the back of these guys get the back of these guys get back of these guys and equity since the back of you you'll probably break immediately wavering not quite not flipping quite yet away from them and everyone I think finishes breaking now the general in the city is trying to basically try and protect these guys but he's not going to do very well and now we are just mopping them up oh yes this is looking very very good indeed we've barely even committed our flippin infantry yet the only question now is how much of that army was actually able to get inside the city before we were able to ride it down and just hit these guys from multiple sides and they all break immediately those are the Nubians and down they go beautiful and we go murdered to the last man that is the last phalanx oh this has turned out to be an utter slaughter here oh this has been beautiful like we have lost a lot of horsemen doing this but I say this could not have actually turned out hugely better I'd say my plan has worked pretty damn well right now we need to take stock because there's a lot of stuff in the city a lot of did get through we didn't catch all of it what have we got here but most of it is tiny tiny units the odd like tiny tiny little phalanx just odd men the managed to slip through to be honest this is all looking very very good indeed you are you actually though another general right no you're not that oh maybe you know I can't tell one of the guys faces inside of pulper I'm pretty sure that's not actually the general no there's the general we found the general so you you are the guy who is leading this place didn't actually train troops last heard very very bad idea indeed my bring cabeza incidentally just happened to be directly above some Nile cavalry so we can use our peeler to great effect from on top of the wall here yeah I'd say that works very very nicely indeed and days break immediately lovely now probably this is gonna be the best approach for us by the way if we just basically walk round to the gateway we've taken and then we can just walk into the center of the town nice and easy right speed up time while my troops just make their way over in this direction feels like the the Egyptians are trying to launch well I'd say a counter-offensive but there's bad anything here and if they dare step into this kind of hole Street here we've taken all of these towers they can't get close to us but they've detected we're inside the city in the streets and they want to go and deal with those Brinker pairs but it's not gonna work out for them at this point there's so little left anything that tries to counter these Brinker pairs will just be torn to shreds by the towers it's not gonna stop from trying though they're sending in some Nubian light cavalry that are just being oh no oh guys they're guys guys guys I wouldn't recommend it I'm just gonna put these guys into guard boats I don't you want them to yep decided to give up because they've been shot from every angle cheri it's just being taken apart as well they'll at least do some good work but if they just I tell ya they've said they do ice you want to take the fight to the printer pears guys prepare yourselves you do actually have incoming just not very much and know those guys broke immediately and they're also gonna try and retreat through you so just cut them down while they come if you'd be so kind irritatingly has even broken chair 'it's do actually do damage to your units because of the spikes so just lost like a five man too already broken chariots which is kind of irritating we're up to 93% to the enemy killed 20-30 percent me killed either this was gonna be a really difficult battle I think I've handled this really well by the way I think we've just done a really really solid job here right just bringing up the infantry into the town the one you knew that actually stormed the walls there are the big heroes of this battle aside from the camels I thought that the camel was actually do the surprisingly good job too but at this point anything trying to come up here is basically walking directly into some towers I control so it's not going well for them the towers have slowly won everything down and we've actually got a siege engineer here as well that's marvelous there is now nothing left what is cowering on the plaza a handful of the Nile cavalry and the general himself all ready to do now is set up just a lovely big trap on this open space here that'll be a hundred percent fine lure him into it and life will be good okay this should do we've got our mercenary hoplite ready to go together with a ton of flipping printer Pez support behind and to the side now if I just tell my archers to get some shots in at the Egyptian general that should lower him in here and then we can just murder him there he goes they've detected it they've detected it they're coming out they're coming in right archers get back out of that this way no I feel that you've brought this on yourselves at this point I told you to run there you go now you feed out he's supposed to be running marvelous now we're gonna have Peter coming in you're gonna chase those guys straight into a phalanx and as soon as that happens close the door on them push through them and we've also got ourselves just break formation and it's being golf mode right now and now just close the door make sure they don't break the hoplites sadly have kind of lost some of their integrity there a little bit to put on sugar the Morton angle to be honest but they'll do the job and the prank pass will just slowly close in behind these guys so as a result yeah when these guys do enough to be break when they realize they're surrounded they'll be cut down to the last man yeah the trap is closing these guys are shaken but by the time they realize they ought to be wavering and retreating it will indeed be soon like The Brink's Bears will cut them down they're being hacked down very quickly now and job will momentarily be done there possibly because way over here the actual leader himself might actually escape when all the rest of his guys die know if they've realized it's all gone wrong the question is will delete ooh get out of that no he's decided to run nope he ran into Spears and it didn't go well for him as the intro to the game says Roman steel in a brew t I fist that's what we need here first up the Nile cavalry is leading one final tragically incompetent defense and they will indeed kill a few pretty pairs but they will be merged almost immediately afterwards Yap down they go and in fact the last man is one final Nubian spearmen left over from earlier the last survivor of the massacre outside the walls I don't think he's gonna last indeed it is manious barbatus you have done very very well for yourself you'd have much been expected there to be honest I think I came up with a really good plan eggs teacher did pretty well that was a fun battle that is a very unusual battle as well the way that unfolded but that was really cool and there in the distance is the great pyramid and that now belongs to us memphis moves under our control kaboom exterminate the population of course lovely and the wonder has been countered the great pyramid this of course does basically literally nothing aside from mean there are no egyptian coach pencils anymore which is very useful to means alexandra is just gone from like you know blue unhappy face to now so happy I can put up the tanks right because they're now happy enough with me even though there's basically no one there right now which is great news and indeed Thebes has not been retaken so we can go and read take that at our convenience marvelous meanwhile if we go and have looks say here at Sidon Sidon has suddenly gone up to plus two hundred and five percent happiness so we can put the tax rate up there quite a lot two things going on over here in Africa cannot be notice the Skippy owners aren't showing much intention to head back over to dingy but also in addition kind of been notice the new mediums possibly out for revenge they have sent a small but not a significant army over towards theater to try and take it back and cuter is almost undefended now that that is really interesting that does of course mean we can get rid of the awesome temple of Horus over here in Memphis by the way and with done of course we're straight back to worshiping good old Juno we liked you now good yeah we've got you got well actually I could go for Mars down here there's almost no point but in theory these Skippy owners might try and attack me down here in Egypt if I take see what all they do which one of us is going to do so it might not hurt to have an actual yeah proper training facility down here for new troops hmm such a long way away from everything but it does have everything I could ever need it's already got the flippin cavalry stables army barracks eating oh go on then sure why not shrine Tomas this place will be a happy happy place we'll leave someone down here you've got all you went straight up to local hero well done man is ba Bates you did indeed win a great victory there well done and at this point things are looking very very grim for the Egyptians I would say because what are they got down here they've got like Petra which is just a town the Tory actually in a state of rebelling they've got nothing there they've got Basra a large town barely even garrison so really at this point all their hopes are pinned on Jerusalem and honestly Jerusalem's not looking that well defended it's not even got a proper wall damn it you're gonna regret that decision right I think I know what we need to do now actually I've got a pretty good idea which is over here on Palmyra Warner we need spurious scapulae now that we've got prime Morrowind controlling the Egyptians obeying as pretty well thanks the fact we've seized the Great Pyramid this army can now afford to leave Palmyra any time it wants to I need to move these troops round here and I want to use these to beseech this camp right here surround the outside down here besiege this camp now if we just lower the tanks right Palmyra will be perfectly happy with us because there's now no culture penalty now I don't gonna have a full army here what I do have is I'm just in range to receive these reinforcements coming in from the north so that's just a little bit more on the actual heavy infantry side so that should be enough heavy infantry I don't know whether or even more to actually try and smash into this place or whether rather I just starve them out it's only three days spurius scapula may play things a little more cautiously I mean if Giuliana's Matias was here they'd already have surrendered damn it but that's taking this army out of doing anything other than trying to actually kind of sally forth for this next turn when that's all I need for the minute because that frees up Giuliana's virginias to continue his march south because sure he's taken Damascus but he's not want to just sit in Damascus and do his everything no no no there are Egyptian armies on the field just the south of him he's going out and he's going to flippin murder them so have the entire army step outside we just need something to hold the fort here a Sidon could you send round some yes perfect Sidon can send her on some mercenaries just a hole to the town here now Damascus is not exactly happy if we lower its tax rate to normal it is a hundred percent happy because it's just a crappy little town so it doesn't need much and now we just move forward and a tank of this army right here let's get them off the field because that will open up the path to Jerusalem when we go there we are lovely so we've got 2698 men they've got key they've got the numerical disadvantage but there are some elite troops in there they have actually got pharaoh's guards and pharaoh's bowmen the last of their kind we shall ever see most likely I doubt the Egyptians in a position to train anymore other than that's however a lot of basic crappy lands okay basically if we just start the route here we can wrap up most of the line lots of damaged guys here as well yeah I think we can just walk in and just basically smash this and the county's coming in with reinforcements scattered selection of troops nothing particularly important right Juliana's Virginia's up - oh yes this man sound grass of strategy in Texas by confidence in all those who follow into battle he's very humble Judy artists petunias and he's much better than that that's how he describes himself he's very humble now what have we got here a big body of water right next to us and pretty flat to be honest there's not really much in the way of high ground to be had here is there no it's all pretty much much of a muchness nice time a bit of water here that's always lovely indeed go up to that and you will even actually hear the water lapping against the shore lovely touch always appreciated that now let's just drop some troops up here and we'll see what happens next the reinforcements come from other way you'll be taking on these guys and the reinforce is always behind them so we can tree get the reinforcements early so that's fine let's just draw up nice and far my kids if they decide they want to move up against ours we will then have the high ground so I'm gonna quickly draw up here right pretty much the same formation we had in the previous battle it worked pretty well then let's see how it goes now looks like they're falling back into a position where they potentially will be able to join it with their reinforcements that's fun but actually no they're 40 more of that I think that possibly don't take high ground up on that hill over there that's fine that's just speaking separately move towards them okay before we could get up to them they managed to combine their forces into one larger army so you've got chariots on this side and probably more chance on the gnome no Jarrett's on the other side some chariots at the rear that I think are acting as the commander yes then well they've only got one bit of indirect fire the poses any threat it's this bit right here so really probably what I want to do is because this over here is yeah light cavalry light cavalry and just more light cavalry if I could just hit my heavy cavalry over here I could take these guys out of the fight like immediately and then this is where I can start wrapping up at the same time this is also does an Axman okay those are the tough answers but I could just start rolling up the desert Axman up this end that's okay or if I could just know these guys forward into my hoplites and potentially I could have yeah I could roll it from this end and we've got oh no those are the those the ferry's got fine they put their elite forces at either edge which that's quite clever too it starts me rolling them up quite effectively I do oversee that I need to actually change my formation round slightly because the charrids are gonna be on that side so I'm just gonna quickly ungroup and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to move my hoplites to this side on my tree rai to the other and the spearmen just swap their positions to be a little bit more on the appropriate side lovely and lovely and you guys put your Spears down please and now we've got ourselves our new improved formation lovely just let's just go a little bit further forward I might be to bait their pharaohs Bowman for a little bit if I can I'd like to be able to do that but I'd be happy just to deal with them arch to Archer I kind of counteract those guys I'd be ok with that move one of my slingers more over in this direction I might be able to get a shot in at their chariot and see if I can lure the charrids forward straight in to attract them and take the charrids hat immediately that'll be a good starting point so you guys go over here like right over here far away from those stupid bow burn and then so you can get an attack in at those heavy chairs because you're almost in range already here we go little bit exposed out here my slingers but they'll get a good attack in and in a minute those guys should respond seriously the first one dies at least they'll respond first one goes down and first to go down in fact no response what if they're not gonna respond I'm just gonna take out their charity cuz slingers do very very well at taking out chariots high rate of fire lots of stones coming in they're gonna go down really fast fine I'm just gonna take out that jarred sit down I'm gonna bother defending them I think we've got a sandstorm sweeping in first time we've seen this yeah would you believe sandstorms bad for visibility and also they're gonna tie my troops out but the Egyptians are a little bit more used to dealing with them right now before we finish the chair it's off switch target over to the Axman because they're incredibly poorly defended as well we should do a really good job destroying them so income the stones Yap that's fine but will you react more - no you're not gonna react you're Axman coming under attack these guys have got basically no armor so it may as well just destroy them as well right well that's happening over there and we're just slowly taking potshots the dest Axman let's move into the attack on the other side which is they're flipping like cavalry let's get my lovely Roman cavalry my lovely heavy guys here and go on the sarmatians can join into these guys can move over here and slam in over here and take out your light cover let's get them out of the way right these guys right out onto the flank here I just want these guys to smash into these guys and just see off the light until being cavalry right now so that leaves their flanks wide open oh hello they're moving they're on the move I think they've seen my cavalry moving and they're trying to move to counter it but that's actually fine because if they do that no dough they're trying to my flippin guys are trying to know you've immediately broken now just go for what even is this what what are you what even are you I don't know what you are there's just some flippin desert cavalry but they're gonna run straight into my hoplite st. you know what just kill these guys kill these flippin faster there you go right the leader of the reinforcements has gone down my poor Road in stingers I've just taken to addiction my damage just some flippin desert cavalry because they didn't run the right woman I told him to retreat which is annoying guys get back into kalfa please thank you lovely now a few things are moving forward the slingers are moving forward the Pharaohs moment of probably firing at me at this point are they going to start in a second this cavalry over here is done a really good job confusing the Egyptians like crazy they don't know what to do about this now they've started are they running I think they're running I think they're out of here I think they've decided they don't to fight this fighting one who would against Giuliana's virginius quite frankly right there's one key target in that case guys guys guys guys guys guys guys get over here find me the Pharaohs Bowman I want them dead right triple heavy cavalry charge into the side of retreating phalanx this should do good work here hopefully these guys will retreat immediately and broken yep fine okay we can do a bit of damage on the way out at least Pharaohs moment all those no there's no bowmen darling we don't have to do much good work here I think the Pharaohs bowmen have got out which is a real shame but that is that is sad right just go around here these are Pharaoh's flippin guards and more pharaohs flippin guards and now just into the rear see if we can just get a lucky break on the Pharaohs guards here and just hit them from every side wavering shaker no they've dev winning there when he back out back out we're taking a lot of damage that's if we can actually do this no come on I want to get at least warning the Pharaohs guards down for all of us now they've escaped out fine so those cowards have fled but we've done a bit of damage to them yeah we just got 400 kills and they just decided it was not worth their trouble right continue let's see where they're gonna retreat you so might be able to just chase them down and murder them okay so the reinforcements we're base retreat into Jerusalem is that where you're going to oh this is interesting but a little bit unfortunate as well because I can't I didn't even get you this turn if I could it would pull the Pharaoh forward which might be a little bit too much just because this Army's taking some not I really need some reinforcements but I can get those from silence that's fine right Oh peace Victor what can you contribute to this here army sands the damaged Roman cavalry in that direction you've got this guy's got a no Roman cavalry here well that's just bloody not useful ah luckily there is indeed some right here ready to come in in two minutes got a couple of decent units of actual early legionary cohorts that's nice mate you've got three of those okay fine so might be willing to do you a swap because yeah these guys with nine thirteen seventeen are well actually ten to the pranky PES because that's how upgrades are actually better and Roger doing Bella for the minute which is hilarious but we still need to potentially start breaking these guys down so bring in some more flippin okay break apart those Rhodian slingers all right now send me I need more cavalry I'm going to do more infantry a perfect world yeah you've got you got a damage unit of cretins they can use to top up my lands that is just perfect marvelous but actually top you up yeah that's way better right now you you report back to Sidon more damaged lands right that's good now send me your best quality units here huh oh and Juliana's Virginia's has gone up to superior commander indeed man is Bubba to be took a confident commander and even better Giuliana's petunias has picked up clean hands as a trait cuz of course he understands the importance of washing your hands personal hygiene and also assassins they're good to toe so after this action-packed earth is taking 250 episodes do I think we're ready to actually end the turn here but we're not quite done yet the Egyptians might decide to Sally and the Julia I might decide to attack over here in Spain them Italy just look at their armies they're basically looking to like wipe out Spain in like a four pronged attack in like a single day this is going to be bad for the Spanish but after that point what are the Judi I do then like as far as I'm aware there know exactly in a good position to start a war with Britain so if the war starts soon after that that could actually work very much to my advantage so we end the turn with Giuliana's Virginia's just standing overtly outside the door to Jerusalem just daring anyone to come attack him because anyone who does is truly truly screwed and indeed as I suspected the Julie I are going in against the Spanish town they have got themselves a small amount of sodden of infantry one unit of war dolt and some Vella taser and the Spanish a defending wave honestly not much but they do have some decent cavalry that long shield cavalry we've seen what that can do in the past I would actually potentially say the Spanish have got the advantage here just purely to the dude I brought no cavalry a fascinating half Carthaginian half barbarian settlement here so the Spanish took this place of the Carthaginians when it was already a minor city the Spanish moved him presumably did something bad to it yet had the large temple everything but since then they've kept the execution square but they've built like a warlord staples and a Hall of Heroes in the barbarian style look cool I love it when you've got kind of little kind of patchwork cities or something else over there as well you Bill yourselves a weapon Smith a weapon Smith lovely right weapon Smith right oh so the execution square marvelous right let's just go over here and then we can just join up with the battle very quickly and then we'll see what's gonna go on here the thing is when it's small numbers versus small numbers at that point just small things like tiny hits from the war defences matter a lot when I say tiny it's from the war defences you've basically got no flippin war defences do you looks to me like the Spanish are pretty much abandoning the walls and falling back to the plaza immediately which I've got to say is probably the best thing they can do nope they're sending warning of Iberian infantry to try and hold the front gate not a good idea to be honest those guys I'm gonna do that well and this is oh this is valances actually yeah one on one fight Iberian infantry versus Valadez fine that'll go just fine for the Iberian 's assuming of course the developers even actually go in they might just stand outside them tossing javelins we don't know what do you plan to do now you plan to do anything go so they plan to just throw in some javelins rather than actually advance or they can just stand there looking threatening and not actually do anything at all we know whichever either works and here we go fine the fellas were waiting for something else to go in first that's okay yeah they'll do some good damage to the Valadez belts aren't gonna do very well against Iberian infantry so they're gonna get chewed up pretty quickly in comes some of those oh yes we've got ourselves bull warriors here admittedly they're massively outnumbered but they are tough laughs these lads they will actually do a bit of damage to prank pets before they go down they've got themselves yes indeed like you were saying like hyper-charged Astarte they've got the throwing thing except the heavy infantry and they'll do a lot of damage and they're eager even when they're massively outnumbered and they're about to get javelin Dean responds and in come the war dog to marvellous and just gonna hit em just oh is there just one unit of oh there's just warning of war hounds over there fine the Obion infantry are doing a good job versus the Valor tears that could be a breaking point for the judo all they've got to do is to enough damage and then a big cavalry charge enough damage done a cavalry charge and they can actually force this entire army to break especially if it gets tired down the line but that units gonna break immediately cuz of course it's now been surrounded so that really just raises the question what's actually left at this point because to be honest not much has been done aside from just like some yes some light damage to Valadez but other than that basically no damage has been done to the Giulio soon really just comes down to the cavalry charge I mean they've got a good healthy amount of cavalry here they have got themselves I think yeah they've got some brown shield and some long shield cavalry yeah this charge together into the side of something can cause a break especially if they can just get these Iberian 's to just pin them in place when the charge comes it just basically depends on how clever the computer is at doing the charge and generally the answers not very income some naked fanatics by the way of course they're just for the sake of decency and rating they're not actually naked instead on this occasion they are wearing pants the June I are however already over to winders which is nice no no this is not the right time to do your charge but that's only the round ship it's the long sir we've gotta watch out for the round shooters that really have like a proper charge in anyway to be honest the round shield just basically is good actually his ground and chunking its way through infantry so these guys will do a good jockey spokes this isn't the worst thing in the world because unless of course you decide you're gonna try and run straight through infantry without attacking it then that's gonna go badly wrong for you yes you're not really sure what this cavalry is trying to do right now aside from just get itself killed but these guys will at least do a good job hacking down some Astarte and again just creating a good point to begin the rounds so then just do enough damage here and you can see you know they've got swords not Spears they've got good swords they're good at just chopping in but that peeler throw might be enough to yeah they broke immediately but didn't actually do that much damage they've broken at a good time they've broken a good time where they can get back and do another charge later the problem is these print compares the print compares at one one six who now appear to be almost at the front because they are gonna be a difficult one to break long shield cavalry don't get involved all right seriously do not get involved and don't throw the skirmishes in as a front line why are you throwing them as a front line no this is a really stupid idea oh no never just like just send in skirmishes as a front line to take out bring keep as no no and don't send in the long shield cavalry no no this is this is just stupid idea of the stupid idea oh no the long shields going in and they're gonna turn a corner and not get a proper charge in and their own javelin guys are gonna flip him blunt the charge no oh that's that's a shame it's nowhere near as good sure so like throwing everything they've got at this bottleneck and throwing up on a bottleneck isn't the worst idea but like against no against a big group of flippin infantry it's not gonna fly and longship haven't got the charge in the Julie I've won speed things up a little bit here yeah without the charge their lead has also gone down they've backed off they've still in the Iberian 's which is fine but yeah they're running out of cavalry they're running out of cavalry now they've thrown the camera away way too early when they needs to save it for a big charge in come the Iberian that's all that's left now and the Iberian I'm gonna get enough damage to actually win this so now it's just gonna be a slow grinding victory for the Julie I if only you had some long shield cavalry right now you could have say put over here and then slammed into the side of these exhausted and tired troops if only that was a thing Spain yeah very clear victory for the Julie I there I can't deny them that the Spanish were just really stupid so with that Julie I gained another town I'm gonna move my quarters back up here and trying to figure out where I want to go next potentially it's down here round two cthugga novo because that's pretty well defended and the army heading that way is decent but not huge or I might want to wait over here for a last stand over here where they've actually got proper full stack army if there's one thing that can hold that you like it might be that now we've got a couple of new daughters coming to the family Cornelius Brutus picks up the battlefield surgeon and Nero Brutus has come of age oh he's even balled up he's even flippin Boulder oh it's in the star right now Giuliana's 14 years has started to starve that kid he had a full head of hair just a couple of years ago then the rumors started going around about this bold hero and now Romans they just all shave their heads because they want to look more like kin it's marvelous so actually you're not that bad you are good looking because everyone now agrees the bold people are the most handsome people thanks to Giuliana's 14 years public loyal strict can get problematic but it's ok for now you know what I'm gonna give the tax farm over to him anyway because it is at least somewhat useful so you my good man you should go somewhere where you can actually have a good impact on the Empire in terms of like trade and what-have-you how about Thessalonica how would you like to go and manage Thessalonica you'll need to get in their next turn that's fine and it does have a Academy right yes Dougherty hasn't Academy that's fine now notice we do actually have a rebel leader down here interesting if I looked his bodyguard unit he is actually a unit of Eastern infantry not actually a leader but if I actually buy him he'll automatically become the sort of leader that exists in my army so he'll just magic some heavy cavalry out of nowhere he's 28 and ok ish I may as well have him on board to be honest right time for manious barbatus the surprisingly competent hero to actually gather an army to go and seize thebes down in the south there so if we along yeah one on each Oh will do the job what did you read that right there to make sure it can get there next turn yeah let's just take along everything good we just need to merge a few bits and pieces together just to make sure we've got some good quality troops yeah that's army should have enough firepower just to actually get the city it's a surprisingly big rebel army you know sometimes generated so we'll go and deal with that potentially will then take these guys straight over into Libya and take CY because weirdly yeah the amount of territory the game just says you've kind of officially won by taking Libya is pretty much just biggest eternity of Asia Minor which was a little bit unfair but what have you which is why if you're gonna forget the Skippy owners Empire like you know it looks somewhat impressive but like next to me it's vastly vastly for your territories even though like you know this whole space belongs to them it's only like five territories I mean while over in Greece five territories is that time tootle area right to there and Sporus the ugly just keeps on moving right actually if we just kind of separate out his if we separate out his counter unit so you can actually move around a little bit faster marvellous so yes personally just keeps laying some watch towers at the new north of the empire but I'm not too worried by the Scythian just yet they seem more concerned with going and taking over the Germans and I think we can handle the Citians if they do decide to come it yet so northern frontier looks pretty damn solid desi I think we'll leave alone for now just because there's not really much advantage to taking them over but yes indeed next time ladies and gentlemen I think it is time for us to break the back of the Egyptians their King is cowering in Jerusalem they have got one decent army they've managed to pull together here oh yes this feels like pretty much all the strength they've got left all their best quality troops the Pharaohs guard the Pharaohs bowmen the anthill decent quality because you know the Nubian cavalry are actually okay this is an all right army they've pulled together out of it they've had to draft in a 26 year old kid to lead it because I just keep murdering literally everyone else so we will see how that plays out and we will see if Giuliana's 14 years can also seize control of Jerusalem next time ladies and gentlemen but in the meantime I've been John this has been many a true net this has been rome total war thank you very much goodbye we're gonna build a large green park as a memorial to the bloody place that wouldn't stop burning down oh gosh darn it the building next door is just catching fire instead can I just kind of demolish a church or something to make room for it cuz I will then next to the Magnificent City Hall a giant statue of me
Channel: Many A True Nerd
Views: 121,172
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rome total war, rome total war campaign, rome total war gameplay, rome total war walkthrough, rome total war campaign walkthrough, let's play rome total war, rome total war brutii
Id: 2vPNt70lTNY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 45sec (2685 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 02 2017
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