Rome Food Tour at Mercato Testaccio: Prosciutto and Buffalo Mozzarella!

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- This just looks incredibly good. I'm gonna take that top piece. It's salty, you got the mix of the fat and the meat. That is wonderful. Good morning, everyone. It's Mark Wiens with in Rome, Italy. We just got off the metro at Piramide Station, and now walking over to Testaccio Market, which is not too far away from here. There should be some amazing food there. Just arriving now to Testaccio Market, and from what I understand, this is an old market, but it has been relocated to this new location, and it's nice and brightly lit, naturally lit. You can buy everything from fresh vegetables and fruits to meats to prepared food, all sorts of prepared food. There are places like delis and cafes. This is just kind of an all things food under one roof, and a beautiful roof. (upbeat music) - One? - [Mark] Okay. Okay. - That's all? - That's all, thank you. Grazie, thank you. Ying and I saw the beautiful fruit, especially the cherries and the grapes, and had to get some. All the fruit looks really, really good. You just gotta see this whole stock of green grapes I just bought. Oh, yes. Grapes are just an amazing thing. A whole vine of them. Grapes, grab a couple. Wow. Those are incredibly juicy with just a little bit of bitterness from the seeds that are still in it. Oh, wow, those are good. The grapes are just an absolutely fantastic snacking fruit. You can just sit here and just eat a whole vine of grapes, and they're just perfectly bite sized, as well. And, the same goes for cherries. Perfect little bites of delicious fruit. Yeah. And, also along with all the food in the market, you can also buy clothes. There are shoe shops, there are some household necessity shops, as well. So, it's kind of an all around, well-rounded market where you can buy just about anything you need for you house, but especially focused on lots of food. Hello. (mumbles) Panini con Picchiapo. For my first thing to eat, I have come to a stall, and he specializes in all sorts of different Roman dishes inside of a sandwich, a panini sandwich, and so I ordered off the menu, it's called Panino con Picchiapo, and I think it's a type of meat, which is brazed in tomato sauce. He does have some stools here that you can sit right in the market and enjoy, and this is a lovely place. So yeah, come get a close up view of what's inside of this. Oh yeah, that bread feels wonderful. It looks like shredded meat with lots of tomatoes, sauce, and maybe a few small assorted vegetables inside, as well. Oh yeah. That's like a, I think it's beef. It's like a stewed tomato beef filled into a bun bread. Oh yeah, it's the type of sandwich that when you take a bite, the insides sort of squeeze out, because of that pressure. That was a great way to start walking around this market, and now we are off to go find something else, but what I'm already loving about this market is how friendly it is, and how wide open the aisles are, and I also love this natural light. It gives it such a, like a charming feel to it, and yet it's not, it's not too busy. Maybe it's the time I'm here. And, it's just friendly and relaxing. Lots of space, good food, a fantastic place to just walk around and explore. (upbeat music) - Prosciutto? - [Mark] Prosciutto. - Si. - [Mark] Di montagna. - Si. - Okay. - Quanto? - [Mark] One. Two hundred. - [Clerk] Due? - Correct, yeah. (upbeat music) For my next stop, I have come to a place called Enzo and Lina, and they are especially known for their prosciutto, as well as, it's kind of a whole deli. I saw people in front of me were ordering full sandwiches, choosing their meat, and then slicing it up, and then putting it into bread with cheese and some pickles, and the owners are extremely nice and friendly, and I noticed what I really liked about them is that when I was standing up front at the counter, they were conversing with all of their customers, and chatting, and having a good time while serving food. I, of course, don't speak Italian, but it was still a really friendly experience, and you could sense the generosity and the kindness of the owners. Let's see what goodies I got. I didn't fully know what I was doing, but I decided to go no bread, because I just had that whole bread sandwich, and so I'm sure this would be really good in bread, as well, but I got some of their, I think this one is called the Prosciutto di Montagna. And, he sliced it up, I got 200 grams. Whoa, that's quite a lot. This just looks incredibly good. I'm gonna take that top piece. Look at that. Yeah. That's marvelous. Cured pork. It's salty, it's got the mix of the fat and the meat. That is wonderful. And, in addition to this, I also got a little packet of the fresh mozzarella buffalo. It's a little ball, and then he sliced it into pieces for me. That texture. The softness of that. Wow. That's amazing. That combination is insane, and the mozzarella is amazing. I don't know if I've ever had mozzarella like that. Both the texture and the flavor. The flavor is kind of mild and not too salty. A little bit salty, but it's milky, it's curdy, it's awesome. It's just amazing stuff. It's like milk gushes out when you start chewing. Another piece of this. This is actually a lot of meat. Yeah. It's very, very rich, so it would go good with bread. That's for sure. They were so friendly and so nice there. I wish I could speak Italian to talk to them more, but that was fantastic. The mozzarella, in particularly, really blew me away. That mozzarella was insane. Can I have the pepper, apple, lemon juice? - Okay. Small, medium, or large? - Medium, please. (mumbles) After that wonderful salty meat, I thought it would be a good idea to have a juice, and so, this place is called Zoe, and they specialize in different types of juices, as well as some healthy salads, I think are going on behind me, and sandwiches, but I just came here for a juice. And, when I ordered it, they have a list of different juices. They have some really interesting combinations that include both vegetables and fruits, and they also have different properties, like antioxidant, or slimming. I happened to get one for slimming, but not because I want the slimming, but because it's an interesting combination, and so it is a combination of green apple and lemon, and also pepper. Oh yeah. Oh, that's a beautiful thing. Oh, that is perfect after what I just ate. It's sour, it's just perfectly sweet, naturally sweet. Did I taste the pepper? Let me get one more drink. Just a faint pepper taste to it, but it's really nice with green apple and lemon, and just a faint pepper flavor to it. That is one high quality, awesome mixture juice. There's another sandwich that I don't wanna leave this market without eating, and it's located right on the outside of the market. The stall is called Strit Fud. (speaks in Italian) They have a number of all sorts of, actually their menu is pretty diverse. They have a lot of different things from pastas to sandwiches. Under the recommendation of Valentina and Antonio, I ordered the Panino con Lampredotto, which is cow stomach, and I think it's boiled. There might be some pieces of beef in here, too, but mostly beef stomach, and then put into a piece of bread with some kind of an herb dressing. It smells. You can definitely smell that stomach. That stomach is definitely jiggly in texture, but it's wonderful within the sandwich, because the bread is gummy and crusty, and then just with that soft, chewy gelatinous stomach in there. This is good, but you definitely have to love tripe to order this one. And then, I also ordered a Filetti di Baccala, and this is a fried piece of fish. I got a nice horseshoe shape, and I think it's battered, as well. That's really good. It has a very thick batter. It's crispy and gooey, and then the fish just, sort of, it's very, very soft. For me, that tripe sandwich, it was a little bit on the plain side. I would've liked maybe some extra, something flavorful to go with that tripe. I think it was jut pretty much boiled with just a little bit of a sour sauce with maybe some parsley in it. It was kind of on the plain side, but this entire market experience has been fantastic. I think my favorite thing had to be that buffalo mozzarella, and the prosciutto. This is our final full day in Rome. Tomorrow, we are moving on to the next location, but today we just wanted to enjoy and just relax, and just kind of walk around, and just have a leisure day in Rome. We spent about an hour back at the hotel room after the market, eating lots and lots of cherries, and finishing off those grapes, which were amazing. And now, actually our hotel happens to be very close to Villa Borghese, which is a big park, and it is a garden, and also, there is a famous gallery within the gardens, and that's what we are going to visit next, and also just to walk around the park for a little while. This is a whole map of the entire park and gardens. We are gonna head first over to the Museo Borghese. (upbeat music) The big evergreen trees are cut, all the branches are cut off, so it just has like a little hat on the top. Oh, there's a train. I didn't know that. Hello. I guess you can ride a train, and you can also rent these golf cart bicycles to pedal around. (upbeat music) Just about a 10 minute walk through the park, and we have arrived to the Villa Borghese, which is now called the Gallery Borghese, and it's a museum. I previously, actually just yesterday, I booked my tickets online, and you have to book online. I don't think you can just walk up and get your ticket. Immediately upon entrance, you enter into this huge room with a really high ceiling, and the ceiling is just incredible. And, this is a former mansion, a villa, which is now turned into a museum. It's a gallery with many important paintings and sculptures, and I know especially there are some paintings by Raphael, and also by Caravaggio. (upbeat music) Within this museum, there are over 20 rooms on two stories. (upbeat music) You can choose to rent an audio guide to walk you through this museum, but they also, in every one of the rooms, they have these big laminated cards that you can read information, and you can read about the room, and also read about the different things that are within the room. So, that's very helpful to guide yourself through this museum. Right now, I am in the Gallery of the Emperors, and then above me, on the ceiling, is Domenico De Angelis. The Triumph of Galatea. And, what I really like about this museum is that they really control and manage the amount of people that are let in per day, and per time slot. So, although you do have to pre-book in advance to ensure that you get a ticket, once you're inside, it has a perfect feel, because it's not too busy, and it's very well managed. And now, we are exiting, and on our way to a restaurant that is very close here. Just a few minutes walk away, I think, to have dinner tonight. (upbeat music) Thank you. - Two? - For two, please. - Yes. Here? - Sure. Thank you. This is a real classic restaurant. It has been here since 1913, and you can just tell how... How do you say the name of this restaurant? Fiaschetteria Marini? (owner speaks in Italian) - Oh, okay. (speaks in Italian) - [Mark] And, it's from the? - From Toscana. - [Mark] Okay. - From Tuscany. - And that's what the name, the restaurant is named after? - Yes, Fiaschetteria, because 100 years old, we have all of this. (speaks in Italian) - Okay, and this restaurant has been here since 1913? - [Owner] Yes, my generation is the fifth generation. - So, it's all your family? - [Owner] Yes, all my family, yes. - You're the fifth? Oh, wow, pretty cool. - [Owner] Thank you. - Yes, thank you. - [Owner] Grazie. - Ying and I got here pretty early, right as they opened for dinner, so we are the first here for dinner tonight, and we got this, I think maybe the best seat in the restaurant, which is right, we're not sitting outside, but we are sitting right next to the full door that opens, so it's basically outdoors. We have fresh air coming from the street, a view of the smart cars, and this is a wonderful restaurant. You can feel the classic heritage feel of it. They have a pretty concise menu. It's not huge, but it took me some time to navigate it a little bit, and the owner, he helped me decide what to order. So, ordered a couple of different dishes, but I like how it's not too huge of a menu. It's very manageable, and you know that they're gonna prepare the dishes with expertise. You know that a restaurant is a classic when the theme color is mustard green. Thank you. - [Ying] Thank you. (mumble) - Thank you. First course has arrived. Got two different pasta dishes. This one is the gnocchi, and this is a potato pasta. Little nugget sized potato pasta. It looks very cheesy, and I think this is also the cured pork cheek. I'm gonna start with this. Oh, yeah. Those are so, like, pillowy soft, and just, sort of, they're just like little pillows of pasta. That is marvelously good, and it is very rich, and very cheesy, and then those little bits of salty cured pork. But, what's really amazing is how the gnocchi just sort of, they're so soft, and yet so smooth that they just sort of straight up blend into that cheese sauce. Yeah, that is a richly delicious dish. And, they're so rich and so soft, but at the same time, gnocchi is very dense. And, we also ordered amatriciana, and this is one of the pasta dishes I've already had, but I really love it, because I'm a tomato kind of guy, actually. I really like the flavor, the tartness of tomatoes, so we had to get it here. Pasta, there's cheese on top, and also again, the cured pork cheek. And, this looks wonderful. Yeah. And, I love the cheesy pastas, but I'm really a tomato pasta kind of guy, though. I love that tartness, and the flavor that the tomatoes provide. In contrast to the gnocchi, which are just completely soft, through and through, this pasta is very al dente, and you can, has a lovely chewy texture to it. It's fantastic. It's really good. I like how they sprinkled on just a little bit of cheese, but they didn't overdo it on the cheese. Let's get a closeup look at this sauce, and also that pork cheek. That is excellent. I completely forgot the name of this dish, but it's like a beef salad, and there's beef on the bottom, and then there is rocket arugula all over the top, and then it's sprinkled with, I think strips of cheese, shavings of cheese, and then tomatoes are around the outside. Let me try to get a little bit of everything in one bite, with some of the cheese, some of that... Wait, is it cheesy? (mumbles) A little bit of everything, and one of those tomatoes, beautiful little tomatoes. Oh, that's wonderful. It's like tender stewed beef of some kind, and then with the light horseradishy flavor from the arugula, and then this vibrant tasting tomato. It's a wonderfully simple, but delicious combination of a dish. And, it gets juicier the further you go down there, the beef. Oh, wonderful. The tomatoes. The tomatoes are absolutely amazing. And then, I also got a plate of fennel, and I think this is sauteed in butter. Really soft, kinda like cooked cabbage, but then you can taste a little bit of that fennel flavor, and it almost has a caraway flavor to it. That turned out to be an amazing dinner. This is a gem of a restaurant, and not only was the food good, the pasta and that beef dish, and I'm sure everything on the menu, but the owners, and it's now run, they're now the fifth generation of this family that owns the restaurant. They're also very friendly, very nice. The menu is even all in Italian, but they will explain to you the menu. A great, great restaurant. And, this actually happens to be, I think this will be our last meal. I don't think we're gonna be able to fit any other meals in Rome tomorrow, because we leave tomorrow. A fantastic last meal in Rome. Thank you all very much for watching this video. We're gonna just head back home, back to the hotel for tonight. Please remember to give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it, and also make sure you subscribe for lots more food and travel videos, and I will see you on the next video. Thank you again for watching. (beep) Whoa. That was a pigeon behind me. Okay. I ordered the panini... What is it called? And, we also ordered the (speaks in Italian). (upbeat drum music)
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 1,141,392
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Keywords: Rome food tour, Italian food, Mercato Testaccio, Prosciutto, buffalo mozzarella, best Italian food in Rome, Roman food, Italian food tour, rome food tour testaccio, rome food and drink, must try food in Rome, best food in rome, rome street food, famous italian food, traditional italian food, Strit Fud, La Prosciutteria di Enzo e Lina, Mordi e Vai, Roman street food, Rome street food tour, things to do in Rome
Id: sgFKOiW02VI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 3sec (1383 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 23 2016
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