Romantic Homemade MRE For 2 with the Missus- The 15K Subs Special!!!!

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get hey everybody welcome back to the channel we have finally arrived it is time to celebrate 15,000 subscribers on the dad budget Adventures channel it's been a long journey never thought it would happen but we're here and as promised a special video just for you guys I recently took my wife out for a fun shopping expedition and we went out to gather the things that we would need to make an M for two not just an M for two but a Romain dinner M for 2 and without further Ado I'm going to introduce you to her let you guys finally meet the other half as some people have called her Mrs budget Adventures or what have you but there she is creeping around in the background I know I'm always creepy always a little bit on the creepy side so this is DL I'm going to let her introduce herself tell you a little bit about herself real quick hi I'm DL and I am a singer a performer I am a published pinup model and a bit of a horr Enthusiast and a host of a podcast live stream show called ice cream Queens all right now you met her now you can leave bye get back in here you shove me out of the picture all right so we went shopping where was it we went to get the stuff for this Whole Foods Whole Foods we went to Whole Foods because I wanted to make sure that we were getting things that she was going to enjoy most of the things that I feature in my MREs are things that she would probably eat some of them it could be questionable but I wanted to make sure for this one but she was part of the process and she was picking out things that she figured she would like with this one the rules are still the same y'all remember the rules rule number one being that everything in here has to be able to be eaten straight out of the package it doesn't mean that's how we're going to eat it it just means we have to be able to rule number two is that everything in here has to have at least a one-year shelf life or Best Buy date from the day we bought it and rule number three is the menu is that three because something roll number three is the menu this m has to have an entree a side a walking around snack a dessert and a beverage so cpes a couple of beverages so without any further Ado we're going to sit down at this table and we're going to start diving into oh wait a minute let me let me show it real quick I know we showed it at the intro but here it is yay thank you it's the dad budget Adventures homemade M menu wf1 X2 so that basically means it's from Whole Foods and it's for two so let's start this romantic little outing and let's tear into this bag and see what we brought for our MRE for two two we got the squeaky table we've had squeaky things before we're going to sit here and let the sirens go roll through I sound like a cat one that got stepped on so kicking off our romantic MRE meal for two let's see what is in our dinner let you do the honors it is a green garbanzo corn and coriander yep one of those things I know I picked it out but I'm I'm it's a Maya kiml kiml Maya kiml everyday doll green garbanzo corn and coriander so this is a two serving pouch which is going to be fine for us it is relatively low sodium for the container it's a total of 640 mg so a single serving is 320 so super low sodium for those of you all that are looking for your low sodium options this is going to be a good way to go if if it's if it's good but if it sucks I'm not responsible it's me if it sucks it's me next up we have our side to go with that DL specifically picked this one out this is a dozen cousins rice cooked in bone broth oh yes it looks like it's just a long grain rice that's cooked in bone broth give it a little a little bit of an extra kick that ought to be pretty good mixed with this right here the protein content in our entree is only 5 gr of protein and I know that a lot of people are very conscious about how much protein they're taking in with the bone broth this adds another seven additional grams of protein yep so we're kicking that up before we go any further into the other items we're going to dig out our cook system and we're going to get our entree and our side on some heat so that we can eat it the way it was intended and it's going to take a few minutes we're going to run it while we're talking about the other and we are going to use the barrel cook again I like this thing this has been one of those things that ever since I started using it in videos a lot of people have expressed interest in it so I'm going to keep using it the one thing that I really like about this product and I've been seeing this in your comments is that a lot of people are using this for senior citizens that are in Assisted Living to ensure that they have a way to eat in their room if they can't go out to the cafeteria areas yeah a lot of places whether it's Assisted Living or dorm rooms don't allow you to have a stove or anything like that or even a microwave in your room this is a great solution for that cuz there's zero flame there's zero risk of this thing actually burning anything down all right so let's get cooking would you do the honors with that one and I will get this one going I'm going to get the heat pack started as well don't put it in that one it goes there oh that's one thing if you're buying packets like this make sure that you are crumbling it so it has some just break up that rice a little bit absolutely I don't know where I was going with that all right let's get that in there pour this on here so we can get the wind on that looks Lov looks good oh that is that is definitely aazing right there yep that's a winner right there winner winner chicken dinners is hot not yet not yet okay o that's lovely for our walking around snack we got these organic chocolate strawberries good little boost of vitamins and a little bit of natural sugars to their freeze-dried strawberries it says it's a good source of vitamin C so it will Stave off the scurvy we have an item in here that is not on the menu but I wanted to be sure that we included in this especially since this is a romantic dinner M it's not something uncommon to MREs around the world we have boom that was my choice box wine not box wine per se but the wine was my choice it's box wine I know I wine in a box I don't normally do box wine but we're going to give this a try I've heard this stuff is pretty good so we brought our travel our well-used travel wine glasses go and set Yours up okay check these things out are these cool or what we bought these on a vacation that we were on a few years ago we had bought a bottle of local wine at a u uh what do they call this the winery and we didn't have anything to drink it out of so we stopped at a store and we bought these and they have been with us ever since anytime we travel we're bring in these in case you're looking for them like we found them at Pop shelf we're going to go ahead and pour this up we're going to break the routine a little bit and pour the wine pour the wine you know I'm going to drink more than that do not doubt that at all you've seen me drink wine so I think at this point in the video we need to offer a toast to you the audience for getting us to 15,000 subscribers this is an epic moment for me really been working to make this channel a success for a long time it's a very recent thing that's gotten us here but I will take that so cheers to you long life and health and happiness and happiness that's not bad that's a pretty good one yeah I mean for it to be out of a a box out of a box and not chilled all right so for dessert we each picked out something different I'm going to let DL tell you about hers and then I'm going to tell you about mine so I have a milk chocolate crispy wafer with sea salt it's basically like a little cookie bar I love these type things anything that's like crunchy it's chocolate we talked about that before chocolate is it has 220 calories in it and it has also a little bit of carbs so 22 carbs there it's dessert and I'm going to count it as dessert and I probably won't make it through both bars and one of the great things about doing the shopping the way we did where we both went out together is we both realized that sometimes we like different things and since we're packing these things ourselves we can kind of pick things the way we want it I got the creamy Caramel Cookie Bars it's kind of the same thing as that but it's a little bit different variation on it we each get to have something we like and something that's that's chocolate oh that's getting warm yeah it gets pretty hot you got to be careful with it for our beverage other than than said wine where' they go in here it fell out we picked up something very different I've never seen tea in a dark roast but what we got was this dandelion dark roast from te what is it t t Chino T Chino T Chino not familiar with it it definitely caught my interest when we saw it and I figured look we like trying new things if this is a richer stronger tea this should be rather interesting each of us is going to get our tea going so that it's ready when it's time to eat and one of the things that I really like about this I just noticed is it has chory and I am a chory person when it comes to coffee so I think I'm really really going to like this chory is one of those love it or hate it things for most people I took DL when we got married I took her on our honeymoon to New Orleans I wanted to introduce her to the place that I grew up and she absolutely fell in love with it she fell in love with the food and she fell in love with the coffee absolutely and she has been drinking coffee with chory ever since so I think this is going to be really good for her now once again the great thing about these particular packs is that they're individually sealed so you don't have to worry that you're going to expose the tea that's inside of it to everything else that's in your kit you don't have to repackage it or anything you just just toss it in like that and you're good for my tea I have the official dad budget Adventures bling mug Made For Me by our friend Amanda and dl's got a kruella coffee mug because she's evil like that absolutely you know I think everybody equates the streak in my hair to Cruella so there's that o that is a really does is it coffee dark coffee like smell almost smells like chocolate well it has carob in it so um I didn't I didn't realiz that so the contents it's roasted organic carob chory dandelion root raaman seeds I don't know if I said that correctly um and then natural coffee flavor so this is really more of a coffee than it is a tea and it's caffeine free which is weird I didn't see that before so if you're looking for something for that caffeine boost this is not going to be the one this is lovely but that is an amazing smell absolutely I've never smelled anything like this from a tea before I really wish I would have brought regular sugar Now versus the honey let's get some hot water going here all right so we're going to let that go while we uh check out some of these other things I'm just going to sit here and play with it now there was one more thing in here that I very specifically went after because for one I wanted to try it it's something we've had before but never in a packaged version but it has a really long shelf life on it and it is the most bougie item on this menu I picked it out just so you know and that is these deina dmas stuffed grape leaves so these come in a can You' got a fully sealed package here you don't have to worry about them getting damaged or messed up or anything but if you've ever had grape leaves it it's another one of those things that a lot of people don't care for them because they're made with dill and it tends to be a strong flavor sometimes so it really depends on how that particular brand is made as to how much it's going to have that flavor so I'm interested in trying this and seeing how that's going to be I'm just pouring honey in is that okay oh you save me some oh well there's more than one package there's four in here got enough for two for each do you like do you like that honey straight out of the package like that M I love this stuff uh this was one of my favorite finds since I've been doing these videos this Nate's raw unfiltered honey it's quite yummy I use it on everything and I feel like I find excuses to use it but I'm just going to put honey around the rim cuz I don't know what the coffee's going to taste like you're making a mess look at that so de's going to get to try the bamboo sporks for the first time we're going to see how much she likes them I like these things a lot because they are disposable you don't have to worry that they're going to be around for a thousand years but they don't have the mouth feel like the ones that you used to get with the ice cream cups as a kid so that is everything that's in this kit and now it is time to start diving into these things and see what we've got from our MRE for 2 first thing I think we're both dying to try this so we're going to get in this and see how this coffee tea can tra caption is it has a consistency more of tea it does um it doesn't have that bite of coffee or that slick feel I think when you're saying that slick feel you're talking about the coffee oils Cofe oil yeah everything that's being released into it and this is not really doing the same thing I don't see any oils being released on top it's nice it's a it's a pleasant flavor it's stronger than tea but it doesn't have that that strength that makes it taste like it's just gone bad so it's it's really interesting it's almost like it's a blend of coffee and tea doesn't taste like water down coffee it's very it's got a very strong flavor to it so it doesn't feel like it's an accident right and it works well with the honey too oh yeah now you thought you were thinking maybe it should have been sugar but I think the honey really works well with it it does create a bit of a of a bitter aftertaste in the back of your throat but it's not an unpleasant thing u a lot of people specifically like coffee for whatever level of bitterness it achieves this being a tea and getting that I think a lot of people would really like this especially if maybe you're trying to get away from coffee but you still like that that feel and that kick of it even though this doesn't have caffeine in it it still has that overall feel like you're drinking coffee almost I think that's the chory root because chory is generally a bitter yeah that's probably where the bitterness is coming from and for those of us who are absolutely addicted to chory coffee um it's that extra kick of bitters that we love I'm not bougie I'm really not promise as much as I love my Starbucks coffee a lot of times it is nothing but a milkshake it's too sweet all right let's try these please dolas I'm I'm really anxious to see how these are me too pop this can open this is actually one of my favorite foods um I love dolas I've never had them in a can so I'm a little there's some little old Greek woman right now that sitting here watching this going what are you doing I know I've had Dolmas before that were not great yeah they were over dealed um how do those smell I know if you were sticking your nose in them they're mild I don't pick up on a heavy smell of Dill which I'm hoping is is the flavor as well that it's it's got some dill but it's not just Dill it's a little gelatinous I don't know if people would normally eat these warmed up and like melt that you you got me with gelatin gelatin sorry he's done don't want any of that it's gelatinous well it does have it has a really good smell I mean it's got a really good smell it smells like the dolas that we would get at some place like Athens actually doville or something like that I can pick up on the deal the deal is a little I would hope so it's you know it's supposed to be really the dominant flavor that's in there let's see if I can get one of these out of here without tearing it to Pieces let me see your your sport I just want half of it I don't want I'm going to give you I'm going to give you I'm scared don't be scared I'm here with you it's can it's it's canned they're very oily there's a a really heavy oil that's that comes in these so I'm going to get a couple of paper towels because this has a potential getting really NY when we bite in I'm actually going to just use it to place it on make use it as a plate kind of yeah right so let's take a bite let's do this together both going to take a bite of our I'm ripping you're going to tear yours off yep okay it's not bad that's actually surprisingly surprisingly good there is a heavier deal flavor in this than what I normally pick up on but it's not bad I it's a little bit of a tiny taste but not bad it's got a good flavor there's not it's not overd by any means it is just a right balance that is that's really good and if you're not familiar with DOL you kind to see this is stuffed with rice and a bunch of other seasonings all sometimes they have meat in them I don't think these do I think we're going to have a fully vegetarian meal tonight but a lot of times they will be stuffed with ground lamb or something like that are you going to get another one yes all right I like it these are surprisingly good guess they are so I'm glad that we found them and I'm glad they turned out to be good if you're going on a picnic and you want something a bit more decadent to add to the menu definitely a lot of times when we do picnics we do more of a Mediterranean style menu where it's a lot of cheeses and nuts and yes and those would be a wonderful compliment would these on a Sherie board would be amazing an M sh there there's a video idea if you would like to see us try an M sh Sherie if you'd like to see us try an M Sherie board leave a comment down below and tell us about it it's it's a ridiculous idea and probably would never fly but you know if you want to see it let me know so let's try our walking around snack organic chocolate strawberries give me give me give me it's not a huge amount in here but I think it's going to do the job well this is odd what this is not what I expected at all these are slices of chocolate covered strawberry oh all righty yeah that's a little different so let's they smell good smells like smells like dark chocolate it smells like dark chocolate definitely I'm sorry I'm already eating them I'm still over here trying to pick apart the flavor and she's thank you you don't get to walk around and have a snack these are mine oh my those are really good there is that super tart sweetness of the strawberries and that chocolate is so rich and dark what what muffin I think she approves another toast for the audience cheers cheersing it they don't clink they clunk all right so now I think the time has come to try our entree and side combination we set this over here you move the Dolmas out of the picture you can move those back over here I can set them by you yeah set them by me let me get my Spork back though give me my sport these are tasty I look at it this way even if I don't like this I can E I got dmas and I have the chocolate covered strawberries and I'm good this really that's a lovely looking entree right there so I had to make a little adjustment on the camera cuz the sun's starting to go down and it's a little overcast star to get dark out here what we have here is our I want to kind of get the bone broth rice first by itself and it's hard to do because the other stuff's been kind of cooking into it but I want to give that a try I've been smushing mine down so I don't think I can do that want to taste it on its own that's a good flavor for Rice I mean obviously you're going to want something else with it but if that's all you had I mean that's not a bad flavor combination just for Rice it's very mild it is mild so let's try just the the doll we've got peas we've got corn we've got peppers and onions and things like that in there smells good yeah it really does let's give this a try before DL explodes over here I'm hungry M that's good it's very mild it's not even remotely spicy I'm going to go ahead and start stirring this in Deal doesn't like spicy at all all even things that I'm I'm tasting it and going oh that's not spicy she'll try it and it's like Ah that's too much I think this is a good option for her I'm a weenie okay all right let's try it all mixed up here okay ooh that works right there that's really really tasty it really is good now I'm the one who introduced you to the itaki and um I use my ataki almost every day and I would love to have this to take to work and to cook also maybe throw some chicken in there just for good measure cuz I do like this really would do well with a protein added into it if you had some package chicken or something you could add into this this is really good yeah I think if I were going to pack this one up again I would add a pouch of like white meat chicken into it just to add that extra little boost of protein but this is this is quite tasty well I usually eat more plant-based proteins so I I have a tendency to love things like tofu y'all don't come after me but um I I love tofu and stuff like that so for me the flavor in this is phenomenal it but it just needs a little for protein wise I feel like it needs a little bit more so far I would say our romantic M for 2 has been a smashing success absolutely so we're kind of chatting on the way over here I'm on your Zombie Apocalypse Team but we're trying to figure out what it is that I do yeah I don't have survival skills you've heard people say pick a life partner that you could count on to be on your Zombie Apocalypse Team oops and I feel like dl's contribution would be to be bait I run slow if the rest of us needed to get away should a r there yeah absolutely I I have my own set of skills thank you very much starting to get kind of dark out here M all right so we have one more thing to try yay finishing out our meal we both have our desserts it's getting dark it's getting a little cloudy and it's getting windy and the table will not stop making that noise so we're going to try these desserts and see how they are oh I haven't tried it yet I've just opened it feel like let me eat it it smells kind of like a Twix does yours taste like a Twix no mine does I can see where yours would mine tastes like a bougie Twix one that you paid way too much money for I like it I'm just kind of full for everything else so yeah there's a lot of food here even for two people oh my gosh yes it's very very tasty um for me you know the little wafer cookies that you get in like the little cheap wafer cookies that have like the icing for a it's like those dipped in chocolate that's what it looks like we are at the end a we have gone through everything in our romantic dinner MRE for two from why can't I never think of the name of that place whole foods from Whole Foods this one was a little pricey but given the reason for it and the application for it I think it's totally worth it if you get to face the end of the world with someone who means something to you a I wasn't talking about you [ __ ] I mean sorry if you get to face the end of the world with someone who means something to you a provide something for them that makes them happy provide them with grape leaves and chocolate and Indian food and tea that tastes like coffee all the things that make me happy oh and wine wine makes me very happy so I hope you guys have enjoyed this video and thanks for being patient with us as we get to this point thanks for all of your contributions your amazing comments and if you can think of places that I haven't been to build MREs leave me a comment down below and tell me about it and even if it's some place I don't have locally I do travel a lot and if I find one of those places while I'm traveling I will definitely go there I really think that we need to get our friends together and make a Sherie M I'm I'm I'm in for this yeah there needs to be a shud m picnic yes what would you include in a shuder MRE I can't even say it without laughing it just seems like a ridiculous concept but someone out there has ideas I can promise you that somebody in this audience has an idea for how to make that happen and I want to hear your ideas throw your comments down there and tell me what needs to go on an M shuder if we get enough good ideas that'll happen and I'll bring her back specifically for that video so if it's something you want to see tell us about it let me know you want to see DL in another video with a sh with an M Sherie yes yes you do that is it for this video and until the next one prepare for the world that you live in not the one you wish existed we'll see you next time bye cheers to you clunk
Channel: Dad Budget Adventures
Views: 5,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: camping, outdoors, hiking, survival, camp cooking, camping gear, tent camping, bushcraft, campfire, exploring, solo camping, car camping, mre, military, bugout, disaster preparedness, doomsday preppers
Id: kwNEeYiId7A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 41sec (1541 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 14 2024
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