Romans (Session 17) Israel's Future Pt1

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well we are working our way through a review of what many people regard as the most profound book in the entire bible certainly in the new testament epistles of paul of course are well known but the peak of those in many people's mind is the epistle of the romans his definitive statement of christian doctrine and uh we are in the 17th session of 24 reviewing this book and we are entering the the third of the middle section the first eight chapters are doctrinal we went through those definitive studies of sin and its solutions and uh then we get to the this three section area called which some people would call the dispensational section there are three chapters 9 10 and 11 and we are in the third of those three chapters tonight we have the the first eight as i say are the doctrinal sessions you look at three as faith hope and love in three sections doctrinal on sin salvation sanctification we weighed through that heavy complex essential grounding in the basic doctrines of what it means to be a christian chapters 12 through 16 would be the practical side of things what we do about all these things but we're right now in a very unusual section of the book of romans i like to call it the 9-1-1 section of of uh romans 9 10 and 11. it's all about israel but in a surprising way it will impact every one of us this isn't a jewish thing rather it's the very fulcrum of god's entire plan of redemption not just for israel but for you and i on the planet earth and so on as we will begin to realize involves far more than most people many more than what many pastors fully appreciate so we're going to talk about israel we did we went through chapter 9 which really focuses on israel's history and it hits head on some of these puzzling questions if being called of god and and foreknown and predestinated and secured by him as it as chapter 8 brings us to such a climax what about israel they were chosen and you know they were have they been abandoned forever no and deals with their past and what it means but it's going to lead to the fact that they also have a future and that's where we are now last time that we met for the last couple of sessions then we talked about israel in the present time what we mean by that from the biblical period to today we actually went through them perhaps a little tedious but went through a whole history of the betrayal of the chosen how again and again and again they have been not just not just persecuted but been betrayed by their own allies um the united states promising to protect them and when they call for that protection the state department couldn't find the paperwork i mean that sounds so phenomenal but anyway the whole the whole history of israel quite a surprise to many but at this point i want to review one thing we mentioned i'm not going to review all of that again of course but there's one thing i thought for those that might be just joining us uh to a a piece of the presentation last time that i think one i just want to be fresh in our minds uh you know hegel is famous for saying that history teaches us that man learns nothing from history but santiana said the same thing another way you know is that he that doesn't know history is doomed to repeat it you know same kind of thought and that's very true it's interesting how much we can understand of today by looking at history and not israel's history but czechoslovakia i want to just recover this to spend a couple minutes reviewing what we talked about last time but trying to put this in perspective the rape of czechoslovakia czechoslovakia in the 30s had was a strategic barrier in europe it had 800 000 regular army that were cracked troops it had a it was probably the most powerful most efficient arms industry in europe many people don't realize that it also was surrounded by the sedating mountains which protected the heartland and prague the capital it was regarded in military terms as impregnable powerful the fortifications were deemed impregnable by the military experts furthermore they had con contracts their treaties with the western powers france which in those days was had 100 divisions it was larger than germany get the picture and they were treaty bound to protect czechoslovakia britain and russia were also guarantees of czechoslovakia's defense sounds pretty formidable doesn't it well there's a strategy that was pulled off but you can't deal with arms you can deal with chicanery the propaganda solution was devised the sudetenland was the sedate and mountains there happened to have three million germans these were a minority but there were about three million germans in that population mix there about seven million others so they you know they represent 30 percent they were a prosperous democracy everybody had full civil rights there were no real problems but that doesn't mean you can't create a few huh they had the the nazis developed a um puppet political faction the sudeten free corps and they fabricated a terror program on the germans in the sudetenland uh on the so-called sudan germans and created the impression that the sudeten germans were being oppressed by the czechs it was actually the nazis pulling this off for propaganda purposes we the way the world got to view this is somehow these checks were in tragic and were an obstacle to having peace in the region they created the impression that the checks were the problem they were precipitating a crisis to prevent the breakup of the state the choice between war and peace was in their hands in the czech's hands this is all nonsense of course this petty segment of europe is harassing the human race that was the kind of propaganda that's being fed with the idea that the western powers should force the czechs to relinquish what they started to call the occupied territories creating the world impression that these that the czechs were the occupiers and these three million german minorities were the rightful residents absolute inversion of the realities and truth but you say it enough especially to a managed press and an illiterate electorate that starts becoming believed right well they manufactured a point of view in 1937 38 the czech's pressured by the leading western powers to meet the sedating demands the western press laments the czechs they disregard peace in europe the injustice of not allowing the sudete land to be returned to germany it never was part of germany it's part czechoslovakia british envoy demands that czechs remodel their foreign relations to assure freedom from aggressive action against her neighbors they're trying to create the impression that checks the troublemakers here september 18th finally big crisis the british and french determine the checks must accede to hitler's demands they're the ones supposed to be protecting them for the maintenance of peace and the safety of the checklist lock is vital interest that's believe it or not the words they're using they're the ones that are getting raped here the international guarantee of new boundaries was promised if not they would fight hitler alone so they're extorted france and britain are extorting them it's up to the czechs now that was the devil chamberlain's they create the impression it's up to the checks to stop it hitler's out there screaming he's the one causing the whole thing then the sting as they say hysteria amounts shuttle diplomacy increases minutes before a deadline that hitler set up before september 20 deadline hitler agrees to chamberlain's proposal for a peace conference munich munich is this has a special name in diplomatic history britain and france plead with hitler for 11 hours to take the sudan land plea peacefully finally at the few minutes to the end of the the thing hitler reluctantly agrees to accept that which he's set up here chamberlain and dalier were praised cheered and thanked for having traded they come back from this conference and being cheered is the peacemakers chairman said my friends i believe it is peace in our time that those who will echo throughout history that very phrase the president czechoslovakia prime minister had a different we've been basically betrayed september 30th two days later czech army withdraws from the sudetenland german annexation was followed by more demands violence always whenever you appease that always just encourages more demands violence and oppression continued by march 15th the nazi war machine rolled through the rest of czechoslovakia this impregnable fortress was handed to them by lies and deceit in the world press western powers did nothing they were treaty bound to protect them they did nothing of course all their assurances were proved worthless why am i getting into this that's exactly what we're facing every day in the press when we start talking about israel you want to do a little homework on checklist you want to understand that this is this is not a a pro or anti uh semitic thing it's a question of just understanding the brutal power games being played on this planet israel's also a small democracy with a powerful army and defensive terrain direct seizure is impractical for a lot of reasons even though they've tried pressure from the west is achievable in the minds of the arabs we're stupid enough to buy these the song and dance they have a thing they call reversal of causality they make it backwards you get the impression that israel is the source of terror in the middle east you even find it on fox not just cnn they speak of the israeli terrorists you got a backwards guy i don't know of anyone that travels to a us airport where they're worried about finding an israeli bomb they say well israel is the problem of of peace in the middle east iraq and iran had an eight-year war killed over a million of each other and had nothing to do with israel there are 34 different conferences conflicts going on the planet earth as we speak today rehearsal causality astonishing effective if you've got a managed place press with its own agenda and an electorate that's illegal electorate which is you know illiterate well so much i'm not gonna go through all the other i think we could obviously try to summarize what we've had you know i usually try to get a little uh recap of where we've been but uh it's i had to throw that in okay we're going from israel present to israel future and we're going to actually do this in three sessions because it's so pivotal not just for israel's future for yours and mine and most people who have studied this passage many people who write books on prophecy have missed the point and so i'm going to get into a lot of conference you know controversial material so so uh we've had the i've rejected let's go israel's future isaiah 65 first eight verses will sort of set us up for uh for romans 11. so let's just take a quick look at isaiah 65. god says i am sort of them that ask not for me i am found of them that sought me not i said behold me behold me into a nation that was not called by my name notice the thing here people that you know that he uh asked me could couldn't find him and those that weren't looking for him did who's he talking about here who do you think he's talking about here the jews and the gentiles i have spread out my hands all the day unto a rebellious people which walketh in a day which in a way that was not good after their own thoughts a people that provoked me to anger continually to my face that sacrificed in gardens and burneth incense upon altars of brick which remain among the graves and lodged in the monuments which eats swine's flesh and broth abominable things is in their vessels which they stand by thyself come not near to me for i am holier than thou these are a smoke and my noise a fire that burneth all the day behold is written before me i will not keep silence but will recompense even recompense into their bosom your iniquities and the iniquities of your fathers together saith the lord which have burned incense upon the mountains and blasphemed me upon the hills therefore i measure their former work into their bosom thus saith the lord as the new wine is found in the cluster and one saith destroy it not for a blessing is in it so will i do for my servant's sake that i may not destroy them all boy yeah it's going to get rough see even though believing unbelieving israel will be judged right they'll always be a remnant so among them are all these that are rebellious and and and eat non-kosher foods to say the least uh there'll always be a remnant of core that are faithful to him and that he will call his own so that sets the stage for romans chapter 11 which is full of surprises let's just jump in paul says i say then hath god cast away his people by the way that's the presumption of virtually all the christian denominational churches ask them pastors will tell you that well you know the promises in israel she favored that because she rejected messiah they now are the churches that works for anybody except the ones that read those promises that god made all through the old testament and the new by the way they say paul's site raising this issue hath god cast away his people no make an idol god forbid be it not so is a better translation perhaps paul's speaking for i also am an israelite and of the seed of abraham and of the tribe of benjamin a very proud place to be king saul was also from the tribe of benjamin his name was saul too until he changed it to paul see in greek the question is asked in the in the negative with the negative fight god did not reject his people did he in other words in the greek the grammar structures so that it's a rhetorical question not really asking for an answer and this classic ejaculation of paul's a negative ejaculation make konaito which one way to translate by no means may it not be so but in the intense intensity of it now paul's going to give us several proofs here his first proof is himself he quotes this in more detail in his philippian letter where it says he circumcised the eighth day of the stock of israel or the tribe of benjamin a hebrew of the hebrews and is touching the law of pharisee this is a a concatenation of his jewish pride he's as jewish as they get he's also one of the most educated greeks alive that day but that's a whole other issue if god could save paul he certainly can save the other jews is the point that's underlying this and that's developed in acts 9 and 1st timothy 2 and 1st timothy 1 and so forth so he continues here god hath not cast away his people which he foreknew what you not what the scripture saith of elias how he maketh the intercession to god against israel and he's now he's going to quote here from first samuel and from psalm 94. by the way he says whom he foreknew the word prognos gnostico is to have knowledge beforehand to have it's not just knowledge intellectually it's to have a meaningful relationship is what it implies and i think i i forget the scholar maybe having my notes here yeah still for stalford points out in in from from that there's only one nation on the planet earth that can that of which that can be said where the nation has a real relationship with god because he god foreknew only one nation now that can be misunderstood he obviously could for he poor knows everything but i'm in intense a relationship here and so uh uh he chose his covenant people from eternity past and entered into a relationship with them that can never be destroyed that's a missing point to many many theologians missed that and amos 3 2 brings in some of this that's where stifler comes from this you you only have i known of all the families of the earth that's god speaking therefore i will punish you for all your iniquities see your family thus saith the lord if heaven above can be measured and the fountains of the earth can be searched out beneath i will also cast off all the seed of israel for all that they have done saith the lord that's obviously an inversion because that's not true it's always dangerous to to argue from contrary fact presumption but you get what he's the point he's making you know like he says in other places if a son can stand still then i'll give up israel you know it's a way like never never never see see the second proof that god has not rejected his people was taken from israel's history during his elijah's ministry the prophet was deeply depressed and that's what that's when he's that's when paul is quoting from elias he's quite jeremiah talks about if thus it said the lord if the heaven above can be measured the fountains of the earth can be searched happening i will also cast off all the seed of israel for all that they have done god hath not cast away his peoples he goes on and says lord they have killed thy prophets and digged down thine altars and i am left alone and they seek my life that's what i remember elijah was convinced he was the last one he's running from jezebel and he's ready to kill himself i mean he's just it's over and so lord they've killed thy prophets and so forth this is elijah balling like a baby and paul is quoting here from first kings 19 for those of you that are going to follow up on this consideration if he was the only elijah's the only one left you ever felt that way there the times you know there are times you feel like well what was the answer god gave unto him paul asks paul he's quoting paul uh god here i have reserved to myself seven thousand men who have not bowed the knee to baal that you know elijah there's god has his that no one knows he even knows about he's not limited to one fearful depressed prophet you'll reserve a godly remnant of over seven there's all one of the things you studied throughout the bible there's always a remnant never many the remnant small but that's god's bunch and the bunch that he has is always a work of god not a work of the remnant so it continues verse five we're getting down to verse 5 make good progress then even so then at this present time also there is a remnant according to the election of grace that is even true today even in hollywood even in washington hard to believe i know but okay there's always going to be a remnant and paul was only one of many in a generation elected to faith from the people of israel in every generation of the church a remnant chosen by grace has been called from among the jews it started we started with the jewish bible we had jewish leadership and we worship a jewish king verse 6 and if by grace then it is no more of works otherwise grace is no more grace boy we need to understand that see grace plus works makes it debt doesn't it no grace means no worry it's no there's no it's all it's one direction but if it be of works then there's no more grace otherwise work is no more work yeah this choice is totally by god's grace that's also ephesians 2 8 9 you've all memorized it i'll go on he emphasized that the antithesis between grace and works both here we went through all that in romans 4. we rehashed it in romans 9 so i don't have to beat it here i don't think we're down to verse 7. what then israel hath not obtained that which he seeketh for but the election hath obtained it and the rest were blinded think about what that means those in israel that are god's own were not those that were going after what they were seeking they were elected by god to have it revealed to them think about what that means for every one of us the rest we're blinded do you have people that can't see it doesn't mean you shouldn't witness to them don't misunderstand me but election has a big thing to do with it israel sought god but failed to find him why because they're trying to find him through their own works that's doomed to failure you can't strive to find god he's got to reveal himself to you that sounds strange doesn't it gentiles who are not looking for him found him through faith there's an irony here i want you to notice that see the israelis that were lost were sincere but wrong that's what romans 10 was all about romans 10 first four verses we went through all that then this is just sort of recap the jews jealously sought to be accepted by god on what basis on the basis of their works keeping law doing this doing that right you know attended sunday school faithfully for 20 years you know i handled the saying in the choir oh great that's all works it can be beneficial it's led by the spirit don't misunderstand me they were sought to be accepted by god on the basis of works and the righteousness of the law know the righteousness of law is a yardstick you can never meet and again that's all romans 10 again but they were not accepted by god only the elect were accepted because of god's sovereign choice by grace that's paul's point this is a pharisee commenting on pharisaicalism no better expert and the others were hardened and that's what romans 11 is going to peak at in some surprising ways for every one of us let's get back to romans 8 11 verse 8. prophetic accordionist is written god hath given them the spirit of slumber eyes that they should not see and ears that they should not hear unto this day you've got to be kidding yes god has blinded them jesus declared that and we're going to get to that point what does it mean to be hardened it's seen from paul's explanatory and supporting quotations what do we mean by being hardened we're going to paul's going to quote from deuteronomy 29 and isaiah 29 and it indicates that when we speak hardening what it involves what the words really involve is spiritual drowsiness spiritual drowsiness and the word there is canon nexus in the greek a pricking or piercing is one meaning of it severe sorrow or extreme grief insensibility or torpor of mind such as numbness or resulting from a sting blindness or deafness so it's a numbness is perhaps more vivid in our in our vernacular romans verses 9 11 9-10 and david said let their table be made a snare and a trap and a stumbling block and a wrecking pence under them let their eyes be darkened that they may not see and bow down their back always that's the second quotation paul is using to support this taken from psalm 69. psalm 69 is one of the most remarkable psalms in the book of psalms it talks about him in gethsemane it talks about his calling down on his enemies but it also describes those anxious dark years in nazareth the 30 years where he and his mother were under the cloud of illegitimacy and his own brothers did not believe in him and all that is recounted surprisingly in psalm 69 but here it predicts those things which should have been the source of nourishment and blessing to israel but became the occasion of the rejection of god a snare and a trap and a stumbling block these david's terms here quoted by paul the table of course is just a a a synecdoche for the broader thing you use it she sets a fine table meaning not the table i mean her whole your her whole appointments right boy you got some neat wheels there guy you don't mean his wiggles you mean this whole car you know it's a synecdoche the specific for the general or the general for the specific you follow me it's a idiomatic term well table here the means of all the blessings from the hand of god which should have led them to christ and but they and a recompense to them that is god's judgment on them recompense that which you've got in return they bow down their back it says why because they re refused to receive god's truth they're searching for god and yet they refused the truth or it was only they were confronted with it how tragic their backs would be better under the weight of guilt and punishment is the idiomatic idea here verse 11 i say then have they stumbled that they should fall god forbid there again don't you know he's trying to keep you from making the wrong conclusions with that favorite ejaculation of his negative ejaculating male genoto and god forget forbid but rather through their fall salvation is coming to the gentiles for several reasons one is to provoke them to jealousy so yes they've stumbled they're not going to fall god's going to take his own and bring them up they're not they're not out of the game here and again you know the greek uh word is always a negative it let never be they do not stumble to fall permanently as a thought the niv tries to twist and put it by beyond recovery in other words by the test of the verb fell and the contrast with the verb translated stumble it implies implied the idea of falling beyond recovery you got to be careful with that israel experience not a permanent fall but a stumbling preserved for at least two divine purposes one is to offer salvation to the gentiles and that's what ephesians 2 is all about and then the second reason is to provoke them to jealousy to make israel envious to the provoking and jealous that's the deuteronomy 32 illusion but let's get back let's take a look at the ephesians 2 illusion here paul writes to ephesians wherefore remember that ye being in time past gentiles in the flesh who are called uncircumcision by that which is called the circumcision in the flesh made by hands that at that time ye were without christ being aliens from the commonwealth of israel and strangers from the covenants of promise having no hope and without god in the world but now in christ jesus ye who sometimes were far off are made nigh or near by the blood of christ that's the ephesians expression there in another place ephesians you get a similar thought here where he's talking about the you are members of his body of his flesh of his bones for this cause shall a man leave his father and his mother and be joined into his wife the two shall be one flesh drawing an analogy there in the marriage with christ and his assembly and that thing we're going to encounter in more depth when we attack the issue of what is this strange term the bride of christ what's all that about how is it different than the body of christ we'll talk about that and fourth corinthians 6 i'll deal with that let's get down to verse 12 in romans 11 now if the fall of them the israels be the riches of the world and the diminishing of them the riches of the gentiles got it so far how much more their fullness see in other words if we're blessed by their stumbling how much more will we be blessed when they're restored that's that's the flavor he's he's painting here the word diminishing here is a numerical word implying that not all are rejected somewhere it's just another hint that he's talking about a you know subset see the grammar requires that they will have more fullness and so on they will be coming into their fullness that's what we're gonna be dealing with here yes they've stumbled but they've got a surprise coming a big one it's not saying if we use the word if but it's when in the in the in the greek grammar okay now in verse 13 for i speak unto you gentiles see the roman church by the way he wasn't writing to the church at rome he was talking to chur christians that it were in rome many house churches but most were gentiles for i speak to you gentiles and as much as i am an apostle of the gentiles i magnify my office and so i want you to notice something to just follow this paul passion was for his countrymen for the jews but he knew he understood he reluctantly agreed that god called him to go to the gentiles peter and paul had that all understanding peter went to the jews paul went to the gentiles paul wished it was the other way around because he loved the jews but he knew that he that he he was the apostle gentiles from time to time he tried to deal with and he would always go to the jews first when he visited town and when they threw rocks at him then he'd finally okay in jerusalem he tried to speak to them and the romans had to get him out of there to save his life so that was that's the star of his life so i speak to you gentiles as much as i'm apostle of the gentiles i magnify my office he's focusing on that the special apostle of gentiles that's emphasized in acts 9 and of course in the galatians letters and he comes up several times twice in his ministry he had turned away from unbelieving jews to the gentiles very specifically acts 13 and 18 that's the key thought and he would do against once more in rome he'll do the same thing again but he goes on if by any means i might i may provoke to emulation them which are my flesh and might save some of them see he was hoping that even though he's not he's a minister of the gentiles he was hoping that by their growth and and and and fulfillment of their spiritual conditions that would get the jews envious and at least get some of them to wake up and get it right so he's called to the gentiles about his hearts with his countrymen verse 15 by and if by the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world what shall the receiving of them be but life from the dead widely misunderstood verse by the way because he's using it idiomatically but we're going to see it's a there's four conditions in the greek for the if clause this is the first condition meaning it is it's such a and it is we might use the term since rather than if here verse 15 and verse 12 are in a climactic relationship i'll show you in a minute here back in verse 12 it said now if the fall of them be the riches of the world and diminishing of them the riches of the gentiles how much more their fullness right um for if the casting away of them you see the two verses 12 and 15 are closing on this for if the casting away of them be the reconciling of the world what shall the receiving of them be but life from the dead strange phrase let's look at this carefully in verse 12 we have transgression riches and diminishing 15 you have casting away reconciliation life from the dead see some equate the life from the dead to israel's acceptance of christ in a spiritual sense that's not really what's in view here in many if they relate to the for like the first resurrection revelation 20. not a problem with that but that's not really what it's saying here uh they try to make it the resurrection of life is what they're trying to make the life from the resurrection passage that's really what it's referring to it's really referring to see the first resurrection is a category i want to clear up something else as we go here if we speak the first and second first resurrection is not an event it's a category of several events it includes christ's resurrection he was the first fruits matthew 27 the dead saints at the rapture those who are alive and remain were caught up together with him but those that are dead in christ rise first right those are the first resurrection the martyred great tribulation saints raised that christ's return the second coming those are all members of that category the first resurrection as incidentally so are the two witnesses in revelation 11. the believing old testament saints are part of the first resurrection in contrast to the second resurrection which is a different category that's going to include all the wicked dead to be judged at the great white throne judgment i'll explain those in a minute here the two events are cro are there they're not two events chronologically they're separated in time but they're categories because there's multiple events in each they're not simultaneous elements in uh and they're they're elements separated in time they don't happen at the same instant there are some verses that mention both but that doesn't imply they happen together many people get confused by that let's talk a little bit about judgments to get this or not because we're going to get into a lot of stuff here there is a judgment seat called the bema seat of christ it's called that for some misunderstandings but that's okay it's gonna the name will stick and if you don't pick up it's sort of well the number of these terms that if you don't use the if you if you try to be correct you'll get people confused so because everybody's heard about the meme scene the way it's usually presented is that the bema seat the bema seat was a seat where the judges gave the prizes to the athletes and so this is what they're trying to say is this is a place where everybody gets no one goes no one gets judged to hell they all get different measures of good things well that sounds good that's what it probably is it's i mean it's it's a gift of rewards but the word bema seat that's not that's not an accurate translation of it and i'll show you that in a minute we'll get into that a little bit but anyway at the bema seat the j people who are judged there are christians they're christians some have done really well some haven't done so well some get great stuff some don't get much yeah and there's we're going to get into that a little bit before it's all over and there's all kind there's kingdom parables about this that's the the ten talents the ten virgins those that were uninvited to the wedding fees there are a number of things that give us illumination as to the results of this and they will be surprising to many but we're not talking about anyone being cast into hell these are all before christ getting rewarded for their faithfulness it's also the place where the bride is called out of the body for there to be to participate in the marriage of the with the lamb the bride of the messiah strange term really because the old testament always talked about the adulterous wife of yodevave they're not the same the one the one is the church as we think of it the other is israel except in both cases the subset it's a subset and we'll talk more about that in the next session then we have another judgment called the sheep and goat judgment and you read about this in matthew 25 but the more you study it the more confusing it'll be because there are three different groups there some people call the judgment of the nations that's because they think the word their ethos means nations exactly means different peoples it's the term used for gentiles but it really means different peoples they're not judged as groups of judges individuals but they're from different groups italians whatever you know irish you name it okay but they're judged by christ there's two groups sheeps and goats and what determines whether you're sheep or goat how you treat a third group called his brethren that's the first thing you've got to understand there's really three groups involved how did you treat my brethren israel this occurs right after the tribulation there'll be a time of trouble on the planet earth the likes of which have never been happened before where being a christian will cause you death being a jew you'll be a subject of specific persecution but in that world there'll be some at risk of their own life that'll protect the jews they'll be the eric schindler types the corey ten boom types who at their own risk will at the end of that christ says how did you treat my people why when did you when you did to them you did it to me and many of the people that won that did well are surprised those that didn't do well are also surprised but here's the real shock they go on the basis of their works to hell or not you don't go well yes yes read it check it out mortals are these are mortal people these are not supernaturally resurrect these are mortals at the end of the tribulation he comes back they're mortal people there they're judged on the basis of works and the judgment there isn't something intermediate it is depart from me you cursed it into everlasting fire on the basis of works boy that shatters a lot of theology but there's some reasons for that but the other one that gets confused the third one that gets confused that's the great white throne as it's called from revelation 20. it's at the end of the millennium and that's where it's that's where all the bad guys get theirs all anybody that's been overlooked by then comes up before the great white throne is judged by their works and there it's disastrous and uh then that that ends the millennium that puts us into a new heavens not just a new earth a new heavens and a new earth and a new merging of the wife and the bride in the new jerusalem the order of events most of you know that by now i've been wearied with the daniel 9 summary where we have the interval and the seventh week of daniel prior to that 70th week there's the harpazzo the rapture according to first thessalonians uh for our yeah the second thessalonians two we know it comes before the antichrist the weeks defined by treaty of the antichrist they can't to to be powerful to formulate treaty has to have been revealed he isn't really revealed until after that process okay now there's an interval there we don't know how it could be an hour it could be 30 years we don't know there is an interval though between it's not necessarily co coterminous with 70 week daniel well up in heaven then we have the bema seat that's the first thing that occurs we have this judgment of christians who did well and who didn't do so well but they're all they're all saved those are all justified their passports say you can enter great but there's a lot more coming for those that have been faithful in fact one of the big things is the marriage of the land but we're all gonna be no no no no well who's the bride we'll get to that now meanwhile down on the earth this guy has risen to power he's made a treaty for with israel and uh right in the middle of that period that he promised he violates that sets himself up to be worshipped as what's called the abomination desolation and that's right in the middle of the seven year period and that's the most documented period time in the entire bible both old and new testament three and a half years 42 months 260 days do your own arithmetic it's named all those different ways the last half the tribulation the great tribulation is not seven years is three and a half people tend to use the term tribulation to mean the whole seventh week daniel but if you're going to be a skillful student in the bible be precise it's the 70th week of daniel if you talk about the seven years called the seventh week daniel you can't argue with that don't call tribulation that's confusing the truth the great tribulation was labeled by jesus christ himself referring to the last half and he's quoting daniel 12. he's quoting michael we'll look at that before it's all over anyway at the end of that seventh week the climax is this world war which ends in armageddon it's become an idiom in our language but no it's a real place a real war in real time and that's when the lord comes back in power called the second coming yes he comes back twice wants to gather his church and once on behalf of israel and that leads to the establishment of his kingdom for how long how long will he reign forever good for you not a thousand years his kingdom's a thousand years because then something else happens very good okay one of the first things he does is the sheep and go judgment rounds up those that were friendly to his people and it makes they're the sheep they get the good stuff the other guys boy tough stuff and that's where we have the marriage supper the feast that celebrates the wedding that confused me a long time until in sorting then my wife has really gone through over 50 experts through the centuries and sorting that out that doesn't mean we're correct but we come to the the inference that the marriage of the lamb is very intimate the marriage supper is still restricted but that's to celebrate the marriage and there's models that suggest all that we really we believe the marriage occurs in heaven but the marriage supper will be in the kingdom on the earth we'll come to that in a little bit right after that there's a strange period of time another 30 days and then another 45 days that mystifies everybody everybody's guesses no one knows exactly blessed is he that makes it all the way to the 13 35 and i think i suspect those have something to do with those judgments at the end of the thousand years we have the big one the great white throne and uh when that happens we haven't then the new heavens and new earth and the new jerusalem comes down into our reality interesting now what happens after the harpazzo the rapture in heaven judgment seat of christ marriage of the lamb on the earth we have the emergence of the world leader more than one there's a duet remember the great tribulation takes place the campaign of armageddon second coming of christ and that's when the davidic kingdom is established it shocked me to really yeah like most students are scholar a scholar of a bible scholarship in the dominican you'll read that in the old testament well that's israel's kingdom of david never connect the dots to realize no that's the old testament label for a week would call the millennium it's a davidic kingdom and it's part of the on the unconditional covenants that's what's so shock you see the church has sort of neglected the old testament it's got this idea that they somehow replaced israel so they don't pay attention to what israel is going to get if they did they'd realize that something's not correct here the lord's return harpazzo or death in christ or with him dwelling with him in the kingdom and what about this issue of paradise there's issues there and be with me in paradise and that's where we get our new resurrection body from first john 3 2. we understand that whatever it is is going to be just like christ we beloved has not yet appeared we shall be we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him because we shall see him as he is not a representation we shall see him as he really is wow the okiterian term appears only twice in the scripture once in the terms of what the angels that did evil disrobed from and the other place is used is the body that we aspire to in our resurrection body same word it's a technical term okay but the bema seat i want to talk a little bit about this second chronic corinthians 5 10 we shall all appear before the judgment seat of christ all of us that are christians you're not a christian you have to worry about it you've got other things to worry about but if you're a christian you still have a lot to be concerned over and first corinthians three tells you the ground rules every one of us will have our works tested by fire and there are two categories would hay sell gold silver brushes stones and if it doesn't get consumed you get rewarded if it doesn't you're still saved but you'll arrive as a refugee so to speak okay the bema seat it's a step pace or space where the foot covers a foot breath that technically it's a raised place mounted by steps a platform tribune the official seat of a judge of the judgment seat of christ herod built a structure resembling the throne in caesarea from which he viewed the games made speeches that's where people get the idea that this is just this isn't a real judgment wrong wrong and this of course is where the rewards are given out colossians 3 deals with that many other passages pilate judged christ in matthew 27 on a bema seat people overlooked that herod spent when he was smitten by worms there in acts 12. he was on a bema seat galileo was set in st paul he chose not to sentence him but he was doing it from a bema seat festus trial sentencing acts 25 on a bema seed this notion that's prevalent among many uh pastors is that the bema means well it's just a it's not a judgment it's a way you're going to give out gifts no uh-uh it is a judgment seat it's correct that no one's getting punished by it except in the sense they will not get their inheritances judgment seat of christ romans 14 elsewhere and we get rewards faithful yes some are going to be entrusted with special privileges some are not some are going to reign with christ 2nd timothy 2 revelation 3 some will not you're christians won't reign with them unless of course you've suffered with them unless of course there's some conditions some rich some poor some heavenly treasures of their own some not they're gonna be twelve areas of judgment how we treat other believers i gotta start being nice to pe dan here then huh yeah yeah how we exercise our authority over others oh boy how we employ our god-given abilities you're a steward you're going to be held accountable well i'm safe yeah of course the only people i'm talking about are saved the ones that aren't safe got other problems how we use our money that's going to be an issue before the judgment seat of christ boy i've got to re-examine some of my practices i'm pretty sloppy on some things i'm going to be held accountable to him how we spend our time that's probably the most biggest indictment of all do you mean i'm going to be held accountable for trivia those hours that i've wasted on nonsense i'm accountable for oh boy a lot of golfers are feeling very uncomfortable right now how much we suffer for jesus now that's a big one there are a lot of verses which underscore this suffering for christ not being obnoxious to others that's not considered a blessing but those that suffer for christ how we run that particular race which god has chosen for us boy how many of us are climbing a ladder and get to the top at the end of our life and realize it was leaning on the wrong wall boy does that describe a lot of careers that's true of me i was a i was an enthusiastic christian since i was a teenager bible studies pre-revelling prayer meetings when i was in service i mean all of that but then i got out of this i was busy buying and selling high technology companies served on 12 public boards i was doing my thing climbing the wrong ladder praise god i'm glad he kicked it out from under me i'm glad he did he read it i'm glad he did i really am glad and he did and uh we're on that particular race which god has chosen for us how effectively we can control the old nature you know it's interesting i don't lose my temper with people but i sure do against inanimate objects stuck drawers tools that don't fit quite right whatever yeah i confess to you there are signs there there are times in my life that i am astonishingly immature fortunately it's still against inanimate objects but that i'm still guilty am i controlling my old nature how many souls we witness to and when to christ how we react to temptation how much the doctrine of the rapture means you know that's that's a factor second time before the blessed hope is exactly that by the way well the blessed hope is general to many you know it's a very specific thing the love is appearing how faithful we are to the word of god and the flock of god that's the faithfulness that counts boy this changes your perspective you just paste these on your bathroom mirror ii peter 1 peter talking now besides this giving all diligence add to your faith virtue and to your virtue knowledge and to knowledge temperance and a temperance patience and patience godliness under godless brotherly kindness and to brother kindness charity if these things be in you and abound they make you that you shall neither be barren nor unfruitful in the knowledge of the lord jesus christ diligence virtue knowledge temperance patience godliness brotherly kindness and agape but he that lacketh these things okay let's this is the dark side but he that lack of these things is blind and cannot see afar off and have forgotten that he was purged from his old sins wherefore the rather brethren give diligence to make your calling and election sure if ye do these things ye shall never fall whoops wait a minute what's peter saying i just read romans 8. i thought we were eternally secure you are don't misunderstand me you are and yet what's he talking about here you need to make your calling and election sure what does that mean i thought we could just coast i mean you know i accepted christ i really have no doubt about that can i just i got it now i got it going now no well if you do these things you shall never fall for sown entrance shall be ministered unto you abundantly unto the everlasting kingdom of our lord and savior jesus christ let's take a look at paul did paul write romans 8 did paul have any doubt about his eternal security remember romans 8 i should have really worked it in the notes right about here just to remind you but i don't think i should have to right i'm persuaded that neither death nor life nor angels or principalities and their powers are you know the whole thing principalities so with neither height nor depth or any other korean thing she'll separate us from the love of christ or how he says timothy i know in whom i believe that he is abe he is able to keep that which i have committed unto him against that day did paul understand eternal security okay notice what he writes in his first letter to corinth chapter 9 verse 27 paul speaking i keep under my body and bring it into subjection lest that by any means when i have preached to others i myself should be a castaway you've got to be kidding you know who's speaking here paranoid paul paranoid paul that i myself should here's if he was a he was a type a right i have a feeling you know he didn't get ulcers he was a carrier he gave birth i myself should be a castaway what on earth is paul so afraid of all through his letters he writes like an athlete i'm pressing to the mark i'm i'm running the race to win running what race i thought you were saved i'm saved that's not his point that's what christ did for him what he's trying to do is not forfeit his inheritance do you think there's something that he's concerned about we might pay attention to how many of you are taught in your can give me a show up how many have you been taught about inheritance or losing your rewards not many people can have your hands up you don't hear that very often do you i can't if you're christians if you're not christians we should talk afterwards seriously don't leave here unless you know you are if you suspect you are it's not good come up and see me before it's over but i'm going to assume all of you accepted christ there's something we should be aware of my wife and i are so concerned about this we're writing a book on this very subject we divided 50 50. she does all the work i take all the credit no she really is i would just be flipping she really poured years into this and and uh it's re the lord is just a raised fog in our lives we've discovered things that to us at least we're new and exciting and but yet gripping because we're shocked at how we 50 60 years christians and attending many churches have never been taught that it's there clear in the scripture that no one is collected connect to the dots and don't don't listen to us connect your own dots but nowhere to look the body of christ how many are in the body of christ praise god i won't ask the other question because you don't know want anybody many members you have all the verses it's complete at the harpazzo not all that are saved are in the body of christ they're old testament saints there's others so let's not get into all that here but both the the dead and alive in the harbatzo are raised in unity ephesians 4 first establishments for etc now we get to another subject that everybody talks about but here we get a little fuzzy okay what's the bride of christ is that the same thing i don't think so you see a bride is usually a selection eve was a selection out of the body of adam that should tell us something huh it's the most intimate subset of the body so within the body of christ there is a i don't use the word remnant but i could use it eve was taken outside of adam genesis 2. eliezer who is the type of holy spirit commissioned by abraham to get a bride for isaac and he instructs him be very careful no one around here you go to our own people so he goes there by the way with ten camels that's a clue for another discussion when he gets there he selects the bride for isaac out of their own people right first point then you start studying brides in the bible ruth wash anointing put on thy reignment the bride always is wearing her own reignment but wait a minute our righteousness is given to us by christ yes but her righteousness is her righteousness something else going on here she used to wash ephesians 5 talks about that washing by the word first john 1 9 the christian's bar of soap as their described then she used to anoint herself remember the extra oil five virgins only five minute ten didn't i mean ten went only five made it to the wedding stuff that's interesting they were all saved but they weren't all selected holy spirit's given in response to obedience rebecca when she gets to to isaac when she first sees them but far off she puts her own veil on she the bride is always putting on her reign when you get to revelation 19 the bride of christ is arraigning herself in her arraignment that should bother you write herself in righteous acts robert 19 we are to keep our own garments we're instructed all through the scripture we don't pay attention because we are looking at it in a different sense our righteousness is christ indeed it is don't misunderstand me and yet our own arraignment is being accumulated it may not qualify not for salvation we're saved by the way wedding garments are expensive revelation 3 talks about that romans 12 is going to talk about it we'll bring that up there but as far as the wedding supper only the selected may attend not only maybe not not only or maybe not the bride you may not even be attending the wedding feast depends it depends on what the bema seed how'd you make out what kind do you get an e-coupon aquaculture only disneyland people catch that one okay the old disneyland people life from the dead is misunderstood to him the teaching that there will be one general resurrection of all humanity at one time fails to take all these distinct that idea is prominent presumed but wrong most almost every idea in the world and among christians about death in heaven and observation about heaven is wrong not biblical because we've never really gotten into it unfortunately here however the life of the dead appears to be used in a national sense incident that's pretty obvious from the grammar let's take a look at what's really going on there in ezekiel 37 this is ezekiel again he said unto me sorry man these bones speaking of the famous dry bones vision that we all know about in ezekiel 37 son of man these bones of the whole house of israel behold they say our bones are dried and our hope is lost we are cut off from our parts therefore prophesy and say unto them thus saith the lord god behold o my people i will open your graves and cause you to come up out of your graves and bring you into the land of israel that's being a resurrection speaking nationally this by the way predicts that the uh the heresy of the dominionist and kingdom now theologians by the way this whole ezekiel thing they are in the land then after they're in the land god gives them the spirit and uh all these arguments about this should have ended on may 14th the 48th because it's in the land there they are take a look and what's next on their schedule a terrifying war that's what daniel chapter 11 verse 36 to the end details for you but let's take a look this daniel 12 thing that's what jesus quotes about all of this he's this daniel writes at that time shall michael stand up the great prince which standeth for the children of thy people see the two named angels that we know about us forget lucifer obviously gabriel and michael have job descriptions gabriel is always on a job of announcing something about the messiah michael is a warrior prince he is always engaged in war on behalf of israel they're very specific guys apparently and there shall be a time of trouble such was never that never was since there was a nation even at that same time that's quite a statement that means it's gonna be worse than the holocaust in germany by a factor of more than two to one the holocaust and by the nazis took one two and three on the planet earth zechariah 13 verse eight and nine seems to indicate that two out of three will fall follow the next one and jesus is quoting this when he labels that period of time the great tribulation a time of trouble such as never since there was a nation even to that same time and at that time thy people shall be delivered every one that shall be found written in the book there are several books by the way time of trouble says there never was and he continues and many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake some to everlasting life and some to shame and everlasting contempt not at the same time necessarily that's another issue they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever so daniel describes by the way a lot more than took place at 70 a.d with all due apologies to those preterists that are on the radio saying ridiculous things these events are just before the resurrection the second coming the restoration of israel and all of that the restoration includes the resurrection of those that mr harpazzo by the way when israel is regathered there's going to be another resurrection that'll include those that were not there in the in the first one we're down to verse 16 romans 11 for if the first fruit be holy the lump is also holy and if the root be holy so are the branches first of two illustrations this is from numbers 15. you know they had when they entered canaan their first wheat harvest the instructors will take a cake from the from the ground and present it as an offering if the first part was holy then the whole uh harvest was considered holy is the idea see the cake made from the first ground was sanctified made made the whole harvest holy is the idea so some of the branches be broken off thou being a wild olive tree were grafted in that's you gentiles and with them the partakist of the root and the fast and theology in other words some of the branches were broken off but we were grafted in in their place right but we're supported by the olive tree not the other way around is this point there's gonna be the second illustration that a tree the root is holy so are the branches the branches of course are the israelites and the wild olive tree of course the gentiles they're made partakers of the same substance both illustrations both the wheat the harvest and the tree of the same idea what is considered first contributes its character to what follows after it boast not against the branches but if thou boast thou bearest not the root the root bears you we don't support abraham abraham supports us as the point is making don't be arrogant is the way nasb puts this and the root he's talking about here is called abrahamic root the root of the tree is the source of life and nourishment all the house abra is the father of all who believe in romans 4 went through all that back then so gentile believers are linked to the abraham in one sense they owe their salvation to him not vice versa we owe our salvation to him that's the point he's made he made that all this is repetitive from before so boasts not against the branches but if thou boast paris not the root root v this passage does not teach that national promise israel now being fulfilled by the church just the opposite paul said israel's fall is temporary not permanent all believing gentiles share in the blessing of abraham a covenant as abraham's spiritual children they do not permanently replace israel as the heirs of god's promises that's all through the scripture remembered by the woman of the women at the well in samaria john 4. samaritan she's asking where is salvation and before you when he answers some other questions salvation is of whom the jews indeed and just in that context we're getting down to the wire here romans 11 19 thou will say then the branches were broken off that i might be grafted in well because of unbelief they were broken off and thou standeth by faith be not high-minded but fear for if god spared not the natural branches take heed lest he also spare not thee so there's no room for arrogance here and this is again first-class condition assumed to be true since in other words since god spared not not if that he might not no it's the first condition of the four conditions and the there are gentiles and that's a message to america isn't it that's a message to america and this section explains the righteousness of god's sovereign choice which is the real point he got into all this israel's fall it's lost it's rejection in verses 11 12 15. the branch is broken off because of unbelief if god is a righteous in temporarily putting aside israel as a whole for unbelief he certainly could put aside the gentiles for boasting unharmed this is a cause this is a call to be cautious verse 22 behold behold therefore the goodness and severity of god on on them which failed severity but toward the goodness if thou continue in his goodness otherwise thou shalt be cut off he he summarizes whole discussion of god's sovereign choice in temporary putting israel aside corporately and proclaim righteousness by faith to all mankind we have this term goodness grossest christ moral goodness integrity kindness it's also used of god by the way in romans 2 in ephesians and elsewhere the word severity really apotomia sternness its only place that appears is here in the new testament however the adverb form of this meaning harsh or or sharply in second corinthians titus why should god have more patience with us than he did with faithless judaism god's continuing goodness to the gentiles depends on their continuing in his kindness that's sobering to consider if gentiles do not continue in god's kindness they also he's speaking of them collectively here not individually and this does not suggest that a christian can lose the salvation it refers to gentiles collectively suggested by the singular thou from the gospel such as the nation israel had done and if they if they also if they abide not still in unbelief they shall be grafted in for god is able to graft them and israel can be grafted in they here is israel and as paul wrote earlier anyone who calls on the name of the lord shall be saved okay the last verse of the evening fourth word cut out of the olive tree which is wild by nature and were grafted contrary to nature into the good olive tree how much more shall these which be the natural branches be grafted into their own olive tree that makes sense follow me where the where are they okay this is a much more another one of these much more passages and so okay you knew the grafting in the wild and the cultivated it's not the norm by the way he's using very actually idiomatically but the critical issue for you and i the destiny of israel is declared by god himself is strangely a controversy that divides the denominational churches from the biblical view it's a huge wedge you yourself need to study carefully to resolve this in your own mind it's critical if you are going to understand the times in which we live the verse that's going to be the pivotal verse in the whole study not just the the evenings but in the whole series of 24 of weeks where paul is next verse he says if but for i would not brethren that he should be ignorant of this mystery what's a mystery lest ye should be wise in your own conceits that blindness in part has happened to israel until the fullness of the gentiles become in that word until is the pivot point that we're all going to need to really understand so and the gentiles should come in come in where what's going on here and this is all going to be unraveled in our next session we're going to talk about israel's future part two this is this this is this was part one of three the part two we're gonna take on in the next hour a survey a review of the kingdom mysteries and it's going to be full of real surprises to to even to the sophisticated biblical student and so that's next time and in preparation that you want to review the covenants particularly the davidic covenant and with that let's stand for a cozy word of prayer
Channel: Bible Study
Views: 577
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Length: 70min 25sec (4225 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2020
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