Romans 1:17 Bible Study - Dr. Steven J. Lawson (part 1)

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and so alright Romans chapter 1 verse 17 we are in the heart of the gospel if there was ever a Bible study for you to be a part of this is it today so you're in the right place at the right time we're looking at Romans 1 and verse 17 and I want to begin just by reading this one verse and you may say well how could we spend a whole study on just one verse and my challenge is going to be to get it all in in one study this verse is easily the most important verse in the entire book of Romans okay this verse has been called the most important verse in literature period so the importance of this verse cannot be overstated it's the central theme of the book of Romans to understand this verse is to understand the book of Romans if it's that important so this is the Acorn in which the entire forest is found everything is flowing out of this verse that this is the heart that's pumping out in the blood into the entire book of Romans so let's look at now this mountain of truth that just flows Paul begins for in it and it's important that we understand what the it is the it is the gospel of Jesus Christ which has been the dominant theme verses 1 through 17 and just to point this out to you at the end of verse 1 the gospel of God in verse 15 I am eager to preach the gospel verse 16 I am not ashamed of the gospel so now everything is built up to this high-water mark to this crescendo for in it it's all in the gospel the righteousness of God is revealed now for us to get our arms around those few words the righteousness of God is revealed is to understand really the gospel we're in it the righteousness of two faiths we're going to get some thought to it is written and so Paul now goes back to Habakkuk 2 verse 4 and it really speaks to how well he knew the Old Testament that he could just dip back to one of the minor prophets and just pull out of the back of his mind Habakkuk 2 verse 4 and so he now quotes that for us the righteous man shall live by faith alright this is a blockbuster verse that this is the heart of the gospel and everything here in verse 17 revolves around this critically important word righteousness and it's probably a word that if we passed out paper and we asked everyone to write a definition of righteousness we might be circling the airport just a little while to try to land a definition of so what does righteousness mean so the point of beginning for us in this study is we need to understand what righteousness means and then the whole rest of the entire book of Romans unravels like a thread on a sweater and the whole sweater just unravels from this one word righteousness so if we understand righteousness we're going to understand the book of Romans if we miss this then we're just we've lost our ball in the weeds okay so Kant knows about that so it's called a mulligan so the word righteousness here's what it means it means conformity to a standard just write that down it means conformity to a standard and that the most succinct simplest kind of vernacular definition I can give you without giving you a long lengthy dense definition conformity to a standard and it's drawn from the marketplace in Bible times and a woman would go into the marketplace and she would want to purchase a measure of grain so she would go up to the merchant and expressed her desire I want to purchase a measure of grain he would push forward his scales and on one side of the scales he would pour out what he would think to be a measure of grain on one side of the scale so you can just see it now go like this he would then take one a one measure stone and place it on the other side of the scales and they would then go like this and he would see maybe needs to pour a little bit more grain on or take a little bit off until the scales were righteous until they were in perfect conformity such that what's on one side of the scales equals what's on the other side of the scales that's what the word righteous righteousness means and it's important for us to understand this this standard over here on this side is the absolute perfect holiness of God so what is being measured and required is that we be brought into conformity to God Himself to the perfect standard of God's own holiness which means primarily he's transcendent and majestic secondarily that he is flawless and blameless he's morally perfect now some people have the idea and on the other side of the scales is our life and some people have the idea that okay well I just need to be close to righteous in order to be right before God that God will grade me on the curve and I'm I am I am better than other people well on the on this side of the scales is not the average morality of an American on the other side is not the guys I hang out with and I measure up to that it's not my pastor is not my mother it's the perfect righteousness it's the perfect holiness of God is on one side of the scales and our life is poured on to the other side of the scales and it goes like this ooh you know when weighed in the balances we we have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God that is what the word righteousness means and if we could really trace this out more theologically I would just simply add this that there are curses and blessings associated with this there there is punitive punishment for failure to be in perfect conformity to the holiness of God and that's called hell that's called eternal punishment and there is blessing to be in perfect conformity to the holiness of God and that is salvation and all the blessings that come from that so the word righteousness means conformity to a standard and that standard is God's own perfect pure flawless blameless holy character holy holy holy is the Lord God Almighty now the whole rest of the book of Romans spirals out spins out of this word righteousness and I want to just now do a flyover of the entire book of Romans for you to show you how everything is bound up in this one word starting in the next verse chapter 1 verse 18 and extending through chapter 3 and verse 20 is righteousness demanded and it shows that we have all sinned it's Paul's case of indictment against the entire human race Jews have sinned and fall short of this perfect standard required by God Gentiles have sinned and fall short of this perfect standard required by God and then Paul summarizes in Chapter three and lumps it all together and says that every mouth is closed before God and the entire human race has been weighed against the perfect standard of God's holiness and is found wanting and as you see in chapter 1 verse 18 is under the wrath of God and the wrath of God is God's holy vengeance against all that is sinful and the infliction of his just punishment upon all that is sinful and is not perfectly in conformity to his own holiness so to put it in one word it is condemnation that we all lack righteousness we all are our fall short of the standard that is required by God and there's no grading on the curve there's no sleeping our sin under the carpet there's no looking the other way by God there's no pretending that it just never happened every sin will receive a just penalty more sin more punishment and hell will not be the same for everyone and some places of hell will be hotter than other places because God's taking it all down and and on the last day the books will be opened every single Idol word will be brought to the forefront every sin of what I did that I should not have done that I did not do but I should have done or what I did with a wrong motive and a selfish motive is possible to a right act with a wrong motive and that's sin God has the entire record permanently recorded in his books when you were in junior high school when you're in high school when you're at the frat party when you were overseas with the military what you said to your little sister what you said to your father growing up the entire record your your every thought your entire thought life every fantasy every idle word every slander every gossip god has impeccable records and it is the condemnation of the entire human race so that's that's big-boy football effect that's that's chapters one through the first part after three righteousness required righteousness demanded and we don't have any all our righteousness isaiah says is as filthy rags that means minstrel rags in the eyes of god the best you have to bring to the table God says that's that's like a woman's period rags in my sight we then move to the next section righteousness declared righteousness declared and it starts in chapter 3 verse 21 and it is what we call justification that when we believe in Jesus Christ when we put our faith in Jesus Christ the righteousness that God demands of us that we cannot provide God credits to our account he deposits to our account he declares us as a judge would declare a guilty criminal as we stand before God God declares us to be the righteousness of Jesus Christ now we have broken the law of God let's just take the ten commandments we have smashed to smithereens the moral law of God every single one of us every one of the Ten Commandments when Jesus came into this world he was born under the law Galatians 4 4 and 5 so that he might keep the law that you and I have broken and Jesus for over 30 years perfectly obeyed the standard that we are being measured against and it is called his active obedience and the active obedience of Christ is critically important just as his substitutionary death upon the cross because we are saved not only by the death of Christ we are saved by the life and the death of Christ and and that's critical to understand this because you don't hardly ever hear that from a pulpit you don't hardly ever hear that in a Bible study so you need to take careful note of this Jesus obeyed the law that you have broken in your place he lived in your place and kept the law that you and I have bro and again and again and again so that when we now believe in Christ God takes his perfect conformity to the moral law of God and now credits that to our account declares us to be the perfect righteousness that Christ lived under the law that's unbelievable you need far more than forgiveness of sin forgiveness of sin only washes away your sin but that only gets you back to the zero zeros don't go to heaven you have to have a positive righteousness positive righteousness in order to be accepted before God and this righteousness comes through Jesus Christ there is no righteousness for us outside of Christ we failed to conform to the standard Jesus lived and perfectly conformed to the standard in our place and that active righteousness he secured it he he with his own sinless life lived the life that you and I cannot live have not lived will not ever live he lived it in our place he met the standard he conformed to the standard and God takes that and now declares it to be ours in the act of justification and here's another thing you need another the word justification and the word righteousness come from the very same Greek root word they come into the English language as if they one's right feel the others left feel they don't even sound the same you go into the original language in which Paul wrote this very same Greek root word justification means God brings the gavel down and declares us to be the righteousness of God in Christ in Christ so that chapters in Romans chapter 3 21 through the end of chapter 5 now we're going to keep going starting in chapter 6 of the book of Romans and going halfway through chapter 8 is now righteousness pursued and it is living the Christian life and we now daily must pursue practical righteousness the standard is Jesus Christ himself and we are daily now being shaped and molded and conformed hear that word conformed into the image of Jesus Christ I am becoming less and less of what I once was I am becoming more and more of what Jesus is I am now talking more like Jesus I'm thinking more like Jesus I am I am obeying more like Jesus that is practical righteousness justification is what we would call positional righteousness it doesn't we don't live perfect we're just declared to be perfect before God if you see the distinction now what Paul will argue in the book of Romans and this is critically important everyone who is genuinely justified will begin this pursuit of practical righteousness such that you can tell who's saved and who's not saved by looking at the fruit in their life Jesus said you'll know them by their fruit we're not we're not to judge one another in a sensorial sense but we are freed inspectors and we are to be looking for fruit in our children's lives we're to be looking for fruit with people we come in contact with if I need to know do I to witness to you the gospel or not and sanctification becomes a validation that you're actually a real Christian because we see the evidence of it no fruit means there's no root if you have the root of justification by necessity there will be the inevitable fruit of sanctification it's a package deal they go together and down here in the buckle of the Bible Belt then here in in Texas there are a lot of people who say they're a Christian and assume that they are justified but there's no sanctification yourself deceived you've talked yourself into this because if you're truly justified you will be pursuing sanctification practical righteousness your life will be increasingly progressively over time becoming more and more like the standard of Jesus Christ okay now let's keep moving the last part of Romans eight is righteousness secured that you cannot lose this righteousness that God has declared you to be and he will build this extraordinary argument those whom he foreknew he predestined and whom he predestined he called and whom he called he justified and whom he justified he glorified God's golden chain of salvation it's it's it's an irrevocable declaration by God of the righteousness of Jesus Christ to us so if you are in Christ today if you have been justified you are as certain this moment for heaven as if you've already been there ten thousand years you're not going to be justified on the last day you're justified now and if you're not justified now you may not ever be justified but we're not waiting for the final verdict on the last day we've already settled out of court and we have been declared righteous we are now pursuing a practical righteousness and it is it is predestined that this righteousness belongs to us and can never be taken away from us and Paul goes into this huge thing at the end of Romans 8 and and you know these verses for I'm convinced that neither death nor life and their angels nor principalities nor things present nor things to come nor powers nor height nor depth nor any other created thing will be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus and a few verses earlier he says God is the one who justifies who is he who condemns I mean no one can overrule God's verdict so that let this righteousness secured we'll call glorification so here are the key words condemnation justification sanctification glorification it's a package deal it's not a multiple-choice we get to pick three out of the four it's all or nothing and it all is related to righteousness then in chapters 9 through 11 is righteousness predestined are chosen and it's Paul's extraordinary case for the doctrine of sovereign election and he uses the chosen people of Israel and shows that well not all Israel's Israel they are an electorate that has been chosen for salvation inside the nation and then he says yea and Gentiles too are chosen for this righteousness and it is the most extraordinary case for the absolute sovereignty of God in salvation and if you're in Christ this morning if you justified ultimately it is because God chose you by himself and for himself in eternity past before the foundation of the world it's all God and so Paul will wrap up this whole section at the end of Romans 11 chapter 11 and verse 36 and it's my favorite verse in the Bible and people ask me to sign one of my books I signed my name and I put Romans 11:36 underneath my name because it's the most massive verse not only in the Bible there is no statement in all of any language that talks this verse it's the most all-inclusive statement in the universe there is nothing outside of Romans 11 verse 36 everything is inside of Romans 11 verse 36 and if you understand Romans 11 verse 36 you sir are a good theologian and if you don't understand Romans 11 verse 36 you're in VBS backyard Club okay I mean you're in t-ball okay and your dad's soft tossing you a little lollipop to hit so Romans 11:36 let me just at least read it with all that build-up okay you're probably wondering wow where have I been that's a good question please ask haha so Romans 11:36 for from him and through him and to him or what all things do you think any things outside of all things all things is all things there's nothing outside of all things this is how absolutely sovereign God is my friend even the devil as Martin Luther said is God's devil and God is using the devil for God's own purposes so from him that means every God at the architect he is the author of this gospel he is the provider of this righteousness through him he is the applier of this righteousness and to him he is the aim of this righteousness he's the author of it or the architect of it he is the applier of it and he is the aim of it and it's all about him it's not about us it's all about him and at the end of verse 36 is the only rational logical response that there could possibly be if we don't conclude as Paul does at the universe 36 we didn't understand the first part of the verse when you understand the first part of the verse you get you will respond with the latter part of the verse to him the the glory forever amen or if you're pressed carryin amen Derek so this is Paul Paul just ties up chapters 1 through 11 with that statement if all of God he provided the gospel he provides faith he provides repentance he provided the Savior he provided the righteousness he provided everything and then he's the one who applied it in your life working in and through you and it's all for his own glory and if it was any part of us then it wouldn't all the glory would not go to God now chapter 12 to the end two chapters 12 through 16 it's just righteousness practiced and it is the practical spelling out of Romans 6 7 in the first part a what it looks like in a practical way in your life you remember I told you a couple of times ago I had a professor he said he was going to come here each one of us preached he's going to sit on the front row and all of a sign had two words on it so what in other words guys you're going to have to get through the doctrine and get to the exhortation and if there is no exhortation there is no preaching and if there is no exhortation you are a bridge that's not connected to the other side your bridge that's only connected to one side of the chasm and so beginning in chapter 12 verse 1 the word therefore is that is maybe the most important therefore in the Bible because it's the bridge from Romans 1 through 11 to 12 through 16 and chapters 12 through 16 gets down into the nitty-gritty and just the sowhat and Paul tells us how this is fleshed out in our daily lives he becomes painfully practical Christianity is unbelievably practical it's not a head game it's not a mind game it's not us sitting in an ivory tower and staring at our navel and answering philosophical questions no one's asking it is down and down in the weeds down in the roots getting down into the fabric of our lives how we live every moment of every day and by the way that's what the word believe has in English language by live how you buy live which you really believe you live by everything else just talk everything else is just you're just checking a box but what you live by is what you really believe so chapters 12 through 16 is this practical righteousness pursued and how we are to be increasingly living in conformity to the standard of God's own holiness which is revealed in Jesus Christ okay now let me just stop for a moment I usually wait till the very end before I throw it open for questions but let me just just drop anchor here for a moment what questions would anyone have what what thought would you like to put out on the table I know this was crystal clear in the teaching so any questions on you really just know it's obviously it's a lot to get our arms around in it and I'm trying to measure my words with it be as economic as I can be and not be long-winded to go through this whole thing so be here okay I understand the righteousness of God I want the righteousness of God but I'm not certain that hey yeah you know I've been around in all the time but I'm not certain about it yeah yeah then one you come out of surance of salvation yeah like like how I know for sure well first of all you need to know the gospel itself that it's not by my works it's not by my righteousness it's exclusively by the righteousness of Jesus Christ his sinless life his sin bearing death my faith my total commitment of my life to Christ that's really where assurance of salvation begins I mean do you understand what you put your faith and trust in because you just can't commit your life to thin air I mean you have to know the truth and the word faith as we've talked about true saving faith three components mind heart will simple mind heart will you've got to know the gospel with your mind you've got to be persuaded of the truthfulness in your heart and give assent to it and then with your will take that step of faith and commit your life to Jesus Christ not just think about it not just pray about it but actually as an act of your will you commit your life to Jesus Christ and nobody else can do that for you your mother can't do it for you your roommate can't do it for you your wife can't do it for you this is a personal commitment of your life to Christ so that's really where assurance of salvation begins some people have committed their life to thin air some people have committed their life to two to just religiosity have committed their life to their own morality have committed their to the church have committed their life to their pastor have committed their life to the 10 commandments have committed their life to trying to do good that that's like grabbing ahold of a rope of sand and trying to pull yourself up you're not going up you're going down so that's where it begins second it involves seeing this fruit of righteousness being produced in your life do you see your life do you see yourself being conformed into the image of Jesus Christ do you see yourself becoming more like Christ so Christianity is Christ Christianity is not Church Christian is not a Bible study Christianity is Christ Christ I'll get you in church and Christ will get you into Bible study but you can know the Bible and go to hell you can be a member of a church and go to hell Church won't say the Bible say you won't save you Christ is the Savior so you've got to commit your life to Christ and when you do you begin to follow Christ and you you begin to live like Christ you begin to imitate Christ that's what it is to be a Christian you what the word Christian means literally means a little Christ it's a diminutive form of the word Christ means you are a Christ at you know whatever the masculine talk promote Christ at is that's what you are you're a little crime so you need to be thinking like Christ you need to love what Christ loves you need to hate what Christ hates you need to live like Christ lived you you need to mimic Christ that that's what being a Christian is and you do it in the power of the Holy Spirit this isn't like going on a diet you know and you just grit your teeth and I'm all-in let's just do this you know which never happens and it just never happens it's only by the power of the Holy Spirit does it happen and Paul will labor that at the first half of Romans 8 okay now the last way you know that you're saved there is the inward witness of the Holy Spirit the inward testimony of the Holy Spirit and that is subjective but the one who convicted you and called you and converted you confirms you in the truth and I know that I know that I know that I know that I'm saved because within the Holy Spirit is pulling strong on my heart that I belong to Christ and is bearing witness to me that I belong to Christ and that too is in Romans 8 the first half of Romans 8 and so that's how you know you're saved and that that's huge especially in this part of the of the world I go preach up in Boston in New York nobodies have no no one's struggling with assurance of salvation up there basically because no one's saved that there is ever a few people I go to California I mean you're either you know if you're in or out I mean it's the most polarized place on planet earth I mean you're either the biggest nut who ever walked the earth or you're the strongest Christian who ever lived and nobody's straddling the fence in California because you're going to be shoved one way or the other okay there's no gray area but in the south and in the southwest there's a lot of gray a lot of gray people born in church grew up in church daddy was a deacon alright we got a little plaque on the punchbowl and fellowship hall you know all that stuff the last Hertzog founded with the first rule I made in the elders meeting there will be no plaques in this church with anyone's name on it okay nobody's hanging on on by a thread of some kind of salvation because you're related to here is names on that plaque or you knew them whatever okay so here in the South you really need to have a genuine assurance of salvation and I'll tell you the worst thing in the world is to be unsaved but think you're saved and to wake up in hell how did I get here I thought I was waking up in the New Jerusalem and I just woke up in hell and I'm never getting out of here ever it's called self-deception and you have so convinced yourself that you're a Christian you've learned the vocabulary you know where which pew to sit in you know what to wear you know how to answer a few questions you know when to be quiet you know which Christian concert to listen to and you just fit in you just blend in that is called being lukewarm you're just room-temperature you just fit into your environment perfect look you're not hot you're not cold you just lukewarm and Jesus said ispeed lukewarm out of my mouth and it's a stronger word than speak it means I vomit you I regurgitate I just throw up that kind of an empty confession it's a dead testimony in Matthew 7 talks about it not everyone who says to me Lord Lord shall enter the kingdom of heaven but he who does the will of my father who is in heaven that person will be clearly evidenced by the fruit of obedience in their life now let me just quote that verse one more time I'm not quoting a commentary and I'm not quoting a systematic theology I'm quoting Jesus who is the truth who is the head of the church not everyone who says to me Lord Lord and it's repeated like Lord oh you know me Lord Lord you know me shall enter the kingdom of heaven but he who does the will of my father that is not saying that you must earn your way into the kingdom of heaven by doing good works it is saying today you will reveal that you're in the kingdom by your path of obedience no obedience it's obvious there's they know just no justification there's no sanctification there's been no regeneration you're just saying Lord Lord till you're blue in the face and then he goes on to say in that last day many will say to me Lord Lord same group did we not prophesy in your name cast out demons you name do many wondrous works in your name I mean we're down at the church we're at the Bible study we even preached we cast out demons no you didn't you were so self deceived about your entire life you actually thought you were casting out demons and you thought you were prophesying and you thought you were doing good leads in reality you were doing nothing you were play-acting and that's what the word hypocrite means when it puts on a mask and plays a role on a stage you were just playing the part so not everyone who says to me Lord Lord will enter the kingdom of heaven but here does the will of my father on the last day many will say to me Lord Lord did we not prophesy in your name did we not cast out demons did we not perform many wondrous works and I will say into them in that day never knew you now I know all about you I just never knew you I never had a personal relationship with you so Kent your question I didn't mean to go off on an excursion that your question is critically important because what we're talking about here is do you have the righteousness of God or do you not have the righteousness of God and if you don't have the righteousness of God you're in big trouble so come back to Romans 1:17 and we've just got a minute and I told you we wouldn't be able to get this all in because you're not listening fast enough okay Matt if you're not listening fast enough okay so let me just pull out one thing and then we're going to come back to this next Thursday morning in verse 17 for in it in the gospel the righteousness of god that little prepositional phrase of god huge huge we're going to make a mountain out of an apparent molehill this means the righteousness that comes from God and it means it's God's own righteousness yesterday I pulled out my Greek dictionary and looked up this word just like let me just bore down what does this word of me I ever thought about the word of me in this context it means the righteousness that comes from God and it means that it is the righteousness that belongs to God has come to us so every one of us is clothed and either our own righteousness or God's righteousness and if we're clothed in our own righteousness I mean we just have to filthy rags on or kicked out of God's presence God provides the righteousness for us here's the sentence what God requires God supplies and God will not lower the standard 1/2 inch to meet anyone where they are God's not going to meet us halfway the standard is what the standard is and the standard is God Himself the standard is God's own holiness and so the conformity that God requires to his own perfect holiness God supplies in the gospel so when we believe upon Christ and believe the gospel God takes his own righteousness in Christ and supplies it gives it to us declares it to be ours deposit it into our account clothes us with it so the great exchange of the cross all my sin taken off me placed upon Christ he bore my sin his righteousness taken from him placed on me I now have his righteousness and when Martin Luther came to this text he was converted by this text Romans 1:17 Martin Luther 500 years ago and when he came to this verse it was like every light in the room went on and in a moment he saw it that what God demands God supplies and he could his faith in Christ and he was justified before God Martin Luther called this righteousness you can write this down he called it an alien righteousness a foreign righteousness meaning outside of himself it comes from another realm it comes from another Kingdom it comes from another country it's foreign to us it's alien to us it has come down from God himself and it was secured by Jesus Christ in his mission here upon the earth and that was spelled out in verses three through five of Romans 1 so it's Christ's perfect righteousness given to us our sin given to him that's a good deal that that's buy low sell high that that you want to get in on that deal you want as much of that action as you can possibly get okay you'll never hear better news than that I don't care how long you live I don't care where you go I don't care who you listen to you'll never hear better news than the good news of the gospel of Jesus Christ so let's just wrap it up here we'll actually pick it up here next time because there's still some meat on the bone there's still some coins on the table okay and we still need to finish this this is so important it's like we're standing on top of Mount Everest let's just let's just enjoy the view for a moment okay because it's going to be a tough walk down and back killed me to get up here let's just enjoy the view because this is as good of a view as you're going to get this is the heart of the gospel so I need to wrap this up let me just say a word to those watching on live stream thank you for joining us people are joining us all around the world from Singapore to Dubai to Iraq to Europe to Africa Mexico all the world thank you for joining us for this Bible study we're going to be here next week this very same time and and we're going to to finish out verse 17 because there there is some great truth remaining in verse 17 that we need to get our teeth on okay so let me just close in a word of Prayer men thank you for being here and you have to be here next week okay if you're going to go to heaven and I really want that for you okay I really want that for you then you're going to have to be here next week all right despite everything I said earlier you have to be here next week to go to heaven so so let me just close in a word of Prayer father thank you for providing this righteousness for us we cannot conform to your standard the best of us fall short we can't do it we are condemned but thank you that you have provided one to stand in our place and to live perfectly where we have failed and to die on the cross and take our sins far away thank you for the Lord Jesus Christ and now this perfect righteousness that you have provided for us I praise you be with these men and as they live today help them to pursue a practical daily righteousness help them to be more and more conformed into the image of Jesus Christ and help them tell others this message that we talked about today in Jesus name Amen moving amen alright see you men next Thursday 7 o'clock breakfast early and can't wait Kent's getting a bigger table here so we can get a few more people into the room so smaller table and more chairs yeah we're putting a balcony in right up here so so go back get some more food see you guys oh thank you yeah thanks for coming yes sir man you got to come back now thank you okay good that we really want to be well well for your soul we get daddy great hey great
Channel: The Theology Forum
Views: 11,410
Rating: 4.7874398 out of 5
Keywords: Romans 1, Romans 1:17, Romans, Bible, New Testament, Steve Lawson, Steven Lawson, Bible Study, study, romans bible, romans bible study, gospel, rightousness, justification, sanctification, salvation, holiness, fruit bearing, christianity, one passion ministries
Id: opDPmoVK0M8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 19sec (3079 seconds)
Published: Sun May 21 2017
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