Rolling the Dice like a Madman! | Brotato Modded

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hello everybody it's if you're again with another booty run and today I'm gonna be doing a run with I would say Jack this guy makes every enemy be borderline a boss so what does that mean he gets 75 more damage against Boston Elite okay that's good and then two arms and moments he will drop from enemies but 75 less enemies but 200 more Health on enemies and also more damage enemies so pretty much everything is in the lead now this part here the damage in Boss Elites damage that does not count for normal enemies so this does not work on these guys but it works on the actual bosses Because the actual bosses will also have 250 more health so you need to be able to somehow beat them so for the item itself I was thinking about going either for flame or luck I'm gonna say let's go lock dice wand so this thing is the lack damage based weapon and the attacks will flip between uh low damage and high damage and it's gonna change based on luck so we're gonna be pretty much playing with dice against bosses the idea being so seven damage 12 damage let's go one Enemy At A Time seven four seven three we low roll on that guy 13 instantly really nice really nice good so the first wave is all is 55 coins if I get less than 55 coins then that means this character here makes less money through his passive if I get more yeah we got less so this character makes less money than normal what do we want between these choices I would say we want harvesting yes to gain money because this guy's not gonna get money attack speed and range and not this really I would like to just get more weapons poor armor really good one hour and one harvesting for the rest of the game I'm so lucky that I got this this really what is this Weapon by the way Elemental flat not good not good Elemental flat is not a good thing but they're gonna definitely get the bag as we're gonna be like build in the first place am I white beard what did I get more armor yeah literally in Whitebeard although the idea is that it's this thing down here by the way this here is my arm right now but I look like white beard man I'm ready to tremble the whole board if this becomes a short night it was gonna put in the white good meme I don't know come on man two two two are you serious right now shooting 10 on this wow the fact that I literally shot a 10. can I please get the tree thank you pd4 plus one uh Elemental damage armor I I need luck by black very nice so this now rolls from 73 to 77. get the bag roll them trees then one hit most likely just roll them yes at long last we got an item let's go I need the trees down one hit because right now I'm doing so little damage eight six four oh no oh no we're so weak oh no we're so weak rolling the dice at the speed of this like I'm still gonna make money out of harvesting because I got the bullish armor for dearly but making low money is so bad in this game because you just lose the Snowball Effect going into this and this tree is just straight I'm not gonna die I'm guaranteeing you that much so uh yeah I obviously need to destroy hit trees in one head yeah I'll kill this guy 3d6 coins let's go it's right here and here I definitely need the percentage base damage roll them away and this is not good having two of these though plus a tree is gonna help us and now I'm actually wearing something normal I'm not looking weird anymore it started hitting I definitely need levels to start gaining luck and I also definitely need to get some items that say I need the items that say plus five percent damage and five percent more enemies so that I can fix the downsides of you know this character pretty much as having low enemies is really really really bad because we don't get the XP we need even though it looks like we're fighting boss after boss after boss we're just making so little money out of this hit the tree please thank you but it's okay we're gonna be busted we're gonna be busted we're gonna start scaling stuff 44 Health nice uh what is this web by the way range roamental like an elemental okay so we want the luck no no no no no no no ten we got the five lag though we got another one and we keep this there we want this is so bad I'm panicking all over the place I'm no I want this for sure two armor and yeah two armor is really good I don't care about this anymore I do need the damage though although I don't no I need the weapons I need to get my weapons in order and I'm getting Elemental damage out of Elemental tree thing but um yeah it's not really something to write home about let's continue on you know what mod I would like to see I would like to see a mod that says increase the level six increase the six or something you know perfect sets perfect sets that's what the name of the mod should be perfect sets and what it does is when you have six times the same set the sixth level is better so it should be one elemental 12 months three available for the middle and then 10 elements of the sixth level because you know the idea of keeping the same set item should be rewarded as that's pretty much restricting yourself although as far as I understand everybody is playing the game with one weapon at a time unless they play a character that you know says for each melee weapon you get more range damage and for each range game you can manage or whatever but every character me included every player playing I mean Miss Once In A Time most of the time but not always but most other people that play this always go with only one weapon so rewarding them for that might not be the best idea Health Region against Dodge I'm gonna say yes to that here let's get harvesting yeah then like let's go so this now does minus 60 to plus 84. so this is becoming more powerful by the minute and we're gonna definitely by the piercing 20 less wow so this did not have a negative piercings that are associated with it very nice yes minus 51 to minus 99 so this becomes better it scales faster with uh your luck oh that's really good and it still gets 3D to 60. yeah this part is the same but it makes sense that this is the same because this part here scales and this part here is damaged anyway right so whatever let's let's roll them yes and range is also a yes let's go especially when it's not gonna cost 20. why have the little shield on my head I love it I love the little shield on my head what is The Shield by the way it's the ice armor I guess yeah what is this it looks like they're so stupid I love it still I love it I love it let's continue attacking which reason what not seems like this is wave 6 by the way which is the wave I'm supposed to have six weapons but the thing is that there are so few opponents spawning here you know what a good indication of if we get less money or not is if at wave 9 which is the 500 coins wave we get less than 500 coins and unless my build isn't powerful enough to destroy everything at that point which it might very well not be I have only 16 life I just realized we are on the weaker end of everything man live defense damage everything but we're gonna fix it we're gonna fix it Jack's gonna fix it 15 luck let's go yes yes yes roll them tournament damage yes and definitely this because quick chance wants a great name for this times two two times two hmm yeah but Microsoft damage armor this is just so good I cannot pass it up this is definite no I'm not gonna get a minus six lucky yes and yes we got the god things we got the god things boys we got the one another damage at the end of each wave let us go and we also got a lucky a rare weapon next and now we're one shotting opponents it seems now now we're getting to places now we're getting places yo imagine if I get a hundred luck the damage is Gonna Roll between zero percent more damage to 100 more damage so luck is gonna just take us out of not take us out but it's gonna just make a scale insanely fast and the fact that the weapon itself also gets damage from luck makes luck double dipping right because each point of luck is first of all 10 more damage because of the luck roll thing associated with this as I see it's one to one ratio on whoa we almost died there 10 damage is what I took don't kill us please please I mean I'm definitely dying if you're seeing the video right now spoiler alert I won 25 coins I know everybody's like I just realized then luck let's go I should also see if it's actually one to one 42 200 57 293 let's buy this this and this rolling for 10. live still is really good especially because I don't have any type of healing damage in lifestyle is also good and Max life is also good and Max life is also good and Max life is also good let's go wave 8 next wave is the gold wave but can I get 100 coins here so I what excuse me hello main menu yes resume go to wave okay let's double check if the issue is locking everything in the shop nope okay I'm gonna lock everything in the shop now and then we're gonna play the wave and we're gonna see if we bugged out the game but what I can do by the way is go to options go to game Busters and just say you know what spawn a mini multiplier boom times 1.5 so this should make it so that opponents actually appear yep so I'm obviously gonna chip it like this now because you know the game is exploding and whatnot at least for this wave next wave I'm gonna dial it down again because that was just extremely stupid what happened there I I don't know what made that happen to be honest to be completely honest that was weird by the way weird extremely weird and now I'm gonna dial it down again because at this point I don't think opponents spawn that little anymore unless they do no no now it should dial back to what the game only is no it is actually bugged okay it's actually bugged well it is what it is so in case you don't know the Wave Always slowly becomes bigger and bigger so my assumption here was that the wave was gonna become its decent size again after you know those first initial 30 seconds or whatever but nope it seems like it was straight up completely bugged out and yeah it is what it is can we do anything about that it's a good thing we have the game Busters that fixes issues like that in a blast and now we're gonna obviously rotate back the game Busters because I don't want to use them let's go with more trees of course let's get to warmer to lose let's get 15 attack speed and let's actually rotate back in the game Busters you see we can literally fix the bugs by using mods and we're gonna buy all of these as we literally have premeditated XP gain is good but I don't care about that much because we're lock build the HP healing from drops is really good as we are luck because I just mentioned richance is on the higher end we do want cure chance so I don't want to take this I mean I have to speed anyway let's roll them sponsored to it no this damage no roll them Rich Hansen Dodge yes we lose a bit of fringes also yes and I also want this I want both of these better this one right now and lock that down and let's go okay now we're back into not bad bug defect so as I said this is the wave nine this is the wave where you're supposed to get 500 coins let's see how much money we're gonna make because this character has less opponents on the void spawning I'm gonna guarantee you're not gonna get 500 coins I'm not guaranteed I I will hope that we get 500 coins because if we do then obviously this character is really good for this as fighting one Runner is extremely easy in comparison to fighting 50 at the same time but the 50 Runners do give you that amount of money as I mentioned I'm not seeing us get the money right now I'm not I'm straight up not seeing it happen but so be it man so be it that's the balance of this whole idea right you get less money because you fight less opponents in general though there is no reason to yeah I mean that that's it that that's the balance of the idea they don't want you to go out of hand completely by over scaling because of the money you're making well at the end of the day this is not even remote exclusive 500 coins so this character makes very little money very little money 50 tax speed this is guaranteed trouble so I'm gonna go for 15 luck here we go found it so let's see the damage so this is from 57 to 93 from 42 to 108 57 93 4208 boom and from 57 52.98 and this is 3D 703 so this is not even remotely close to one to one ratio not even remote to close neither of these are really multiplexed one-to-one ratio and then there's Xbox Live playing electric burst I mostly care about this switch here so I'm gonna buy that also buy this chance to deal damage racing luck obviously yes we are luck build engineering no the loops like no live streams yes more enemies this here is the god tick because the more enemies is a stat here and as you see -75 boom minus 65 if you understand the difference because percentage based negatives are extremely more negative than percentage-based positives going from zero percent to plus 10 is not as crazy as going from minus 75 to -65 minus six and then like we just gained a lot of enemies and therefore a lot of money so this is a really good one the difference is it's going to be very very very sizable and I don't mean it and it's gonna be more than 10 if somebody wants to come down and do the math exactly and why exactly that is and how correct that is or not because I might be wrong right I might very well be wrong so if somebody is good at math with Statistics and wants to explain why I'm right or why I'm wrong you know everything is acceptable comment down below and if I read the whole comment and it seems correct to me I'm gonna pin it so you can go ahead and read the math and see like oh you know what sift has an opinion but at the end of the day because opinion was math based it was wrong or you know how does it do it he has math based opinions that are mainly from uh experience and not from actual math because I'm not doing the actual math term just projecting in my mind what the actual thing is uh I would say nine percent movement speed and here I would certain luck let's go with or more yes on these Maxi screen Health definitely we don't care about our stats once again we are a mental and luck so we don't care about range damage knockback is relevant range is good range is always good that's good range a bunch of damage against armor honestly no that's too risky already we have very little Elements by that our degree do not get one shot I'm gonna say yes and also definitely attack against damage because the no no rolling for 3D chessboard armor let's go and triangle of power definitely by 20 damage and also damage based on your luck when you pick up materials and I don't care about this we're gonna buy the triangle part let's go with the next wave wave 11 which should be an elite wave excuse me what excuse me what ah wave 12 is sorry sorry everything's good I don't want to restart the million times I thought this was an elite wave it's okay well we got a lot of money out of that so we should leave the money on the ground and go ahead and pick it up the moment something appears that is dangerous like this because the money does damage based on what we have going on so there is no reason the damage of the money or or as others would say the power of money huh get it because money power damage I don't know it's very obvious I don't know why I say get it I I really need to stop saying get it I I made it for some reason for some reason I decided to make the word the words get it as if I'm saying a joke I think that I say but it's not from anything like nobody of my friend none of my friends is talking English I'm watching English Siri English English series and I'm also watching anime with English subtitles and nobody's saying get it so I don't know from where I got that I really don't and I guess some kind of psychologist could say anyway let's continue lighting damage blah blah blah no let's get roll them let's get nine dollars or one armor let's get nine Dodge I would say like all those better crit chance what's my quick chance it's one percent so crits have a chance to heal definitely yes I'm trying to look power yes until Monday against Max life apply that through the Frozen invisible cause exclusion yes why not just for the stats Christians and Dodge against range yes uh [Music] Dodge against arm War yeah that's worth it most of the time and middle damage against Great chance no for one message speed though yes three percent great chance for Mike's life okay Elite let's see how this is gonna go my random damage against your random attacks by the way my armor is on the lower end of things I want to repeat that so uh we are very very much in a dangerous zone now this pattern of the enemy boss is so cool that he slides you to theoretically try to go away from him but the trick is to go closer to him I love this man I love it when there are like super weird patterns and the patterns that you can you're supposed to Dodge I mean I'm not sure what you're supposed to do because I'm not in the mind of the dev not the dev yeah the dev of the game for some reason the word Dev is associated with associated with mods in my mind but no the dev of this game I don't know if you thought that the idea is that the ring makes you go away so that the enemy runs away from you and you run away from the enemy because you try to stay inside the ring but the idea of running closer because the ring is going to the opposite direction so you go through it is so cool yeah we got my first rainbow chest I don't care about turrets I don't want to be honest let's roll them come on let's roll him we're gonna get my own Relic so this here is another 25 moment you'll drop from enemies but when it spreads nearby enemies but Lose Myself No 9 Max life I don't care about that that much rule them away it harvesting not really roll them six Dodge Mass five luck although it's low but still five luck is what I want yes on all and we roll for zero yes nice one yes combine and buy all them yes yes oh yes roll them ghost very dangerous but at the same time was not that much we found an animal God like Max life foreign God like buy this by the ghost we have healing we have healing we should not die unless a million random opponents now spawn but the thing is that you know this character only fights one opponent at a time so why would we die we have Holt region we have lifesteal lifesteal of course is very slim because it's chance to heal but still we have 10 chance to heal one per hit they're also healing one Health every two seconds I would say as we have a 0.6 HP region and let's continue smacking everything with my little dice continue looping around let's see how this guy go piercing through man the piercing and the piercing item is just so good it literally doubles your damage I mean it doesn't literally have real damage because the piercing does 20 less but okay it literally gives you 80 more damage so it's very close to literally the other thing and of course we got another rainbow chest so we're gonna invest all of them into luck there is a luck scaling item as far as I know and we're gonna invest it into that although I think the panda is just straight up better I think the pawn is the best toxic snake yeah we're gonna be toxic start poisoning so luck has we have the following choices for like we can either go with rainbow fish which is eight lakh at the end of each wave so this is seven times eight it's mostly going to be the rainbow fish and the other choice is the panda which is just straight up 25 yeah yeah I'm gonna go for fish let's go for fish losing Max One max level three whatever healing through it is a yes though this is guaranteed purple I'm gonna get three little armor we need the Armor man we I don't want to get sniped 25 more damage multiplicative against bosses yes three max life to lose the game right now on the boss no scale at the end of each wave two armor actually we're gonna be scaling these because they're still low level and a bunch of Max life based on your Elemental is also yes peacock and also this one a lot combine and buy and this is dangerous but I'm gonna take it why not damage against three percent speed I'm gonna say yes to that Ron this one yes and what is the boost on this now from 3D oh still the same still the same but we got another 15 less damage on the lower end on the negative aspects and plus 30 damage on the positive aspect that's the main difference and also attacks but of course has all the weapons yet attack speed on level up so let's see how this can go against the boss let's go over poisoning of course in the world to poison it poison it 6666 the poison like six six six six six and I'm like 420 let's go 700 something let's go we're doing random damage which is by the way completely busted because it rolls from 100 to 700 188 680 290 something with a thousands 860 on the cred nice so we got another legendary of course we're gonna invest that two into luck I'm gonna buy another fish those fishes take one life away every time a wave end so we're gonna start losing Max life slowly but we're gonna be gaining damage through luck slowly so uh it's it's we trade off it's a trade-off it's a trade-off so I'm gonna be start I'm gonna start losing two Health at the end of each wave and I'm gonna start gaining 14 luck and some attacks movement speed and some range each wave those three are the stats that you scale from that I don't know why they made it that you lose one Mike's life I guess because you're eating fish and the fish are not good for you I'm missing something you I'm definitely missing something here so this rainbow fish obviously is this rainbow uh this rainbow difference right we got the grind magic Leaf which looks like rainbow three max Life One HP original lifesteal and then we got the rainbow fish which looks like rainbow and 15 range eight black and two speed but why lose Max life that's the question let's take that it's actually the range of luck when I say attack speed three armor for sure live stealing and servicing yes HP Games Live still Yes roll them dice one the purple let's combined and my you want to have as many problems as possible because you want the Anvil to hit the purple into a legendary you don't want the Anvil to hit the rare into a legendary so you don't want that into her air rare into an epic or whatever um yeah you want them to hit as many purples as possible 20 luck let's go so can I see the difference only positives here minus 12 to 153 plus 18 to Plus 183. and I 18 183 23 188 wow it only got five percent okay so it either has diminishing returns or I don't know and that's what we have a three out of yeah three out of four chances to hit a purple one which I really hope it's gonna happen roll them for chance damage every four seconds no no no no no uh yes on the crits yes on the on tax return range against armor and yes on the damage against range my damage is 48 yeah yeah let's go by the way does this gain more scaling 3D 16 no still 3D 60. more bass damage though it has 28 base names well this has 19 so it's a very sizable base damage still 253 or 200 to 103 something 246 with crits we are very low end hitting here we are very low end hitting 200 something 100 something 160 yep very low end 364 very low end everything very low end everything 332 let's continue smacking a bunch of everything here we go 700 plus nice 300 crits man I don't know what's up with the damage where are my 700 rolls and previously a 560 this year ago 290 random numbers RNG I still have 400 non-credit which with a crit would have been 800 of course so that was a big roll and let's continue hitting opponents the poison though the poison maybe I should throw away the poison to not poison opponents ah whatever as if it even matters as if it even matters the poison damage is so low in comparison to what we actually do right now so yeah let's lose to Max life because that is what the path we have decided to go down to 65 engineering against those stats no roll them range damage he says that's good nah that's useless 10 luck three element layers is also good dice wand we roll the net pack no we were unlucky piercing the image up this is 20 damage piercing it's gonna go five percent of the damage using nice and damage when I kill an enemy chance to kill another enemy uh health and Max region yes roll them nowadays one obviously I don't want that but I'm gonna buy it combine and buy I mean I'm not obviously the one with that because I really really don't want the Anvil to hit this thing well I'm nice we found the purple dice wand so I'm gonna sell this and I'm gonna buy this because this way in two waves I have everything legendary from engineering and yeah we're gonna buy that healing totem always a yes and let's go because I prefer the guaranteed than the 50 50 and at the end of the day we would not really be able to use the common stuff anyway like what would happen yeah that this was guaranteed the quick choice because I mean think about this if I combine the two purples then the Anvil would guarantee hit the common and in this very next wave I would have had five legendaries and one blue because that gray would become blue while with the way I did it now in this next wave I'm gonna have a legendary and a purple straight up so even though combining in general is the way to go if you have an anvil the math changes around you don't want to combine you have you want to have everything at purple you do not want to combine two purples and get a common because if an animal hits the common you pretty much lose a literally a free bubble because you know Anvil is literally giving you free purples when it hits a purple so that you get Legendaries you know it's it's in that's how the math goes I guess so Annabelle is really really good especially if you use it correctly and uh yeah we're about to get five legendaries and six legendaries actually yeah we're about to get five legendaries in the sixth one unless I am able to get what I want and we get a bunch of luck and we lose my life no we don't want to lose luck uh 12 damage was my damage 58 no not really no dreamline works at 10 luck I'm gonna say diploma yes yes yes on the guard and roll them alien warm yeah let's continue with health regen life still very nice I'm about to lose speed and when you get to damage reports not really not really attached shooting against damage is a yes I care about the attacks more and of these ain't let's go 17 level Elite 800 quids a thousand grits 600 oh man he's toast bye-bye have a great time very nice I'm gonna get another fish out of that no I'm not gonna get another fish because this fish is gonna give me seven each wave for the next two waves wave 9 18 and 19 right because wave 17 We're not gonna get the stats as the wave is gonna end before I get the item so if I get another fish it's gonna be it's gonna give us at the wave 18 and 19 two times so that's seven plus seven fourteen the panda alone gives you 25 on its own so I'm gonna go just straight up panda with the last rainbow chest we find so we continue gaining our luck I have 175 Black right now uh and I want to see this is 1 266 this is 31 to 196. so not a very sizable boost not a very sizable boost it's it's about it's the low roll gets a 15 boost and the high roll gets 20 there let's actually be precise 1 266 so the roller gets a raw the no both of these no no not low and high both of them get 30 percent so I get the 30 damage boost on the on the level from from purple to Legendary a 30 damage boost on every scale whatsoever because yes it is random but you know if if from zero percent to a hundred you go up to three percent to 130 obviously this is a 3D overall so yeah as I said this here is gonna give us eight luck oh this is eight luck so this is 16 luck right and this is 20 luck internal metal this is actually the best item we can get 25 luck I'm gonna get this the wall element is literally a lot better for us so 150 damage boom 169 damage yeah yeah wolf wolf pelvis is the way to go three armor I would say because my armor is still below the magic number magic number being 20. 15 likes the other choice but nah poison stuff no whatever let's go Christians Dodge let's go damage against life let's go defense against Health yes Max poison I mean I do poison so also increase the health of the opponents like who cares who cares let's go more enemies let's go burn so I'm poisoned and burn right now and everything actually let me show them yes roll them for zero then be like do you wanna go um nice one we're selling all the ones you want the ones let's go once and we're gonna get the name show them 32 damage or five seconds that is really good I mean if there was an item that told me you get 32 damage I would take it so that thing is literally the same thing but with the totem which means I need to stay inside of it but does that even matter I mean most of the time the totem spawns next to you so even if it's here I can just dip out the pin and it doesn't even matter if I actually use it because you know we're doing so much damage that nothing's gonna survive to be honest so there is that continue 800 on crits 494 on non-crits 82 what what was the 82 are the yeah the all the lack mechanics we have going on for us picking up items less damage killing opponents does damage everything does damage we are the damage God let's go and now that it was gonna be like Oh I'm gonna use an item to use it for a short I hope not let's go on an egg first egg of the day and eggs I have a zero percent chance of surviving because just from the like the image alone yep didn't survive engineering as there's no reason there is no 60 range because why not yes why not show them yes speeding us like definite no they're gonna suck speed what's my attack speed that's my damage yeah I know coupon yes Elemental damage we lose range of information about Elemental image let's go and roll them yes you think it's like no the middle names yes a bunch of stats against the Health Region yes Health regions like Roland and let's go into the wave 19. with a bunch of damage with 200 damage per shot so let's see if I can get I cannot increase the damage so the maximum damage I can get right now is 600. let's see I I mean 580 or something so let's see if I can get a 580 hit or a crit of a thousand like if I get the 570 I just saw it over there so I just got a 520 over there in the corner yeah I just did the 570 and 800 here that was a 400 year 400 545 so yeah we are getting the damage hit easily in now of course when I got the damage up this goes even higher right yeah 218. so that means the maximum amount of damage we can do right now is 600 that was a crit that doesn't count stay here to maybe get us here we go 600 almost on the high roll on the highest of the High Rolls I love it I love it I always roll High rolling I I like I like luck I enjoy luck I feel lucky myself in the first place I do enjoy seeing big numbers big items legendaries epics you know while everything that has to do with oh man you know we have crazy stats but I just realized I shouldn't go back and play at some point the noobs want to live because that game is so good I really want to play that more if you guys want to maybe comment about it if you want to see more potato counter but if you have any idea about what you would like me to do comment about it quick chance and range yes against defensive stats who cares about defensive stats live why I don't know which hands no Elemental damage yes because I had 777 life and not life coins nice chance to heal and pick up things why not from range I don't know big re-rolls damage roll them we use Phoenix if I die I revive might as well buy it enemies have even more Health yes 30 luck let's go XP game that's useless uh armor against Dodge yeah whatever poison a bunch of stats yes even more poison into max Health enemies yes roll them and a lot of money so every second applied lightning no my damage is up to 298 let's see how this fight is gonna go let's see how the boss are gonna deal with us bosses are melting bosses are melting 1300 damage crits there oh yeah I do crazy damage against bosses I completely forgot that bye bye boss 400 400 400. you're gonna die from Lucky hits no I didn't want to hit you well your fault not my fault I got an achievement that says win or run with Jack game are you stupid I have won a run with Jack I just had it in purple man are you tell no man please please dear Dev of rotato please do not make the achievements bound uh given only when you win a run after the achievements got added please retractively give me all the achievements on all the characters I have already a win with not only me obviously everybody right because this is stupid I have so so so many games on Steam that the which the moment they add steam achievements and you log in you get like 50 achievements because oh you killed that boss that boss you got that level this item this item that legendary that secret right and you get everything at the same time in Rotator that didn't happen so I didn't even realize that there are mods that there are achievements for potato and I just got my very first achievement for potato because I guess they added them after I started playing with modded content so no man potato please give me all the achievements retracted not only me once again everybody everybody should get their achievements retractively on every game ever honestly unless because you know at that point it just feels cheap right I'm never ever gonna play well-rounded again so I'm not gonna get this achievement I'm not an achievement hunter and people that are Achievement Hunters in my opinion they should feel cheated if they happen to get this by the way I should play this a build I just did with lucky that could have been cool 100 lack like modifications increase by 25 I mean look this starts with 45 damage do you see how crazy this is he just starts with 45 damage over here so yeah anyway that's going to be it for today hope you guys enjoyed as always drop like subscribes and everything else you enjoy pressing all those buttons there on YouTube and yeah I hope you guys still enjoy those emojis not emojis those paint jobs I'm doing with uh you know the thumbnails as I'm doing them on my own and yeah that's going to be it once again if you enjoy the series with playing the old characters I haven't gone through comment down below and tell me about it if you don't maybe I'm gonna stop doing that and start playing with something else anyway we're gonna see what we're gonna do that's going to be it for day as always thanks for watching and see you guys around
Channel: Sifd
Views: 10,942
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Explenation, Overpowered, roguelite, roguelike, endless, survivors, vampire survivors, vampires survivor, roguelike autobattler, brotato, brotato roguelike, brotato run, brotato win, brotato how to win, brotato how to, brotato broken, brotato new patch, let's play brotato, let's try brotato, games like vampire survivors, brotato review, brotato preview, brotato game, brotato gameplay, brotato retromation, brotato sifd, brotato mod, rainbow chest mod, lucky block mod, sifd mod
Id: TBdLs6xqstM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 56sec (2036 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 22 2023
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