Rolling Hills homeowners waiting for earth to stop moving

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Eisner once again live there with the latest How And we're still waiting to see if Governor Newsom declares a state of emergency for the folks up the hill. One thing we know for sure that the more we get to know these affected homeowners. The more we can feel their pain. Doing Okay. Thank you, sir Weber yen Monday when his house was sinking lower and lower after the weekend landslide that beat it up. How different is your home today than yesterday? When we looked at it fell another 10 ft into the canyon. Yeah it's going down. It's going down your senses. It will be in the ravine. I think another two days will be. I couldn't even be able to see it. He bought the home 13 years ago. So watching it drop and Drop. It's it felt like a slow, slow death yet as homeowners insurance, but landslide isn't covered into your regular homeowner's insurance policy. General Ruiz is with the Insurance Information Institute, she says. Those who buy or build on the hillside needs special coverage . Something called a D I. C D I C is a difference in conditions insurance policy, you might think of it as an extra earthquake insurance policy but specifically for landslides and other kinds of land movement. She says Earthquake coverage would not cover this because a landslide is entirely different . Landslide is considered Earth movement, and it's usually caused by either an accumulation of water or a deterioration of the land says there was a water If I break back in April on the hillside, and you think that was what was responsible for this might be at least they should come and take a look. As for insurance, Yen says there was a reason he didn't buy the additional coverage because the cost is horrendous. And also there's a 25% deductible. Which on a home like that could be pretty sizable. You know, The bottom line here is that, he says when he bought that home 13 years ago. They would never been a problem up there. There had never been that kind of a landslide. There was no reason to invest that kind of money.
Channel: FOX 11 Los Angeles
Views: 60,559
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: news, video, kttv, ca, rolling hills estates, severe weather
Id: 0LbGvI5MZFk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 16sec (136 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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