Roll20 DM Beginner Crash Course

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all right so here we are I'm gonna try and tell you how to use real 20 in about 20 minutes or so okay anyway so I've already gone to the home and created a game so here it is here if you want you can change this you can edit the image and choose a different file just go choose a file select one for your desktop or wherever it is and it'll upload into there so the first things first is you want to make sure you're playing the game that you're playing I'm playing 5e so I have it set to 5e and then you want to go into your settings so and then you go to your game settings and in here you can find a lot of minor details and things like that that you would like I always allow people to import their characters just because they can make it on another game and import it in game default settings I wouldn't worry about that access in game compendium set it to default by the character sheet or fifth edition if you want share with your players yes here you can change the sheet so there's different ones you could have shaped sheets that some people might like better I should just go with the roll 21 because it's similar to the one that is printed out normally roll queries so this just means that whenever somebody rolls it'll show a certain thing I usually like to turn it to advantage toggle so that way it's not always rolling advantage and doesn't confuse people you can have an auto roll damage or not I always auto roll damage and crit because it just speeds things up um everything else you can just leave the same unless you want to change things specifically you can go through this later and determine what you wish and I usually oh one other thing I do is I make sure where is it I think here the game default settings I usually change name to be always enabled so when somebody types in their name on their token everybody can see it and you don't have to go in there and change it every time I could solve it annoying you can change your grid to be hexes or squares if you wish I just leave it squares and you save and then you're good to go so I'm gonna hit launch alright so we're in the game first things first is I like to adjust the settings depending on what voice and video you're using you can scroll through here and scroll down to video and chat options this you leave you can adjust your input source where the audio comes out of you can change what you want to broadcast and what you want to receive I usually do video only because I use discord for voice so I just do video only here click reconnect and it'll show it for you everything else you can change where the avatars are located you can show their sides you can make them tiny only names or very very large small is usually pretty good unless you have a larger screen then you can go regular if you have a bit more screen space to deal with now um let's start with the most complicated thing first which is adding a map all your maps and all your play spaces are gonna be up in the page toolbar so what you want to do is leave the start as it is this is gonna be where you're gonna have all of your base tokens like your monsters your your player characters things like that you'll have all your tokens set up here and then you'll copy them over to the other pages when you need them so let's just do um forest encounter so you just double click here and to make the words go through you hit enter and then I'll save so right now the player is going to be seeing this space if you want to just adjust this and what this one without them seeing it you click on here so let's start with adding a map so I'm just gonna find a forest battle map I think I found some good ones earlier generally the more generally the bigger the bigger the size of the the image file the better you're gonna see more detail it's going to be easier for you to adjust and it won't look so ugly when you zoom in so you can't see it but I save it to my desktop and then all you need to do is from your desktop you just click and drag it on to the play space you can't see that me doing that but I just did that and I'll upload automatically for you it's a bit bigger it might be a bit slower okay so we have our map but it's on the layer where tokens will go and we don't want that we want it to be behind the grid so what you need to do to do that is right-click the image go to the layer section and put it to the map now I can't click it I can't move it I can't do anything until I go to the map layer and you can find that right here see right now we're objects and tokens and you go here and you go to the map and background so now I can move this and you just do it just like an image in any other program you can just click and drag it to make it bigger or smaller things like that it's better to usually align it to the left side first and that way you can shrink this if you wish in the page things which I'll show you soon so if you notice the grid is not quite aligned if you can see that it's not quite lined up if you try to move it it's gonna snap to the grid so one way you can do this is you can click and hold it if they're pretty close like if you move it and there see they're pretty close you can click and hold it and then click and hold and then press and hold your Alt key and then I'll let you drag it freely and then you can set it up as close you can and then let go of both and then it should line it up but if you can see we're still off by a bit so what you need to do is align it to the grid to do that you need to go here first and this will make it a lot easier so you go to your page toolbar your page settings and you're gonna make your grid oh really opaque and probably make it like gray or grey black and now we can really see the the grid that we have to work with so once you've done that you're gonna right click on the map go to advanced and go to align to grid so now it says this tool allows you to quickly size your map background to match the roll20 grid so you're gonna select a three by three grid on the map background you're using so I'm gonna find a space that's fairly open and easy to see the grid I'm gonna use this green space here so I'm gonna start right here and you're gonna put the plus on the plus of the grid so right where the lines meet and press and hold and you're going to drag it until you get a 3x3 section and get as close as you can to the other corner of the 3x3 let go and then hit a line to grid and now we're pretty much smack on so if you want to do little adjustments you can do the Preston whole you can click and hold and then press and hold alt and then there boom or nice and lined up now you can go back if you want you can leave that dark grid or you can reset it and go back to the way it was before there now we have our grid setup and our maps all good to go so before you move anything don't do it just hold tight head over to your your layer bar and then go to objects and tokens once again and now you won't be able to move the map at all so now let's do tokens so I find that the free tokens in rule 20 are they leave a lot to be desired they tend to be top down views of people and I finally kind of look weird and skewed so I found this good website I think I can never remember the name I always just type in token maker it's called token stamp and I'll link it in the description or whatever and this is what it looks like so let's say I think I might have an image so if you just want a token you're gonna choose an image um oh I have some here from Pathfinder and stuff I'm gonna use this guy that I found that's halfling and so you just want to make it big you line it up with the circle done and when you want the token you just click download over here save as and then throw it on your desktop or whatever file you wish once you have it saved then you click and drag it over just like you did the map and then you have your token I don't know why that's not anyway so that's really big so they can make it small and this in the grid now let's start messing with our tokens so I like to have like circle tokens excusing you can see the character art and it doesn't look like a weird person thing I just like it that way so now you have your token if you click this little box so this lets you set different visual conditions you can make them red like you can have different colors for different conditions you can have they are paralyzed or they are like protected or something or they can fly you can set different conditions to show up on their thing on their token you can go to the gear and this is where you can edit all their information you can show their health or AC for different bars you can adjust auras and things like that so right now this character represents nobody they are just a generic person so I'm gonna make the name Samuel okay and right now he's controlled by everyone so everybody control him but you can also make it's the only specific players can adjust that person which is very nice then people can't remove your character around etc so here we have our token for our halfling paladin now I want to actually make that character in the game so you're gonna go up to the top here so this is the art library this is where you can see all the other tokens and things like that or and then there's the journal which is your next most important thing and here you're going to find your characters your handouts and your folders so I'm gonna make a character let's call him Samuel okay so once you have that ready in players journals you can set it to who can see this person I'm gonna set everybody can see them and they're gonna be controlled by me because it's my character and then if you want that token to be associated with that sheet that you're building now you're gonna click on that token and click you selected so now whenever we click and drag Samuel out boom that's who it's gonna be that's the one we want for battles and fights that's what we want it's save and you can also if you want you can add in the art so you can upload the art I'm going to do that really quick because I can and there's the art save and now when we see it over there this is what everybody else will see it will see Samuel there he is now the sheet so there's a thing called character mansur which is in rule 20 which lets you build your character step by step which is super nice you can make them an NPC or you can edit directly I'm gonna edit directly for now and just I'm just gonna leave him blank because we're not going to go through any character creation stuff one very important thing that I missed out on a lot of the time was clicking dragging items though if you go to this little eye that's your compendium so you can see a bunch of SRD content which you don't have to pay for it's all free from watse so there's not a whole lot but there is some there there's the equipment I think is the biggest thing so let's say we want to give him a longsword so I'm gonna go ahead and find equipment if I could find it I can't because I'm blind oh wow so I'm just gonna type in longsword we search it up it should show up there we go and now you can just click and drag this into your sheet and it should oh I think you have to have a bar okay yes so you have to have an empty slot for it like this and if you click and drag it into that it should accepting drop from companion okay that's strange because this used to work perfectly fine maybe I'm doing something wrong maybe I have to have the stats killed oh I'm not sure I apologize for that ignore what I said but you can do that if you set it up properly I haven't done it in a long time I've mostly just doing this anyway there's the sheet um cool you have your character that's a token I can move them around and attack and stuff so speaking of attacking if you want to roll dice there's two ways you can do it you can use the dice roll or on the side here and you can click the dice I can click a d4 and I'll roll d4 in the chat for me or you could go 86 do two of them etc etc but if you want to get more technical you can go to the advanced dice roller down here click it and then this will let you do the basic rolls up top and it will also let you do an advanced roll so let's say I have a perception bonus of three I can add three hit roll boom it's there one other thing you can do with any table and page enroll 20 is you can double click the top and it'll go into like a transparent mode so it's still there but it will roll with you but it won't be in the way then you can double click it again to open it back up so that's one way you can roll or you can type in slash role and the dice d6 + 4 let's say I got a one oh no won't be big big dig down so you can do that you can also if you're a GM you can type in / GM role and then I'll give you a secret role that only you can see so only GM's will be able to see that um so that is the main stuff so you have your token adding Maps we went through you can add more pages okay let's I'm gonna try and do the base page so on the start page I would highly highly recommend having a set of your player characters here let's say here's one let's say there's two three and another player character is this creepy blue guy so you're gonna have them all here and they're just gonna chill they're gonna have all their associations with the people oh see so I made a mistake this guy shouldn't be here I want him to be the character if I click and drag him out there there's the token for Samuel okay so now they're here you can use your keyboard shortcut so use control-c or you can right-click and go copy and then let's say they're having an encounter over here you can control V or paste them out and they'll just be their full health full everything that they were otherwise you can just select them here if you're moving directly to another area another map you can just go from them from here um so that's the main stuff so rolling maps tokens dice those are the main things you can use the character sheet through the app which lets you click on a skill and you can roll it and then it shows up as athletics okay so right now it's rolling with advantage and I do not want that so what you can do is you click this little Settings thing there's lots of stuff here blah blah blah I believe where is it maybe it's here ladies I can't remember where it is oh here we go roll queries you can go advantage toggle and now you can go normal so now whenever I roll if I go back to the core one of our role perception you know let's give me the straight role and all of this can be adjusted you just to go in and just edit it yourself or you can do the character man sir it'll automatically calculate all of your stats your armor class so yeah that's the basics there's one other thing I'm going to show is that is initiatives so there's two ways you can do this you can manually go and add tokens right by right clicking and clicking add turn and then typing in the role of the get or if you have your character sheet set up and the tokens linked you can do it automatically so if I click on him and then I click on my sheet for him make sure you select it and click initiative it'll roll it for me and add it automatically into the turn tracker so basically the more you do the more you're gonna get out of it hello Jeffrey I am muted on here so I'm gonna go over that so I'm gonna just close up now and then I'll go through it again with Jeffrey and that way he can listen to everything so I'm gonna stop now thank you
Channel: Silver Dragon Academy
Views: 166,675
Rating: 4.937274 out of 5
Id: L-1mpJDbKH8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 42sec (1002 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 25 2020
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