RohanTV is BACK?!?! - IT IS WHAT IT IS EP. 31

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i thought yeah i didn't know like i had so anyway 2020 2020 i got my job worked there for a year and 2020 early 2022 i knew i was dangerous [Music] ladies and gentlemen the podcast you have all been waiting for the main event of the evening weighing in at a solid 420 pounds with a reach of 69 inches and no ladies we are not talking about his reach with the arms we are talking about the reach with his third leg raining all the way from new delhi india rohan the hotter television let's go let's go boys the professional business man we have him in the building let's go he's grown a beard he's a full stinking man this is the number one most requested episode of all time and it's not even close from episode one all the way till now every single podcast people are commenting rtv rohan tv the hutter gotta get rohan tv on the podcast where have you been even in the main channel videos people are asking where have you been rtv and and today i think we got to answer some of those questions guys this is this guy's a legend right here if you've been subscribed to our main channel for so long then you guys know he has been with us since the beginning we would not be here without this man honestly let's let's take it back let's take it back to the beginning where this relationship even started let's go for it let's go you go ahead take it there because you and our tv you guys are the first two to meet dude so this is taking it way back we're about to tell some stories that have never been seen before on the internet but uh me and our tv go back to what when do we know each other even elementary school no yeah school like park we went to the same park our moms you know shout out to all the moms out there i think they got the kids together at some park it was in your neighborhood and i think i saw you there a couple times yeah we would go to the park because it was like the local place everyone would go and people would play like flag football basketball bunch of random stuff rohan always beat me and everything yeah it was always a little bit better yeah but we weren't really like you're just kidding boys you were just like buds yeah we were definitely acquaintances y'all saw each other at the park but we never we never hung out outside of the park so then that was like during elementary school yep then i remember we went to the same middle school safety harvard middle school shout out to safety harbor yep oh shoot i went there too me too let's go we all went there that's okay bro that's really how i how i know you guys too from rohan yes and we'll get into that too so basically in middle school uh rohan and i still weren't really like friends honestly we just like knew of each other and uh one day i think we had track tryouts right right track tryouts yes sir and we were running we were running and even then during we were on the same track team we both made the track team and we still weren't friends no i mean we were on we went to the same school had some classes together but we weren't like i wouldn't say ricky was within my best like you know friend group definitely not buds just boys definitely like walk past say yo what's up rohan but not like ever anything like deep talks and then um i remember we graduated middle school i went off my separate way to a different high school rohan went to a different high school and you told me this story before you told me the story before of what you thought happened to me yeah so i think from where we're from like you leave middle school and there's probably a handful of high schools that everyone goes to and when i found out where ricky went to i was like yeah i have no idea what the hell that is it was like a high school where i was taking college class i basically i got my college degree while i was in high school yeah because i got to like that boys exactly and then so he went to that random school and you were cuffed and that's pretty much all i knew i was like ricky went somewhere random all my other buddies went to places i knew ricky you know probably see you when i'm 50 60 retired maybe on the beach well were y'all like buds at this point when you guys were going off to high school no i honestly if i'm being honest i didn't even think about you no no no definitely not not in high school for sure definitely not definitely not so he's doing his thing i'm doing my thing and i don't even think i saw you for like a couple years until until it was was it scene was it senior year senior year or was it or was it sophomore year senior year semester senior year first semester of high school of high school yeah so i remember this happening and i got to bring it over to nck is me and nck were watching youtubers roman atwood and fouseytube and rohan watched the same youtubers we didn't know this at the time though we found out later and we would we would watch we would watch roman atwood fouseytube and one day roman atwood was like yo if you want to start something do it now and i look over to nick and i'm like yo bro let's start a youtube channel i love making videos nick was just a young bud he was like i was a teen i was in like eighth grade so i was like he didn't even really know what he was doing no no he was just going along with me because i was the older brother so i like dragged him along forced him to film we filmed the invisible rope prank our first ever video this is bringing it way back and uh literally we're filming that video we film a couple videos and we were posting them every single week and then at some point nick and i were like yo we need we need help bro so i think i called like all of my friends that were my best friends at the time and nick called all of his best friends and literally everyone was always like too busy like oh i don't got time i'm sorry like i wish i could help but everyone denied there was a couple but not no one really like consistently was like yeah i'm down so then one day i don't even know how this happened i'm literally scrolling through through my phone like every single contact calling people and they're like yeah i'm busy right now and i pull up and it says rohan tv just kidding i didn't say rohana tv at the time it was rohan kohli so i click it i call him and i hadn't speak spoken to this guy in like years so it's like kind of weird and i'm like yo bro like what are you doing tonight yeah ricky's like i'm gonna go [ __ ] my pants and target you trying to come right yeah basically we were trying to film like the fake employee in target fake target employee and i think i gave you a rundown i'm like yeah we we kind of like make youtube videos you you look up the channel and what we probably had like 10 subscribers at the time 20 i don't even know 100 maybe 100 100 but like like nothing and then rohan was like yo it was like a football game you're going to for your high school i think it was a friday night i got home i was driving home from track practice and when you hit me up i was like oh my god i gotta go i love youtube i watch youtubers every day that's exactly what i do when i get home of course i want to be a part of youtube i'd be so cool so yeah so literally you can like we're like yo bro i won't go to the football game and football games in high school if you guys don't know like a big deal and our high school was good too at the time yeah we had some top players like we went to state i think or regionals i know mason might have some more information from where i went oh yeah no definitely uh bro east like back in the day was like we were in school bro like a bunch of the kids like went to like fsu like uf michigan and like couple of dudes are in the league now yeah but back in the day like bro college or high school football on a friday night yeah and that's why they call it friday night lights like if you've ever heard of that term like like high school football was probably the best thing to do on a friday night and it's probably like the most popular thing right yeah everyone in high school goes it's like it's like an event that brings everyone together if you're not like going out now what are you doing yeah it's like it's like now that we're like kind of older it's it's high school football on a friday night is similar to going out and going to the club or going out and drinking on a friday night now yeah definitely i mean like even more because that's what every you know everyone in your school is going like i wish i was still in high school honestly because i missed those days bro yeah i missed those days bro it's fun supposed to david by the way no i would definitely no bro if i could go back to high school like i would totally go back to high school and do everything different hey man you could go back and do everything different a little bit i guess i guess i see what you're saying kind of a little bit different sports-wise sports-wise sports-wise we're going off-track though yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah let's go let's get back to the story of uh so you got you were going back to a friday night football game friday night i'm home from track practice am i still in eighth grade at this time because i went to the same high school as rowan yeah you were still in middle school buddy like i think you were next year you were gonna be in the high school league but uh yeah you were just in safety harvard metal but so we're bringing it we're so i call rohan he's like yo bro i'll skip the football game let's go film this and i was like what for someone to take off the football game and be like yo i'm gonna go film with these kids that i haven't seen in years and they're filming youtube videos for like two people to watch was pretty cool and you were like excited too you weren't just like all right bro i guess i'll go you were like bro let's go and i think we literally met up like literally an hour later i didn't even know that you lived like a couple neighborhoods over from us like a couple minutes away a mile away exactly yeah very over a mile maybe yeah like very close so i think we met up or we picked you up and then we drove over to target and we started filming like the target employee pranks doing random crap like i said i pooped my pants i you were like sniffing your butt you were sniffing i don't know what you're doing i was sniffing people's butts um doing all the weird like we were like oh sure what is it like you guys can watch the video it's like one of our first videos ever it's so funny but just from that moment it was like bro we were like just best buds like there was no there were there was no real like awkward stage no it was almost like it was we were almost picking up where we never even really left off because we didn't really leave it off no but it was just like an instant connection though like we were all clowns bro like we had the same like humor the same like the same energy we were all just like super hyper and did like had the same dumb comedy so then i think we filmed that day and it was good and we post that and it didn't get any views so then the next week we do like fake walmart employee and rohan's like yeah boys let's do it again it was so fun and we keep doing it for like a couple weeks and we're just loving it yeah and then right we were just on a roll i think so we kept on just kept on filming with rohan i remember we were on a roll but really we weren't on a roll like it wasn't doing good but it was fun it was yeah it was fun it was definitely fun with our tv i i remember when ricky would post i would show all the kids on the track team and i would be showing them the video and laughing so hard like oh my god look at my friend oh i'm in this video and i was just laughing so hard i was like i was just guys how do you not find this money this is so cool they were laughing at us they were laughing at us the fact that we were doing it right um but it was just so cool to me because i mean like you said started off the the podcast with roman and fousey i watched those guys religiously after school the same way you guys did when i got home at a little ipad mini put on [ __ ] grab some sort of snack cheez-its see like i couldn't do it out of snacks you get a snack you know i was like okay this is great youtube's great i'm down it's fun times exactly what we did exactly what we did it was too easy the only question was do you watch fousey first or roman and it would go back and forth every day sometime i pick roman sometimes i pick fousey oh it's team fousey who's first yeah it's romanowa best for last team team roman wait so when you guys were in high school and you guys were like making these videos because you went to east yeah you went to east lake right yeah it doesn't matter but anyway so when you were showing these kids like on the track team were they like geez were they making fun of you because they had like no views like do you think it would change their opinion on you if it had like millions of views or if it had like zero views i think looking back i'm like and wonderfully making fun like within my circle i think more so it was just in general like like like my circle was more so yeah bro okay cool but i know i mean there was times where people were like yeah screw off actually that brings me back yeah the first night that we filmed the fake target employee yeah we went after we finished filming we went to friday night like the football game yeah and we were walking around and we wanted to get a couple people to do our outro and say yee with us yeah and it was so hard to recruit everyone was like nah bro i ain't doing that i am doing that and i remember some kids were literally like calling us like they were like cussing us out like you guys are clowns saying like what were they doing i don't know i don't know i can't remember but they were definitely yeah they were using profanity they were clowning this it's like this imagine like like on like a like you know ever been on like a bus like a high school bus yeah like everyone just clowns each other it was like that but they were just more like like you guys suck like what are you doing like why are you wasting your time trying to look cool by making fun of us yeah and i think we after we like we got like two or three people to say yee in the background we're walking out of the parking lot and i think we were all like we all had like a little chip on our shoulder we're like yo we'll be back and prove for these guys like being those like high school like kids that are like yo you know like i think we all had like a little like yo we're coming back and we're going to prove to them yeah i think you said yeah we'll see you guys when we're at a million subs or something like i remember someone made that comment yeah yeah and then we keep going and then one day we have this idea we're like yo bro let's stay overnight in target and we're telling the idea we tell it to rohan and one of my best friends at the time zane and zane's 100 down ready to go because everyone was doing fake overnight challenges we're like bro those are getting millions of views if we do a real one it's over so we tell rohan and then rohan was like so down but rohan's dad wasn't about it wasn't about it and that's pretty much all there is to say he wasn't about it i think i went in before you guys went in kind of made sure there wasn't any diarrhea in the fort that we ended up building basically and then my dad was like dude where are you at and i told him i'm at target i'm about to sleep in here and he and he just was just just basically said no you know how that's how illegal that is you're gonna get in trouble you can't ruin the rest of your future exactly yeah what did he say when you told him you're spending the night in target i i think in the back of my mind too i was basically thinking i want to do this but he basically just said no no no no that makes sense like i don't know long term and honestly i mean looking back yeah great idea not to go in there honestly like great phenomenal idea to not go in there honestly because i think even when you guys this is a little far down the road i think you and zayn had to not even come in contact so even after the fact we were still able to make videos yeah right or something so yeah it worked out well you didn't end up going in the target but you were still like a part of the video you're still in the video too yeah but maybe not you weren't spending the night but it all worked out you're like outside you're like the outside scout yeah i brought a different element to the yeah bro it was so cute it was looking back it was like were you about to risk your future for someone else's channel to get a couple hundred views because we were getting like maybe a couple hundred yeah and i remember we posted the video first day it goes up and i think it hit a thousand views in one day and dude i was going crazy that was our most viewed video and it happened in one day a thousand views was going crazy i walked into school the next day it was at five thousand and people around my school like yo you got five they got five thousand views bro like it was like popping off and i literally think the third day it like had to hit like tren trending or like the for you page and it hit a million on the third day i specifically remember that and ever since then we we all never looked back bro dude after that it was history i mean you guys were doing numbers that put you in the top ten like trending youtubers yeah like fastest growing youtubers like we were above like dude perfect above pewdiepie really above like all right what was going through your mind when you guys like hit like when you guys hit that million views like what was going on in your head like when you like first did that like what was like what was your thoughts bro it was i never asked you this it was like a dream it was like bro imagine it was like a dream come true literally because we were making videos for like two years before that like two years leading up to that and it wasn't like an overnight ironically it wasn't an overnight success even though we did like an overnight challenge it was it was like so many videos so much time and then when it happened it was like yo this is crazy and it was just such a high bro like we just rode the high for like years i feel like and you know what i mean it was like but i feel like what we did good was once that popped off like we could have been like oh that popped off like yo and just been like yo cool we got a viral video he got comfortable yeah just been like oh we got a viral video let's go that was a cool moment in time that's it but then we just we were all just kept on going and rohan was super motivating too he's like yeah all right boys like what are we doing next like what can we do next and our tv has always been like that and then we just kept our foot on the gas and then i think that was that was one of the biggest keys just keep on going and not like taking a break like posting every week after we posted that before we posted the two but then especially after that came yeah and we were set i remember i was 17 you were 17. and we were like 14. and we were like yo as soon as we get 18 this is going to be so hard to do so much more like legalities so we're like yo we're grinding out and doing as many overnight challenges as possible we were like we had so many in a plan we did lowe's and then we were going to like do petsmart we were going to do ikea all these ones but then after we did lowe's we got a lot of those are like the og days man like those videos right there i remember watching one of them on like because i saw i was i followed rohan but i didn't really know you guys and i saw on like rohan's like instagram or snapchat or something and i was like yo like this is crazy i think it was the lowest it was definitely the target video and then like shortly after i watched like the lowest one and y'all brought like an xbox in there and i was like yo dude this is crazy like this is a funny idea like i and then i instantly like shortly after i mean i guess we can get more into it in more detail later but then i i saw rohan like started a channel or whatever and then he was filming some videos and then like at the beach when or he wanted to go film at the beach one day and he needed a filmer and he was like yo like bro like what are you doing and i started filming with him i remember the night and then you made you started like you told me you're going to make a channel yeah because we were filming with us for though i got to give a big time shout out to our tv yeah because bro me and nick like we were like on our stuff and we were very creative and we knew what we were doing but rohan is on a different level and maybe one of the few people that i've ever met that has the drive that rohan tv has bro like anything he does he does it to a hundred percent and he kept us on our game he was like yo boys this is a very rare he realized at the time what we didn't even realize he was like yo you guys have like lightning in a bottle and he was like yo no talking to girls you literally said that so many times you're like yo if we ain't filming if we ain't filming we're slooping we're hunting hard which is ironic because you're the hunter but no i mean it's a my senior year mason just dipped out my senior was crazy like i also had that scanned app thing right so me and my two buddies i mean just two like the smartest kids in my class we made an app and we won that competition we won 10 grand yeah me and two kids in high school made an app and one ten grand and it was a great between that school running track and then youtube i had a lot going on and you were an elite runner too yeah like i was good i mean we went to states i think my senior year like i i was a solid athlete i would like to say but anyway i mean we had a lot going on my senior high school you were doing a bunch of stuff you were doing that that you were doing like but that's how it's always been for me that's how it still is till today yeah that's just how that's what i think even looking back now that's the one thing that's always remained constant is that i'm always doing stuff i'm never just not i can't every day is day one man i mean that's really what it is i didn't really realize that that was my kind of motto but every day is day one and if you don't treat it like that yeah honestly losing man that's just the reality you really got to keep it like that for long-term sustained success period if we were ever filming and we were like like maybe slooping off if you guys don't know what that means it means like we're not really doing anything we're kind of just waiting around distracted not focused just uh lolly rohan would lock everyone he's like yo boys this is great and all but yo we gotta lock in we gotta get this done because if we don't post a video every week then we go then it knows what's gonna happen yeah yeah yeah so yeah so what happened after that i think 2017 right mid-2017 i went to college right so that summer 2017 i that's when i really went viral i did i actually did the video wait let's let's backtrack let's go back a little bit okay so so it was like sophomore or like my junior year of high school right and so rohan had hit me up to film that beach video and then i just started we did the beach video and i don't even know what it was it was like something like social media oh yeah we did the dollar prank right like on a line on a line or something and i'm like sitting there on the tripod and i'm like shaky as heck like trying to like hold it still right because back then like i think you just had like a ds like the classic dlc dslr camera the dsi remember the slr or whatever with like no like stabilization so i like how to hold it real steady and then um shortly after that we like started hanging out more and then i got into running and like shout out to this guy for like getting me into running because bro running like changed me like a like a lot and this guy was like an elite runner i heard you guys were just talking about that as i was in the bathroom and then uh we started just like we ran like i think he was it was college and you were back on here on like college break and i was still in high school and i was trying to go to college like running track right but even before that we got to bring it back but before we got to bring it back yeah because wait no no no wait wait wait because this we got to bring it back and because so basically we're film we're we're doing this and rohan i think you helped us literally for like a year bro without making any of your vids and it was it was like a job like when we would film like it would be taking up like hours hours and hours a week and you would be you were such a crucial part bro yeah like either nick would film i would film or you would film and then the other two would be in the scene like going back and forth we did so many of those vids and i think like a year after you filming us you texted me and you like had this whole like long paragraph breaking it down like yo boys it's been a blessing helping you guys film and i'm not saying this is the end of mean of me filming with you guys but i'm dedicating a lot of time and as i'm growing i'm realizing i need to make something out of myself and as soon as you sent that i told nick and i was like bro honestly i can't believe rohan has been helping us this long literally for nothing yeah it was crazy so yeah that's crazy i called you and i was like bro you got to do this and not only you got to do this let's figure out a way where we can help you because you've helped us so much like at that time i don't know how many subscribers we had probably like a couple hundred thousand couple hundred thousand and it was like all right people already know you from our videos so we're gonna slowly implement it and this is when i knew you were so smart bro rohan was like yo i don't want any shout out until i have a lot of videos up yeah so we waited you filmed like i don't know like 10 12 15 videos yeah and you were like yo i don't want to want any shout outs you filmed for like a couple more months no shout outs and we waited until we did overnight in mcdonald's our biggest video and it's not even close like 30 million views and you were like yo this is the one we're shouting you out on and we did it and we're like yo guys welcome back we're doing 24 hours in the world's biggest mcdonald's and if you want to subscribe to rohan tv he just made his channel boom and i think you were like flying up in subs like the first day yeah got a few thousand subs that was amazing and i think when i made that text message at that time i was trying to figure out where i wanted to go to college i had my options open my dad's like i think everyone who goes to school in florida generally the university of florida is the one where everyone's kind of just waiting on like are you getting into up did you get into uf i got in but and i had so many things going on for me the app running school and i was like okay yeah this doesn't make sense if i can't compensate so i had to bring it up to you and i think it worked out right it worked out perfectly my channel and we had a systematic plan it was like as much as you guys maybe whoever been watching us for the longest time think that we were all just a bunch of like dumb idiot kids and we were we were yeah yeah we were just like bro we were like made us us though you're not so relatable smashing cones on our heads doing like wiping your cheeks and sniffing them sniffing on like literally staying overnight in stores doing random crap but there was like a method to the madness it was be like all right guys this is when we're filming the video we do like a crazy intro and then we promote rohan say that he's here do the whole video there'd be a loser there so you got to watch to the end because you want to see who loses and it's going to be our tv every time that's right just kidding honestly i feel like you won most we just called you the hunters it was everything dude it was everyone got honest with their fair share yeah if someone did a win-loss column yeah it was probably everyone was like pretty even but we did so many things right without even bro it was literally like you had the hype intro so you had to be like yo i want to see to the end it was shouting you out then it was like loser there then it was like shouting you out again at the end to remind them plugging the merch throughout the video then an outro and then bloopers at the end like it was like a full-on like i talked to parents and kids now and they're like yo it was like a friday night ritual and still is for a lot of them to watch all of us together and be like yo there's the boys that's so just i don't even i can't even just the past past 18 months of life to even hear what he's saying is just that's crazy that that was me at some point which is wild would you go back i still can't even believe that that was a part of my life and i think now just because of the interactions and the people i talk to every day the fact that that at some point in time was me like at one point every middle schooler at least middle schooler yeah knew us oh you're known as the hutter like around the country around the country like almost no matter where you went there would probably be a kid i would come up to you and do that now do that and do this and get your neck and call you a new hunter hunter so crazy bro it's insane the way that people are watching like their favorite tv show episodes that are like dropping like stranger things boom boom those are getting millions of million views bro we were averaging on the main channel bro like three to five million every single week and then on the vlog like like a million to like 1.5 maybe 2 million bro we had millions of kids tuned in every week and somehow i want to say shout out to all y'all still somehow have like hundreds of thousands millions sometimes tuned into the overnight challenges it's crazy but every week bro kids would be like going to school saying yo you watch a new ibp video like discussing it like they're discussing stranger things bro and i don't even think at the time any of us realized how much of an impact or crazy situation that we were in bro 100 no we didn't like that's why looking back it's just so wild that that was that was rohan coley at one point it's just even when like my family or anyone i mean now i'm working in a big fancy corporate job that you know i put that on my resume they're like what the hell is this and i tell them and i'm like yeah i know it's crazy i don't even i can't even believe that that's that was me but that was me and it still kind of is me like i still want to put out content going to get there but to even look back and rationalize and think about that time it's just crazy yo boys have you guys ever nicked your nuts while shaving them yeah all the time it's actually pretty bad uh almost loud a few times got blood stains on all my underwear yeah bro it happens to me every time me too bro i've been necking my nuts a couple times and i'm not gonna lie it hurts pretty bad but nowadays i don't have to do that because of today's video sponsor manscaped i'd be using i'd be shaving down there and bro i i i don't nick myself anymore it's honestly like a miracle bro and my confidence just through the roof now i'm just going down there i used to go down there slow but nowadays thanks to the lawnmower 4.0 dude i'm just shaving away quickly i'm like a race car up in there boys the performance package 4.0 has arrived and let me tell you i was moving like a honda civic now i'm moving like an indycar 500 boys inside this package you'll find the lawnmower 4.0 look how sleek and nice that thing is you also find the weed whacker it trims your nose and ear hairs we know uh our tv those ear hairs luckily you're covered by the headphones right now but they'd be growing out come on bro yeah but look at your nose here's buddy you could use that right now i'm about to use this right after the podcast and also inside the package not only will you find that you'll also find the crop preserve ball deodorant so those nuts are gonna be smelling nice crop reviver toner just so those balls are toned you never know when you need a tone ball you know what i'm saying you never know not only that the performance boxer briefs are insanely comfortable we got them right here feel that boys feel it oh my oh my goodness and just so you guys don't think we're just promoting this without actually using it your boys actually already rocking a pair right now gonna zoom in oh oh yeah boys i'm rocking it i'm rocking it i'm rocking it already i'm rocking nice and good and all of that stuff can be conveniently held in the travel bag that they send in this package right here look at it look at it look at it look at it look at it nice and nice come on now i mean let's be honest where do you get all of this stuff for that deal it doesn't get better than that and this trimmer is waterproof so you can say goodbye to the messy nut hair on the bathroom floor just do it right in the shower get two things done at once we're all about multitasking out here right you're a businessman now you can't just be doing one thing at a time you got to take a shower while brushing your teeth and shaving those nuts and because this thing is waterproof you can do it yep and and on top of that it is skin safe technology reduces nicks snags tugs all that good stuff more knicks no one wants to be cutting their balls open so boys it is time to take care of yourself and go to and get 20 off plus free shipping with code ibp get 20 off you heard that right again free shipping at let's go unlock your confidence and always use the right tool for the job let's go boys code ibp you better use it if you're not using it you're gonna nick those balls and you're gonna go and be mad would you say youtube like changed your uh personality or the weight the way you kind of carry yourself in a way for sure it's i mean in a positive way or a negative way positive all the way i mean it took so many risks making videos i learned so much about myself um and i mean we're still kind of early in the timeline yeah so i don't want to get too far down definitely like down but i mean where are we at right now we're 2017 middle 2017 right summer 17. yeah so i know i made the video with him and i did drive through so so basically i i will backtrack to what we were talking about earlier and i filmed with him that one time at the beach right and we're doing like the dollar prank he has like a couple thousand and then like couple weeks later he's he's like yo bro like you want to come over like we'll film a drive-through prank we're going to blast embarrassing songs and i'm like oh bro like all right i'll show up let's do it it sounds lit and back then i really didn't like have that many friends because i was just like focusing on me and like running and rohan was just happened to be my one friend that ran all the time so we kind of just did everything together and so then we're doing like this embarrassing drive-thru prank right and then we get done with the day and we're like bro like this is gonna go viral like this is crazy like we had such a like fun time doing it and it was just crazy and then sure enough like two weeks later we're looking at the views that's like three million views it feels like we like that like at that point i remember sitting in my car at the beach going [ __ ] man i'm going to i'm going away to ohio for school like if i don't get 10 000 subs a week from here on out i will not hit 100k before college need to have 100k going into college and then you got to because if you're not but it's like hey bro how oh you do youtube how many subs you have 99 000. oh oh yeah like 100 000 oh oh that's when it's like oh you gotta have that k like oh i got 100k the catalyst there was the embarrassing drive-throughs like that was the first viral video that that was your overnight challenge yeah yeah but no no no no it could have been or it it it probably is definitely one it was no no no no no this is where it gets pretty crazy so then like a couple weeks later he's like i don't know if you guys have done hide and seek at this point but then rohan definitely have yeah you probably did they definitely did but then like rohan kind of stole it from me he invented hide and seek bro yeah that was like 2017 was all the games no one played hide and seek before we all did it bro like but then but then like shortly shortly after the embarrassing songs we started doing like hide and seek hide and seek and like costco hide and seek and like walmart target and they started popping bro we were doing them like everywhere crazy bro and that that's what popped his channel off really high and seek in all right so then let's let's continue down the timeline because there's a lot of space we're not going to cover everything because there's stories that we could go in for like hours an hour yeah for sure but let's let's go a little bit more into recent times so you started filming you're filming with mason a lot we met mace so on and so on and then you're doing more like like prank social interactions type stuff was like your content and then all all the way we did this we did the road trip we did the tour in 2019 all around the u.s and then i think we i think we say that all right save that the people the people want to know everyone that's watching like even me sometimes i wonder well i kind of know the answer but like where has rtv been we touched on it a little bit earlier but like let's start into like 2020 this is where kind of our tv was you there's a fork in the road for rtv so we're going to pick this up on another pod it has to be the 2018 road so much right yeah bro we're not there's too much that's there's so much stuff okay we gotta get dang you don't want to get in any of that that's crazy stuff i don't i don't want to just touch on it yeah you're right you're right save it save it i think it's important to just start on like the uh like kind of like how like we all met and like how he started and then like what he's doing now yeah i think yeah but this is our tv's episode so i'm like yeah yeah i think the people want to know like we've been talking about other stuff for a bit the 2018 road trip we're gonna get it we're gonna have we gotta have you back on again there's just there's too much stuff that happened twenty years crazy crap but i don't wanna just wanna touch on it blue ball the audience and then they're like oh what what else happened because i mean we're not gonna get all of it i tell you that oh the 2018 road trip could have a five hour pod and it and we wouldn't even touch this bro so yeah yeah yeah yeah so let's let's cut all that no no we're keeping it in what do you mean we don't cut bro the only thing we cut are we might cut your nuts off after this i'm just kidding you're going to eat them i don't even know so i don't know if i'm going to eat them you might feed them to you though you're nuts it's a protein though yeah good pro speaking of nuts one of the videos that we filmed in 2020 2020 around this time that we're talking about is we did a video for rohan's channel and the loser dare was eating what was it balls goat balls and we all took a bite liver king would have taken those things whole you know he would have just stopped them both in there us though no only the losers but yeah go ahead 20 20 you guys narrated so 2020 we're still we me ricky and rohan we're all filming together still like pretty much like almost every week we're also filming with our boy dj fabuloso a lot and then cove it happened and it was kind of like the whole world changed when code would happen like different stuff started to matter like your whole life just got switched your perspective on everything switched around and for our tv you were doing youtube for well it's 20 20 so like what a couple years now yeah two and a half three years like two and a half and right before cope would happen we had a freaking apartment together bro yeah me you evan and theo yeah those crazy times dude you did that's true that's very true thank god i wanna hear where he's taking yeah bro i know i was i was wondering why because we caught mason out of the group for a couple months during coffee too that was the time we got to get into that that was funny but keep going keep going what yo bro when kobit started literally we we started we all started like filming together still and rohan would come over and we we didn't allow mason to come over because we're gonna see if it's going out yeah you're social distancing bro yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah you're minimizing risk all right keep going you're carrying it you're going i was just wondering why mason brought up the apartment thing you're so random but but continuing on it's like we're we're filming with rohan ricky me and dj fablosso and then yeah his priorities started to switch and then you were what year in college were you in 2020 like that's a great question so i think did that play it was like a junior junior so you're coming up on your senior year about to get like your degree your degree yeah four year degree i don't know but it's like once you get your degree it's like most most people once you get your degree then you go out and then you get like a job like a job relating to your degree like the thing that you've been putting all that time and money into exactly so i don't know if that played a role into your decision but you were kind of you're starting to like you was more like a slow fade out of youtube like you weren't you didn't just like oh i'm done for good you kind of were like you're posting you're we're some good videos but then like what kind of happened yeah in that time what was going through your mind 2020 so 20 end of 2020 i realized so there's a few things and of 2020 i realized okay i gotta get an internship so i had an internship early in 2020 and you have to have an internship to graduate i wasn't really able to get that internship early in my college career because and i had offers from raymond james we won that app competition raymond james is a big finance company in tampa raymond james stadium tampa bay bucks big company right big would have set me up really well anyway i did an internship right so i had to do that 2020 i made the most money on youtube there was a lot of really lucrative brand deals my views were down the money was up i was like all right you say how much i mean i was doing brand deals for house party for like 10 grand seven grand bumble four or five grand at the time i was only doing a couple million views a month and hundreds of thousands of views a video i was only posting four videos a time nowadays if you can get hundreds of thousands nowadays the views i was getting back then pretty impressive [ __ ] right there for a one-man team what do you think you made in 2020 oh yeah um six figures minimum not six figures yes you did no no no my cpu you made six you definitely did right no not even close bro you didn't make six figures in 2020 no my cpms were good at times i think right now if you looked at all my channel views my cpms and that's when like when an ad plays it was good right you're in like the four to six range but an ad doesn't play every time that's true cpm is to anyone that's wondering it's um how much you get paid per time like the ad plays pretty exciting per thousand views and uh like an average cpm nowadays on youtube maybe four or five so cost per milli so million views really means thousand though it only means thousand but like if you could do it if you get a million views and you get five thousand to four thousand dollars that's pretty average now depending on the video nelk gets like if they get a million views they get what like ten cents 10 cents yeah and then some real estate youtubers a million viewers they'll get 35 000 because their ads that are playing are worth more exactly but something you did so well throughout that time and that we did is that's true we were filming more of like the longer like family-friendly like we were doing crazy crap that was like illegal for sure yeah but like are we our videos were longer you would do a lot more pranks and they were under the ten minute well now the eight minute mark so you couldn't pop the pre-roll ads you can put the the in between and those were crucial like if we pop an overnight video 25 30 minutes a couple million views we're popping a couple pre-rolls that thing's popping off mid rows buddy pre-rolls means before mid-rolls but if you're but at the time it was like 10 minutes so you saw all these other youtubers like the dobre brothers 10 minutes one second every video that's why on youtube you'll see you see a lot of the videos that are 10 minutes in one second because if it's 10 minutes and one second then you can put a bunch of ads in the middle but if you don't then you can only put the one in the very beginning and your pranks they were like four or five minutes and your cpm now makes sense was probably like a two so three maybe it really depends on the time of the year november december high i mean bottom line i think end of 2020 um even looking back people had always asked me what do you do after youtube and i'm like dude i'm not i'm not just a youtuber like i'm a very smart kid like i've always been good at school there's so much more for me out there that's not just making pranks and so i think at the same time my brother got a really good job high paying job in tech with exxon mobil and i was okay well if he can do that i can do that so i went for an internship i remember getting a few offers uh and i remember asking you guys yo what do i do do i do something and my game plan was i'm going to get my master's degree which takes about a year and a half two years and so the next couple years i'll just keep going to school make videos whatever and then i ended up accepting a job with a small marketing technology company that was gonna be my internship get my credit get my master's degree and that'll that'll allow me for another two years to make videos go to school whatever do the whole [ __ ] in a round whatever right i got the job and i loved it it was fast paced every day i came into work there was pressure to deliver people wanted me to be there i had a hand in every business decision that was made every day that was so cool you working with you guys was fun definitely did not hit me on that same high intellectual difference got to be dialed right i mean working with you guys and what i was doing was fun but i'm a very intellectual guy i like to get into the nitty-gritty of things oh the business world allowed me to do that every day i was learning so much it was like i had a routine i felt like a killer i was learning so much i felt unstoppable and i think at the time too you guys were like yo what the [ __ ] is this guy doing and now i think it's definitely paid off it has paid off i'm making way more money and this is like going down but yeah yeah yeah yeah it was kind of like a money thing as well but as well as a long-term play like youtube if you're a creator it is not easy to make a lot of money as a one-man team i know as a two-man team that's different um and to be popping for long for as long dude i know you text us all the time you're like bro like we just posted an overnight challenge like like like a two months ago yeah overnight in trampoline park and you were literally sent like rohan loves sending these long text messages breaking everything down he's like dude it is absolute absolutely incredible i don't even know what you say you say these big words i don't even know because you're a businessman but like he was like this is absolutely phenomenal incredible that you guys are still able to after making videos for almost seven years pop an overnight challenge and pull four million views it's so it's crazy to think about that and if you're able to do that yeah why would you not why would you not film an overnight or play hide and seek why would you not film hide and seek you know make hundred thousand it makes sense i was not doing that i wasn't making hundreds of thousands of dollars where it made sense and i had to rely on mason's schedule your schedule while also balancing a relationship but then like at the time was okay well i can make way more money doing something it's probably makes sense more long term and still have youtube on the side yeah yeah like 2021 i got a brand deal with the sports company that paid me 30 grand to go fly around and make videos at football games that's crazy yeah that is literally my dream like 2021 was still a great year and the bengals went to the super bowl like 2021 by no means was the last probably peaked that year oh crazy no 2022 actually because they actually went to the super bowl 2022. true but then they lost 20 20 yeah that same company going to hit you up this year or no oh that's actually a great question or like some sort of company i'll get back to that but 2020 yeah it was more of like a mix of everything i had to figure out what i wanted to do 2021 early and march 26th i remember the date i officially accepted my offer in a more nine to five corporate role looking into the camera now i think also i think my i have a very unique perspective on things as well i've sat at the table with the viral youtube tick talkers i've been with the local tech startup where the owner is trying to make payroll on friday and it's thursday night and he's like [ __ ] what do we do i've been at the table with the corporate executive who is giving all the corporate [ __ ] talk right i've been at all the tables i kind of know so people watching this you know i'm not someone who's just i made a shitload of money before i was 22. i'm gonna tell you like it is and uh you know you can all kind of bow down to me yeah like i'll tell you that's i mean yeah i didn't even know this bro honestly no like you never really talked i thought yeah i didn't know like i had so anyway 2020 2020 i got my job worked there for a year and 2020 early 2022 i knew i was dangerous and i knew i had the skills where i could go out and get a really good job basically and i did and i left my old spot and the old dudes basically yo i can't let you leave like you're too too valuable you're just a you just have so many unique because you're smart and you've been through so much that so many people haven't been through and you got the social media side so you're like all you're like a jack of all trades and i feel like once your like employer saw that he was like dang bro the culture it's the culture thing it's like i'm honestly i don't want to blow so much smoke up my ass but yeah it's fun to be around you know yeah it's like a whole culture thing too i bring a good culture i get [ __ ] done and rtv always been getting stuff done i always had like the drive on our tv like back in the day when it was youtube videos it was oh we're getting some youtube videos done and now that you're on like what you're on now the business working your corporate job yeah i'm sure you bring that same thing to the table and you're like all right i'm gonna get this done yep no doubt i mean it's definitely different and corporate world is is much slower so working with the startup i know he's had a little taste of it it's faster every day matters corporate corporate's really slow uh youtube i think even youtube can be slow too i mean you guys aren't it's fast paced when you're out but there's a lot of down time exactly so i'm always at it but yeah it's been a wild ride for sure um but i ain't done you know we got some things cooking but uh yeah i know that's 2020. i mean it was like a money thing as well as being intellectually stimulated um and then you're sure you got a little ping too and i had a thing i had a girlfriend right i can't be traveling around making videos every day you know that's crazy but i know it's crazy it was like a whole mixture right now i'm breaking break that i'm breaking this down right now yeah we started youtube and rohan tv's motto let me tell you bro the rohan tv's motto from 2016 to 2019 was if you ain't filming then you are taking a l i was trying to rhyme i couldn't come up with anything if you ain't filming then take that out and you were also like rohan was the biggest runner my boy skinny so skinny bro look back at those videos you were a toothpick in half you could break my arm on your leg for sure i couldn't have you bro no no you thick now nice and thick but i could tap you on the shoulder and you'd be like bro you broke me but but like literally you were like bro all i'm gonna do is film videos and run no girlfriends and why would i waste my time lifting weights bro that means i'm going to be bigger i'm going to be slower then a couple years later rohan tv i think i don't even know what it was i hope we have a picture of this man he dyed his hair he started lifting my boy was 185 and ripped i was pretty big started lifting became obsessed with lift like so much obsessed with lifting that we would we would all be hanging out and then rohan would walk in the room with his shirt off with his shirt off he'd get a nice little chest pump in and he'd be flexing his pack and be like um look at that milk oh you want some milk he'd go up and squeeze the nipple like if if i had a cup and i was empty like this he'd come up to me and he's like yo ricky you want some milk you want some milk like he was like weird some milk though but like 2019 you could give that two percent or whole million well 2019 was whole you're getting skim now you're getting a little bit of skim now definitely even all of it back then was like no it's me yeah no no you gotta go back then whatever he is focused on that's what he becomes awesome yeah yeah because you were focused on fitness and you literally transformed your body like like it was like whoa you made a video about that like transforming it was like you skinny and then you just like can you run a hundred miles i ran 100 miles in a week [Music] yeah it was it was crazy jazz and then the whole girlfriend thing this is wow we gotta tell this right now yeah we say we got a lot of stuff we're saving for the next one but this one so this man he's not about girls if i ever even talk to a girl everyone's like bro what are you doing bro like you're wasting your time bro like what like like you you were on that level you were like right yeah no i agree but it was key you kept those like on check and like kept yeah but but honestly the bus movie i i'm very glad because if you were if you were like if you if you weren't like how you are then it's like and you let it like something not that like talking to girl is bad but like if we're like distracted if we're just like yeah that's true but if you're like slacking it's like but no you were like all right come on boys let's go think of how much time you spend texting a girl if you spent that same time focus on what you want to do you're going to be that much better and let's be honest most relationships ain't going to work out but oh bro if oh this makes someone stop here don't hear this guy all right 10 seconds this is mason the amount of time that i spend with girls i'm not hating on anybody but it's like the amount of stress and like [ __ ] that i put into my life and like like dude i don't even know but i could be something insane bro you could be when i make my mind strong enough to where i'm like bro fudge this like fudge that and i just focus on me and do what i want to do and then let them come to me it's going to be scary bro because i'm i'm going to be something dead because we're talking about we talk about it now and we literally say like you're already you're in very you're in the best shape out of all of us and you you're focused on the gym but you know that you could be more it's so crazy because i've gotten comfortable i've i was listening to an instagram reel today and it's like yeah like you can work out for so many years and then you kind of just get comfortable and you're like oh like once you like re reach like a certain physique you can work out like maybe like two three days and you don't have to work out as hard as what i'm trying to get at and kind of like eat like almost whatever you want and you're and you still maintain that simple physique so i'm like at that point and like after i saw that real instagram reel today i was like fudge bro i gotta go in i gotta go to the gym i gotta like focus on everything that i wanna do yeah and just like get to a different level bro like i gotta do something different i gotta change it up because if you sit here and you sit here and and just and you're okay with just being like mediocre it's like like nah yeah like i want i want to i want to reach levels and just like i don't know man and just think about like no regrets in life don't regret anything because everything you've been through ever all the hardships make you who you are today yeah no i don't regret any time that you spent like i think rohan realizes from the young age you know that how much time do you spend how much time have you spent talking to girls that you don't talk to anymore uh here's a good portion but it's like i don't regret anything yeah because like through everything and everything that i do and whoever i talk to like i learn so much and it makes me the person who i am today exactly and so i'm proud and i'm blessed to be who i am today because i'm cool i'm a cool ass guy 100 and if you don't and if you don't like see that out of me and then like honestly like [ __ ] off like let's go i'm being straight up oh that's key hundred percent that's a great attitude like i'm a great guy i'm outgoing as [ __ ] like you just gotta be yourself and then if people like you they like you and you if they don't they don't and you've been you were always like that and i think the sooner you realize that in life is to just be yourself and to do what you want you never have the fear of missing out rohan never has the fear of missing out like other people like especially nowadays with social media you see all your friends go out and they and then you're like you see it on social media why didn't they invite me this this this you waste so much time and energy wishing you were there just do your thing rohan never felt like we always invited him to everything but if if we didn't he wouldn't care he would just be like there's a reason why and i'm not going to get mad over it yeah like if rohan's busy he's a type say nope can't come i'm busy or like i'm sure people i'm sure people have people said this to you they're like yo why'd you stop youtube you could be doing this and this and this right i'm sure people have said that to you right a lot of people right probably so many too many to count probably your dms every day where are what are you doing huh it's yes yeah it's such a wild thing like i don't it's a rabbit hole it's a rabbit hole but like yeah i mean why not be doing what i'm doing you know i i have such a great life i don't really care it was a moment in time and you loved it for that and then one door closes another one opens and that one that door's not even like it's not even like fully closed but it's like it's like shut a little bit and then this one started opening yeah i know i mean it's but it's like but we're saying that rtv you you have uh you're just like you what ricky was saying you don't fear missing out stuff like some people if they were in your position they'd be like they'd be regretting it and just being like constantly overthinking me like did i make the wrong decision doing this instead of like doing youtube and keep on doing youtube like and what could happen but rtv you're just a great guy and you just you know you know what you're doing and i'm gonna decisive i'm gonna give an analogy right now you know if you really wanted to and you got fired from your job because you did something so bad if you came back and we went on another tour and we brought back like the og classics pop off like crazy i think so easily bro we have that nostalgia this whole group is like we have that nostalgia that would be like bro people would love to come just like say hey even if we did a podcast tour or whatever yeah people would come bro and you know that and that's the same thing with girls i'm gonna relate it to mason if you're with a girl you're doing your thing and then you're like yo yo i don't want to be with this girl anymore i'm moving on i'm doing my thing that girl gonna want you back one day bro even if you don't want her back because you're just staying in your lane so rohan i feel like you know that you're never missing out on anything because you're doing yourself and i know what i'm and i'm happy with what i'm doing i know what i'm doing it makes sense both financially long term i like it i get to work with so many smart people every day i'm impr like every day i'm improving like i could not say the same thing and i was doing youtube i can't say that couldn't even say that close and so like there's so many so i don't even the fear of missing out at this point [ __ ] man it dubs every day i know but i like what i'm doing like that's the biggest key i like what i'm doing i wake up you know there's something like you're happy doing what you're doing so that that's all that matters i don't give a [ __ ] what and what mason's doing honestly like i hope he's happy but like if he says hey i did this i'm like great you know have fun it's honestly so crazy to hear this because like i've learned from like just this is the first time rowan's gonna probably hear this but it's like rohan sometimes he comes off in like kind of like an [ __ ] kind of way because he'll say no and like we don't really think of it but when someone says no it's like that's like such a hard thing to say like for me i'm too nice of a person in so many different situations whether it's girls business like we're hanging out with friends or whatever it's like you have to learn and be comfortable saying no and i don't i don't know where i was going with this but it's just like rohan is so stern and such like a straightforward guy no a straightforward guy now that it's like he doesn't care if if it's not bettering him and if it's not something that he wants to do he's like like nah he just says no that was wasn't that your new year's resolution like a couple years say no more say no more say no more and it comes down to being comfortable in your own shoes like when you wake up are you physically happy the way you look like physically can you walk out and not give a [ __ ] what people think about what you look like and then emotionally right like how do you handle stress is your mom saying x y and z how do you react to it your girlfriend how do you deal with that stress i handle stress really well i work out i run there's things i know i do a good job at filtering out [ __ ] so i don't i don't let stupid [ __ ] stress me out if i know it's [ __ ] it's [ __ ] i don't give a [ __ ] like i'll tell you i don't give a [ __ ] honestly yeah he will he will that's feelings feelings it's hurt feelings in my relationships hey no one is more important to me than myself honestly that's right you're gonna be the best and because of that i'm gonna start i'm gonna start running man i'm gonna start dealing with my stress because little like behind the scenes you don't know like who what someone's going through and like i'm just gonna start running again bro cause i was so happy when i was running and the same every once we were doing [ __ ] all the time when i was i mean that's when i've been at my peak is when i'm running every day and i have a routine um routine you're you're a big routine is key man so key dude a book there's a book called the power habit i read it and it's just so good to have a routine automate things bro automate things that's why the big horses be wearing the same thing every day one less decision what what else do i wear but besides protect joe burrow the same [ __ ] every day and what else do we wear besides ibp merch bro am i right or am i where can you get it actually where can you get our tv come on give him a classic uh you can get it at virgin lincoln bio there we go aka lincoln description wait so to know aka ibt merch dot com yes so yeah shout out to ibp merch the other sponsor of this video we jose digma vote for him 2024 and uh jose digma is going to vote for your girlfriend too so wait so a little wait wait no because no i this was a dick was voting for your girlfriend your girlfriend's voted for jose digma and so you should too so yeah so you should too and this is like a 30 minute ago retraction but we were talking about things that you said you like i am gonna i only run i'm gonna be a twig stick figure for the rest of my life and don't talk to girls yes and then a couple years later instantly rohan becomes this jacked menace ripped and but he gets cuffed but he gets cuffed he locks in with the female version of our tv i call her because she's indian too and she's made for you bro yeah like i don't know if we can say her name we won't say her name yeah it starts with the same letter though it starts with the same to it they're indian it's just a it just isn't place in the lab but i remember it was crazy placed in the lap she placed yourself in your lap but yeah but basically what i was saying is the only thing that you can and i know a lot of you guys are mad our tv is gone this this and this our tv don't care like rtv is happy and you guys there's something to learn in that and i just want to say this for everyone out there that is with their friends they're with this girl where they're with this job they're with this if something changes something happens it's okay to be maybe upset or frustrated in the moment but don't let it consume you because the only thing that you can count on in in life is change bro and i was a little frustrated and a little upset when rohan stopped i was like we were trying to figure everything out we moved out there with jack dougherty we came back we went on a road trip we were literally struggling bro because you were like the third you were like the third you're like the glue that held us together third ireland boy i think is what you're trying to say third ireland boy pretty much yeah and we were struggling and i was like i was like dang bro like is it supposed to be this way life isn't it was going like that and i was frustrated for a little bit and i'm just being honest yeah like not frustrated with you like i understood things changed but i just want to say this out there for everyone is that someone can be all about this right now but when things change you got to be able to adapt adapt to the situation at hand and rohan was like yo no girls i'm gonna be skinny and then he was like yo wait maybe i should get jacked gets jacked completely switches and he's like wait maybe i should be maybe i should find a girl that can take care of my needs and like help me in life and i want to grow with boom this man bro he was living with mason bringing it back he was living with mason and i would go over there like every night and we would like just hang out talk film during the day and this man was swiping like no other on tape it's like this this is the form if you guys were wondering it's usually the the pointer finger you know like some people until you have that tinder tinder gold or what tinder i had all the premium unlimited unlimited swipes platinum unlimited swipes they'd fly me out every week to go to some club you know hang out like they oh that [ __ ] up yeah when you're on tinder you or like whenever you're on tinder people be oh wait left right let bro he didn't care it was right all day every day it was right turn right turn right turn guys i'm a data analyst now for those watching that's my title i was like [ __ ] man it's a numbers game gotta get my numbers up gotta get in that game boys gotta give myself some opportunities cause you can't close if you don't got enough opportunities you can't you know you gotta have more opportunity so you can close open yourself up you can say no later yeah so that's that was like sure that was the game plan and i did it man i got my you know i'm sure there was a couple times where rohan was right bright and he matched and he and they text him he's like my bad that was an accident he was a menace like that yeah yeah i'm sure that that happens yeah happens to everybody oh i was gonna pay you back on the point when when i did switch up and you're like ah [ __ ] you know [ __ ] man that you know he was key looking back now that i've been in a professional [ __ ] man that was so funny no but the the culture you don't really think about it when you're making youtube videos because it's so much fun anyway you don't really think about it and i'm working on a project now rtv picks but i i couldn't do it by myself right so i needed people to do it with so yeah that question i mean the whole culture right how and i've asked you this how do you value people working for ireland boys productions what culture are you trying to be like there's so many layers that go into it and it's so important having a good person in the business could make or break an entire business like that's why executives at big businesses i mean dude i mean elon musk right if that guy doesn't exist the whole world's different like one person can change everything there's so much value there but how do you place that value what does that look like all that stuff so it's amazing stuff i think from when we started because dude we started when we were kids bro we were kids having fun we had nothing better to do but film videos exactly like it was our entire life exactly pretty much definitely was dude my college my college experience just [ __ ] around and making youtube videos there wasn't much outside of that zero and we didn't feel like we were missing out bro we felt like everyone else was missing out yeah like look at us yeah everyone's like oh we're going you guys aren't going to these parties you guys are going to homecoming all this stuff and we're like bro you guys guys are playing high and seat yeah we are going to uh target and spend the night exactly yelling on tours so yeah it's just started the thing and the thing that you were saying i know what you mean it started off our relationship started off so organically where we felt like everyone was like you were helping us so much at the beginning and then after you started your channel i felt like there was a mutual benefit of like all right rtv we're filming this video this day if you come help us we're going to plug you and we're going to help you film your video and you'll plug us it was like it was a win-win there was no like yeah we weren't thinking oh you're getting this out of us you're getting this there was no we never had a pr the crazy thing is after all the years we never had a dispute about money or anything we all just genuinely enjoyed helping each other and then i think that's kind of almost where things change because we never sat down and we're like yo you're bringing this value what if we set up the business structure like this because we didn't have to no and we didn't really you didn't i don't think we were just i was just we never brought it up i think i even wanted to i was like i mean the second you make things about money it it just changes the dynamic there's that piece um like it look at team 10. look at team 10 dude you know it it does change it especially if it's your primary source of income right youtube i i had to post a video and if that video sucked or you didn't do well or whatever the case would be like that was and i didn't really like that i was like i i can't people aren't watching my videos i don't like i don't want that to be what is being put into my pocket i want to be how where can i put myself position where i can actually put my brains my drive my grit everything and that'll give me the money and i've seen just year over year or i guess day over day pretty much at this point returns on that i mean it's it's my call and i talk to my brother most people who go to go to a good college right they get a cool degree then they get and then they have crazy internships they have a crazy college experience with the internet internships they have my college experience was literally [ __ ] around but it wasn't until i got the interview with the big company and i actually got on the phone with them and they got to listen to me talk we're like all right this guy this guy isn't [ __ ] around he's not just another kid who went he's about that action that's literally all it is about that action brad it's literally all it is that's all it is like you hear the same [ __ ] from so many kids came out of college and so i guess anyone watching this uh who's in college even mason watching this is try and be different and back up your talk and you know you got to be about that action man like no kid can i kind of agree because like lately like i've just been like thinking i see like you i see evan like all of my friends are pretty much like doing like big boy things like as in big boy i mean like real business jobs and not just youtube tick tock social media and so lately i guess i've just been thinking like what can i do to better myself and better my future in a way right yeah but even me like i i'm making a lot of money more money than i ever made but i still can't see myself working for someone my whole life i'm way too talented i can prov i bring way too much value to anything i do should work for someone period point blank that's it we are all way too talented for sure somebody else exactly so i'm saying like within like the next 10 years i would be highly like like just confused as to if like why like we didn't even try to start like some sort of business like there's all there is to it there's layers to it i mean this is already a business right i mean are the boys this is a business but it's like it's a time i'm working for them for sure i know but that's your thing i mean but i'm saying something like let's all start something that has like we all have a percentage in it no you have a percentage of the podcast do exactly the podcast put it a lot of stuff doesn't take off like most businesses dude dude first couple years they're under water 99 look at how many businesses actually succeed after five years right it's a very low percentage that like so there's that whole piece too right so you can't expect it to just be working right off the bat either and i know what mason's saying he's like why like a physical business like a a tangible product that maybe it stands alone because right now the business and i'm just gonna be like straight up honest is our faces like if we go away there's nothing that like no one else can be like yo let's hire these two other dudes to run ireland boys productions you can't do that it's like the business is us so i know what mason's talking about why didn't we create like uh and i we could have made a house there's so many different things that but we just didn't i think everything was going so good and when things go good you don't really think about it and we never really had those conversations no we didn't i think i mean i was just always doing so much [ __ ] but i mean dude like i was feeling for my channel your channel i was going to school family there's always [ __ ] going on it wasn't like yeah i mean i was like later after i you know became more officially uh you know less youtube but i mean dude there's so much [ __ ] i've had so much [ __ ] going on we had such a good relationship too by not making it about money so and there was time we were thinking about making an app called an employee that's right that's right that could have popped that could have popped but like i don't even know why that might still but like we're not going to talk about it but honestly it could be we had an idea for an app for a game yep yep but like businesses and also you realize even the podcast bro like i remember and we're gonna talk about the whole tour in different podcasts when we went on the first road trip with all of us we focused on the main channel and then the more you add the less just like literally the less time you have for other things so i would make sure like i was like bro we can't be it's key like nowadays you have to be posting tic tocs instagram all this but the more you do you spread yourself thin where it's like if you try to make a business you're gonna have to devote like a decent amount of energy to it if you want it to succeed that's gonna take away from this so it's like it was always that balance of like let's just go all in on the main channel every time that was it the 80 the 80 20 rule you know that i'm sure you know i've heard of it if you think it's a point there's something that you put 20 percent of your effort in out of like your hundred percent and the thing that you put 20 on will probably make 80 of which for that is our main channel we'll make 80 like because like everything else takes a lot of time you know what i'm saying for sure this doesn't even relate to you but no it does but it's like yeah you just focus on what makes the most exactly and that's where you should put your most resources into and that's kind of that's what you did yeah i mean for you it was something different exactly i mean that's really what it was yeah rohan tv was it was again like you just said ireland boys is your guys's faces rohan tv was my face but i relied on a lot of other people yeah that i didn't think i could rely on honestly like i can't rule out you guys all the time i can't rely on mason all the time that's tough right so it's like this business sucks like this is not long term making sense if i can make 3x4x doing something else consistently for the long term yeah i do every time would you do anything different with youtube or no yeah i mean i'm i i don't think i'm done making content but i need a team like how do you start it differently or like change anything about the process that i did yeah would you change anything if you could go back i mean of course hindsight's always 20 20. yeah um but in the moment i mean did what i could that was it and what it provided me i can't ever i mean dude are you kidding me like yeah it was such a success i got to experience things learn things that 99 people don't ever get to experience yeah and who knows if you change those things maybe it changes everything say we were like say we were like all right boys we need to make sure we have this meeting this time and everything's going like this maybe it takes away maybe it would have taken away the fun or the genuinality of it i'm not saying it would have maybe it does and maybe you're not where you are so like you're right you're right you can't really regret anything do you regret being the hutter no i actually love being the hutter himself man that's still like [ __ ] and i i love being the hunter man it's classic dude can we talk about where the hunter came from yeah wait i also have a question for you i have to piss real bad do i have time for piss what time are we at too do we know uh i don't know but where are you wrong i got a fat question for you two okay like juicy one all right go take that drill piss take that piss i'm gonna take a piss in the other dolphin are you gonna go piss you in the other bathroom a little double pistor all right me and rick will carry this right now yeah we got oh hurry up bro are you sitting there talking to take that piss buddy oh this guy's limping behind the camera fell asleep oh oh last night huh this guy always has some stories about last night yo man what's crazy what's up buddy it's pretty crazy bro like we have never really had like this conversation with rtv you know in the years that we've been together like five six years we've been doing it together with our tv pretty much almost almost like a team like he's in a lot of our videos we would help him doing stuff and that's why the podcast is so dope it's like you these are the conversations that maybe sometimes you want to ask him but then if you're sometimes it might be weird if you ask him off the podcast yeah or just gets like super serious maybe you're just like hanging out and you want to have like a serious yeah you're out to dinner and then randomly you guys are all like talking about oh yeah we want burgers fries by the way remember like a couple years ago how much were you like making at the like you know it's just like a weird but now but now it's like it like forces you it doesn't force you but i mean it's you want to ask the juicy question hey all the way from new delhi he is bad for round two round number two he's back i definitely like the headphones um where did we leave off um wherever you're about to pick up okay get a juicy question okay so what about a juicy question and a fat piss so yeah my juicy question so man i think mason asked like why would you not or how looking back 10 years from now the fact that we were theoretically we did not we were not able to make a business right like that'd be a huge [ __ ] hell being with and working with a entrepreneur who every week he's trying to make payroll right every bit of cash matters right it's all a cash flow issue when do or clients paying right if you do a brand deal are they paying you net 60 net 90 whatever i don't know what generally what do you guys get paid usually from brand deals 16. within a month a month right so 30 days is [ __ ] crazy honestly in the b to b space if if you do business for a b2b company and then what is what is b2b business to business right so we're not so well they're like you what i did on youtube and then what you guys do is all business consumer manscaped right yeah the sponsor of the spot right gang it's b to c so b to b everything's just slower it's you get paid at a later time you know whatever [ __ ] anyway the bottom line is for you guys you went to la and i remember i think on paper it made sense like you go to l.a collab with the really big youtubers new audience l.a like that's where the youtubers are the tick tockers are out there have been hitting like the best renegades you can ever see crazy there's so many reasons to go out there obviously you guys got shafted with the rats i got that i in the house yeah that didn't help but at the time i remember talking to this guy and evan going like dude they're gonna go out there and they're gonna realize they just left the best place probably like one of the top places in in the country in tampa tampa's so good yeah they have everything you need oh she would have told us that you know and no but like i don't know at the same time though at the same time though it made too much sense to go to california you need other people to film with i can't film with you who knows the [ __ ] i'm doing at the time that was a big part of what we didn't really touch on him but like why we moved to california in l.a with jack dougherty was because rtv he left to do his own thing me and ricky were like all right we got to figure out like what are we doing and then we kind of needed we wanted like more people doing the same thing around us so we're like all right who else really does it no one really around florida almost at all and we're like oh jack dougherty he invited us to go move into the house and we're like seems like a good thing to do we did it so my question though how much money did you guys spend on just expenses right definitely it was a six figures six figures 100 bands right or something minimum at least so just think about this the rent was 26 000 a month 12 month lease crazy you know how much that is a lot of money a lot 250 plus we didn't stay there for a year and we were supposed to be splitting with five people by the time we get out there it's down to four one month later down to three me nick are paying two thirds of that we got to buy out the rest of the lease luckily the rats helped us with that and we talked a little but six figures hundred thousand dollars lost easily we travel everything the time we spent moving everything in bro you can't like it's just i don't even want to think about it it's so absurd and so i think even to piggyback off of mason's question and it's kind of even it kind of parlays into what you guys are doing now right if someone said all right rohan here's a hundred grand go make youtube videos i think i would probably definitely i'd have to probably i said probably drop what i'd be doing and go ahead and use that 100k and do what i'd want to do i think i i think there it would be difficult but that money is just like when i heard that and i i didn't really know how much you guys are spending out there but i was like oh my god too much like so many small businesses would kill for 100k in cash and you guys just said [ __ ] that not necessarily [ __ ] that but like you just went yep i think and so it's like holy [ __ ] and i guess the question is what would you do now with that 100k cash for your future videos i guess like like some sort of content like what you guys excites you from your day-to-day jobs is money a huge thing too like are you guys like oh [ __ ] we don't want this video because it costs too much what does that look like because that was a huge thing for me too like i want to do these videos but they cost it a lot and i don't have the cash to just go and spend thousands of dollars on videos so and that that's like the content i think so what you guys got i think you want to go first you go ahead um i think at the time looking back on everything we did so much stuff right with you and us in the beginning for so long we didn't realize how good we were doing it and how good we had it and we almost had to leave to realize like yo we were doing everything right bro we were we had like cohesion we were posting so consistently we were doing literally everything right we were just ourselves and almost going out there was like dang bro we don't need to collab with these big youtubers we don't need all these other people to film with all we need is like our friends and which is a big reason why we just hired mason and that's like a like a process that's ongoing but i mean we went out there realized bro you can put some of the biggest people together with the biggest subscribers and maybe you guys are like this and this but i'll take the energy and environment 10 times out of 10 over someone with more subscribers because at the end of the day like you said you wake up every day happy that's why we started this podcast bro the podcast right now is losing money every month but we believe and you guys believe that it's gonna turn into something and i really think it will and we gotta believe that this is a business in itself but we are generally like nick and i were talking when you guys left we have conversations that we haven't had in years and it forces us to have those and just like it's worth it to lose money right now it's worth it alone and i think me and nick had a conversation the other day talking about where we want to go in the future with everything nick loves music you know that yeah right you love music and i'm talking about like i do crazy stuff i cheese people off and i definitely like like the like the pranks where i'm like pissing people off sometimes yeah it's fun and i'll probably still always do that but the other day we filmed a video because we got a brand deal for like a decent amount of money and i was like bro let's do a video where we just get back feel good so we did pain for people's gas we haven't put it up yet it might be up at the time you see this it'll be up it'll be up and when we went out that day bro it felt so good just doing it and i hope it does good but people love drama people that's why people love like the antagonistic stuff but i think that's where i would want to go like if we can give back and do stuff like that that video made me feel so good like after you're done filming it wasn't like uh oh man dude like i just pissed that person off like but it's gonna go viral no it was like dude we made so many people's day like we made this one ladies day her name was miss b and i walked up to her legend one of the coolest people we ever met in the years of filming i go up to her i'm like yo miss b how much did it take to fill the tank she was like i haven't filled it since covid and i was like here you go pull out like 60 bucks and she starts going no way no way right nick's filming it feeling like we were feeling so good that day and then i was like miss b but what about the next tank and i pull out like another 40 bucks give it to her and she was like she was like she wasn't crying but she was like yo this is making my like day so i had like we had like a i don't know how much money we had but i had a bunch of money in my pocket and we were supposed to use it for different scenes to help a bunch of people and we did but i literally pulled out like i was like yo what about the next next tank and i put like a bunch more money give it to her and she was like yo stop ricky you're gonna give me a heart attack and i was like miss b i don't want to give you a heart attack but this tank's full and the next tank's full and the next one but what about the one after that and i literally gave her the we gave her the rest of the money up for that scene and just like stuff like that if i could do that that's all that matters to me like we've made a lot and obviously it's about running businesses and in the future we haven't made enough to like be able to be like yo we don't need to work forever but i think being yourself is the key and like i don't know if i went on a random tangent right there but oh so what was the question the question was i think i don't know if it answered the question you that was a good story i don't know if it answered the question though yeah answer from a content perspective like where do you see you guys and honestly like if someone asked me that when i was in my prime i would probably give some weird answer too so it's not an easy thing to answer i think but i think even when me and ricky were living in l.a like we thought about it and like even jack would think about it too like we all realized like a couple months in we're like we are spending like a lot of money we could be doing so much other stuff with this money and we kind of all realized that that's why that was a big reason why me and ricky were like yo we gotta go we gotta go we gotta go so then um like while we were talking out there though me and ricky were like bro for the amount that we're paying out here we could literally like fly go film a video in a city and it would like it would be cheaper to do that every week or like just like going like a trip every week film a video in a different city like at the craziest place because not all the crazy stuff is like driving range from here so just fly across the country and go to different places film like crazy videos and that would still be cheaper and we're like bro like why don't why don't we do that and stay at the nicest hotels yeah stay yeah it would be cheaper we should do that yeah that's that's what we're that's what we've been talking about yeah it's like kind of so like instead of like before because before we moved out there it was we would do a lot of stuff like around around where like where we live and then part of the reason like in the video that we said we're moving to l.a i'm pretty sure we were like we're going to la cause like we've done everything around here yeah yeah kicked out of every walmart every target within the tri-state area yeah yeah something like that but then we're like after but it took going to la to realize like there's we can just go on a plane and fly and it like makes sense like maybe i understand how maybe one it wouldn't make sense for you because it's hard to do that if you're definitely you're like a one-man team that's like a lot of stress and pressure i'm sure too and like we're getting like we were getting more views so just like it would make more sense yeah i'm saying so yeah also people listening to this we never really had this conversation really like since you guys have came back though no with everything yeah so like this is still like it's just straight up a lot of new [ __ ] here yeah we're having a real conversation yeah it's like legit people bet so but um and one more thing i'll add one more thing to that that actually makes sense is there was no business transactions between us so we were all just friends we didn't know how to hire someone we didn't know oh how much do we pace we and we edited all our own videos for like the past five years bro like every single video so there was no like oh how much do we pay an editor we're figuring all this stuff out on the fly asking other youtubers that have been doing it in la and then we get back here and we're like yo what do we do so then we we never had to pay anyone because everyone came and we'd give people money just here and there just because but then that's why we paid we like we hired mason so like he's on payroll like yeah for the people that are watching this like they don't know like i literally helped you guys out for like like a couple years at least oh yeah and i hope that's yeah i helped rohan out for years too or maybe like i don't know like a year or two and like honestly i didn't even about the money for me like i genuinely like had fun i have fun like no matter what like sim like last night we were out in orlando filming at the at the hotel overnight in water park yeah overnight in water park if it's out now but um like it's just like it it's not like the craziest like things but it's just like fun like hanging out with my friends like filming a video like it might be childish but like bro i have so much fun doing it it's just unbelievable that's all that matters but eventually and like you said it's like not about the money but like even like for rohan it's it's it wasn't about the money like when he was helping us but eventually like when you're a kid money is not really a concern to you because it doesn't really play too much of an effect in your life but then eventually there comes a point where you have to decide like you can't just be helping us film overnight challenge water park like for free yeah when like 10 years down the line like you're getting 30 with a family yo go yo we're playing high and see can you come maze shoot i got to tuck the bed the kids into bed but i'll come right after that boy and like me meanwhile you guys are like making meanwhile you guys are like making like millions of dollars like buying like all these houses and [ __ ] and like so that's when nick and i said i'm living in a cardboard box we never sat down wrong we never sat down with ronan had these conversations because he was doing good we were doing good it was a mutual benefit but now like you're not not that you're not don't have your own channel but like it's not your focus so nick and i sat down and we're like okay we can go hire someone that maybe is professional a professional filmer and a professional this this and this or pay someone professionally to be in our videos but why would we rather just pay one of our friends that we already know is going to have good vibes and like he was already like mason has already been in the videos like a bunch and he was already like down and like doing the stuff and we're like we just like realized he's like all right mason he's not gonna be just doing this for free forever like he's got his own life he's got stuff that he wants he's got money to make he's got food he has to eat food too and i can learn i can easily learn like how to be a great photographer or videographer or whatever you guys need me to do like i can learn but over time but what you can learn is how to have good vibes yeah and just be just click and mesh and we just we just happened to click like over the over the years we just click we have the same sense of humor like we all enjoy we enjoy doing the same things and we just get along and it's [ __ ] it's [ __ ] unbelievable it's great yeah piggyback on uh the point that's right the fact that yeah mason and evan you know whoever did so much like free work for labor yeah even from my perspective i was like [ __ ] like if i want to grow this i can't really pay anyone you feel bad is it fair for me to keep asking mason to take time out of his days to come helping me like no it's not fair it's not even it's not even close to being fair so how do i justify this as a business you can't expect it like we can't like back in the day like we would like ask like mason like yo can you help film but it's like there's a good chance he says no and if he says no you just have to be like okay he says no he's doing whatever he wants to do but now now there comes a point where you're like all right now if we're paying him then it's like it's just more like just more like all right let's get stuff done too especially when we're paying him because it's like we don't want to pay him to just do nothing so it's like all right how much can we do now wait because if you're say so like back in the day like if you're you say so you're not paying me like back in the day right i don't think anyone was even thinking yeah like i wasn't even thinking of it but it's like yeah people don't know like i could be doing other stuff with my time so like that's why that's why you guys had to come out and be like yo like i'm we're gonna offer to hire you and we'll pay you and you're going to be here on this time and i'll be there but it's like i don't know i just had to say that because back in the day i could easily be saying no and going to actual make money with my with something else yeah no doubt dude it's just so crazy like what i've i mean what i've learned myself for the past 17 months like if i said yes to everything you guys are filming i wouldn't even be close to where i'm at today no not even close who knows the [ __ ] i'd be doing so it just the time management thing so important knowing what you want to do all that stuff um uh i think you guys got [ __ ] hands up what's up hi my hand was our first teacher oh i just want to say one thing i meant to say this earlier when we were talking about like saying no but when you say no to one thing you're saying yes to something else yeah yes something else which is a lot of that time is yourself which is not like maybe like you might you feel bad when you start saying like no in the beginning but then you got to realize you got to respect yourself more and put yourself first over over anything at the end of the day pretty much yeah and in 2021 i was definitely gambling on myself a lot too any part i definitely had doubt i was like [ __ ] man like is this what i should be doing i feel like it is i'm doing really well i don't know where it's going to take me right yeah i kind of had my like i knew i was doing good work i didn't know it would just there i did have some doubts but like when you're going into like the business stuff yeah like going into the office i'm okay i'm doing good [ __ ] but you never know how shit's gonna play out you really never do know and you gotta be ready for anything i just so crazy i yeah i mean it's just and then a whole culture piece i want to touch on this okay how important culture is i got hired to do a job um and they were looking for someone with like four to six years of experience i remember like a recruiter hit up hit me up and they were and they said hey it's between you someone who's like 28's been doing this for years it's between him and you they basically they said they don't really know who they want to go with but they really like you and they want to give you a job they just don't really know what it looks like just because they like you that's how it is they understand the value you can have in the long term you're only 23 there's so much there ultimately i ended up getting the gig not because of my competence it was almost like the future competence that i'll be able to provide like i was competent but now once i got in there i was like oh [ __ ] i'm not really that confident what does competitor mean like you're able to do what you're doing like if you hire him to edit that dude's incompetent right right now right now no right now but you guys have some hardcore edits like mason can do some basic he can cut [ __ ] up put a thing on it but you guys have high pitches yeah i can put some basic text on that no he times you roman but like there's some things i got in there for day one i'm like oh [ __ ] like but sometimes it's uh what's called the uh being someone that people like that's not that that's all it is and it just opens doors it's so huge like my boss i told him in my interview i remember asking like yo what do you like to do i had a conversation connected we were both runners we both like soccer like sports as about as kids we connected on so many levels that mattered and a lot of people hiring in my job with the job that you're at now or yeah yeah the the big one and he and we connected well there was so much there it wasn't just yeah i can do x y and z all right bye yeah like we had a conversation like it made sense so it's important and and then oh this is all to say i remember nick posting an instagram story saying all right we're looking for a video editor you gotta be hard worker you gotta be able to and then do some other [ __ ] and at the time i was like oh [ __ ] why are you if hard worker and this isn't i'm not bashing you guys but hey where are you watching this who you know i'm sure there's gonna be some business owners out there and you're trying to find someone i think working smart and almost i think if if i were to word it right now instead of saying i need a hard worker i what i would say is i need someone who can handle adversity well and then obviously you have to have the base level skills right you gotta be able to edit video right you have to have experience adding video you have to have a portfolio but then i wouldn't put hard work around there first of all if you can edit video you're probably already a hard worker but it's like the reliability the hard work reliability go hand in hand i feel like and you don't want someone you give them video and then yeah you might never get it back but then someone who's applying for the job and who already has a portfolio probably already checked the hard worker box so instead of staying hard working you can say hard be work you'd be surprised you want to be like a beast you want to be asking questions like if this adversity comes up like if you say okay i can edit this video and give it to you by xdate but but so something comes up how do you handle situation oh [ __ ] your grandma dies something happens how does that work so i wouldn't ever really say i would love to put it in a little instagram story there is a lot hard worker is like a high level i need someone who isn't a [ __ ] competent i just said [ __ ] but like like who isn't incompetent basically someone who's willing to actually work i don't even know a [ __ ] it's a general requirement because you'd be surprised how many uh little uh fortnite edits we'd get that were made on tick tock no hey though no hate but i hate but it's like there's levels there's levels bro there's big levels and then you and then and then after we got in the emails the nitty gritty then we start asking those questions like you know what i mean i feel it yeah so it's kind of like something different but if you go on any uh i can't imagine big corporate places or even jobs they're not really saying are you a hard worker like it's kind of complied almost yeah but it's all a different thing it's all different for sure because ever since you left it made us like we never really had to think about the things we had to think about until you left not left but like until you were like yo i'm working like a job yeah so then so then after that we were all taught we had to like discuss like all right if we don't hire mason he's probably gonna keep doing his thing keep doing his thing and he is gonna keep doing his thing but a couple like who knows if it turns into something i hope it does because that's going to be the best thing ever if we can all just film bids and mason's like yo i'll make it more than i would be able to make if it gets that point hopefully but like if we don't hire him now he's going to do his thing he's going to move on just like how you did just like how evan did and it'll be me and nick and we'll have to hire someone so why not give it a shot that's why we went on the road trip we tried i think we've tried a bunch of different things and before we were lucky to not really have any major failures in the first couple years of us filming no drastic it's crazy how good it worked it is insane it was a perfect storm it worked so good like very very well like just like like this like i think i took it for granted because after i was like dang bro that's how life is supposed to be bro you know bro even me too though i definitely took it for granted for sure i another piece too like i still can't see myself working for like a big corporate company your whole life as well like i do want to start something but it does have to financially make sense what are you doing with the youtube thing like so yeah you said rtv picks but what exactly are you gonna start doing and when are you doing it like sports betting right obviously that market's so lucrative um there's so much starting this whole thing now just started a whole company about it i just wanna and i was like okay if i'm gonna do youtube i gotta hire a team so i brought evan on and my brother my brother has been sports betting guru right he's a numbers guy like me um and so we're just gonna put out content actually like i've kind of dabbled into it the last two years but i haven't been able to fully do cause i never had a team so now i got a people who can do it even if i'm not able to give the time there who can still get the content up um that's what i want to do i could lose money off it i don't give a [ __ ] it's what i want to do it's what makes me happy and your passion so dumb it down though dumb it down though for the people watching what exactly are you doing and what exactly are your employees going to be doing or the people that we're working for you doing so what are you going to be like what is the type of stuff that you're you're going to be posting this on rohan tv uh youtube yeah so every you'll see every wednesday night i'll post a four to eight minute podcast about what i'm putting my money on so free picks like hey i'm picking the bengals box whatever right um we're gonna you know repurpose that content on tick tock instagram whatever that'll be evan's job to kind of cut that up post it out there so i'm going to think about it turn the camera on record it that's his job i don't not got to think about editing the video so evan's not going to be in the video then no so it's only me i'm kind of he's just cutting it up for you and editing it he's kind of just like the content guy oh ravi's gonna be more so collaborating with me on picks so he's always i mean so if you're like yo the bangers are gonna win he's gonna be like rtv i know you love the bangles i do too but we gotta think about this strategically they take you knows right now no so how we have it set up is ravi's given me the picks and then then i'll come back to him and then we'll come back on a middle ground and then that's when we're gonna go make that video and then i guess the way we monetize it is we've had talks with draftkings obviously some other books that boy jerry you already know one of my old managers i think he took about jake paul is a new thing better bet better that better is pretty sweet shout out to rohan's manager we me and nick have a couple managers our dad our boy guidon who was a haas and then jerry yeah this guy is legendary you know like jerry is legendary the money that dudes made me is just dude because bro let's be honest wrote how was the last time you pushed on youtube don't even can't even remember oh i guess bengal super bowl but that was like the numbers are way down for our tv right now because you're focused on business yeah i don't give a [ __ ] this guy jerry just got this man a brand deal for puma sneakers out of nowhere this guy ain't even wearing sneakers right now show the socks and they're adidas under armour like this guy jerry's crazy the way he gets stuff jerry just loves me man i don't know and it's your energy because there are so many more people who should be getting those deals but jerry and shout out to shout out to jerry because let's get a hashtag jerry in the comments because because he loves you so much and you've talked about me and nick hiley he loves me and nick too yeah so like he's got us a couple things already and we just started talking to him like a couple months no doubt so basically to wrap it up 30 15 seconds we're going to be posting nfl content strictly around sports betting our best bets our picks you can get free content but then if you want the premium really good [ __ ] you can go to our website you can buy like a subscription to what we're saying so we're gonna give you analysis details right that goody good [ __ ] on how we can try and make you money that's the ultimate goal so that's kind of what we're doing it's my passion it's what i like to do work for free it's what i like to do what are you doing now to like promote it or so right now we're working on i feel like you should be starting like this is a topic we could have off he's promoting on the number one podcast right now that's one piece but the second piece is i think a lot of it comes down to if we put out picks week one like hey we're gonna do this and then we show people hey we hit on four out of the five three out of the five five out of six seven out of eight and we just keep building on the fact that we're hitting right that that sells itself oh [ __ ] these guys are hitting that's what's good we haven't had a game to really pick on and show what we can do yet so i mean we can say hey follow us but anybody gonna follow cause we haven't are you gonna add in like fantasy football stuff too or no not really we're going to keep it straight down to making money because that's what i was going to say i was going to say like right now you could kind of promote it with like what your best fantasy outlooks are and i got too much going non you know i know i got other things making money so who even knows man because the door is not closed like we still might do something in the future i can definitely see it happening of nick and i and mason keep on doing our thing rohan and evan are doing their thing and ravi rohan's brother and then the thing is it takes a very special idea in a very right set of circumstances to create the perfect storm just like how we made our youtube channel and say a couple years down the line one of us has a crazy idea we mention it the other people are like okay that could be a thing we start brainstorming that's how things happen so i don't i wouldn't put it beside the point of all of us creating something in the future like i don't know i couldn't even tell you what it would be but there's definitely a possibility you were about to create something and then you got that job well it's not a possibility it's gonna happen we're gonna we're gonna start something yeah no i think two something crazy is gonna happen within the next five years of all of us combined also geographically like the whole uh i i i've been in fort myers for the past like what you know but i haven't been in town all the time like i've been kind of all right we've been out of town you guys been out of town like we haven't been together really since this is our first time seeing each other in like what like a month yeah since the keys how many times we've seen each other this year like i could kind of count on my hands and how many times would we see each other in the other years every day it's every day bro but i'll be back that disney channel flow there's a lot there but man yeah it's crazy [ __ ] i think we definitely honestly we're we will create something and who knows when it is what it is but uh know when it happens all the og's are gonna be like dang bro that's crazy that those boys are hitting again we're young too man it's just crazy though i mean this dude's like what 20 19. still a teenager bro that's crazy but yeah no we're all really young man even dude i was the youngest person in the office today sitting in the office seeing i was at a meeting i was the youngest kid in there 23. yeah it's crazy good times coming to tampa that's all i got to say bro that's like i said i got some goods we're about to run it up we're all going to run it up boys oh buddy big things coming man let's go can we expect you to be are you going to come on again ever so that it was what it is yeah man you know he's got to hit me up with that schedule dude i i think i scheduled this like two weeks out yeah i think i hit you up at the end of july saying all right boys august 10th i'll be in town the evening works the best for me like i'm dialed every day like you got to come to me at least two days in advance if you want to fit something in there because i got [ __ ] going on whether it's schedule we scheduled it a couple times and he was like yep something came up yeah i was like dang he's like that now yeah a day before won't really it's tough bro you got to be but it's helped us because we were so bad at that yeah we were we were we would wait till the morning off and be like all right boys this is what we're doing come we still do that and that's part of the reason why like where i come in handy sometimes because i kind of try to help stay organized because yeah i have like i'm not just working with you guys like i'm working some other part-time jobs and so like i kind of have to make sure we stay organized yeah it's like shoot if if we want mason to come and be there that day and we like we need him it's like all right we gotta let's plan out what we're doing and we need amazing so he can do his playing this stuff and also the way that we're paying mason for like the day we try to make the most of the day which i think is helping so much yeah because like sometimes i'm here like 12 bro we're together like sometimes like like double shifts like if i work a part-time job and i'm getting paid like what like 17 bucks an hour 18 bucks an hour i'm there for like eight hours but with you guys i'm there like more than eight eight to ten hours like i'm probably there like 12 hours at least depending on the day depending on the day yesterday overnight challenge the past couple times it's been like 12 hour days yeah so you're saying like your hours don't always match like what but it don't matter because at the end of the day like i'm happy and i'm having fun and then also i'm here for the long run like i know that we're gonna do something it's incentivizes mason to like because sometimes the time like if we're there for like 10 hours sometimes we're there for four sometimes they're for six sometimes they're for eight it incentivizes it because sometimes you can make those 12-hour days for our days exactly but we don't because we're sleeping around sometimes but we're getting better and better at that and that's all you can do right yep and i think um i'm just gonna wrap it up i don't know how long we've been going but it's uh any closing words um i would say uh i gotta say to anyone out there the biggest keys man honestly though what's that what's that painting on your wall on my wall is it in there or is it it's like a lot of pain you gotta take the risk right the mona lisa oh take a risk take the risk that's it that's all it says take the risk i have a bunch of opinions like hard work it was in here it said like you got to take the risk or you got to take take the leap and it's the guy jumping across from cliff the cliff yeah you got to just do [ __ ] learn what you like to do go after it that's the key keep it simple keep it simple and make it make sense keep it stup keep it simple yeah anyway yeah that's all i gotta say man just keep it simple man don't overthink [ __ ] and uh get after it thank you for coming on sir and we're excited to have you on for another one sometime so guys make sure you show some love right now show some love to our tv and let him know how much you guys appreciate him for taking time out of his busy schedule to hop on here and let him know that you want him back for part number two let's go the hot man the choker baby hey man
Views: 385,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pod, podcast, it it, it is, it, is, what, it is what it is, iiwii, iiwii podcast, it is what it is pod, it is what it is podcast, nck, ricky ireland, nick ireland, ireland boys podcast, ireland boys pod, ireland, ireland podcast, nck podcast, nick ireland podcast, rickyireland podcast, it is what it is ireland boys, ireland boys it is what it is, it is what it is clips, clips, it is what it is podcast clips, podcast clips, interview, rohantv, rohan
Id: llzDFkwTzvY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 105min 31sec (6331 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 17 2022
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