Roger Ver – Renunciation of US Citizenship, Caribbean Passport, Bitcoin and Libertarianism

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and if i wasn't next to i could send to you by text message a huge number of americans are renouncing their citizenship every year smaller number of americans that are announcing their citizenship than actually are nobody has asked me that question i think everybody in the world should have a second passport you don't know when a government's going to go crazy [Music] so roger it's millions of people try to get u.s citizenship and they pay a lot of money to get a green card and waited few years to get it but you're the guy who renounced from u.s citizens what's the reason yeah well millions of people used to think the world was flat but that didn't make it true either millions of people today think the u.s passport's the best one or the u.s is the best place to live but that's not necessarily true either and each in each individual person needs to think about their own life and their own situation and what makes sense for them and uh maybe for some people going to the u.s makes sense but for a lot of people it doesn't make sense and there's a huge number of americans are renouncing their citizenship every year do you know some numbers i know a bunch and what i'll tell you is i think the us government's lying about the number of people that were announced so for example my name never showed on the renouncement list and i have a bunch of friends who have announced as well their names never showed on the list so the real number nobody knows but i think the us government is trying to pretend that it's a smaller number of americans that are renouncing their citizenship than actually are uh what is approximate number of things i'd say over a hundred thousand a year i would guess so and i think it's a lot uh when you call the embassy trying to make an appointment to renounce your u.s citizenship most of the time they say oh you have to wait months until we have an opening or an appointment because i assume it's because they're so busy with so many people coming in to renounce because what other reason could there be for having to wait months to be able to do that when did you renounce from the citizenship i renounced the date of my organizations february 4th 2014. so you remember the date it's like so they give you a piece of paper that's called a certificate of loss of nationality and they write the date right on there and they're supposed to give it to you pretty quickly but uh you know like most things with government there's no accountability and if they don't give it to you quickly there's not much you can do so in my case i think they waited nine months to give it to me but when i finally received it i saw that it had been signed months and months earlier and it just sat on somebody's desk somewhere and they didn't bother to send it to me until months later so but what am i going to do about it so i see so did you make some ceremony of us from renowned citizenship yeah so when i when i went into the embassy uh basically have a script they get read you from to try and caution you and they said did you know if you renounce your u.s citizenship you're not going to be allowed to vote but you know i don't really believe in votings and haven't voted you know for the last 20 years so that's not going to change anything and the other interesting things they said like did you know if you announced your u.s citizenship you won't be allowed to serve in the armed forces and i knew i would never serve in the military i'd rather go to jail than go and kill strangers that i've never met so i was never going to serve in the u.s military ever and then the other thing they said did you know if you renounce you won't be allowed to collect social security taxes somehow they didn't caution me that i won't have to pay social security taxes anymore either and that social security is this giant ponzi scheme that people are forced to be a part of but uh anyhow and then the other funny thing though the guy did have a sense of humor he asked me do you want because they charge you to renounce he said do you want to pay with cash yeah not the exit tax just the actual fee at the embassy for the renunciation process which is totally separate from the exit tax the guy at the embassy he asked me said do you want to pay with cash credit card or bitcoin okay and i i this was in 2014 and i looked at him i said how do you know i would want to pay with bitcoin he goes oh we know all about you and then i said well can i really pay with bitcoin he goes no i was just kidding so at least he had a nice sense of humor about that and what citizenship do you have now now i'm a citizen of the wonderful country of saint kitts and nevis and that's where we're filming this right now yeah okay we have a passport i do yeah i have my uh i think this is probably my fifth or sixth saint kids passport because i usually go through one per year because there's so many stamps in there because i'm traveling all around so yeah in fact i'll probably get another one later this year because i only have a page or two left so so that is only one password that you have i mean citizenship well yeah sink it so [Music] so just kind of by good luck i was looking for anything that was fast cheap and reliable because i like things that are fast cheap and reliable and same kits give me visa free travel to pretty much all of europe pretty much all of south america and almost all of asia without any visa required so it's a really fantastic passport and uh you can actually pay for the whole thing now with a bitcoin cash with the different agents here in the same kit so that's fun as well and we've processed dozens of people's applications uh in the use cryptocurrency to pay at this point so it's really fun uh be honest with me uh does the government of some kids pay you for advertising off synchronicities but they're welcome to pay me i'll put my bitcoin cash address where they can send me a payment no i'm i'm probably one of the more well-known petitions at this point in the world but uh that is why we are here yeah but uh i i love saying kids st kids is fantastic so you are living here like i'm living here part of each year yeah so i spend a couple of months here each year and i'm zipping around the world promoting more economic freedom for the world through through digital currencies like bitcoin cash [Music] fantastic the weather's between like 23 or 4 to 28 every single day all year round like what's not to love uh and you live in saint kitts or nevis i live here in saint kids i'm liking saying kits a lot and you have no personal or corporate income tax or capital gains tax you don't even have to file a tax return at the end of the year that just feels like paradise for me and even if it was freezing cold and snowing outside it would still feel pretty warm inside because i don't even have to file a form at the end of the year and that's just heaven for me [Music] so i my understanding of flag theory is that you have your citizenship in one country you live somewhere else and you do your business somewhere else and that's the best way to get governments to leave you alone in most areas of your life and i think that's probably a pretty good strategy although the wonderful part about having cryptocurrencies it makes so you can do business in the jurisdiction of cryptocurrency and it's it's much more outside of the traditional business world and you don't have to beg for a bank account or beg to be accept credit cards or paypal or anything like that so cryptocurrency is one of the best things to have ever happened in regards to flag theory i think and how many flags you planted i have quite a few flags at this point at least at least four i would say yeah what is this like japan and saint kitts are the two public ones what about cryptocurrency because when the theory was created it was six one time low yeah and uh it was no cryptocurrency in the time so that is a seventh black how do you think yeah a seventh flag or maybe replaces one of the other existing flags there i think the cryptocurrencies are the fastest the cheapest the most reliable and the easiest for people to use are the ones who are going to get the most traction and the ones that get the most traction will have the most users the most places you can use it and the biggest market cap and the biggest price appreciation so if something's not fast cheap and reliable and easy to use people aren't going to use it so i that's uh from an investor standpoint i'm looking for the cryptocurrencies that have those characteristics but that is a big challenge for governments i mean that's why i love cryptocurrencies so i'm a voluntarist i think each individual owns their own life and they should have complete control of their own life and they shouldn't need permission from governments to do anything that's peaceful and cryptocurrencies enable individuals to do exactly that so that's why i'm so in love with digital currencies how do you think what will happen after i don't know 10 15 years with cryptocurrencies so maybe governments tried to cover it under control or what can happen i think the really smart governments will embrace it the governments that embrace cryptocurrencies first are the ones that will benefit the most by them so any forward-looking politician or government person should be rolling out the red carpet for cryptocurrency and saying hey we want this used here we want people to use it because unlike the us dollar or any of these other currencies with crypto most cryptocurrencies the supply is limited and so as more people start to use it the price goes up so if saint kitts were to start using bitcoin cash or any other cryptocurrency across the whole country first and then it spreads to the rest of the world after that saint kitts will wind up becoming one of the wealthiest countries in the entire world because of it so it's an incredible opportunity people just need to be aware of it and take action on it so and i'm happy to help if they want and if they don't oh well my my life is is still okay so just a few minutes ago we created a brand new negros token and sent them right to your phone and now you have negros tokens on your phone and these are running on the bitcoin cash network you can send them anywhere in the world instantly basically for free no one can freeze your account no one can stop them and you can have them represent shares in a company you can have them represent gold you can have them represent dollars you can have them represent anything you want because that's the beauty of tokens is they can tokenize anything how can offenders do you'll scan my address on my phone and if i wasn't next to i could send to you by text message and you'll choose the negros token here and you can choose how many you want to send me you're going to send me a thousand the last step slide to send so you've now sent them and we'll wait one second here boom the payment's been received on my phone just like that and i have a thousand more megros tokens just like that thank you so easy right and so you can see on my phone i have a bunch of different tokens have some spice tokens and tesla tokens and wuhan infection virus tokens i have all sorts of tokens here okay somebody made a token it's called kiss you want some i can send them to you the closest thing i ever had to any issue is one one passport agent saw the saint kitts and eva's passport and he said this is a passport of convenience and he was mad about i looked up and said yes it is very convenient and then still let me let me through just fine it's harry brown's silver rule so most people heard of the golden rule which is doing to others as you would want them to do to you the harry brown silver rule is just be yourself right if you're always pretending to be somebody that you're not you're going to attract people that like you for the person that you're not whereas if you just be yourself all the time you're going to attract people that spend time around you that like you for who you are and you'll find life to be much more enjoyable when you're spending with people around you that that like you for who you are rather than like you for someone that you're not and so i think that's a really good rule to to live life by so like if if you like fancy you know jewelry and fancy hairdos and watches in the sun good for you go ahead and do it if you don't like it don't do it it's your life and you know we'll enjoy the activities that you like if you like if you want to sit at home and play video games and you enjoy it and maybe if you do that all day you'll find other people that want to do that with you if you want to go go do something else then go do it do the things that you like in life and you'll attract other people that like you for you and those same things that you like i think everybody in the world should have a second passport you don't know when a government's going to go crazy right during before world war ii germany was considered to be one of the most civilized you know wonderful countries in the entire world and then look what they did they started rounding up people by the millions and executing them and don't think that that can't happen in america or china or russia or anywhere else and by having a second passport that gives you the opportunity to flee to somewhere else if the government where you're living currently goes crazy and so if you don't have a second passport you're at the complete mercy of the government that that controls the passport that you have and if you look in your passport though and just about every passport says that it's not your passport the passport belongs to the government that issued it and they can take it back from you at any time and so it's a really good idea to have multiple passports for anybody anywhere in the world [Music] actually a country when i was born no more exist yeah and it was three revolutions there and so yeah i absolutely agree with you that is why i'm on this business okay uh but so if you have some kids passport and you was born there so do you need to have some more passports i think it's still a good idea even if you're born saying kids and you only had a same kid's passport it would be a good idea to get an additional one because as wonderful as things are here in saint kitts currently you never know it's one regime change away from you know i don't think that they're going to round up people and execute them insane kits anytime soon but i'm sure the people living in germany didn't think that that was ever going to happen or people living in cambodia or the people living in china like it happens time and time again and even in america right like they intentionally like you know spread diseases to the native americans to kill them right like that happened in america supposedly the land of the free you never know what's going to happen you don't know what the future is going to bring so you should be prepared to prepare for any future one of the ways to do this by having a second passport so i i missed some friends and family i had in the u.s and i miss the nice big parking spaces that they have over there but i don't miss any of the bureaucracy over there there's just so much bureaucracy my my tax returns were thousands of pages each year and uh i don't miss that one bit like i've i d i wasn't a big fan i've never been a big fan of taxes but i hated the hours and hours and mountains of paperwork to fill it out far more than i hated paying and the literally it was thousands of pages long for my tax returns each year and i'm it's just like this giant burden off of my back not to have to deal with any of that paperwork now i can spend that time with my friends or family or doing something that i enjoy rather than doing something that i dread and so that's one of the biggest benefits in libertarianism we have nab is the first principle so what is the first principle uh on crypto nobody has asked me that question before first principle of cryptocurrency i think self-sovereignty or self-responsibility is the first principle of cryptocurrency if you're not in control of the cryptocurrency yourself it's not yours or another saying on the internet we've seen is not your keys not your coins and i think that applies to cryptocurrency if you're not the one holding it yourself it's not yours and that's one of the most amazing things about cryptocurrency is that each individual can be in control of it themselves so if you're using some custodial wallet for someone else to hold on to it for you i think you've missed a big big big part of the benefit of cryptocurrency okay what is your mission in cryptocurrency in crypto world yeah so my mission with cryptocurrency is to provide the tools and the infrastructure to allow people to engage in more commerce with each other and more free trade and more more economic freedom leads to more economic growth more economic growth leads to a higher standard of living for everybody with better medical technology and better computer technology and better spaceships and cars and everything and that makes the world a better place for everybody to live in and i'm living in the same world with everybody else so it's a tool to make the world a better place for everybody and it's the world i'm living in too so and that's why i'm doing this day in and day out almost all the people that are interested in a second passport understand that governments aren't necessarily be trusted and if you put all of your trust in one single government you're completely at their mercy so i think it makes sense that libertarians with their distrust of governments would realize oh i need to diversify which government i'm at the mercy of and if one goes crazy i can then ask for the protection from another one instead of the original one so uh that's what i love about the citizenship by investment community there's there's plenty of libertarians to talk to and they're always smart interesting people with interesting ideas some of them are very crazy one actually there's some crazy ones too but it's the crazy people that change the world sometimes too right steve steve jobs was a bit crazy but he changed the world i agree with you okay what's the top five principle of libertarianism for you so the best general rule of thumb and i don't think you can call it an ironclad principle but it's the non-aggression principle and that's that you should never use aggressive force or fraud against anybody else and almost everybody lives their life like that all day every day all the time and it's only really really wild circumstances in which it would be okay to aggress against somebody that hasn't aggressed against anybody else first so uh i'm a really big fan of the non-aggression principle but there are certain circumstances in which maybe somebody would feel like it should be violated but those pretty much never come up in real life ever so i'm a big big fan of the non-aggression principle and i wish more people would abide by it and pretty much everybody does all the time the only people that don't are murderers rapists and governments and everybody knows that murderers and rapists and thieves are bad people but they've been brainwashed from a very young age and to think that somehow when governments use aggressive force against peaceful people that haven't hurt anybody they know it's wrong when the rapist does it they know it's wrong when the robber does it they know it's wrong when the murderer does it but if someone puts on a costume and works in a building with a flag out in front of it suddenly they think oh now it's okay but no it's not okay using aggressive force against peaceful people is wrong just about all of the time libertarianism and free markets lead to a more prosperous world for everybody so if you take a look around the world at the countries with more freedom they have a higher standard of living and a higher rate of economic growth just look at north korea versus south korea south korea is a fantastic place with a great economy and people have wonderful lives north korea is horrible or if you go back farther in history look at east germany and west germany same culture same you know natural resources just two different forms of government in east germany you have a government that's controlling everything in west germany you had much more freedom and in west germany they're producing porsches mercedes bmw people have a really good standard of living in east germany the only thing they were able to produce there was a great big giant wall to prevent people from escaping because things were so bad so you can see clearly the more economic freedom people have the higher the rate of economic growth and the higher the state a rate the standard of living that people in those countries have and so everybody all over the world should be advocating for more economic freedom because it leads to a better life for everybody and libertarianism at its heart is all about more economic freedom for everybody and of course that's what we should all be supporting if we want to make the world a better place it's certainly spreading faster in the world today because of the internet right if it wasn't for the internet a lot of people would have never been exposed to these ideas so i became attracted to to bitcoin and digital currencies because i was already a libertarian but i've gotten so many emails now from people that say i got interested in bitcoin and i heard about libertarianism and voluntarism because i was interested in bitcoin and now they're like now the whole world makes so much more sense than it did before so i love the fact that we can use digital currencies now to spread the ideas of voluntarism and libertarianism to the rest of the world and it's this fantastic platform that i have now with not only are we spreading the use of bitcoin cash and in cryptocurrencies but we're spreading the ideas of voluntarism and libertarianism to the world as well so it's like what could be more fun than that spreading the tools to enable libertarianism and spreading the idea of libertarianism to the world and we can do both of those things at we have a solution that the solution is cryptocurrency do as much of your business and your life in cryptocurrency and you know you don't have to ask any bank for permission to do anything and we built another amazing platform at russia is one of our bigger markets for that you can buy or sell bitcoin cash with anyone for any payment method in any country with no kyc required there's nobody there to tell you no because you're dealing directly with some other person on the other side of the trade so it works in any country for any amount with any payment method in anywhere in the world and that's so that's a really great way to have your on and off ramp to and from digital currencies without having to depend on a bank or a government or anybody at all what about business there's plenty of places in america that are a lot more dangerous than anywhere in saint kitts like st kids isn't perfectly safe all the time everywhere but neither is america i was just talking with somebody about and it happened a while ago but there was a wife of somebody that got kidnapped in america and the kidnapper injected something into her and told her you're going to die in 48 hours unless you pay me the ransom money and then we'll give you the antidote for that and like that happened in the u.s that's one of the craziest things you can think of even the ceo of adobe got kidnapped in san jose california a number of years ago and held for ransom right there in san jose california the heart of silicon valley people are getting kidnapped and held for ransom so i haven't heard of anybody being kidnapped and held for ransom insane kids so maybe it's happened but i haven't heard of it so i hope you found this video helpful feel free to ask any questions in the comments and subscribe to our channel you
Channel: Migronis: residency and citizenship by investment
Views: 3,423
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Keywords: real estate, caribbean real estate, luxury real estate, citizenship by investment, citizenship by investment 2020, second passport, caribbean citizenship, real estate agent, migronis, citizenship agency, bitcoin
Id: q3r98pbm7p4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 47sec (1247 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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