Rog Flow Z13 Review: The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly - My 3-Month Experience!

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hi this is Justice with tablet pro I've had  the rogflow z13 the 2023 model for about   three months now of which one month 40 days  or so it was in uh repair in the repair center   now outside of that I wanted to share my  experience what I think about the machine overall   and how it performs for a handful of different  tasks so we're going to go ahead and jump through   the different specs and the different things that  I like and I don't like so let's go ahead and Jump   Right In now if you use a tablet with touch  a stylus and you want to use your tablet in   more places this is a great channel for you so  subscribe right now and click the notification   icon so that you don't miss some of this content  that will make you more productive in more places   all right so let's talk about the device just as  a whole the screen is fantastic the refresh rate   it's uh my my friends see Butters here on YouTube  said it's like looking through a window and the   refresh rate is so nice and crisp it doesn't look  like you're looking at the display it looks like   real life that is great um it's 500 minutes of  brightness I wish it was a little bit brighter   um 7 800 or higher so I could use it outdoors  more easily but I'm also a little bit scared to   bring this thing outside with all the ports on it  and I typically go to the beach so I don't want   to get sand inside the device is not that heavy  it's not as light as a Surface Pro and so while   you're holding it um it's not bad it's not a light  tablet but it's also not heavy and just somewhere   in the middle fairly easy to hold the kickstand  in the back you open it up there's that Notch   cut out it doesn't really line up in a position  that's useful for holding it in like a portrait   mode which is how I would use it while standing  if you're holding the the tablet in a landscape   mode also it's about the same it's not super easy  but if your sitting is fine if you're standing   it's okay okay now the GPU inside the one I have  is the 40 50 while the 4060 has eight gigabytes   of RAM and the 4050 has six I honestly have no  complaints it's fantastic to game with I really   like it if you're playing at 1080p almost  everything plays at 60 frames a second or   considerably higher at the highest settings  and that's obviously not going to extend to   everything you know there's certain games  uh that just won't play quite as well but   almost everything plays really nicely  I do not have any complaints on the GPU   uh ports there's two ports on here uh for USBC One  USB a there's the mux which that section where you   would plug in an external GPU I've not played  with that Cameron C Butters here on YouTube has   done that already and I believe it works quite  well uh battery life is okay um two to four   hours with normal use less than that if you're  gaming if your gaming is going to be playing uh   or performing in performance mode not turbo mode  you can't use turbo mode when it's not plugged in   the Armory crate has taken me a little bit of  time to understand basically I just used these   three options right here turbo performance and  Silent if I'm plugged in I just use turbo it's   it's faster I'm not really concerned about how  much wattage is using performance is what I use   when it's unplugged silent if I'm someplace where  I'm just taking notes now this is something that   if you're unplugged in performance mode you might  get an hour of gaming time you can plug it in but   what I found is that every external power source  will not push this to turbo mode you'll be limited   to Performance mode which is like a 20 to 30  percent increase in fps in turbo mode it is   significantly better than performance but  performance you can play like Gears of War   5 very nice settings 60 frames a second it  will still do quite decently and it's nice design is sexy I actually really like it I took  off all the stickers that were on the keyboard and   everything so mine mine looks just like this just  clean I like the external option for the micro   SD card that's really nice the core I9 processors  very fast and I will say one little thing I found   out recently that having iCloud installed on my  device was screwing up my file explorer so it was   going Uber uber slow was absolutely maddening and  uh uninstalling iCloud fix that I don't know if   it was a combination of iCloud and OneDrive  or what it was but it was just it was quite   it was so frustrating so frustrating but it's  working better now so be cautious iCloud might   not work well on this device for you all  right so let's talk about um okay cooling   I have mine mounted so I'm not really holding it  a whole bunch in my hand I don't find it to be   very hot either way if I'm drawing and my hand  is on the screen which is the biggest problem   with this device is the drawing experience  I don't find the heat to be the problem   okay it's not that loud I'm recording this video  with the sound here the surface laptop Studio had   louder fans this is definitely quieter and the  silent mode is great if you need it to be silent yes the display is nice uh for Dolby Vision uh this is again this is not  an HDR display you can do HDR uh specific things   but the the display itself is not HDR I don't  know what makes it a full HDR display this one   is limited to very specific uh situations okay  stylus support let's talk about the stylus and   the performance there here's the biggest problem  with this device uh the Palm rejection so I made a sock glove which works it works you could use  a more stylus sock than this one but   I find that if I'm putting my palm  on the screen I'm inside a OneNote and I'm trying to write here so let's use the  text pen I'm trying to uh to write something you'll notice that that went right down here  where my palm was so this makes it almost   unusable you have to hold your hand your palm  above the screen I don't know why this is so bad   I think that there's a setting something that  could be done that would improve this dramatically   I believe this is using the same protocol as the  surface Proline minus using Microsoft pen protocol   2.0 so I don't understand why Palm rejection is  so bad maybe there's a setting something that   they turned off for one reason or another I don't  know if I'm in a drawing program like Rebel 6 Pro   which is my favorite I like Rebel 6 Pro I like  clip Studio paint those two are the main ones   I like Photoshop is great just bloated and I  don't like the subscription for subscription   model okay so here if I'm in a program like  Rebel it's super Snappy very responsive it works well with the radio menu from  tablet pro so I can switch between tools it does a very good job if you're doing just that  however if you want to use Pen and Touch together here these over here don't respond as as  quickly they're a little bit slow in adjusting   uh it there's a lag there's a delay it's  it's a bit frustrating to use compared   to a surface device uh however if you've  never used tablet pro in the past then uh   probably the overall benefit will still be  significant for you but I don't find it as   good as clean as easy or as fast as some of  the other tablets I've used this over here   simultaneous Pen and Touch has some issues  Palm rejection has some issues do I think   it's a viable drawing machine yes absolutely I do  do I think that it will help to have a sock glove   yeah yeah and it's a bit uncomfortable I'm  not someone who likes extra stuff on my body   on my hands I don't wear rings I don't  wear bracelets or necklaces or anything   except for the giant clock one not the full  size clock it's good it's not as good as the   Surface Pro 8 Surface Pro 9 surface laptop  Studio it is still pretty good uh the audio   is when I first got it was really bad  very very quiet my phone was twice the   volume level uh it has somehow improved I'm not  sure what it was what's different it's not good   it's on the poor side but there's gonna be  compromises this price up here 17.49 for what this   is is actually a very competitive price there's  going to be a compromise somewhere in there but the audio audio recording I really don't   think very highly of uh all-day power I would  highly highly doubt it does charge fairly quickly   Wi-Fi internet all spine micro SD card reader  is fine the gaming like I said is very fast   um the the big complaint I have on accessories  is they have to be proprietary and they don't   provide them so I don't like I want to have two  power supplies one connected to my TV in the other   room so that I can game in turbo mode and the  other one so that when I'm using my my computer   in the bedroom all I'm doing is I'm just taking my  z13 and I'm docking it over in the living room so   I can game like you can game really well I have a  Bluetooth keyboard watch my accessory guide by the   way to learn all about these I have a Bluetooth  keyboard and then I have the flow z13 plugged into   the TV using USBC to HDMI adapter and it's great  it's super fun very easy to use in that situation   and it does a great job however the power supply  from a non- Asus made power supply it won't kick   you up to turbo mode you're going to be limited  so I bought 130 watt power supply from Dell   and it won't work and everything I've read in the  Discord channel for the flow z13 is that it just   does not use all the power you're capped at like  65 Watts as opposed to 100 Watts even I don't know   about the 2022 power supply which is available  but the 2023 power supply the 130 watt one   I can't find it anywhere and I haven't found it  and I've asked and looked and I'm not sure how   to get another one uh customer support for Asus  is uh in my opinion extremely bad they are nice   they're respectful and polite most of the time but  very incompetent um and I'm not saying that as a   um insole I think is accurate I think they need  more training I think they need someone who can   help them get all their information into  one place I was told by a number of people   one story and then a different  story and no one was able to   find notes and they weren't able to  look from their One support group   two which is called like CEO support and the other  support group they couldn't see the information or   that's what I was told it was bad customer support  was bad so if you can buy this from some place   that has their own customer support great just  realize you are taking a risk with this machine   that you are not taking with a Microsoft product a  Microsoft Surface line their support is phenomenal   absolutely amazing their turn around for  getting set back this is my experience   I've had probably 15 support issues over  the years with Microsoft yes their machines   break but I was able to get a replacement either  before sending in the old one or it was sent to   me within a couple days not 40 days later with  a bunch of lies and a bunch of misinformation   so overall what do I think the rogflow z13 I think  it's a little bit of a gamble it's fun to game on   drawing experience is good not great it could  be better if you're using the z13 for art   and note taking and gaming will you be happy oh  mostly happy I think mostly happy if it breaks   will you be happy probably not so keep that in  mind price I think is pretty fair uh I want Asus   to succeed I think they have some work to do  to patch some areas I have my own company I   understand it takes some work not everything is  perfect uh and I appreciate when people give me   clear feedback hey this didn't work this was  wrong this was broken this was frustrating so   that I can refine and improve all right what do  you think about the z13 what questions do you   have that I didn't answer go ahead and put those  in the comment section if you guys are buying a   z13 I will put a link in the description for the  Amazon purchase I do get affiliate commissions   for that so please use that link if you do and  check out my accessory guide there's a lot of   good information there from uh someone who does  all sorts of unique things with this device so   you're going to want to watch that whole video and  I'll link to that in the description all right you   guys thank you so much for watching until next  time stay creative and have a wonderful day
Channel: Tablet Pro
Views: 37,007
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Id: oeivm3e25Dk
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Length: 16min 9sec (969 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 07 2023
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