RODECaster Pro Tutorial - Perfect for Video Production!

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[Music] hi everyone and welcome today we're checking out the road road caster Pro this is a device that will blow your mind if you are interested in podcasting but I don't really want to pigeonhole it for just podcasting because actually there's a lot of people who make videos or perhaps are streamers and vloggers who will find this incredible in terms of what it does because the road caster Pro is an all-in-one solution for producing audio recordings using voice and by bringing in music and bringing the audio from usb off your computer and also speaking to people through a phone and actually recording phone conversations it's been designed so that it's a complete and total solution for producing podcasts but I think if you think laterally you'll also see there's some amazing other uses for it too so we'll talk about what it is and why it's important and I'll show you how it works as well podcasting is amazing you know you don't need me to tell you how huge podcasting is it's one of the fastest growing forms of media you know something like one in three of us listen to a podcast at least once a month worldwide it is an a crazily busy section of the media and what's cool is that podcasting can be about anything you know if you are an expert at something then podcasting is an amazing way of reaching people you know the the problem though is that just because you're an expert in your subject doesn't necessarily mean you're an expert in audio and audios are kind of you know if you've not been trained it can be a bit of a scary subject and Rohde are a company who've been producing microphones for many decades and starting to produce other equipment and the road caster is an answer to that question of yes I'm an expert in my field I want to produce some audio recordings but I don't know where to start can you make it easy for me and that's basically what this device is designed to do whereas before to make a podcast you would need you know your mics you would need probably an audio interface you'll need a computer perhaps a mixing desk and you need loads of software you need to kind of work that way to build a kind of rig out of various bits of bobs you'd have to learn how everything works you'd have to put it all together I need have to record everything and do all this processing and if you wanted to phone someone and actually maybe like interviewing expert as part of your podcast you'd need to get audio into your computer and you need to not have the person hear themselves while they're talking to you and that's actually a really hard thing to do and here's a way and and in short the road caster Pro puts all of this into one device so it's it's wild and it literally is a complete solution because you can record in the road caster Pro you can plug in a little SD card and literally record in the device I can have all my mics going into this I can have a phone going into this I can have my computer going into this it has the sound pad so I can bring in ads and Slyke sound effects like funny sound you know mad little things a part of my show and it's got headphone preamps so I can have up to four people can each have their own headphones in their studio and this is all rolled into one device so instead of you know five or six different things on a table I have just this one thing and it's stupendously easy to use like you do not have to be an audio professional that's the whole point I hope that makes sense this is a device that will let you capture audio and polish it and it does everything for you it's kind of wild so let's let me show you how it works so when I put my headphones on so I can kind of hear myself now I'm plugged into the front here so I get a kind of special mixers that the presenter I can preview channels that you can't hear is the the audience and I can mute things and genuinely control the show obviously other guests can use the headphone out switch around here at the back I can't quite see them but there's air so you each person can have their own pair of headphones and you've got a nice and headphone volume control so that you can get it just right for the person now so I plugged a mic in by the way this micro phone is also a road product this is called the pod mic a pod mic is a super affordable dynamic microphone and because it's dynamic means it's a little less sensitive than a condenser which is a slightly more kind of studio style of microphone dynamic mics are amazing because they because of their lack of sensitivity they tend not to pick up too much of the room's ambience and this makes them really good for kind of radio or podcasting where you're trying to record in rooms that are probably less than ideal because you know if you're like me you kind of just making do the space that you have you don't necessarily have a studio or something to work in a dynamic might will give you the cleanest the most kind of dry radio sound possible so this is very affordable and amazing paired with with the road caster for reasons I'll show you in a sec and this arm by the way is called a psa1 podcaster suspension arm and this you've probably seen lots of vloggers and kind of gamers using it's a really nice little angle poised on position it exactly as you want and it's got a desk mount we've got it clipped to the desk here there was actually an insert that comes with it so if you want to have a like dedicated rig you can drill a hole in a table and fit the little insert and they just all drop in nicely so that's our gear and now looking at the the road caster you can see I've got these faders so these let me control the volume of things I've got these sound pads which let me play sound effects yes which is super fun and I have memory built into the road caster so I can I can drag sound files across to it from my computer when I hook it up I can actually record sounds directly to it so you could do things like I could pre record an interview to one of the pads or perhaps an advert or something and then play it back as part of the show it's really slick and can do all this within the device so going back to the microphones the way that it works is I've got these four little buttons here if I push button one it gives me some options and when I said that the device is designed to let a person who's kind of non-technical like someone who's an expert in something that is not audio get a good result well this is this is how it works it's been simplified and if you're and if you are an audio professional you might want it sort of almost too simple but I want you to trust me that I am an author you're professional I think it sounds amazing like you just and it's there's nothing for you to get wrong basically so I go over here and this is the microphone profile you will see that there are some rode microphones which are here and I've selected the pod mic profile but there are generic profiles for condenser and dynamic and by selecting these you're telling the device this is the type of mic i've got connected and the device will do some setup to make sure that the sound is coming in optimally and at the right levels for that type of device so you don't need to know what to do you just go I've got this mic push that button or if I've got that type of mic push that button you've then got a voice profile and there's a tone deep medium and high depending on where your voice sits in the sort of register and that's just literally as it sounds you know use your best judgment and then strengths are you a software spoken medium spoken are you very little these are telling the processing how to work with your voice and get the best from it because every channel has this amazing audio processing acting on it so you will sound like you're on the radio without you having to do anything else so what I will do is I'll turn all the processing off because it's on right now so that is the dry sound of my microphone going through the unit and I'm going to turn the processing back on so this is the processed sound so I'll do that once more unprocessed sound just the raw microphone through the device process sound with all of this going on and it's all in real-time so traditionally you would have to apply that stuff afterwards you would have to know what you were doing to not mess it up the device just does it all for you so that you can just record and not think about it just just make your recording and go and we do have a level control in here as well so you can trim the levels of channels that see if depending on the microphone that you have but that's kind of here once you've got that set up you can pretty much just forget about it and just fade up the guests in your studio and adjust as you go the device is doing lots of clever little things just even out the audio as you go and it will generally always give you a good nice consistent level and even if you're a little bit off the mic I'm kind of moving around on my doing being that expressing events or talking someone over here the device evens those things out so you just don't need to think about it and I can't stress enough how much of a time saver that is when you are actually producing audio week on week or even gay on day because of course the other thing this can be used with a computer to stream as well so you can be doing this in real time it's amazing so for microphones great you can have up to four guests in the studio what if we want to bring other people in externally we've got a couple of different ways that we can do this and perhaps the most convenient is via bluetooth so you can pair your phone to the device and that's actually what I've done and what I'm going to do is I'm going to call my colleague Jonathan and hopefully he won't mind me bothering him during the daytime and I'm going to see if we can hear hello hello how you doing I'm very well yeah I'm good and I'm sorry to bother you I was just thought I'd bring you into our presentation about the road caster Pro how are things for you they are really good and you just sound like you are doing a very official sounding great and actually from my five you wouldn't know because it just sounds great and what gave many of myself back yeah there's an echo as sometimes the problem would be in that kind of scenario you have hit the nail on the head I actually didn't mention this specifically but what there's a kind of Secrets cruel thing that's happening behind the scenes where as I as you talk it doesn't feed you back it's called mix - so it's a feature that you would generally find in like dedicated devices for use on radio stations and devices that cost a lot more than the road caster Pro does just by itself and this does that so you and I can have a natural conversation and if we had additional guests all of them will be able to talk to you live and we can hear we can just chat as if we're there in the room with each other and again that mix- thing also works by USB and because you can connect your computer to the device via a USB and then use external like voice over IP applications things like you know Skype and whatsapp or maybe not what's that but you know Facebook things like this voice over IP services and I also get mixed - with that so I can just have natural conversations with anyone in the world and record it which is amazing so Jonathan thank you very much for allowing me to bother you very well thank you so yeah so that was Jonathan thank you very much for your time and I should give him a round of Tours yes and so yeah we've got bluetooth we can phone people we can also use the USB and we can speak to people via computer and we can also use that for streaming and there's another thing as well which is that we can get line level audio into this device as well you saw that we had four microphones let's say that we're an internet radio station and what we want to do is we've got presenters like this and you know DJs and they're gonna play music and they've got a whole a table of gear they've got like CDJs and a mixer or they've got you know Spotify or whatever it may be you want to play music as part of your show you can do this it's not very immediately obvious but this little mini Jack input on the back which is labeled phone on the device is actually a line level input that you can use as a kind of sub mixer so if you've got like erm you know mixing desk that's got decks or other things if you use the right kind of connector just jack to mini jack you can come in here and you've got line level audio that you can blend in and what's really slick is that there is ducting they'll end the device as well so that when I talk it will just slightly reduce the volume of those other channels so that I can talk over them naturally so that I can be like presenting your talk over the initial part of the music and then as it's finished fade myself fade myself out so you see that in that way you can use this as part of the internet radio station it could be that you were also using it onstage for presentations so you could have Lavallee a mics like and you know wireless microphones going into the back of the correct connectors and then you could be using this to play incidental music you know use it anything like you know wedding wedding speeches things like that it's any kind of application where you've got people talking and actually some of the processes that's worth you know possibly one of the most important ones is beyond the things that is sweetening my voice there are also there is a noise gate which is there to cut down dead air so that when we stop speaking you have complete and total silence so it kind of emulates what you would get from a very well treated room in it it seeks to like get the best out of any room that you're recording that makes sense so then finally we have these pads and as you see we've been having a lot of fun playing sounds through them yeah and again I just want to stress that the pads are what you use them for he's completely up to you and you know you can use them to pre-record ads I'll show you the way that works so I go to sounds and you can see on here I've got the pads labeled and what I could do is I could tap a button and I it sort of prompts me to record I'm gonna record hey everybody you're listening to Alex talking about the road caster Pro and stop and then if I hit play hey everyone are you listening to Alex talking about the road caster Pro and so and I could be I could record any of the other channels in so I could be playing music and I could be recording a whole sort of segment where I play music and like interview someone via USB or via bluetooth and record that to a part you have an 512 megabytes of memory built into the device which is pointy in terms of recording you know sort of medium length interviews for once of a better you know term and as I said before you you do have memory built in so that we can record direct in the device that's kind of a whole point and the way that works is you use microSD cards and you can have huge microSD cards it's possible to record for days and days and days you know audio recording your audio doesn't take a huge amount of room and and then one final sort of no on recording we can record in two different ways I can record just the complete mix of the device and that's just kind of the strength of it if I want to just produce a show I can just plan ahead and do it in one take I can play my intro music and then I can play my jingles my adverts I can chat to people in the studio with me I can have guests that I bring in via phone or I can bring in via the computer and I can just be recording that mix and everything is kind of leveled out by all of the DSP that's in here everything's just kind of done for you so that we can just produce a finished recording if you're very very skilled and you've got lots of time and you know you can produce podcasts using disparate separate tools but I can tell you from firsthand experience because I do produce a podcast it is a lot of work and it's a lot of post-processing and a lot of kind of head scratching and sometimes you make mistakes and you got really wished I'd know he's gated that because I can actually hear a bit of an echo of one of the mics and the other mic problems like this there are real painstaking problem to fix by yourself this just does all of that for you it takes care of those processes so you can just hit record and go the only other thing to mention yes I can record the whole stereo mix but for those who are super kind of you know they just always want to have that option of going back and changing things it is possible to record the multi tracks in this and that's where you record all the microphone channels and all of the audio in various things separately so it will either record that to the SD card or you can do that to the computer so that as I'm recording you can actually record the stereo mix but still keep all of the individual elements and you can keep them with or without the processing too so you've always got that option if you wish to go back and kind of tweak things but I would I think you'll find you know as I say I do understand these process and I've used this sort of more difficult and what is so wonderful about this is that it just makes the whole process foolproof and reduces the amount of things you have to do so what you can just focus on is your content which is actually the most important thing in terms of being successful at making podcasts and videos it's it's what's in it so a device like this will help you just focus on that so that you don't have to worry about capturing the audio so that's it if you have any questions please leave a comment but check out the road caster Pro the pod mic and the PSA one there thanks so much [Music]
Channel: Scan Pro Video
Views: 99,732
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rodecaster, rode, rode caster pro, rodecaster pro, video mixer, audio mixer, vision mixer, mixer
Id: qfW2zJe2mdw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 37sec (1177 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 14 2019
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