Rod Stewart with Hoda Kotb (Full Event)

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all right here's something so funny all right I've done I've done a bunch of these 92nd Street Y talks and never ever ever hasn't been like this today the guns yeah we're gonna we're gonna break we're gonna break House Rules take as many pictures as you want okay first of all can we start off can we start off by saying how good Rod Stewart looks and I just want to point out one other thing I was listening to Howard Stern today and Jimmy Fallon last night and the other thing is how good Rod Stewart sounds I mean first of all the fact that your voice is as powerful and beautiful at what time were you on Howard well well I started warming the voice up around 7:00 in the morning okay I think the show started the most important thing is is to warm the voice up yeah you know it's it's like being an athlete you can't you know when you get older you can't get up in the morning to start running and then the voice is just two muscles that bang together so they've got to be flexible warmed up how do you do that what's your warm-up routine you don't want to know come on I have to go just like that yeah okay we've been waiting for new music you guys haven't we been waiting a long time for some new music all right another country you wrote these right rod ten of the twelve okay so what inspired you it always comes from somewhere well the last time I did time which did pretty well here and did remarkably well in Europe there was a fan sent me a book you may know about this some of you there of all the different little emails and tips that were collected thanking the fan fan club leader whatever for the album and so they sent me a copy of it and it was so heartwarming I've managed to reach so many people and they and it really got my fans and I have to say and I say this from old or older who from all honesty that I I made this album for the fans I really really mean you're I mean when we heard everything about you and all the all the records you've broken and all those kind of things when you come out with a new record rod do you think to yourself oh my gosh this one I hope it does as well as the one before I hope it does as well as this or do you just put it out and say come what may well there's a bit of both yeah there's a bit of both it's a it's a difficult market anymore so there's certainly areas where I'm not going to get played and I accept that because I've had a great career and a good go at it but you know as I said I make albums I love and if my fans love it I'm happy you know I can in meeting you actually spent my bum early I did she spank my bottom you know what's funny about Rob when you when you meet rod and you guys when we're looking at him face to face you can picture him as a little boy like I I can picture it so clearly when you talked about growing up in northern England I can see a young Rod Stewart music must have been playing in your house did your mom sing or your dad or everybody's sang really the we had big parties around the Stewart household at Christmas really big parties and it was so big dat me dad used to have to go and get timbers in the cellar to shore up the living cause everybody would be dancing you know like that he was always worried about the ceiling and the floor caving in so I was surrounded by music and Al Jolson was the first guy I ever listened to or always made listen to so when you when you were young when you were a little boy could you sing did you know you could sing at five at seven and you were just playing you wanted my big brother who's 84 and he's wonderful done he thinks he's so still thinks easy that bigger in the family did you say to your parents at some point you know mom and dad I love singing and your dad owned a little a little shop right is that what are you guys really you didn't have a big life in terms of a big home or anything like that big in love yeah lots of love no we didn't we were I wouldn't say we were poor but we in their life was a bit of a straw a struggle yeah and the way I got into the music for no apparent reason is my dad bought me guitar you know I wanted there was this is an old story I'm sure you all know this but I wanted a couple of engines for me me model railroad layout yeah and he come home with a guitar that no I didn't I was only little I don't sway I take that back I began to turn up there sorry dad so he bought me a guitar yeah and did you know when you started playing the guitar that this was something you were in love with no it's all it yes I think it laid dormant for quite a while before I picked it up and then skiffle music happened in Britain you know was like American folk music by this car called Lonnie Donegan had a big hit with an American folk song called Rock online and that's and then my bigger brother my done he took me to see Bill Haley in the commets and that's when a well in place I loved I was reading a little bit about your dad and he said everyone should have three things oh he's in five things five yeah okay I read a job yep a hobby spoole and a sport what were the other two a good companion a good companion hood lawyer names either it was it a good accountant or a good doctor and he said if you haven't got one of those the house collapses alright so you need them all so you knew you loved to play when you call it football we call it soccer you that was your other love when you were when you were young right yeah yeah I was brought up in a house full of soccer you know me brothers played me uncle's play be granddad played my mum used to wash the shirts you know his eleven eleven players honest on a team and she used to have to wash them for a penny a penny ago you know what was that be about half a cent did you think about soccer as being a profession it was that something that you considered ever when you were young oh yeah absolutely that's all I wanted to do until music came along my other two brothers were really good too they weren't as good as me but I did I wanted to do it for my dad because I think he thought you know three songs one of them should be a pro footballer yeah but I fell in love with music about the same time as I was going into into soccer so you chuckles call it football call it football cheers everyone so you ended up going in into music and did you I was reading that you had a couple of jobs before you got in the music business and I think I've read something where you're you were a gravedigger yeah what was that yeah there is not there's a half-truth okay I worked in a cemetery and all I did was Mark out the graves it's something that the press ran with okay all right and I straightened it all out in my book okay what about what about a wallpaper hanger is that not true that I said true who said that well I used to do I was a silkscreen printer okay so you have to pull the big screen down this is really boring in a nutshell I made wallpaper are you colorblind yeah colorblind you're colorblind and you're that fashion forward like you know that there was no way forward in that business yeah okay you're colorblind so how do you pick out the clothes the outfits the whole all the stuff that you wear well I'm not you know I can tell you it was read yellow and green that dress you've got on there but usually I have to check with my dear wife penny I say just darling is this all right is this okay because I get my purples and moves and blues okay mixed up okay so I check you you sang we sang a bunch of with a bunch of different rooms but the faces was one that was describe what that was like I know a lot of your fans know but a lot a lot don't describe what that experience was like for you rod it was can't remember it no it was amazing I mean to be in a band that was not only we loved each other it was a band of brothers yeah it really was we all had seem to have the same humor same haircuts you know wore the same clothes and we just recently had a reunion in London there's only three of us left now two of them have gone upstairs but it was it was magnificent it really was and what we're trying to do is woody and I spoke the other days just to try and find a window of opportunity so that we can do this places tour keep the faith I see you got the faith right here it was fun looking at some old video of those concerts because fans like guys here would end up on stage with you guys it was very interactive during the concerts after the concerts I mean you don't see anything like that kind of thing anymore oh yeah I played you so I do thank you some people come they party party with me and every night I finish the the people the officials in Vegas and don't do that again they don't like that now they don't like that is when I trying how many of you been to Vegas loads of them so you know I check the soccer balls out uh-huh and I try them get them up on a second balcony would you get well up I need so we don't do that again I keep on doing it well when you look at the writing process back when you were with faces and like they were talking about this know the song stay with me and how that how that writing process came together before you guys got on stage and a lot of times it was it was just happening just right in the back right in the dressing rooms yeah it was it was it was like it is now it's spontaneous yes well you you know music should be spontaneous with the faces we we did like a drink that's official yes you did really do and you did you did like there were some hotel room stories you know some famous ones right well the reason we did this no it seems juvenile now when you look back on it but we got treated so badly in the holiday and is especially the holiday is very high deenis really did the room service would take two hours you know you're just done a show you get the bed can I have some room service they'll come up to a clock okay so we decided to get her own back and smash the place up do you know and I know this is in the book we we got such a bad name we checked in his Fleetwood Mac we did Fleetwood Mac run no night we were unknown so well when Maggie Mae happened when that song happened yeah it seems like your whole your whole world changed that was not the a side of the record rod Maggie Mae that was the b-side yeah and how did it get played how did that well the first of all it never it nearly didn't make the album every picture tells a story because the way the record company said no it's got no melody you know because it we did we had eight tracks they said you've got any more I said I've got this one called Maggie Mae Larssen no done I hasn't got that little hook the port means they used to call the payday yeah you know they said we'll chuck it on the album anyway I thought thanks and it was a reason to believe wonderful Tim Harding song was the was the was the a side and it was a disc jockey in Cleveland do turn it over and you're kidding I wouldn't be sitting here tonight if it wasn't for him Wow did that really change everything that song for you who you bet you live yeah yeah yeah did did your parents when they when they heard about this kind of change in your career was this like a marked moment for your mom and dad oh yeah yeah I did yeah I remember the night I was driving along in Hampstead and I was doing pretty well cuz I was you know I was you know always owned a good living of driving William Rolls Royce yeah and when it came on the radio said Rod Stewart number one Maggie Maine Great Britain my turn the car drove up the muzzle here when we mom and dad lived stormed in just give him the biggest hug what did they say they were my dad my dad was always 100% behind me when everybody else had given up on me my dad said keep going son keep going you know you'll be all right you'll make it was in those days to be in music it was unheard of yeah you know you didn't have a career you can't go into music what else you gonna do if you fail which is a pretty good point actually you're not gonna do anything else were you worried do we ever worried that you aren't gonna make it and the business no no it's all really even when you had the low points yeah well you know someone asked me that the other day the difference you know I might be speaking our tunia out zone but the difference when we were coming through in the 60s and the early 70s we did it because we loved the music and it was burning burning inside of us we didn't do it because we wanted to get rich we didn't do it certainly because we wanted to be famous I'm like now I think yeah now it's more of that yeah get yourself in the newspapers and you know were you always comfortable on stage from the beginning no I think that's that's a craft you learn with time mm-hmm you know it's how scared were you at one point like how you talking about the Jeff Beck's yeah yeah yeah man see I came over to America for the first time I think he was like 68 with the gel or 67 with the Jeff Beck Group and my idea of New York was lots of great black singers which they probably were and still are and I thought we were playing with the Grateful Dead and I thought and I thought they were top of the bill and I thought I can't go out it's all going to be black faces and they will look at me and cuz I always wanted to sell our Otis and Sam Cooke yeah and they're gonna look at me and think oh yeah your Pretender you're not really one of us so I walked out and hid behind the amps had a little drink and we started playing Jeff brought in eight superstitious and he said come out have a look so I'd come out from those all-white hippies so you weren't scared anymore I just can't anymore is there any feeling rod for you in the world like being on stage and having the crowd react to you and you can see the feeding back and forth is it better than anything there's no drug like it there's nothing like it is that is that where you're the most at home do you think on stage um yeah I suppose because it defines Who I am you know that's this is I mean look at me I could have been anything else but rock seeing it with you so so it defines who I am so when I'm out there this is me this is my audience is what the good Lord put me here to do and I firmly believe that the Lord gave me this voice thank God thank God and that hair that you have some you have some awesome hair what is what is going on in there what is happening in there what does Omo never go now go it just does what it wants to do does have a set a busy day today I've done so I keep putting product in it you know but it's Italy to wash now how does it feel like going out and promoting a new album now I mean because you were just with Matt Lauer this is gonna be on The Today Show coming up you're here you're gonna be in a bunch of places what does it feel like doing it at this stage it's it's always been nerve-racking for me yeah you know I'm comfortable in front of my audience on the stage but when I'm doing something like this so I'm not really as comfortable as I look trust me really it's it's a it's a slog but it's worth it you know it's I have a great job you do we have great job great jobs nerves is better than everybody else's job our job is the world when you when Maggie Mae hit and you were going off on your own you're used to having your band your posse your guys with you were you were you nervous about going too hot staying in Hollywood while all the guys were somewhere else where you were you worried about being alone no no no no not a pretty good-looking burn with me call brick yeah wasn't too lonely right how okay you how did you meet meet her how did you meet her I went to the forum to see maybe the Bee Gees or something like that yeah may not be the Bee Gees and she was with a couple of those who live with Joan and the late Jackie Collins oh wow I believe and we were introduced and was it right away did you say I've got a gesture a little chemistry straightaway okay you know the light from London going out with a Bond girl blimey what was that arrived what was that like because you were catapulted right into the middle of the heart of Hollywood yeah the two of you you're a rock star she's a Bond girl you guys must have taken over we did but it was she doesn't have too many good words to say for me unfortunately really heart of Steel she but III in I think she was a wonderful girl she taught me so much about art and culture so well done Britt thank you very much and well then you met and married Elana Hamilton you two beautiful kids who had a reality show a while ago they were on the show with us yeah I'd you know Kimberly and Sean they did behave they were great were you before you ready for fatherhood at that stage in your life do you think um wow that's a good question wasn't ready for fatherhood yeah I suppose so was i 30-something yeah 17 I wasn't ready then I was never gonna be ready fraid only thing was you know at that time I was stoned broke we had a bit of a crooked manager who did me have a few shillings and so I had to be on the road for a long time so therefore I missed a great deal of their growing up because I was carving a career for myself sure and trying to get myself out of debt and they were a little a little peeved about it but we've sorted it all out since they understand and was that that was around the time where do you think I'm sexy came out right yeah a little bit like a little bit later 79 80 yeah was that song about you know what's the song about Rod Stewart I mean come on who's it about if it's if you listen to I'm talking the third person I'm doubting about two two couples but I suppose that the title of the song do you think I'm sexy I really left myself open ridicule at what point did your parents think to themselves oh my gosh we have a rock star son did they think of that Maggie mayor did it did it happen later when did they when did they know they were always sort of blase about it they weren't like no no no Plaza I don't think that's the word they were always down to earth you know and when I'd go around and see them which was off and you know no Rosie how are you doing you know funny was my mum was oh no passing her way out she'd not been well for a while I left her face is about 15 years before and every time I went round that she says how's Ronnie how's dimension saying did they um do they ever go to your concerts yeah they did yeah and there was I mean mom and dad always cried when I did say Lee you know Salem wasn't was the big pianos Oh massive were you different on stage when you knew they were in the audience or did you always kind of do your thing no no I've cut back on a swear in a bit you did oh yeah why my dad never swore he didn't drink that must have been I was thinking because you the way you speak about your dad I can't imagine what September 1990 must have been like and that was when your your dad passed away yeah how did you how did you learn that news it was most odd because it was about the same time as I met my second wife Rachel Hunter so it was mixed emotions I'd met this wonderful girl and me and my dad had died they you know the the thistle the tartan Scottish person in my life you know so it was I sort of mourned him probably about 10 months later was it a phone call were you in the States when they were yeah yeah yeah and I just met Rachel at the time was I being torn both ways yeah when I mean I lost my dad and I remember you remember vividly learning about it hearing about it what you were feeling and things that you regret in things what did you lose that day the day your dad passed I think the Scottish connection you know because he was a true Scot and I missed that lovely football connection I know it sounds you know shallow but I don't and I was so close about football very much I am with all my kids all my boys and pop all is the one thing we talk about a lot and he was he was a good dad he was he was a quiet man hard-working right did he was there a girl that he liked the most of the of the women who you had relationships just wondering who was his favorite what he never met penny obviously never had Rachel and I can't answer that question answer that answer fair enough so you did meet Rachel she was a Sports Illustrated model yes how did you meet her night club in Los Angeles who was funny in the afternoon my personal assistant said yeah have a look at it spurred on the television and it was her doing the Sports Illustrated ad losing weight yes Oh funny that night we bumped into each other oh you did yeah that's same night and what do you say to a girl do you walk right up and what do you say when you meet a car so you hello darling what you got in that basket it doesn't mean anything I know but his works here she believed she didn't even have a basket so she is so she was obviously smitten with you well no no she gave me the total cold shock but she did yeah hello darling would you go in that bath so you pursued yeah yeah did it take much pursuing or was she yes it did it did well that night she came back to my house in in in Beverly Hills no no no no no no no and and nothing happened it was it was wonderful and what okay for a few weeks Wow okay really lovely what was I like the chase you do like this always love the chase yeah I like being turned down it just makes it more interesting it's much of this is a long time ago I've been married for to a wonderful lady for 15 years yes you have 15 has it been no we've known each other for 15 years okay 10 years nearly so um Rachel 10:15 I saw a video it's a bit was a very emotional video of you singing have I told you lately that I love you yeah and it was for her yes at that point yeah and she I was when she was interviewed after it and she said oh my gosh I was just I was so touched at how emotional he got what was what was your love connection like because she look you've you've had great wonderful relationships it sounds like but her seemed unique and different when I was reading about it I don't know that's a difficult question to ask I know she was she was beautiful and she was a very very young I mean I was should have known better really really it was it was lovely love his unique that's the way it is I can't really answer that question one of the things I admire about you I have to say a lot of people when they have a broken relationship for whatever reason they get harder and they get a thicker shell you seem to always be open to love and you you give your heart away I mean it sounds like this is the first girl ever who had broken up with you usually you have one leaving it was the only time it's happened that was called karma why did she why did it end do you know yeah simple because even my sister when we were walking up the aisle she said you know he's going to break Robbie's heart don't you to my brother and she did because she was just too young and I should have known better you know I should have known better she hadn't as I say in the song love is she hadn't spread her wings she had done things so she was she was living in the shadow of a big rock star and hadn't become her own person she was whereas when I met penny she was her own person you know she was 20 27 28 when I met her as opposed Wow well God the Rachel was like 2021 when I met her is that the end of the show now can I go I'm dying your therapy session is not over yet so you had you had two children with with Rachel too and then of course there was one way back from before how much in total let's just wrap as there's eight eight eight okay you know this is another great thing about you rod you have a lot of great things but you remain close when when there is a when there's a breakup it's not as if there's no talking I mean I'm watching interviews long after your breakup with the women who you've been with and they talk about you lovingly they want good things for you I mean it really does most of them they seem to end okay the end well right yeah it's um well there's children involved yeah that's obviously the only way you should be there's always a an acrimonious point where it actually breaks up and money comes into and it gets all if you can get through all that then which we all have done yeah I mean you know they all came over and cooked me Christmas dinner once what do you mean they are yeah together all together yeah through trailin they did what was that I don't know I was right a bit of an accident you know they are long let's talk about penny God let's talk about Panay you get all warm and fuzzy um how did you meet penny I just broken up with Rachel no literally we just broken up a week before yeah and I know it's extraordinary but we were in the daughter's otome I went downstairs for a drink I just done a show at Earls Court and then there was penny dancing she's looked fabulous and one of her friends teased him said oh I'm such a Rod Stewart fan would you go over and ask for his autograph and penny went okay and she came over and asked for my autograph and and that was that was that what did you say what's in the bath hello darling whoopsie I like your life but funny enough I said we're going I'm going through a divorce she didn't know about but she said I'm a photographer I said well come and take some pictures I'm caught ah but we have to you know I do believe in keeping your side of the street clean what are you going through a divorce and a breakup so I won't be able to see you but you know let's take some pictures and send him to me and my bass player I said give my number give give your number to my bass player and so she did and I didn't see her for six months because the bass player said rod not yet that's amazing he wouldn't give me her phone number until he thought I was ready in the mind and in hearts and to to see somebody else okay and do you have how many children do you have with her by then yeah that's true with penny he's her with penny - and how old are going to perfect part from Ruby okay her mother Beryl is beautiful kelly-ann Berg she's just just beautiful still is beautiful Wow how old are the two are the two kids that you have with better you're one yeah four and nine for an ayah how is father in the oldest he's 57 the No near my penis me and my Winkle you're a Winkle my Winkle oh my god so how how is I mean how is fatherhood different with the children that you have now that the four-year-old the young ones how are you different as a dad oh it's night and day you know I for instance as I said earlier the old days I used to just go on tour yeah had to earn money now I do the tours in the kids school holidays so that they can more or less be with me if they want to Wow two younger ones so there's a big difference you know okay with with eight kids you've got to be eight different fathers really because it's all so different in ing how many of them sing rubies probably the only one that's tried to see you know obviously the other two little ones are too young yeah but they've all got great careers my Liam my my sunny and handsome bugger ears yeah he's he's playing hockey earthy rubies a great singer Kimberley is loving motherhood so I've got one granddaughter Sean wants to open a bar somewhere right somewhere listen and Renee is studying classical and jazz dance in London oh wow they're all scattered around would you encourage your young ones that they were interested in music would you say this is a great career I think you should do it or would you know yeah yeah of course I would yeah it I do I would also advise that it's gonna be tough nowadays it's really good about how why do you think it's a lot tougher now everybody wants to be in a band or or be a singer when when we all started in the sixties as I said earlier it was somewhat of a novelty yeah you know and it but nowadays it's every other day as a band and thousands of bands coming out it's it's it's there's too much stuff and it looks you do think that people just want to be famous I think it's I think every now and then and we know just on our show when someone loves the music you know right when they arrive and when someone is there for the show yeah you know them you know them - yeah all right I know the audience has a lot of questions do we have steady I think we have some over here let's let's take some of these Oh God oh no boxers or briefs sorry I just read the questions come in usually use this yeah right no but my tummy briefs briefs yeah good to know all right barb from Facebook what is the era of your career that makes you cringe the most Oh probably when I released tonight's the night when I was going out with periculum she made me wear lots of makeup and why didn't I she wanted you well it was a very trendy at that yeah it's where the company never never suited me always made me nose look bigger which period makes you the most proud the proudest oh right now yeah right now what is it why tell me well I mean to be honest with you I mean I mean your career should be on the way now but my age and it's the last two albums have been so successful and I've got more energy enough and I've ever had in my life it's amazing what do you do what are you eating like what's your normal do you exercise what's happening yeah I do I do I've had a great trainer Gary for 15 years and you know not every day I want to do it I do a lot of cycling a lot of rowing and a lot of swimming can't run too much now cuz you sneeze what about what about what do you eat are you on some kind of a special thing really I try not to eat too much bread yeah and too much sugar okay I still like a drink yeah of course you do all right is there someone Dead or Alive you would like to sing with Sam Cooke yeah without even blinking right yeah that's a good one all right what singer entertainer influenced you the most growing up I would say all the great black artists yeah die you know from Muddy Waters to John Lee Hooker Sam Cooke to Otis Redding David Ruffin of the temptations David Ruffin Wow and an actually David was a friend of mine I think there's a great you know he was a singer the temptation of course and there's a great picture I've got at home yeah we're we're both looking into each other's throats trying to work out why his voice his black voice was better than mine he's great we're really close to each other I'm looking down his throat which he was he was the greatest just before we came on you got a text or an email from Elton John talking about this is so cool he was just talking about just watching you on Fallon he was making jokes about it yeah but a lot of artists must look at you and think where does all this energy this juice that voice the fact that it's still there and preserving where is it coming from but he had a lot of fun with you didn't he yeah we've you know there was a long period where we didn't communicate with each other and that's just the reverse and how and we have people emailing each other each day he's a great guy well loving the most generous man I know on this earth right he really is do you know the story about one Christmas tell me when when we were both living in London in the seventies right and he came I came over to his place and I bought him an ice and ice bucket but it wasn't just an ice bucket press the button and and the tray came out with your champagne in your glasses I paid 300 quid for it and I thought well that's a lot of money 300 quid do you know he came round my house with a Rembrandt a Renoir and he's he's never he's never forgiven me is the most generous guy let's talk a little bit more about another country your new your new CD you tell me what inspired you to write this and tell me about some of the songs well as I said you know that wonderful book I got from all the fans encouraged me really encouraged me to do again and also the success which gives you confidence and once you got the confidence you think well if it had gone down the toilet I probably wouldn't have written another song but they did do very well and then the fans loved it and that gave me the confidence to go on and do it but it's a personal album I mean there's a song on there about putting my son to bed you knows only for there's a song on there about you know stories I heard from my brothers and sisters about growing up in in London after the war I can't remember I mean I was just born after the war you know it's just a real person now I'm I'm very proud of it there's a song on there about lots of old drinking I used to do a linking song the drinking supporter not that one awesome okay here's something from Doris Noel who was your favorite female vocalist Oh from the past any either oh you know Tina Turner's got big mouth yeah and I gotta tell you Adele Adele she's got the boy you saw do you like that new one hello everybody yeah I bet he's good oh she is amazing okay let's see what was it like touring with Stevie Nicks saw the show and is awesome that's from Andrew she was she's a complicated girl mm-hmm finally no I mean that in the nicest possible way she's she's very complicated yet a nervous frightened individual about being out there you know and I used to tell her after the shows it's quite extraordinary can I get up yep you know she does this thing you know she'll stand at the mic but she'll be singing that moved very much but she'll do this house breaks up it's amazing it's absolutely amazing they love her you know and she is one of the few acts you know she went on before me when she went on place was full absolutely full Wow she's absolute genius I love her dearly awesome okay what is your favorite song to sing in concert all of them all of them they're all as I say to all my kids yeah I gave birth to them and you know put them out in the world and see how they get on so they're all my favorites from Phil wood via Facebook no I'll Phil Phil wants to know who was Maggie May oh no we have first ever shagged my first ever shag you know that reason I do it's not a copy yeah it's not a carpet so does she know that she not now that she doesn't know she doesn't know it was the the bewdley Jazz Festival we used to have jazz festivals it was not rock'n'roll okay as all jazz and she was a slightly overweight woman I would say in a mid-30s in her mid 30s in humble and I would say a teenager 17 Wow yeah she took me in her tent and I made a nasty mess and it was all over in three seconds okay of all your hit songs which one was the most surprising PS I love you rod so which was the most surprising the one that surprised it is Oh obviously it would have been Maggie Mae because it was it you know nobody really liked it it was thrown on the album and so what did you like it though even though they didn't I loved it because it was a story I've always tried to write my songs always at a beginning in a middle and end yeah so it was a story and I always had place in it okay we got a couple funny old business it really trust record companies annie martin who says besides full fights about footballs what's the craziest thing you've seen happen in the audience from the stage oh well no the the football thing is quite frightening yeah it really is and i do ask people to try and be careful yeah they love those footballs coming out so much I can't think of anything else really there's a lot of that not so much anymore okay rod you've been quoted as saying you have quote the greatest fan club on the plan yeah how important Joanne wants to know how important are your fans to you well I think I've made that fairly obvious you know because they wrote to me I responded with his second album that's how much they mean to me and I know I tell you if I mean it from the bottom of my heart this album was made with you in mind it really was do you get inspiration for writing in the shower on the toilet who is out there up on the mountaintops they want to know they want to know where you get some inspiration well it's it's all around me you know for instance there's a reggae song on the new album called love and be loved and that was one of the lines of girl of Pistorius they murdered is his girlfriend Malaysia and South Africa and they had a telephone conversation she was having with her mum I think she said all I want to do is be loved love me love that'll be like oh god that's a song so it's titles I write them down when I hear somebody say something I'll write it down so it's that's how they that's how the songs are born will there be another CD after this one do you think Rhonda's yeah I think that this one does people know we want to point out you guys that the new CD another country happens to be available for sale right in the lobby ladies and gentlemen what a great night this has been we hear it for rod thanks now if you are hot Thank You Darla thank you you
Channel: The 92nd Street Y, New York
Views: 104,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 92Y, 92nd Street Y, Hoda Kotb (TV Personality), Rod Stewart (Musical Artist), Maggie May (Composition), Hot Legs (Composition)
Id: bVLPNp4-jWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 45min 9sec (2709 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 03 2015
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