Rockhounding for Topaz Crystals at a Secret Location, REVEALED!

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we're out here we are out here at topaz mountain and that's a secret location we're gonna show you guys today and this is what the roads like and this is what the road's like to get into it hello and welcome back to the rugged rock hound if you're new welcome i hope you subscribe today we are out at topaz mountain most of you are familiar with the main bowl area that's it over there let me get there you go now you can see it so that's the main bowl area over here this is the back side of it most people will enter from the other side we're north of it today at kind of a secret location that i found years ago and we are going to go ahead and show that to you guys so like always i will post the gps coordinates right up here for you guys so you know how to get here or know where it is i need to show you guys maybe how to get here using them but anyway so this is the spot what we're going to do is we're going to search this area so over here traditionally i've found a lot of good topaz crystals you can also find some pseudobrochite up on the ridge there um i think any further than about here i haven't really seen anything and i don't find much here it's mostly a zone but it's relatively untouched because we discovered it years ago and i usually find pretty good stuff up here so we're hoping to have a good day up here and i'm joined with tim and utahrocks the other youtuber that i've been out with a few times so i brought him along with me we're gonna look for some topaz he drove us along drug you guys alone huh i also without our knowing i'm also going to kind of show you some of the tools we're using so pry bars are really helpful at topaz mountain because you're going to break a lot of hard rock so hammers chisels wedges the hand pick i don't use as much but yeah tools like this we definitely use also it's nice to have like little bamboo sticks and stuff to dig into pockets to get the topaz crystals out when you find a pocket and yeah oh and little containers like this and maybe some tissue paper to wrap your nice stuff in those are some of the tools we use yeah so let's get up there and find some topaz yeah this place has not been hit very hard so here we are so we're just parked down there you can probably see the vehicle so we've walked about 300 feet there's the main topaz mountain and this is our special spot that we found so this zone has a vent structure right here that we've been working and this is what i was working on last where tim is sitting i want to try and move that rock because i think the vent structure is digging under it as you can see you have little pockets that are the air bubbles but then you have these much larger ones like his bag sitting in that are just a series of chambers that dive into the rock these are called vent structures this is what you're looking for because that's where you're going to find most of your topaz because you can find topaz and pockets all over but here you just find topez after topaz after topaz following event anything on that tim okay oh no it's actually a big one oh good i found a big one sticking to the rock i did bring spray bottles if you need them here tim i'll toss you a spray bottle oh it's a nice one all right we're gonna have to get down there and take a look let me get the macro lens on so we can see this okay tim let's take a close up of that beautiful little cluster he's found on the rock there nice nice little cluster it's still kind of dirty yeah i might have to take it home and clean it off a little further maybe we'll try and break the rock down a little bit just get some of this stuff off but yeah look at that tim just found a pocket in the back so we're hoping there's some crystals in it yep there's some right there a little bit right on the edge that little crystal okay oh i can see stuff down there yep so we have a pocket we got a pocket we got a pocket tim is extracting a crystal let me blow it off a little bit nice little triple oh there's a crystal right there yeah it's a little one this is a crystal nice little thing fresh from the mountain oh no oh so utah rocks has got his first nice crystal whoa excellent just right below time tim just pulled this one out his pocket very nice look at that pocket look at all that good good looking stuff we got topaz crystals on the edges yep here's another little tiny little thing yeah so we broke into more pocket right here so you can see a bunch of crystals down in there and then right here there was a bunch that fell out yeah tiny tiny oh hold on i got the best one in my hand okay are you ready for this one okay that one looks like it was a little exposed to the sun but overall pretty nice still trying to get you in there so you can see it i got a nice cluster on the side there some nice crystals just this is a really nice pocket it's all it's lined with crystals okay tim what'd you find [Laughter] just pulled it out right there yeah right in there so clean it off a little bit nice good sized one unfortunately a lot a lot of sand in it but overall still pretty nice look at what tim just pulled out look at this thing look at those topaz is in it wow can you imagine when we get it cleaned off wow this topaz is all through where the white is it's in and out of the white so cool just a quick update of where we're at here's what we've found thus far [Music] just i'm shocked finding this pocket stuff all over and then here's the pocket as it is we've got crystal cluster still all over the edges of it so you can see we've managed to get a lot of stuff off the edge now there's still quite a bit to get but let's take a look at it what do you think of our haul so far look at those things lots of matrix specimens that are really nice like this one right here look at that just tons of stuff just so nice tim's just going at it over in this pocket i came down this way and i found this little pocket and i've been digging a while and i got a few things out but then i finally got a really good one look at that look at that piece i'll get that cleaned off that'll be nice so after a bit of digging that's what happened to that hole this was the whole i dug that's what i ended up getting out of mine and then tim got all of this so we're gonna start boxing everything up putting it in containers because we've got a ton to go through so we got everything packed up we got it in the bucket so we got it we got a nice amount of stuff in the bucket a spray bottle with water and then a crowbar to the head okay so yeah we are cleaning up here it's starting to get pretty warm we'll be heading out in a bit and i'll get home and get all those cleaned off so the next video you see is going to see all these specimens cleaned off i just wanted to quickly show you everything we came back with so we got a ton of things you're not going to be able to see it very well because it's in the shade and i don't have the macro lens on but yeah this is full of topaz and i've just got water in these because i'm cleaning them all off but yeah that's what we got quite a lot now i'm going to go ahead and mount this and then we'll take a closer look with the macro lens but we're just going to look at the really good ones because there's just too much to go through otherwise let's get started so this a little hard to show yeah try this it's a little double terminated crystal we ended up getting quite a few double terminated crystals got this one right here very nice got this one which also ended up being another double terminated crystal and then we got this one right here also very nice here's this nice little one there's this nice little one click clear the top of that is very nice this is that first nice one that tim found another nice little one a larger one but not quite as nice this is one of those what we call sandy crystals where as it was growing it incorporated a lot of little grains of sand into it that were on the edge of the pocket we got this nice little one here's a really nice one it's actually double terminated you can see the edge of it going there there's a really nice one again nice little cluster nice two crystals coming off of each other i guess you could call it a twin here's that nice large twin that i found in my pocket next to tim's big pocket that was the best thing i found in mine really nice good quality here's a neat little piece growing off the matrix they got that nice purple i'm not exactly sure if it's fluoride or floor appetite it's hard to tell because it's so tiny but look at that nice crystal with a tiny little one coming right off the side of it this is the large crystal cluster that came out of tim's pocket that crystal right there is beautiful just a nice cluster now we're moving on to the specimens that are on matrix so we've got a nice crystal in there it's on matrix got this nice crystal right here on matrix as well a little crystal right here on the edge of this one this one was one of my favorite all that purple and then look at that double terminate crystal beautifully perched there in another one just a beautiful specimen now we're getting into the larger specimens they're still kind of wet so you got those nice that nice cluster right there and this beautiful just overall specimen you got a little tupez is all over the place and then you got this little white bacterial probably calcidone that's right here on the top but yeah neat stuff in this area you get a lot of hematite blades those little black things in case you're wondering are blades of hematite here's the final one it was the big one and i really liked this one too so you got that purple all over and then just a whole series of crystal topaz right through here and a whole bunch of the white calcidoni but i wonder it might be calcite or something else but i think it's calcium look how you got these crystals nestled in here like that one and there's one there and i wonder how many more are just hiding underneath it's just such a cool cool piece so yeah kind of the biggest high quality specimen of the of the dig very nice let's end it on that beautiful crystal right there and that was our dig at topaz mountain weren't those beautiful it was a wonderful day tim knocked it out of the park finding the uh continuation of event structure and utah rock's found some great stuff too you'll have to go check out his channel to see what he found and it was a fantastic day and now you guys know where it is so you're welcome to go check it out yourself now at the time i'm filming this i'm on the verge of hitting a thousand subscribers and by the time you guys see this i will probably have already hit the thousand subscribers so yay thank you guys so much and that means i'm going to be doing a video next week for the 1 000 subscriber special so what i'm gonna do is do a giveaway i'm gonna give away some of these specimens and awesome things i've collected as gifts to you guys as a thank you for your help in getting me to where i am right now to hit the thousand subscribers so yeah a huge thank you to you guys and i hope you enjoy i'll do that next week and then we'll get those mailed out after we determine who the winners are anyway have that to look forward to next week so stay tuned and remember there is treasure everywhere [Music]
Channel: The Rugged Rockhound
Views: 3,466
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rockhounding, mining, crystals, minerals, rocks, fossils, agates
Id: chG7lKGUn5I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 43sec (943 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 08 2022
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