Rocket Sled Test in Slow Motion

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[Music] foreign the test that we're going to be executing is a rocket sled test at the 10 000 foot sled track we're clamping the motor down onto some shoes which attach it to the single rail on the west rail we're going to fire that motor off it's going to get up to about 30 200 feet per second we're exercising our team for this some techniques of taking some new photometric data we're exercising some kind of older techniques that we're not as familiar with on being able to energize a system while that motor is in motion attention all stations we're approximately one minute from a sled lunch at the 10 key slit track there's a lot of planning that goes into these tests this one we probably started about six to eight months ago and it's it's amazing how much work goes into the three to six seconds that it takes to execute these tests photo one ready for sled launch we've developed new techniques with Optical tracking markers that are really robust in the field and give us that sub pixel tracking and determine to potentially a 20th of a pixel or a hundredth of a pixel the location of the markers and if you are authorized to begin arming steps this is really area with it we want to be able to help safely test their equipment and their systems three two one zero [Music] we've been able to optimize the setup so that we don't have to have any artificial lighting and get high quality data just with natural lighting [Music] testing in real life gives you the real world results of what's going to happen [Music] [Music] thank you all test Personnel we had a successful fire [Music] so I always view a success of a test is that everyone goes home the same way that they came to work and for me to see everybody come together and execute and and in the pride and the work that people do that's what's really cool for me as a test director thank you
Channel: Sandia National Labs
Views: 111,140
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sandia National Laboratories
Id: Ha2efdpdxU8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 36sec (216 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 03 2023
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