rocket being iconic

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this province speaks of a Pharisee knows nothing about that is true here's no respect that is also true you believe they call us criminals when he's assaulting us with that haircut what is this thing look how it thinks it's so cool it's not cool to get help walk by yourself you little girl [Applause] oh I'm sorry you your name is that's right do you know why I did it star Munch I'm not gonna answer the Star much I did it because I wanted to don't drink fast money yes you did I just saw you doing it why are you lying not be taking our pod today sir uh well are you making your voice deeper look at Mr smiles over here oh my God where's your wife old man what a Class A free version let's make something clear this one is our booty you want to get to him you go through us or more accurately we go through you do you shoot tasers out of your face oh no foreign [Music] what strikes fear into the hearts of anyone what hears it whatever you say what are we even talking about this for we just had a little man save us by blowing up 50 ships how little well I don't like this edible ear is real seriously I mean that place is a legend they make the most powerful horrific weapons epic torment the Universe I would very much like to go there I live for the simple things [Music] I was young and greedy and stupid like you stealing those batteries that was mostly drags a minute were you think you finish talk down to us a little one-inch man saved us well if he got closer I'm sure he'd be much larger there's a quantics battery behind it purplish box green wires to get into that Watchtower I definitely need it how are we supposed to do that well supposedly these ball bodies find you attracted so maybe you can work out some sort of trade what do you mean by that you must be joking no I've really heard they find you attractive you call that thing figured it out we're gonna Rob the guys who just beat us senseless oh you want to talk about senseless how about trying to save us by blowing us up [Music] turn you over and how on Earth were they gonna turn us over when you only gave them a count of five I'm giving you didn't have time to work out the minutia of the plan this is what we get for acting altruistically this is what I deserve slow down drama queen you might deserve this but I don't we gotta get out of here what's a raccoon what's a raccoon it's what you are stupid ain't no thing like me except me don't call me a raccoon I'm sorry I took it too far I meant trash panda is that better I have a plan you've got a plan yes first of all you're copying me from when I said I had a plan I'm not whoa whoa yo Ranger Rick what are you doing you can't take apart my [ __ ] without asking me see what is this don't touch that he thinks of some stupid thing he does well I didn't ask to get made I didn't have to be torn apart and put back together over and over and turned into some some little monster my nipples are oh goodness what about him what's he doing I'm finishing this so we can listen to Tunes while we work how is that a priority daddy isn't as big [Music] eagle it's a day for dumbass names secondly I don't even believe you have a plan I have part of a plan what percentage I don't know stop it get some help look it's 20 feet up in the air and it's in the middle of the most heavily guarded part of the prison up there without being seen I got one plan and that plan requires a freaking quad X battery so figure it out oh he's the one who loves music so much no I actually agree with Drax on this that's hardly important right now no okay Chuck well 12 12 percent oh totally fake that is the most real authentic hysterical laugh of my entire life because that is not a plan rocket no one's calling you a monster he called me ferment she called me rodent let's see if you can laugh after five or six good such thing I have no words for an honorless Thief pretty high and mighty coming from the lack of genocidal maniac yeah I know who you are anyone who's anyone knows who you are we're here to save quill for what huh for Honor for love no I don't care about those things I want to save quill so I can prove I'm better than him I can lower this over him forever rabbit is correct and clearly the smartest among you right miss you brother Captain sir you're very perceptive you seem like a noble leader will you join me on my question let me just ask the captain a squishy in your publication you're gonna be like what's this and it's gonna be because I put a chair in there what sorry I am so sorry that dude there I need his prosthetic leg his leg Yeah God knows I don't need the rest of them look at him he's useless here you go oh I was just kidding about the leg I just did these two things I thought it'd be funny wasn't funny no wait what did he look like hopping around so we're saving Galaxy again I guess awesome I just keep imagining you waking up in the morning sir looking in the beer and in all serious to sing to yourself you know what would be a really Kick-Ass name tasty it's a bomb a bomb yep and you leave it lying around I was gonna put it in a box what's a box gonna do how about this one no whoa hey leave it alone I was shut up it'll grow back you there steady and quit whining what was your second choice scrotum hat you know they told me you people were conceited douchebags but that isn't true at all what is that that's for if things get really hardcore or if you want to blow up moons hello [ __ ] no one's blowing up moons you just want to suck the joy out of everything I'm Really Gonna be surprising for two-time Galaxy seriously can't believe that's that's hot man I thought we were friends no offense but your employees are a bunch of jerks we're killing you first well dying is certainly better than having to live an entire life is a moronic [ __ ] bag who thinks taser face is a cool name no four billion units Rock It come on man hey suck it up for one more lousy night and you're rich fine but I can't promise when all this is over I'm not gonna kill any last one of you you're simply like the strength to will them your bodies would crumple as your minds collapsed into madness is it weird that I want to do it even more now a little bit I was being sarcastic supposed to use a sarcastic voice now I look forward there must be some kind of peaceful resolution to this fellas or even a violent one where I'm standing over there and all the animals on the planets and the people my wife and child dead I don't care if it's me everybody's got dead people it's no excuse to get everybody else dead along the way make it through that you'd have to be the greatest pilot in the universe lucky for us oh yeah I I'm muscular but who are you kidding well you're one sandwich away from fat are you kidding me we're wanted by the Nova Court just give it to Rona so he can destroy the Galaxy what are you some sane all of a sudden what is the Galaxy ever done for you why would you want to save it you smiled and for a second I got a warm feeling but then it was ruined by those disgusting ass teeth you're like a professional [ __ ] or what pretty much a bro [Music] that's what you get when quill flies [Music]
Channel: littleFreak
Views: 19,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: rocket being iconic, guardians of the galaxy, rocket racoon, rocket raccoon, rocket being savage, rocket being funny, guardians of the galaxy 3, rocket being an icon, rocket iconic moments, best of rocket raccoon, rocket racooon funny moments, best funny scenes of rocket, funny moments of rocket, funny moments of rocket raccoon, little freak, rocket racoon crack vid, rocket raccoon funny, rocket racoon being iconic, gotg, gotg v2, gotg 3, marvel humor, marvel funny moments
Id: rqsmZyiJU7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 42sec (582 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2023
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