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I am an animation fan going way back, and I used to have this movie on LaserDisc. It was always sort of a mixed bag to me. On the balance I liked it, but it also had some things that bugged me.

For example, the character designs… All of humanity wiped themselves out in World War III, so all the characters in the movie are supposed to have evolved from surviving animals. All the characters have a few goofy-looking animal-ish traits applied, so half-heartedly that it's rarely possible to match them with a species, and the result just looks like malformed humans. It seems as if they were trying to appeal to “furry” fans but had absolutely no clue how to go about it. (Omar’s nose/muzzle is particularly unfortunate.)

The soundtrack music is pretty good, and one track in particular I loved: Iggy Pop’s Pain And Suffering. Because of licensing problems, the soundtrack has never been published. It’s possible to find some of the tracks from other albums, but not all of them. For example, you can get Pain And Suffering from the Zombie Birdhouse album, but it’s not the same recording and lacks the intensity of the movie version.

EDIT: For a real post-apocalyptic animated head trip, I would suggest looking for Wizards. →’s also a flawed gem, mostly because of budget cuts, but very much a cult classic.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/ZobeidZuma 📅︎︎ Apr 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

It’s on Amazon Prime if you want to stream it that way.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/Andi_Alchemy 📅︎︎ Apr 17 2021 🗫︎ replies

I love this movie! Evil Spelled Backwards is Live. One Voice. This makes a great double feature paired with Heavy Metal.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/VerbalAcrobatics 📅︎︎ Apr 18 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] the war was over the only survivors were Street animals dogs and cats and rats from them a new race of mutants evolved was a long time ago a legendary super rocker has retired to hometown there his computers work at deciphering an ancient code which would unlock a doorway between this world and another dimension obsessed with his dark experiment mark himself searches for the last crucial component a very special [Music] [Music] Oh at last we sheet every new singer the whole country hey did the Bart's find the voice for his new and he ain't gonna cuz there's no place left to look toad yeah one more show in town what for no I'll get the car [Music] computer report your record sales are dropping a confidential analysis shows a downward trend in our stupid drive on [Music] Donald's computer report on our projects progress on this project unchanged show me the Armageddon key [Music] have you finished decoding it decoding not yet complete mark I see most recent calculations show you will still need a living voice the vibrations of this voice will create the doorway through which the being will enter this dimension the ring I designed will identify the exact voice frequency yes yes thank you that one voice will bring me a powerful being from another dimension the scientific breakthrough for me yet or magic show for the masses really have a way with words so we played one song one of your son's corpse so it's two song one bye yeah okay Omar Angela I'm gonna trust you [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah okay okay you're just nervous water [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] give me just one good reason why you guys should finish how about this okay that's one good reason chop-chop same song Omar my son and now by popular demand tonight's last [Music] [Music] [Applause] your biggest fan welcome to my [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes [Music] this wouldn't have anything to do with your worldwide search [Music] but could make us both a bundle [Music] tidy sum couple of box was this fan dinner now I have revealed exactly why I'm here I'll be your angel if you want to see how perfect sheriff's and within the educated [Music] like I said this pens on its way to fame and fortune [Music] and so did a warm personal and influential friend of mine only own town rocker to have a record gogo of platinum and plutonium and one day don't tell me [Music] got me some stretch hex guys I'm gonna work up your promo so which ones you lead singer Oh mark angel angel fabuloso Oh [Music] with uh yeah Oman you know two lungs are better than one right you see or mr. mylar was a little confused about who our lead singer is yeah okay okay I'm getting the idea may be stubborn but I'm not stupid [Music] I bet if you and angel ever got together someday we could be as big as monomakh [Music] if it's only officer qual crazy cop hey you guys you were great tonight see you later [Music] look why don't you just leave me alone you've already screwed things up enough for one night I trusted you you talk I just came to tell you you were good you were good so why'd you walk [Music] you know everything got a little weird [Music] I know what you mean I don't know angel I guess I just want it all now I want everything to Omar takes time [Music] very sleazy / oh don't you come up for a spell cute forget it come on no he wants to talk tourists [Music] thought you weren't coming up to marks Omar I changed my mind [Music] welcome to the modest house of mock Oh you haven't even met the gun don't have to I've seen his magic yet if I didn't know you better Omar I'd say you were jealous get serious I guess you're not coming in I guess you're right shoot yourself [Music] maybe they gotta sacrifice a going something yeah we're here to see mark great to see ya place you got here kinda cozy [Music] baby let's talk some final what's the deal and listen you got it all wrong I'm not cool oh hi you must be Mark's brother no no but you look so much alike well laughs we are brothers like I said let's bottom-line it mark you're not no sorry mark great to see you I wish mark no then why does he keep calling me mark are you calling me a liar girl but he keeps calling me marked you are calling me a liar yeah you are so that's it party's over let's slow slow down Oh Mart and let's give it a chance we might come on it's a waste of time to creep around this deprave OHS mansion escorted by two of mother nature's finest freaks three this one talks in numbers words to the wise guy be nice or be dog food follow [Music] make yourselves at home except you it was the Freak reference wasn't it you're gonna apologize road boy I'm sorry dog breath anyone want a beer I'm mock allow me to introduce the rollerskating sniper brothers toad sleazy and zip mais esta stupid I just love it when he talks French oh sweet angel you look even more beautiful in person than on stage well that's a Omar our lead singer and Tim let's talk about you what did you think of my last album I loved it I bought it to my gerbil uses it for a room divider [Laughter] the Edison balls oh I'm I'm sure you're in to reaching new levels of consciousness aren't you yeah we're in that kind of stuff it's all we ever do excellent then I've got something you boys will can we take a stroll in the garden [Music] I don't like this angel angel so how many rooms are you crammed into here success does have its rewards angel however such trophies are minor compared to what I really wonder Stan the power of magic my magic is that too much too late it is you must remember that my last concert was not complete being so long though so it was still great I was there don't [Music] with you angel [Music] what about the rest of the band my contract has room for only one signature yours the group's just starting to come together I think we got a pretty good call it what you want I believe in if you think you're going anywhere with the hallmarks of this world accept my offer no mark I couldn't leave them for anything [Music] [Applause] [Music] when we all have our illusions far be it for me to take away yours hey she's speaking it up yeah the Boise was right come on the Blas is whiteant oh dude bring me my demon whether you like it or not [Music] so her friends angel angel we have to go I spy with my little eye something that begins where are you was looking for you what's going on I demand an answer hey you know you're a tree Nolte violence is not the answer to anything we discuss this like civilized human beings looks lazy these ones is to watch an old Holograms yeah I think their brains are seized up [Music] [Applause] [Music] look at dogs down they sleep it like them baby everyone out of the poll but told they can't watch it distant is yeah you're right sleazy I think they better Drive [Music] [Music] pressure to [Music] excuse me but could you put me down hello hello anyone in there oh so you want to play rough eh I was afraid of these hands are lethal weapons I could paralyze you this one's got lethal weapons oh I keep them away from me you skinheads don't scare me Omar stretch where's angel what have you done with her no Martin she's gonna nuke Yaak with Mach she was she's gonna be a big star rocks gonna make her a big star she was overwhelmed yeah yeah although Mikey said wait a minute she wouldn't go anywhere with you guys [Music] NATO trials hey you guys can't get away with this you can eyes are totally stoned Oh No stretch stretch wake up stretch I can't drive this car all right where are the keys [Music] Oh get a grip on yourself Missy whoa oh we're not gonna die [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] yeah I'm sorry oh no this is my car my wheels my voltage wagon hey Fred dehydrate okay ah what's going on where's angel angels gone Omar what look there well thank you Little Miss ambition well it ain't that easy he owes me a-- owes you hmm I mean us a personal explanation New York's only three days away it's gonna take us six days we don't even have a golem [Music] punch freeze what are you doing in a public fountain we give up squad what are we doing in a public fountain ok wise guys into the car now why that's a 419 PMF bathing fella be gay lucky I'm not running the inn for 4:31 improper swimwear hey wait our real crimes been committed those goons up at mocks place tried to push the cards just a confession no then save it for the judge let's go come on busy huh I'll get the evidence only I'll get the know I'll get the evidence no you get the evidence no go get in a car that's right god I love sorry well let me tell you one thing buddy that's us 637 and this time I've got you red-handed someday you will think [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] New York turn ready Bruce just remember Omar it's not own town it's New York hold on your privates generals we're going through all [Applause] hey buddy power blackout cities clause no admittance Donna thrice vehicular traffic chief inspector quaalude hometown police these are scientists big shots sorry inspector there's trouble inside and it's my job that's great you're doing a good job Thanks so anyway inspector all just check this hey this is a tuna fishing license [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] just how long does Mach think he can keep me here this is what I think of your picnic knows what you're talking about [Music] sometimes those brothers of my really burn my buns too they keep this place locked up tighter than a hummingbirds tweet by the way dawg who are you mocks new lady mom's new ladyfriend yeah I guess so but uh hey it don't make life any easier Cindy knows what you're talking about but they just don't understand us new women every girl's gotta get out and dance catch my drift gotcha doll if you're talking about walking with what's the scoop no sweat I just slide down this way I do it every Saturday night I have to be back in bed by 12 o'clock that's the one told checks in on me that's too bad but never mind with your funk and my funk we don't need much time to find some real hot action hey you are a little dated someone of mocs you know what I mean but that's okay just keep your lips zipped and stick with Cindy we're on our way to the twilight zone like toad says there's wackos out there just waitin for sweet young things like you I found the voice I've got the girl understood the Armageddon key has now been fully decoded stand by for data transmission according to the key the girl must sing this progression of musical notes the vibrations of our voice will create a doorway through which the beings enter this dimension my their nightmare wall mine for a song and then nothing can stop me sheesh a mock you can be stopped there is a force which can send a being back send it back what well oh the being can be sent back by the magic of one voice [Music] individuals identity presently unavailable monk search will start now who can stop me is it the girl well okay then let's get out of here before we according to the key the being can be seen but who is it no no one can send it back no one such person then the Beast is my [Music] opinions give them to you [Music] he's coming out of seclusion to do a surprise concert tickets go on sale at noon for his triumphant Beauty and the Beast [Music] oh yeah the ladies love this okay Alphonse Alphonse oh so that's your real name try up stretch touch let's see if I got the whole school Oscar files everyone into a stolen police car beep sent up to New York tries to run the barricades you all get nailed by the city cops and I have to close down shop for half a day to bail you all out it's not exactly like it sounds Aunt Edith we're a band right and angel left without telling anybody Osby says she owes us a personal explanation for what because she ran out with muck without saying goodbye because he's a big star and you guys are just wish him we're concerned say what I said we're concerned concerned about about angel we're concerned about okay you're all hot asta you never told us we were concerned it's such what there proved there oh yeah thank you see any trouble come on back okay guys I can't tell you much about much but I can tell you about Cinderella are you gonna talk us into relax Oscar I was just beginning to like you yeah little skeptic like I was saying she's the little sister of a couple of guys who work for Mark told cz and slip clothes so where do we find her I know she hangs around an uptown club what does she look like sorry Alphonse everyone looks the same through this thing but she's got a winning hot tattoo my 1495 special [Music] [Music] captain what are you what you got to listen to my side of the story it was not my fault that not enough those cuffs were supposed to be on the take I'm on the level to prove it I got some scuttlebutt for you nah you set your sails for this joint downtown club 666 that there's three guys from home town when the drop anchor there with a cargo of trouble they're looking for your little sister now we're even right so get off my back think we're gonna club 666 now let's roll wait follow them yes but don't interfere I have a much more amusing idea get me what's-her-face [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] stay closed is we'll play it by ear angel Omar get off the street [Music] dizzi angel [Music] angel what are pleasant and unexpected surprise hi Big O how's it going perhaps we should invite Omar up for a spell [Laughter] [Music] got everything I need taste [Music] excellent performance my dear what's-her-face thank you for your help it's a pleasure working with you mark good clean fun all work and no play makes mark are dull boy [Music] fade up on the girl then give me the wall shot the boss is ready on - okay it's show time look forget it I won't sing and what have you done to the guys they offer you fame riches and a crack at the top you refuse I accept them good where's our chance to work with me mark and you say no thank you I'm very disappointed hey listen but still so try to realize that I must be heard when I say you sing or they [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] as you live your word is that in home [Music] you're totally crazy thank you shall we see them [Music] [Music] how are you boys doing I'll get us it would have been swell to work on a song together but well you're working with the best now or mark is making me I understand MUC change them better no no I let them go for you and you sing a little song for me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] what happened the being destroyed Carnegie Hall but did not completely materialize in this dimension the electrical power supply in New York is insufficient I need more power affirmative a sufficient stable energy source does exist in of course speed I will raise this demon I will not fail again its power be mine [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] musician priest wine [Music] I am snake feedback [Music] no question that [Music] [Music] [Music] hello boys hi uncle mighty hey boss wait wake up we're all for home towel hey boss can continue tell the difference between good and evil say try to realize there is no longer black or white good or evil we've evolved they are mighty says we all have our own personal view of right but it is what we are doing evil of course not remembers if evil spelled backwards is live and we all want to do that yeah yeah yeah but but but uncle Mikey stares that so until next week boys and girls back goodbye Uncle Mike zip zip zip no Santa Claus no Tooth Fairy and no uncle my gate [Music] I've seen it angel destiny has revealed itself to me to mark I I can't resist you anymore to take me with you wherever you go we're here in jail just you you and me mom yes after the concert forget the concert but we can cancel nothing else matters just us just us [Music] let's go away together hmm Fiji Disney then then to Sea Island wherever you like but I win you're a very enjoyed your game and without me shot you are nothing [Music] [Music] singers can scream but she still pissed me off get me that worm Mila tell him that I want a concert at the power plant tomorrow night drug the girl and wire her to the circuit board [Music] I spell where's my sorry mr. mylar but we no can do Oh seriously angel likes English muck and mocks and isn't that nice because you wouldn't listen to my love the guy and the girl we're pleased hey guys I've got a real concert to emcee you're on your own [Music] [Applause] [Music] like a new car [Music] [Music] [Music] Hey I just had this crazy dream where you are a real nice car it's serious we're back in town last thing I remember we win that New York club looking for Angel there's angel mom I don't like this Omar the only thing she cares about is being up there with him you can't believe that it's true I saw them together I've had believe your heart Omar not your eyes don't you see [Music] everybody freeze yo where'd he go I think I know let's go [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] sighs our in [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's evil [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] I said why did you do it for uncle Mikey [Music] don't talk now said on sense [Music] [Laughter] [Music] I can sing it up I can sing it back [Music] angel [Music] [Music] [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] something's happening it's going [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Retro Rerun
Views: 711,235
Rating: 4.9412031 out of 5
Keywords: Retro Rerun, Classic Cartoons, Throwback Thursday, Old School Cartoons, After School Cartoons, Cartoons For Adults, Cartoons For Kids, 6Teen, Hey Arnold, Tales From The Cryptkeeper, Donkey Kong Country, Cadillacs And Dinosaurs, Birdz, Class Of Titans, Flash Back, Dog City, Nancy Drew, Detentionaire, Stickin Around, Rock And Rule, Music cartoon, Music movie, Musical animation, Iggy Pop, Earth Wind Fire, Nuke York, Rock N Roll
Id: knENwlh0FFA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 17sec (4697 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 30 2019
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