Robot Blaze & Friends To The Rescue Compilation | Blaze and the Monster Machines

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[Music] come on let's increase our pulling strength to five count to five with us one two three four five it's working we're getting stronger you're right chickens we're still getting closer to that stinky swamp come on robots we've gotta pull harder help us increase our strength to ten count with us start at five five six seven eight nine [Music] [Applause] it's ten use we're almost at the stinky swamp [Music] we can't give up robot blaze we've gotta pull even harder help us pull with the most strength yet a strength of 15 count with us start at 10 10 11 12 13 14 15. oh yeah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hang on everyone yeah you did it robot hey chomping robot see if you can chomp through this [Music] we need to find something even tougher to stop that chomping robot hey what about that piece of concrete concrete is even tougher than wood yeah let's try it do you think the robot will be able to chop through this concrete all right let's find out [Music] he chomped that concrete all right but it wasn't as easy for him this time he's heading that way [Music] hey check out this piece of metal metal's even tougher than concrete [Music] do you think the robot will be able to chop through this metal okay let's see [Music] we've got to get these babies out of here time to use robo racer mode [Music] [Applause] hop on babies this way [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh look this bridge goes in two different directions they wonder which way we go to get out of this cave we've got to take the bridge that keeps going which one keeps going the blue bridge or the red bridge the blue bridge yes [Applause] [Music] which way keeps going the yellow bridge or the green bridge the green bridge yeah hang on babies we almost out of caves just one last split which way keeps going the purple bridge the orange bridge or the yellow bridge the orange bridge right we've got [Music] for robots got all the best technology processing lots of data with our computer circuitry so let's get excited [Music] you [Music] [Applause] laser blast one two three and stop take that ah blaze we can use some help over here we've got seven more asteroids headed this way hurry let's write a coat to blast seven times which of these is the number seven yeah that's it now we've got our coat go laser blast one two three [Applause] nice work everyone looks like we got rid of all the asteroids that true except for those asteroids over there that's a lot of asteroids you can do it robots you just need a code to blast 100 times 100 times come on we've got to help the robots do 100 blasts which of these is the number 100 100 yes we've got the code go laser blast 100. [Music] [Music] [Music] all the asteroids i've got the code go jump forward jump forward jump forward jump right and stop [Music] all right we saved them now hang on monkeys let's get you to where it's safe [Music] way to go now all the animals are safe sure wait i just wish there was some way to plug up that volcano yeah then the animals wouldn't have to worry about lava ever again that's true but where are we going to find something big enough to plug a volcano oh what about this big rockstar that's perfect uh guys if we're gonna plug up this volcano we should probably do it fast because it's about to erupt again come on robots time to use blazing speed to give us blazing speed say let's blaze [Music] so [Applause] wow [Applause] [Music] looks like there's no emergency too big for us robots cause we've got robot babies watch out hang on baby t-rexes robots [Music] you okay now babies all right baby t-rexes stay behind me and zag in case any more giant fruits fall watch out three giant oranges just fell out of that tree and that one more how many oranges are there all together four yeah come on zeg let's do four robot smashes one two three four that one giant coconut and here come two more how many coconuts are there all together three one two this way baby dinosaurs oh no sexy two giant pineapple and here comes three more how many pineapples are there all together five right five smashes coming up one two three four [Music] we made it past all the fruit trees i wonder what that sound could be it's probably nothing or it's the wormhole closing behind us oh no it's collapsing we've gotta fly faster come on help us increase our speed to five count to five with us one two three four five [Music] but we're going faster now but not fast enough the collapsing wormhole keeps getting closer the space robots need to fly even faster let's help them accelerate to a speed of 10. count to 10 with us start at 5 5 6 7 8 9 10. hey look there's the way out but if we're gonna make it in time we gotta hurry quick let's help our friends speed up all the way to 15. count to 15 with us start at 10 10 11 12 13 14 15. [Applause] [Music] and check out how far we went we have to get to commander megan and with that wormhole we made it all the way to here that was some shortcut but we can't stop now commander megan is counting on us yeah space robot let's figure out what shape we need to plug this first pipe looks like we need a piece shape like this which of these metal pieces has the same shape the blue one right [Music] here please throw it to me wow now let's get you out of there hooray thank you robots save me next look y'all another fella stuck in the glue to save this worker we've got to plug the hole up there the hole is shaped like this so let's look for a metal piece with the same shape which piece is the same shape the green one yeah here dig you safe now wow you're strong well i'll be looks like there's only one truck left to rescue that's me oh but that pipe is blasting out the most glue yet come on we can stop it to plug this last pipe we need a piece shape like this which piece has the same shape the red piece go for robot blaze [Music] whoa thanks robot please everyone's safe now [Music] jump stop our code worked now come on let's keep moving gaskets looks like more trouble help us write a new code for robot blades up ahead there's another giant crack then more falling rocks what should we tell blaze to do to get past the crack smash or jump jump right and how should we tell blaze to get past the falling rocks smash or jump smash that makes our new code go jump smash stop go jump smash stop way to go blaze just a little farther and we'll be out of this cave watch out looks like i need one last code how should we tell blaze to get past this first crack smash or jump jump and what about this next crack smash or jump jump and what should we tell him to do at the falling rocks smash or jump smash that makes our code go jump jump smash stop go jump jump smash and stop yeah we made it if we can swim freestyle with the fish breath [Music] electric eels pickle look out hang on pickle i've got an idea how to get rid of those eels away high five come on let's keep swimming [Music] that sounds like more electric eels help us look for them when you see electric eels say electric eels electric eels [Music] [Applause] come on pickle let's keep swimming if you see any more electric eels say electric eels [Music] yeah right follow me swimmers just a little farther to go if you see any more electric eels say electric eels electric eels [Applause] [Music] those were the last electric eels now come on this way the robot's blast is pushing with a force of nine and my force is five which is more five or nine yeah the robot's blast has more force to get more force we need to run faster all right here i go [Music] look my force went up to seven and the blast has a force of nine which is more seven or nine nine that means the robot's blast still has more force [Music] [Applause] we've gotta beat that robot i just wish there was some way to go even faster hey i've got an idea let's try giving our robot blazing speed [Music] to give me robot blazing speed say let's blaze [Applause] [Music] [Music] look my force went up to ten and the robot's blast is nine which is more ten or nine ten that means i've got more forces [Music] [Applause] there's another cliff up ahead lug nuts i'm gonna need an even bigger jump this time if blaze rides off the green ice he'll land here and if he takes the orange ice he'll land here which piece of ice will get blazed to the other side the orange one yeah [Music] that was awesome almost at the bottom of the glacier but to get there i'm gonna need one last jump and it better be the biggest dump yet the blue ice will launch me here the red ice will get me to here and the green ice will launch me here which piece of ice will get me to the other side the red piece yeah here goes [Music] we made it great snowboarding blaze and look there's the little bunny i knew you'd make it i knew it and then i kept knowing it and then i knew it again and then again little bunny watch out i don't think little bunny can hang on much longer then we need to get to her super fast we need blazing speed [Music] to give us blazing speed say let's blaze [Applause] [Music] i'm slipping [Applause] [Music] [Applause] i got you little bunny now hang on [Music] gobble up the track so [Music] [Applause] oh man we'll never finish the race if we can't get to the other side of the track don't worry stripes that chomping robot can't stop us we've got lion and tiger jumping power yeah lands and tigers are both great cats and great cats have super strong leg muscles that let them jump really far ready stripes ready great cats all right we made it now let's keep going but be on the lookout choppy the chopping robot is still out there somewhere i hear him help us look for chompy so we can jump over him when you see choppy up ahead say choppy nice jumping but be careful everyone chompy is still out there somewhere if you see choppy again say chompy keep on the lookout when you see chompy say chompy almost there guys just a little farther if you see choppy again say choppy [Music] looks like you got yourself a case of the itches no do you know how to get these things off of me well sure get rid of them little fellas you're gonna have to like a wild bronco what i'll show you [Music] it's working blaze you just shook off three itchy robots there were ten itchy robots and i just shook off three help me count to see how many are left one two three four five four six seven seven itchy robots yeah and they really itch keep buddy all right you knocked off four more blaze there were seven itchy robots and i just shook off four more how many itchy robots are left three yeah keep it up there blaze now how many itchy robots are left two and now how many [Music] one left come on is the last itchy robot gone [Music] wow you made it just in time oh goody i'd like to buy mega mud robot please [Music] congratulations this toy is all yours you did it gasquatch come on mega mud robot let's see what you can do [Music] all right mega mud robot you ready your mega mud robot is the coolest yeah and the muddiest [Music] mega mud robot you're the best toy ever [Music] [Applause] you are yes you are i want to make the dog do something cool oh okay crusher here you could press the yellow button that makes him dig or the gray button that makes him jump nah i'm not listening to those instructions i'm gonna press this pink button oh great this says the pink button makes him wrap you up in a giant ball of spaghetti a giant ball of spaghetti you can ask your parents to subscribe to nick jr's blaze and the monster machines youtube channel for new videos every week
Channel: Blaze and the Monster Machines
Views: 8,966,152
Rating: 3.5066526 out of 5
Keywords: blaze and the monster machines, blaze, kids toys, toy trucks, nick jr, nickelodeon, kids, animated, cartoons, play, imagination, entertainment, watch on Nick Jr., video,, fun for kids, fun to watch, entertainment for kids, speedy, Nick Jr. Shows, Cartoons for kids, kids education, kids entertainment, robot blaze, robot blaze compilation, 30 minutes blaze, 30 minute compilation, blaze for 30 minutes, blazes saves the day, blaze to the rescue, rescue compilation
Id: vzb8T6hJCW4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 56sec (1916 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 15 2021
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