Roblox vmware fix! (an unexpected error has ocurred) ”patched”

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hello everyone and welcome to a new video here on my Channel today it is 2 am right now and I just got helped and fixed my VMware my f like I'm not I'm counting his I'm I'm counting him as a friend now he helped me to fix this entire thing with the Roblox bro he's a big W I'm gonna I'm gonna say his name his name is um wait am I allow I think I I think I'm allowed because he's he asked he asked me if he would get a shout out his name on Discord is Sharky Tunes okay I am gonna probably ping him if he got a channel I'm gonna ping it in the description so you can like see his channel he's the reason why this is working out it's crazy bro and I'm gonna show you guys today how to fix it yourself as well as you can see it's working so yeah let's get out of here so first off before I like do anything I need to create a new thing here so I'm just gonna create a new one this is gonna take probably a bit of time but anyways yeah you may have some problem with other things as well you have to have a I don't know if it's only for Windows 10 but I'm using Windows 10 right now also 64-bit you can't use 34-bit uh um okay there you know my name um it's not a secret or anything this is my name so yeah it's not a secret um you gotta get your Windows product key I'm gonna I'm gonna put the Windows product key in the description right here okay I'm gonna put it in the description so you guys can see it I'm just gonna get the key right now because I don't actually have it on me right now um also I'm gonna link this is for the Windows 10 ltsc uh 2021 to 2019 there's gonna be Windows 8 and stuff as well I'm gonna link the windows 8.164 bit as well if you guys want to but this is the one that I'm gonna use so you want to click next and then yeah next again doesn't matter doesn't matter next depends on what kind of thing you have this is what I'm using for me this is like whatever you want to use like I'm gonna use 3K right here for me click next next next next next I'm not gonna have it at 60 because that's quite a lot Ford is good enough um now I'm just going to do this I'm going to come back when this is done okay as you can see everyone I just started it um this is a really important thing here click yes here okay click yes I think this is gonna help you in the future click yes on it um to see if this worked if it's checked in you want to go down here search control panel click open go to your network internet and then you want to click view Network and devices and then you want to click into this thing right here wait no I'm just kidding you have to go here first click settings you also have to go to options you have to go share the thingies go to always enable click OK I think now you can go to your things but you may have to download wait I'm just gonna wait never mind okay if ask me later I'm gonna do the same thing over again um it shouldn't look like that maybe just because I don't got anything downloaded right now yeah I think I need to download like some stuff wait wait wait as you can see okay it is enabled if you clicked there it should be enabled it should be like this um so yeah that's that's really good um now I'm gonna show you everyone I'm gonna show everyone that it's that Roblox is not working so like yeah wait I'm just gonna download Chrome first okay as you can see with nothing happened um usually there's also a text popping up but now it wasn't a text usually there are a text that pops up um I'm gonna try to get the text right here so you guys can see it okay I can't get the text but there there's yeah there there that takes this so this is how it's gonna look like and now I'm gonna get into showing you how you can fix it so first thing you have to do when you have done this over here as I showed you in options and then shared and enable this you got no one to make a new folder on your desktop like on your desktop on your real PC so make a folder there where you you don't need it yeah you just make a new folder click new and then make a folder I don't know if I'm gonna show it right now because wait I could actually show it I just have to change my main monitor thingy to display two okay so see here uh in here so we're gonna have this thing right here as you can see uh you're gonna click new like this map and then whatever um I already have one here and there's gonna be a download link in the description to this thing where you have to download so you have to download a map called it's gonna be this map right here it's going to be named Roblox patch so you want to drag it into your um thingy here after you have dragged it you're gonna have this here as you can see here so here I actually forgot that I recorded the wrong screen the whole time so yeah I'm pretty stupid but you have that you have that folder with the Roblox patch um with the Roblox patch as you had um the one you Dragged In I'm gonna show you again so you guys know um this this folder right you have this folder you're going to want to drag that in to well well don't drag it I'm gonna show you what you're gonna do so click on it's okay so click up here again go here go to settings um go to options go to share folders and then go to click and add click add and then next and then browse here then go down until your desktop and then see what the name is my name is new map nine so yeah click on it and then click OK and then add it right I already added it here as you can see so after you have done that you want to go to your controls pad so you're going to want to type in control panel um you want to go into this network and internet right here then you want to click um first you're going to want to click here and then change Advanced sharings uh settings this one is going to be off and maybe this one as well if you did not click on the pop-up that's coming here it should be a pop-up that comes up here if you did not click yes here then this will be turned off if you did then it will be turned on so but this will definitely be turned off so click turn on and then turn on if that's not on playing Cliff then click save changing changes then click cancel when that is done we can now do the whole thing right we can now share like the everything so when I click back to this place again click view Network on computers and devices after that you're gonna see these two well maybe you're gonna see this one at least click on this VMware host then go to Shared filters and here you can see is the map that you used to um like to copy over right and you want to go into this and you're going to want to go in again and then in again and there you're gonna have these extra content Roblox player beta Roblox player launcher web 2 view to loader.dll after this when you're done here you want to click Windows key and R at the same time you're gonna get up this um it's not gonna be here but type in a percent Local app data percent then click ok and then go to Roblox and then go to versions and and then click into this version right here you're gonna see um you're gonna see the extra content and these three down here these are the ones that you want to um delete and then you want to drag in these here so delete these on delete and then this one delete Now You're Gonna Wanna Take These and then drag them over and it's going to load after this have loaded everything is done then you can play Roblox again so the first time may take um a couple of seconds to like load don't like it's gonna feel like it's not gonna work but believe me it is gonna work so I don't know it goes faster for it to work if you go on the Google Chrome and start it there I noticed that it goes a bit faster if you started from the Google Chrome so you can go in here and then click play and then open Roblox hmm you're gonna see that it works um first time may take a bit too long but next time it goes faster I'm not too sure if it works to click on the like icon on the desktop but as you can see it works it works I'm in beastwarm it's just loading because the Beast won't take some time to load actually it just needs a bit to load yep and as you can see I'm in here now um I can play and everything so yeah my my all time go in here click you can collect Poland and everything it works it's crazy I know and do you know help me the legendary Sharky Tunes he's a pro bro I I love him bro I actually love him he helped me he is a crazy guy bro I he's a big W bro he's a humongous stuff with you so I'm probably gonna try to link his um Channel in the description and hopefully yeah hopefully I can link his this Channel or like if he has a channel hopefully he got a channel otherwise it's gonna be pretty sad hopefully he has one but I'm gonna go now everyone um before when I recorded this it was literally like 2 A.M like 2 20 am and I was so tired so I needed to go to sleep so I did maybe a couple of things weird over my voice was kind of stupid but that's just how it is and I hope you guys like this video and I will go now please please like and sub bro this was amazing um if it doesn't work for you then I'm not sure what works for you okay um because this has worked for everyone so far um but if it doesn't work for you then that's sad if you have any if you have any questions please you just comment them and I will try to answer them and I'm gonna go another one so see you in the next one bye
Channel: Gloomy
Views: 15,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, games, bss, bee swarm simulator, vmware, error, flower, nectar, bees, red hive, fix, fixes, glitch, tutorial, windows key
Id: vpsYXj0EkOE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 3sec (783 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 23 2023
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