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today me and my brothers are playing Roblox vacation story and it's a game where we got into a plane crash and we have to try our best to survive on an island so guys make sure you watch the whole video to find out what happens ooh I can't wait for a vacation bro hopefully it's good cuz the last time we were on airplane it did not turn out so well bro I know I just want to go to the Bahamas I don't want the plane to explode or anything yeah me too please let there be no snakes on this plane all right ooh this plane's actually looking really nice I'm not going to lie oh this is way better oh there's an arrow above my seats 12 SE oh mine too I'm in the back of the plane aha I got the window seat yes I can look outside ooh how's it looking out there um it's looking like grass and blue sky that's it wait are we in the air oh we're taking off now let's go oh I see the fly attendant up there oh she's kind of cute bro stop being weird all oh we're taking off boys oh gosh I fell on my seats yes you idiot crap crap bro why is the plane shaking isn't this supposed to be a smooth plane ride it's turbulence done we're not even in the air yet yeah we're taking off dude I fell my seat now I have 60 Health you dummy hello passengers we are now at cruising altitude oh we're in the sky now yay let me see feel free to get out of your seats and explore the plane oh don't mind B do bro I didn't even realize these seats have TVs wait where on the back not these seats wait how come we couldn't get these seats this is first class you can't afford them okay well you sit right next to me so neither can you no what's happening what happened ladies and gentlemen it seems that we have a unexpected power outage are you are you serious I'm sing down I'm sing in my seat not again bro it's dark outside please do remain calm while we fix this situation oh my gosh what's going to happen Fon I'm scared I'm scared too bro I'm just going to sit down wait did you guys hear that what did you hear oh my gosh what is that I don't know what is that wait what is it wait there's someone outside oh my gosh what the heck was that oh no we are going to die oh no I am not dying I am Staying Alive all right I'm definitely staying alive where's that dude at oh my gosh I got jump scared what the heck was that what what what the oh no I don't like this this is scary oh watch out n watch out you n behind you what's he doing I don't know sir I don't want any peanuts I'm fine oh my gosh bro how do we survive I know just run away look he's a dummy bro I'm going to my seat oh my gosh I'm sitting down all because we didn't have our seat belt on bro I'm sorry we're losing altitude oh my gosh he got me WatchON oh my gosh he's chasing me he's chasing me bro can I hide in these cabinets up here I want to oh my gosh oh no I keep getting jump scared oh my gosh oh my gosh I'm back in my seat ooh on me I'm buying a flashlight come here where you can go in the shop the captain said we resolved that issue we're sorry about that bro that's a big issue wait they said we're now going to be serving some pizza yeah okay I'm sitting down I want some pizza ooh pizza oh this pizza looks bust pepperoni too that makes up for that oh I ate it guys I'm paying to win I don't care the flight attendant said what oh don't be silly I can buy a first class seat no you can't yes I can and guess what I just bought first class bro what's the point you're going to die I'm not dying buddy look at your HP and look at che's HP he's in a yellow I'm 51 what I'm buying a med kit uh my seat is one b guys uhoh what's Happ what is this hello everyone what's co-pilot this is your co-pilot speaking okay nice seems that we are going to go through a thunderstorm oh well thank goodness I'm In First Class so I'm sitting down relaxing there's severe turbulence we would like to ask everyone to return to their seats bro I hope you know first class that's where the monster spawns you're going to die buddy and you're all alone yeah well I'll die in Comfort okay look at me I can lean back in my seat what the heck that's not fair bro but wait you don't have TVs aha I don't need a TV I can lay down and go to sleep J if anything happens please save me no the I got to save I got to save myself bro bro are you kidding me oh the engine is on fire what wa grab the fire extinguisher where is it oh no oh no oh no what do we do I don't know the plane's burning up I'm sitting down and relaxing I'm not doing nothing what the heck I got first class oh what is this quick everyone grab a life jacket okay got a life jacket wait are wait are we going down I think so no I don't want to crash I can't grab one pick it up oh I got one got one I got one I got one bro I just wanted to go on vacation wait let's stick together boys okay okay are we actually going down oh good no way bro look outside is there anything happening no we're in space Oh my gosh no way we're about to go through a plane crash uh-oh what the heck uh-oh it's getting blurry oh my eyes I'm going to faint no did we crash oh oh I think so oh my gosh swim up swim wait get on this get on this got a wing oh my gosh what the heck no way look at our plane bro wait guys what I think we made it to the Bahamas look oh the heck let go we're on vacation now well there goes your first class ticket fton dang it oh my gosh the crew didn't make it no way they died I think wait Nate can I have a slice of your pizza please I ate mine bro I ate mine too it's in your hand not on my screen yeah give me that pizza heck no wait what is that noise what are you talking about wait is there a shark please no sharks bro where where oh please no please no I'm going to go attack it where's he at stop you lose Health in there you idiot oh sorry where the shark oh my gosh wait for us wait oh oh what the heck the shark's running right towards me oh my gosh why is a shark not underwater what the heck bro what he's shaking his head at me oh my God what kind of shark is this sorry shark uh we're going to the bahamia oh we're already safe I'm jumping out yes sir perfect wait look at a shark yeah you little dummy you want some of this you want some of this oh I'm dancing on the Shark watch out yeah take that shark waa let's explore oh wait why is there a cage over here what is this put you in there uh that is a little weird I'm not going to lie um okay what goes in here you if you keep being bad bro I'm not going in the cage all right wait chck you're about to die bro I know I'm 35 HP Oh's a cave we need to find food right now and build a shelter I see food where where do you see food at I think this is food unless these are flowers oh apples oh I'm hungry bro where are those apples over here ooh let's go baby o I got a good apple yum let's eat these apples wait you guys are eating pizzas on my screen yeah you e a pizza on my screen too what the pepperoni what now says we need to find shelter remember wait wait what what's going on the monster oh on the plane I forgot what if he's here with us yeah we need shelter where's that cave it's up here discuss about the strange monster you seen earlier uh okay we saw the monster scary and we need shelter I just bought a medkit guys did my health go up no oh now it did yes sir chicks you might want to buy one and no thanks you're going to die all right how do we get shelter it's dark oh look at the view look how big the Moon looks wow this is beautiful hold my hand Nate what the bro oh no there's a thunderstorm get inside get inside get in the cave hey yo why is the rain hurting me we're safe all right we're chilling we're we're living good though I wish I had an umbrella oh you can buy an umbrella from the shop oh yes sir I'm buying it bro we don't need it we're in the cave it's okay I still want to buy it the what the heck what happened the cave collapsed why is this so creepy in here let's get out of here before we get crushed bro all right boys they call me the Obby Master come on boys wait we have 58 seconds hurry up all right nobody fall in the water trust me I'm not falling okay oh this zomb is kind of crazy what is this this is easy bro how are these rocks moving maybe the monster's here bro don't say that I know bro I'm not trying to die wait what the heck how do we es oh this way this way this way oh I got scared wait what there's nothing here out what is this guys we're going to die click something I don't know click anything we're going to die no we can't die all I got is my flashlight in my umbrella what the heck we have 8 seconds no we're going to die push the Rock Air push the rock come on I'm pushing it uh-oh did we make it oh oh we made out let's go nice guys look at me what the heck why are you dancing bro sorry wait I feel like we're being watched wait me too bro is it the monster wait run go to the cave go to the cave bro Escape The Maze what maze oh my gosh down here down here down here what the heck bro oh my gosh he's behind us Nate he's literally right behind you wait I'm ahead of you follow oh no oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh we're following you chicks okay okay I'm here let's made out we made it out let's go run wait I think this is it oh yay we did it where is he is he there haha dumb monster we win yeah he got lost in the Maze ha yep emote on him oh yeah oh yeah baby that back flip Jack what are you doing I got you he back flipped on the monster wait what is that is that a flashlight yes sir I got a flashlight it Pizza under it I don't know what else can I buy I can buy a bloxy cola use the flashlight point it I'm using it what wait where's stuck in the cage I'm stuck in the cage no you're not you're bro are you serious me look at Fon wait I told bro I told you you were going to be in a cage too bro how do I get out I want to get out wait oh look I see him he looks like a bird let me out how you get in there let me out bro give me the pizza and we'll let you out BR kex this is no time for flapping Like a Bird yeah you're right bro let me get him out of here wait we need to find something to break this cage open stay right here fton we'll get something I found a log thank you I really want to get out wait find a tool from the plane wreckage to break oh come over here checks H there has to be something over here oh the Pilot's hat I want this dude come on oh sorry okay I got something help me yes let's go you're free you're welcome all right look around for the monster s we're living good now finally I'm going back in the water boys oh I'm dying what the heck the sharks in there bro be careful sorry wait a minute the app apples we got earlier were rotten wait are we poisoned we ate rotten apples good thing that no one ate them wait we all ate them wait I ate that Apple I ate it okay guys listen we need to light a fire okay we don't need a fire bro I got a flashlight dude it's getting dark and cold we need a fire oh yeah yeah your flashlights not even on yeah you guys don't see it on no oh it's on for me all right let's split up gather logs and start the fire on top of the hill all right nice I got one okay all right I got one too we only need three this is easy all right here we go all right let me light it light that thinging uh there's still no fire nice checks thank you once upon a time there was stop I'm already scared sorry sorry sorry wait why is there hearts on it oh no those aren't Hearts guys no he's here in the fire sped in the fire what the heck chicks you're literally going to die oh no died I died the whole place is on fire run N Run I'm respawning where do we run to I died no way bro all right I'm back in the game boys I'm back in the game I'm the only one alive no I'm alive now I'm safe I'm safe where you at Nate uh I'm on the beach Che watch out you just burned the whole island down dude I'm sorry bro why did you make the fire so big I don't know this fire is seriously getting out of control it's like a volcano exploded holy crap Bon you go first no I don't want to die I'm scared I'm going ah oh my gosh look at this bro this fire is getting bigger follow me follow me okay let's look for oh I see you I see you keep going straight oh we're all together Y is that a small Yacht Where where I don't see a yacht fton I think you're just hungry bro jump around so they can see us I a yacht I don't even see a yacht just keep jumping all right I'm jumping help please SOS oh there it is yo it's it's coming in fast that's not a small yacht that's big bro get over here they can't get closer we have to make our way to them all right let's start swimming we got an Obby Don't Touch the Water it looks contaminated the heck oh looks nice all right come on boys complete the Obby this is the last step boys we got this oh no you fell bro check you were in the way bro Nate you die I see Nate's body let's go we won vacation story let's go victory
Channel: RoBros
Views: 287,725
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roblox, Foltyn, Chex, NateDaGreat, foltyn roblox, foltyn family, roblox foltyn, family friendly, funny, no swearing, foltyn family roblox, roblox foltyn family
Id: zl04e0pj3Lc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 28 2024
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