Roblox Tutorial - Advanced Terrain (Deathrun Style)

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hello everyone my name is Griffin and today I'm gonna teach you how to make advanced terrain that looks just like this if you've ever played roblox death run you've seen terrain like this and if you're interested in making Maps you've definitely tried to recreate it a lot of people ask me how to achieve this sort of terrain so I decided to make a tutorial video on it to get perfect results you're gonna need four different plugins these will all be provided in a link in the description first we need resize align gap fill building tools by f3x and this morn discrete plugin that's kind of hidden called build v4 so first let's start with our dirt so you can just spawn in any old brick here I usually like to have them two studs long because this will help us later so as long as you have two studs on one axis you'll be fine so you make it brown I usually make it slate so it looks like dirt and we can just raise this up to however much we want I'm a bit picky so I'm gonna do exactly eight studs hi all right first step let's go to plugins we're gonna open that build v4 tool first thing you do is you're gonna click this double triangle right here that says terrain once you've clicked that you can hover the mouse over the side of your dirt and you'll see that a ghost sort of block appears so that's exactly what we want if we click you'll notice it solidifies and becomes not transparent I'm also sorry about all these bouncing parts you'll see when I move my mouse that's just a thing the plugin does it's kind of annoying but that's what we have to deal with so now that we have this we can you see bend it just perfectly like this so it stays attached so we're just gonna make a few bends we're gonna repeat this with a couple of parts bending them in different ways just to get a variation it doesn't really matter how you do it of course you'll want to make it look good when you're actually making something but right now I'm just doing a curve because it's for demo purposes once you've made your successful line of dirt you can click off build v4 and select them all you're then going to open building tools by f3x first step you're gonna go down here where it says clone which is shift see also you can click that and then you're going to use the resize tool the default increment should be one so we can just keep it on that move if one stud up and bring the rest all the way so now it's just one stud highs we can see here and that's what we want this is gonna become our grass so let's color it go into the cog tool and then you can choose a material grass in this case and then we're also gonna choose a color death one usually uses bright yellowish green it's just the color they use in lobbying stuff so I'll be using that so we're gonna go back to the resize tool and we're gonna push these parts back we're pushing them back because if this grass were to loop around backwards we want the grass to be hanging off this way right so we push them the opposite way so just push it back however much you want you'll notice they kind of go into each other we're gonna fix that later and then take the other end and push it back one stud so now we have this space here we're then gonna clone the grass again and move this two studs forward and all the way forward so and just like this so see what we're doing here we now have two studs like this and you'll notice it's hanging over a little bit so we're getting there we're then gonna go to the rotate tool the default increment should be 15 however we're gonna change that to 30 and make sure you set the pivot to local that's extremely important and I'll show you why if you have it on center which I think is the default they all turn like this and we don't want that so you change it to local and then they all turn independently but something still looks wrong so you're gonna go to move you're gonna change the increment to 0.5 the default is 1 change it to 0.5 this is my secret formula then you just push it down like that you'll notice now we're kind of getting to this hangover thing where it's hanging over the edge you got the nice curves and it looks really good but we still have some problems like what's going on with all this there's a bunch of gaps here how are we gonna fix that well let's do that now the first problem I'm gonna address is we see these little gaping holes right here so first things first this is a weird thing we're actually gonna open up resize line click inner touch and widen the holes even more and I'll get to that in a second and and by the way to use this tool all you have to do is click on one surface and then click on the other and it just prized them apart so that's that's all you have to do for that while we're in this tool let's switch to outer touch and then we're gonna address these gaps right here so we click both surfaces and it seals some shut this is really the most tedious part of the whole process is gap filling and resizing these small gaps that almost looks really good but we still have these gaps right here so you guessed it we're gonna open gap fill you're gonna change the force direction to normal it should be that on default but instead of best guess we want to do one stud for the part thickness because these parts are one stud so it just works out and then you're simply gonna fill them you just click the edges here and it fills for you it's so easy just like that and look at that we are almost done we can get off this plugin now and we have this nice hanging over lush green foliage like that however we have a few problems we have some holes here and we have some z-fighting as its called the parts glitching together to fix the holes you simply grab any part you want and just stretch it so that the holes disappear the end is messing you'll notice that's messy but that's only because ideally we wouldn't see that that would be blocked by terrain that's layered even more or by a wall or something so you're gonna have messy parts at the end so you'll just want to hide them in some wall or something the only problem we have left is the z-fighting and this is a really easy fix but you just gotta understand how it works you click on a part where you see the z-fighting happening I'm gonna click it I'm gonna go to the property tabs here scroll all the way down to where it says size and then I like to do this little drop-down menu just because it lets me see everything better and where it says why it should say one we're simply gonna do one point zero zero one and now you notice all the z-fighting on this brick is gone however there's still a bunch so we're gonna keep doing that however we can't use the same number because if I do one point zero zero one again you'll notice now it's glitching with the previous part so we're gonna change it one point zero zero two and that works and you'll want to reuse numbers don't be stingy don't go all the way up to like I don't know you'll only need to go up to one point zero zero five is usually what I find so this one is glitching over here and here so we're gonna go up one more one point zero zero three I would do one point zero zero one except it glitches with this one so we need to go up to three and then this one here is not touching oh wait it is touching so we're gonna have to go up to one point zero zero four enter there we go and this last one is oh nevermind alright we counted all the Z fighting so look at that now we have this really nice-looking terrain there's no Z fighting it's smooth it looks modern and it's ready to be in your death Road map I hope you guys liked this video if you did please give it a like and subscribe and please tell me what you want to see next in the comments I'd be happy to do more tutorials thanks for watching guys good good good bye
Channel: Griffswagger
Views: 633,260
Rating: 4.9527917 out of 5
Keywords: griffen, griffin, rodenhiser, rodenheiser, girffy, grify, griff, grifffy, griffswagger, grifswagger, swagger, grif, roblox, funny, video, lets, play, game, vlog, tutorial, deathrun, death, run, wsly, velibor, zomebody, anteverything, ant, everything, building, scripting, studio, roblox studio
Id: AkF4S405xBg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 34sec (454 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 28 2019
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