Roblox The Truth Untold Story...

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another day another scary game need i say more yes uh yeah yeah we kind of need the back story the lore what's happening where are you scared of setting you know she clearly doesn't care let's just go this way time sometimes 1970s the future this game is too quiet why is there no sound effects who cares there's sound can you not hear the footsteps can you not hear it i hear it you gotta turn your volume up gold that's all i hear i need four i found a fence which means there's a mansion near here um excuse me spooky story escape girl there's a house over here thank you rainbow excuse me spooky escape too there's a cave over here okay well let's check out the house let's go to the house first oh it's a pink door i like this person already wow open up it's locked i guess we have to go into my creepy cave let's try opening yup still locked hello fellow pink neighbor i love pink too can we check out rainbow draco wins we have to go through the cape they're not home we are going into the creepy cave why creepy cave it is look at it you go first i see something yeah go in a single file line guys it's not remember we've played so many scary games what more could we be scared of huh what more yeah stop stop picking this up what is this we're going to self-defense weapon this is a really small rainbow this is a minecraft pickaxe what is like half a pickaxe pickaxing oh honey be careful dude point the pickaxe yeah hit stuff anything oh there's a key yeah you know where to go what's that whispering nope i don't want to hear you do you hear that no i think there's things hey you should subscribe and like because we're almost at 9 million thank you very much oh my gosh how did you get out of my ear we have to check every barrel just in case because we need to we don't want to barely miss anything at the beginning okay let's sourcing these puns no it's not we're in uh let's get pull that off did you see that wait what no you didn't see some kind of red spirit thing that just went honestly like i'm not scared of wind noises so this game's gonna you gotta try harder i'm kidding i'm probably gonna get a laugh [Laughter] hello i love you know keys that's kind of odd huh do you just knock what's in their fridge no check upstairs hello hello hello this bed so tiny anything in these drawers oh wait anyone at home a clock hands oh put this in the clock it was missing okay before you guys put the clock handed uh you did it already didn't you no no he didn't what something probably scary is going to happen no click on the clock look at you there's a basement click click click oh what's this what was that did you break the window oh hello there was that that scary draco must be a friendly spirit whatever we got the key now okay not scared yet not scared gold are you trying to cook look it's 3 a.m time for a midnight snack no no midnight snacks does anyone want some crunchy keys no no is that a new cereal oh is this key for the gate like is there a gate yeah it clearly says remember when i saw that new fence this one we just got to find the gate maybe you should follow the light path i don't know how how obvious this game is baby walking us through nice i like this don't you say that funny i'm a dude that's so many steps do we really have to taco it's like a staircase and it's roblox this game's pretty though oh wait wait up the st lisa hospital i'm tired you know i need to take a break you guys never stop you don't have to stamina dude stop goofing off i hear crying right he's stalling you know what he's doing he's stalling i actually emerged from hospital st lisa hospital too i hate dark hospitals at night this is like horror movie especially this might be abandoned no it's not dark the lights are on this is nightmare fuel no no okay okay hospital doors ah i guess it's empty i will be the secretary hello oh why do you gotta work at empty please vending machine we gotta explore your address okay um hi can you find us the id card um i work here and i'm not allowed to give that that's more exciting for me okay smart answer what's this wow she's a very good employee no you go driving no you never go fine i'm just i just need to find the vending machine okay i want chips what's that noise what what oh it's just my heels don't worry they're a little loud just go draco is there vending machine in here hello is there any keycards in the hallways yeah they're not in these rooms i'm just going to skip to the last door it's always the last door seriously is it is he right oh we're sneaking across it's like a is there a jump scare no okay just a side step come on crew everyone i need to go to the washroom oh yeah go ahead jacko yeah don't come in here hey this is the men's watch go to the other one yeah don't you want company in case something scares you i don't no anything in the ladies room guys this game's too quiet what i know it's way too high hello um check the stalls guys there might be a two-way card anything nope nope just ready what's that some toilet paper that have been cleaned and flushed rainbow what six seven five what was that what was that everyone we must hurry up i found it i found a tool box i know where the key card is oh wait wait up guys that door that slam there was red writing yeah yeah yeah it's at 6 7 oh they're not phased they're horror game experts yeah we play too many of these clearly that's why we're totally good let me in [Laughter] oh wait can this pick a lock nope still needs the id oh we probably should have checked those other doors there's probably a key card now see that's what happens if you skip and now usually everything from the last level wasn't there a door that said you couldn't open it i have to do this segment again and then something scary's gonna just going across the door gold anything nope and then we gotta open all the doors all the gold i'm trying to squeeze across this because jackal is trying to take shortcuts and be smart see why did we rush i don't see anything in here um i'll check the cabinets nothing don't leave any door unchecked guys what's this one this one right here south care isn't it all right this one um this is an apple guys oh wait remember doctors remember the code 675. so i was right we had to go to the back open got the card easy hello we have an import oh funny we didn't do that this is why you have to walk lighter because things will fall over if you think jaco i will thump with my roblox stompers and i will get out of here you know what i'm touching you guys see ya no now that i have the id cards that's what you get for leaving first funny what did you say a boogie man you saw that too did you see that i said you see i thought i saw it because you saw you lie i was looking away from my my keyboard and then i saw it okay my heart my heart rate is high right now didn't you say it wasn't scary i'm sorry game i i just not didn't chill it's part yeah i was too chill but i think the chillness is nice because then you expect why is it ringing intimidating we were just here rainbow what where'd you go i'm right here come on okay we gotta go back we gotta go back i think i lost my lockpick too i got my lockpick what i saw my lockpick too i don't want to go first anymore oh we can use the keys i should have knew that machinima [Music] we're parents and we're picking up our kids jenny and peter i think jenny has gucci jenny's rich jenny you're oh wait i don't think it's jenny it's it's two kids named it's black pink jenny i don't think that's the right one that we're picking up there all right we'll come back for you jenny keep going oh i'm decorated keep going is there anything around the hallway i'm marked i can't open it hey we see you have a black pink poster and uh gold keep going wait gizelle this isn't just normal why is there do we really have to go in all their rooms oh my gosh guys this is the horrifying thing it's 20 20 again oh no no no no get me out of here get out of here get me out of here right now no no no no oh karina what's going on is this all like k-pop idols [Music] [Laughter] there's someone lurking in these hallways no there isn't luna no there isn't why aren't you following us i saw a silhouette i didn't i didn't what is that can i keep walking on the outer edges oh no oh my goodness oh my goodness they're chasing you i gotta run like scooby doo don't tell me i lost my left the secret power of stan black ping and the monster run away wow do you still have your lock pick everyone lost this uh i lost my hand but i have the id card all right wait can you lock pictures someone locked picked a store so we just can't this door is uninteractable then what's the point of us being here you have to go in the center you guys just keep walking around the edges okay it's true hungry wait mobile oh no mom almost needs a key we need to find the key for momo's door uh i'm almost that like you mean creepy not k-pop momo but johnny johnny okay maybe neon has the key let's look for the other let me hello goodbye i found the key i found the keyboard oh my gosh are you kidding me this is are you still at momos no we're not i have the key okay go get it go go go jen i can't open up [Laughter] did you open momo's door we're going to moma and you better open the door for us i can't open it i don't know what makes you think i have momo's card but i do not i thought you went into jin's room and grabbed no i didn't i just i just was like oh it's the gym room you know does anyone know where jen's room is i got it i got it guys ready it's like four o'clock right now i'm not ready just open it so we can run it again can you stop screaming can you subscribe you name me back up and i'm thinking i'm in jen's room did you lose the key yes rocco whatever i'm getting the lock picking you know what i think i think this spooky ghost hater i got it i got it i got it go go go go gold stuff incorrect open it thank you luna what are you got it funny got it no actually luna did it for me yeah it was me i'm the pog okay thanks luna i think gold's done she's uh she's out up the vent oh do you want to get up the fence wait guys game physics you know i shut this door no more you can't i tried you can't shut it annoying shut it guys you push it i swear if i see something in the vent i'll scream nope okay three two one scary scary ski poor i'm ready i'm ready i'm not gonna scream come on guys yeah there's two of you on there maybe get off hurry up there's nothing there's nothing come on climb climb climb climb climb right wait funny don't walk too far we all have to climb up we know there's gonna be a scare so rainbow please first we know that there's a scare so we must prepare oh there's a split uh let's go laugh follow rainbow yep okay you've heard now follow me right is always right follow oh wait this way why is that blinking light the light and the horror movies never run towards the light jacquary light following the light light is everywhere oh wait these are just our lights oh my god jacob this is why okay listen to the amazing where it's fine i must follow follow me that means master follow funny follow funny why are you running away that's where we came from that's where you came from oh got it what is this see thank you funny i wasn't following funny and now i am a lost funny you have to go find drugs dude are you draco where are you i'm lost see this is what happens draco everyone stand in here so we know where to go everyone down you go not me okay all right please wait this is jenny's room isn't it oh there's hammer though uh bolt cutters we're cutting some wire no he's right there he's right there he's right there just one just runs clear right right here out clear cut and shut up cut it nice open oh this is literally my nightmare all right this is what's gonna get nightmare that's what hospitals look like oh don't you open the second one come on yeah i want to i open my own door i love these operating room going the sick room why do i sound happy yeah exactly what's that story oh it's not safe here dr nile knew this wouldn't go well so he prepared beforehand this virus has a cure if you're reading what what just happened what wait why didn't don't touch it these things are everywhere i have to be careful no i came out of the sick room no no no why are we walking to where it came out from are we dumb okay what are we going to chase what did they say we need to find it here we got to find the key around here i think this doctor doctor now put it somewhere in that room probably in like the refrigerator room or something just go coco anyone it's just an alien is it over here click here oh it's just one though i'm gonna find three wait sample a find anything oh yeah guys come pick it up crew we have the vaccine everyone holds on to it with your life or it restarts should we uh take it so we could turn into a superhuman no random that's not how you don't know what it does we just have to listen to dr nile and combine all of these okay uh parasite we have a treat for you you have to make sure the coast is clear man do we go outside hello brush out the oven wardrobe uh what does that mean nope i think all of these are locked oh laboratory no yeah we need something we gotta go in the laboratory you can't brush make sure to clean yourself sanitize okay i think the vaccine might be oh wait guys watch vaccine number this might be sample b good eye sample b got it i guess we should check all the lockers don't be lazy crew come on you guys we have to put them in here and where give me a second just gotta okay we have to place them here oh all right i think let's go crew b one more sample oh where do we get the last one over here over here i think we gotta go outside again another note let's see please no more jumpscares subject one two may her skin is getting paler and usually dry she is still locked in the underground as we continue studies on her um wait oh what are they evil scientists probably oh my george is shut on me how dare you shut the door on me open the dispensary can salt pick up go ahead it's really give you all the medication open hello we're looking for uh some vaccines hello there's a key in that we probably to break it down does anyone see a vaccine anyway oh in here in here oh a b c oh good job jacob you got a plastic bin what to break that key box all right let's try how would this break a key box it's a big ah what is the point of this oh this thing oh okay so you see like it says a like it was there was a letter so we have to do choice yep we gotta sort the medicine to unlock the key gold your wish came true you're hired you now work at the dispensary c1 okay this is c1 done and then d2 i'm finished i mean lunar put it back yes it was i you guys aren't thinking d2 is done you need a and b oh the key opens oh nice word key time to go to the wardroom wherever that is does anyone remember expect something it's right beside us what i can remember it was over it's beside the lab here this is the lab and then the wardrobe oh there careful there might be something in there how old sounds like a cat nope yeah oh i am dracco and i am not scared i'm draco and i am not scared okay i'm dracco and i am nuts you keep telling yourself what flip this over i am funny and i am scared oh i am funny and i am scared i'm rainbow and i'm running oh i don't like that i don't like that you can like open the car like that i don't like that either i hate that okay we have to open everything is that mark what wait talk let's do this oh uh are you okay man are you okay yeah your arm looks like uh what happened here are you a doctor gold is yup goldberg no i'm not working well i was you can call me chris i've locked myself in this room for a while i didn't expect any normal people to come back here what brings you here also you're so casual my children peter and may they were injured before the outbreak i dropped them off here okay so we're the parent and we're looking for peter may oh i see i hate to break it to you but they're probably not here anymore this virus is different it turns humans into these kind of monsters you should never get close to one ah yes i've seen it myself but my kids i won't stop trying to find them chris i'm sorry if this is rude but what happened to your arm don't tell you my arm uh uh nothing it's fine i just had to deal with a monster it's nothing major don't tell you turned one oh no it does pain me a little bit there are some bandages in the room i kept the key but it's too risky for me to leave this room would you mind fetching those bandages for me sir sure and what's in it for me my life is on the line oh my god wow okay so you don't care i have a sample for the vaccine with all three samples you can create the vaccine oh his last vaccine we're listening so we are the worst give us a vaccine all right give me the key oh we're playing as like a bad to the yeah we're already bad better not bite me i think i remember where the operating lunar the thing is if chris was gonna turn they would have already turned that's true and we don't know how long he's been in there for just happens at a convenience i'm just waiting for the jump scare when we give him the bandages and he's going to turn and bite us i don't think he'll bite us it's not that type of game you guys here it is the operating room shiny don't trust him you wrote that wow thanks for the warning so hello to the surgery room okay what do you need help go oh it's not just weird sign what are we supposed to do with the bandages then him could be anyone wait what if we're not creating a vaccine we're creating more virus wait what if we're the bad guy no we sound like the bad guy i know right you're the bad guy chris don't betray us you're your bandages chris here's your back i didn't expect you to come back thank you so much uh-huh give us the vaccine well we're here take this sample and create the vaccine protect the vaccine and find your kids good luck oh he's so nice thank you oh thank you they didn't eat us thank you that's great jump scare jump scare jump scare bah jumpscare no hello okay there's nothing good job let's put the last vaccine in interact green makes and that's how the power puff yeah stock [Music] don't drink it guys so who are we bringing this oh would you like a vaccine wait chris turned off he turned he turned oh wait that is the doctor i told you your arm is back and you're that was rude very rude you know did we just get flipped the vaccine i need to chase him and get it back oh jason where where'd he go give it back crazy okay oh it was a robot what no i did not expect oh that's a monster chris did this chris killed the monster oh chris is strong let's actually guys first get your butt back here we should befriend chris yeah we should be friends so you super buff yeah chris is strong chris give us our vaccine back we weren't going to take that without everyone um it brought us to the sewers or the well the basement no how does this elevator even work this must be the underground where the doctors conducted their secret experiments when will evil scientists learn to never aha another page well that's why there's another cave another story oh i like the water it's cool me too it's really cool this track anything over there luna draco a story we need shapes oh a story okay where did everyone go uh over here lunar right here does this say i don't have much time to write but if you're reading this turn back now our test subject may is in the caves and fully transformed we need uh this cave right here yeah let's go in we don't we don't gotta say hi uh oh man i hear chomping she might be chomping on some bones hey mae i heard you're amazing yeah oh damn hungry oh she looks good what's she chomping on eyes this way maybe what's in here anyway whoa bucket where are you guys what kind of room is this what is that wait this this this we need this blue ring we lost rainbow we lost rainbow rainbows you see me oh no no no no no no me no oh we're out we're out rainbow good job right here right here rainbow and i have blue and red we're not coming back blue and red gold gold has green gold bring the green back with the power of colors boom yeah i feel sick i know i feel a little nauseous too what the hell great we should have just stopped you know everything everyone was telling us to stop and we're like no let's keep going let's keep going what's that is this a teleporter part three oh wow i like this room please collab reminds me of a facility [Music] oh no our children here are you guys good i don't think so well hello are any of you guys our kids we're supposed to pick up somebody is this is this the kid no i door door door i feel like really jump scare big lever everyone stand back are you good why did you get your wallet you need a professional to handle these stop [Music] that is a thingamabobby oh dude got more buffs what is that that's chris chris chris who's chris oh chris the one that stole the vaccine you guys have to push this battery gumball chris chris i know fire fire is pushing you in there we're going to take your membership away from you oh what the heck was that chris did you just kill oh you killed all of us fire it again fire you got to be faster guys we did oh it killed everyone die chris you wanna hug chris or do we stand on top of it oh wait lunar what what time what's that lunar i don't know what's happening oh over there everyone over here push push push come thank you this game has respawn at least mark mark no more protein for you no protein come on come on come on guys get on get on hurry uh oh funny i don't think you're gonna make it yeah [Music] i can't shoot the cat and i can't do the cat [Music] you know what clearly chris didn't take the vaccine like why'd you take it oh finally yes chris uh where'd you go okay buddy oh do you just keep walking oh the door i think we cleared them from the door we finished our mission club i don't want a job the vaccine though now we shall go to space whoa oh it's the vaccine i finally have the vaccine again if i use this on may she will return back to normal i hope so i have to go back and find her no we are not normay is oh she's in that cave right oh and that's the end of chapter one good story good story i like cool [Music] you
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 2,456,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, itsfunneh roblox, youtube itsfunneh, itsfunneh minecraft, itsfunneh krew, itsfunneh videos, no swearing, no cursing, roblox funny moments, roblox roleplay, roblox funny, funny roblox, funny roblox game, roblox funneh, roblox truth untold, roblox truth untold itsfunneh, roblox truth untold funneh, roblox truth untold krew, roblox truth untold gameplay, roblox truth untold game, roblox story
Id: YAmSvtmOR8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 44sec (1964 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 28 2022
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