Roblox Squid Game with REAL MONEY

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so what if i made the roblox squid game with real money yeah what if i made a version of the roblox squid game where i invite hundreds of people to come and play it and then give real actual robux to the winner well i'm doing that so i mean no need to explain it i'm just gonna go ahead and make it there are some group fund policies on roblox that you can't use them for giveaways but this is paying a commission to somebody for helping make my video see i found the loophole and roblox can take me to court if they want to so the first game of the actual squid game was sort of just an obstacle to weed out the losers right to just weed out half the competition and that's what this is see this is a gap but you may have noticed it's a bit wider than you can actually jump i'm gonna make it a little less wide so people can actually do it but the point is they need to stack on top of each other to jump across the gap which honestly knowing they're roblox players who have the combined brain cells of a two-year-old learning english a lot of them will probably die and there we go first stage complete this is the one to weed out all the bubble-blowing babies from the game oh also if you're seeing this part like the video please i'm begging please i figured this would be easier with an actual test dummy to sort of scale the gap so i know how big it is so uh say hi to pee wee the resident test dummy there we go now that's a gap fit for my pee wee all right don't take this out of context all right so the next game of the squid game is also going to be kind of similar to the first one it's just a game designed to weed out the little baby boys it's just going to be a pretty thin tightrope you know it's going to be about this thick and by the way that is very thin yeah this one's about as big as pee-wee like he can fully stand on it but something you have to account for is the fact that like 50 people are gonna be trying to cross this at once and i have player collision on so pushing is possible and encouraged honestly any underhanded tactic you can enforce that will help you get this money is more than encouraged be my guest all right pee wee back to the dungeon for you all right so this next challenge i will admit is a little bit of a mean one do i feel bad no these guys deserve it they signed up for this basically there is going to be two platforms one of them is going to be blue one of them is going to be red and i will decide whichever one i feel like when the time comes and whoever is standing on that platform will die and yes it will be funny and i'm also moving this wall here so they cannot escape no matter how hard they try they have to be standing on one of these and also i just realized that i do need to make an invisible wallet spawn there we go now for the next stage of the squid game i'll cut to when i'm finished building it and i think i'm gonna need pee-wee for this one all right so for this next stage of the squid game most people are probably already gonna be dead right so this next one is just gonna be an easy little parkour where if you mess up you croak easy simple simple just like that and i think this is probably where i'm gonna drop off peewee because we're not gonna need them for this next one this next game is going to be so brutal and so awful that i might just want to shield little pee-wee's eyes pee-wee doesn't deserve any of this he didn't deserve to get caught up in all this mess look at him he really likes vans that's the only crime he's committed but yeah they do this little parkour and get to the end just to weed out anybody who doesn't deserve there and what happens at the last stage is a surprise so time to publish the game finally i'm just gonna name it squid game and put squid squid squid squid squid i misspelled all of those except for the first one i'm pretty much just as evil as the guy who made the squid game in the show now so uh please don't dislike the video but before we get into the game it's the middle of the video that means it's time for me to beg you to subscribe to the channel i like to ask at the middle of the video because by now you know if you want to subscribe or not it's your choice i'm not going to bombard you at the beginning like 80 of other youtubers do and hey i really want a 318 000 subscribers so if you subscribe you could be the lucky 318th but it's time for the squid game baby add everyone enjoyed this game for a real actual robux there is a real prize i am unsure if this is allowed on roblox because the truth is i am unsure if this is allowed on roblox but i'm pretty sure i'm paying a commission to people who help me make my video right wow look at all these cute little dudes sitting on the spawn pad like they're not all about to die at once look at all of these people lining up i say we go ahead and start it hello everyone today i will host a squid game that will give you 1 000 robux if you win are you ready all right i think the people are ready i'm ready it has been way too long of me just stalling the first challenge is simple just jump over this gap and now bring all they just have to jump over the skeptic it's all they have to do it will be simple it will be easy how many people do we have in the game right now 100 we have 100 in the game look at them they're doing it they're jumping over the gap some people are falling and dying which is very funny and unfortunate for them but look the majority of people made it the game will open soon come across quick look at this one dude who's afraid he can't make it come on it's a simple jump look i can do it i can do it i can't actually get out of fly mode so uh pretend i made it all right i think we're genuinely down like half of our people i think we've actually cut the number in half with that obstacle alone it is shocking to me that people could not make that but hey like i said they are little bubble blowing babies i did not really expect them to actually the next obstacle is the tightrope make it across as fast as possible there actually is no time limit but i want to make them panic the block i just moved hasn't loaded in on their screen yet but it's about two three two one may the races begin look they're off they're at the tightrope look at them go oh look at the brave men leading the pack a few of them are already falling off what if i butt them off can i do that i actually you know most of them are making it i'm just going to go straight down the tightrope and knock as many people off as i can i feel like this is kind of unfair but you know what i'm not doing this to make people happy but unfortunately some of them won't make it the game will open for a short amount of time make it if you can all right there it goes look some people are already in the front they're easily gonna make it but i'm also gonna shut it off so some people can't oh that's so unfortunate the cowards who took the back of the line can't make it it's so sad it really is just heartbreaking but hey look at how many people are here we've made it to this stage of the race with like god if i dig us 30 people left i think there's like 30 people here this is enticing who are you cheering for i think i'm cheering for a goose oh there's goose and chicken his rival chicken oh my god the birds of prey are going to kill one another choose a platform to stand on you must pick one or i pick one if i end you or i end you i'm just gonna go straight down the middle and assassinate anybody who's in the middle should have picked one should have picked one whichever platform has more people will be removed squirm [Music] alright which one looks like it hates more people the truth is i don't actually care i told them that to scare them i'm just gonna remove this one and the blue platform is gone oh no chicken and goose died what am i gonna do and look we pretty much have like our final 10 12 i think we have 12 left and this last round is sure to weed some of them how the hell did they parkour around the wall god damn it chicken why i'm gonna kill one of you out of anger i hate you idiots i hate you i hate you chicken you can stay because i've grown fond of you but god damn it get to the other platform you have 20 seconds they don't actually have 20 seconds i'm just saying that to scare them and it worked like half of them died oh my god these guys suck at parkour no no no you have to get to the top you lagoon alright you know you survived that's fine and nope oh he almost made it across too and hey look pee-wee is here amazing i'm gonna kill pee-wee i'm brittle i'm evil i kill people that's the squid game squid game the second-last game say your reason you want to live if it's bad i end you um cause funny um i should die i guess i like you got a lot of guts it takes a lot of guts to confirm that you have to die i like you kid i like you what about this guy minimum noobington i need money to pay taxes and the life ability fandom we evade taxes you should spare me because you are not bold that's true i'm not bald it's true all right how about neo how about neil give me a reason potassium i mean uh potassium is pretty important so i mean what about you nimboni doritos nah bad reason bad reason all right bald ability the man who's tormented me for years you better have a really good reason okay so i'm you but better nope okay of course bald ability lush by his own hubris by pretending it was me but better all right god i want to live because i have to pee you know what good good reason valid reason what about tony hot hams how do you feel about world war three how do you yes yeah he says oh no he actually said yes to my world war 3 question i like you tony hot hands because you have a funny name all right highlight me what's your reason gaming chair no i do not use a gaming chair i use an old rusty rusty-ass office chair that is like older than me to be honest all right our last contestant frederick what about you bub what about you i have a family to feed and i need to pay taxes i'm not like yoshi i sincerely apologize to your family all right so it looks like we have our final five god tony hot hams daniel woolen 769 bing kin neo v2 so obviously top five is lame we need top three right so we need to get rid of two of these people all of you are numbered one through five vote for two people you want to die you go first neil number five who do you vote for oh god and tony hothams vote for five and four they've struck an alliance and so is this guy these three have struck an alliance oh my god that's ingenious oh that is amazing that is perfect that's unfortunate that that's really sad that makes me upset dude use code laugh i mean can't argue with that all right so now we have tony hot hams daniel and god himself i assume you're all friends best friends yes good good all right i'm going to give one of you a sword that person can either keep it hidden or use it to kill one of you that will be their choice i will take away the sword after someone dies or the person says they don't want to use it i'm going to give it to tony hot hams i want to see how tony hot hams decides i want to see what tony hothams has to say about things oh look at him he's approaching tony hot hams he's making his move oh he's going for his move tony is making his move daniel says lag his last words are funny honestly he's dead he's gone okay deed is done i will give them an option you have a choice you can either vote to end the game here and you both won half the robux or you can sword fight to the death half half oh they're so cute they're so cute together they agreed to have half of the robux each i'm dumb yeah that's true tony hothams congrats to our two winners tony hot hands and god epic he says while doing like gymnastics tony hothams is just excited to be here this guy's awesome i got hot hams that is so true tony it's so true [Music]
Channel: Laughability
Views: 109,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox laughability, roblox, laughability, laugh ability, laugh ability roblox, laughability youtube, roblox youtube, roblox squid game, roblox fish game, roblox hexa game, squid game, fish game, hexa game, roblox squid game games, roblox squid games, roblox squid game funny moments, roblox squid game experience, roblox fish game funny moments, roblox fish game experience, roblox hexa game funny moments, roblox hexa game experience, laughability squid game, roblox squid
Id: rASBDuNscps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 28sec (688 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 01 2021
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