Roblox *SORTING ALGORITHM* (game link in desc)

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okay so following up from the last video um with the audio visualizer uh someone in the comment section actually asked me to make a or make this into a game um or actually they asked the game link so I thought I'd turn it into a game uh so here it is you can see we have a few algorithms uh if you just click Start you can see there we're sorting it uh we have a few different ones we have bubbla uh we have comb and uh we have BOGO which which is probably the worst sorting algorithm on the planet yep that's going to take like a long time to do so that's pretty fun uh but you can actually see here um we got a description here at the bottom tells you what they are you also have um the uh reset mode so if you click to reverse or if I actually turn this up there we go see it just goes backwards which is pretty fun uh but yeah so uh I'm just going to Showcase off sort of how it works uh so here's the game you can see the code here we have uh this is it it's just sort of one massive long script uh it definitely needs to be cleaned up a little bit uh but you can see all the different functions here so you got your insertion algorithm right here you've got the bubble sort algorithm uh you have the comb and then you've got boo right here this is the function for the big whoop at the end uh so this is just using like the sound in the game is literally just a uh sine wave at 440 HZ and then I pitch it up and down with the speed and at the end where it makes that that little cord that's just four different um that's just four different sine waves pitched at different um uh pictures basically to make a cord and then we just have you know button functions and stuff like that uh oh yeah another cool thing is with the with the length here it's actually cap to a th so if you try typing anything over a th uh it just resets if you try typing in letters it returns their uni code value uh which is pretty cool uh so yeah I'll put lot of work into that but yeah I just want I just wanted to sort of showcase this off um the game link will be in the description if you want to go check it out uh but yeah that's about it uh so uh yeah go check it out and if you enjoyed the video like And subscribe and I'll see you all next time goodbye
Channel: DaisyDevRBLX
Views: 242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, developing, sorting algorithm, roblox sorting algorithm, roblox satisfying moment, roblox code, roblox test, roblox algorithm
Id: caWGFIc9CEs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 2min 50sec (170 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 02 2024
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