Roblox: SLIDING DOWN 9,999,999,999 FEET!!!

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[Music] hey guys Jen what's up dude yeah welcome back to another video today we are gonna have a ton of fun add the waterpark what happened to your hair um it's getting more beautiful oh and we can change like our outfits and stuff so let's do that right now alright yeah there's some really cool stuff you can actually dress up for the waterpark right yes there's a pink beard okay I definitely need that I found the one that I want oh my god is this pink beard like really suit me wait no I just like it fits you perfectly never take that off I know I just need a bathing suit found mine perfect alright are you ready to head over to the water park now oh dude I have soaked - Jen for an entire week it has been the best week of the last two weeks I'm your biggest fan I love you I tried to look like you this is what happened oh I was trying to look like you this kind of looks like your beard oh yeah it looks like me in real life diet pink alright I refuse so this is the deal Jeff do you want to take a dip in the pool no don't stop don't drop it okay so I tested this out because I was like will this be something fun to do today I went into the water and I went on one ride and it is the coolest thing that I've ever seen in roblox by far look how I'm sorry there's weird angle but seriously look how amazing this place is I know you look really good alright I'm just gonna head up here okay or I'm gonna dive in okay oh it's round oh okay I can't sweep I'm coming I'm coming don't worry I'm coming I got you are you way down its waiver coming up I mean you swim forever get out of here Oh oh yeah oh oh no this is odd it's like a tanning booth you see that light out it oh this is not good for your skin no I'm gonna look so good girl oh there's a beach cafe over here let's go get some food all right I'm actually a little bit thirsty right now Oh come over here you can drink from this thank you just stick your tongue out you like switch what you're doing so quick okay okay let's go your beard must be wet Oh oh my gosh if I get food I'm gonna have all crumbs in my beer it's the life of a man with a beard or a woman all right so we could talk to these people right okay oh my god oh my god they work here alone so is that penguin an owl what is that isn't that lady has the same bathing suit as me oh oh yeah she does all right so let's talk to this man right here I'm gonna talk to the bird hi welcome to the best cafe in the water park oh right the best one right now um what do you guys have do I look like I work here um yes no Jen the bird works here let's talk to the owl all right hi there okay so why are you an owl I'm just curious I don't know why are you so ugly I mean the owl cries I have to go my day is ruined there's no can we try to go on one of this aw what a boss like you it's morning now Jen you lead us to the slides right now I guess though dark it was just morning all right we're gonna be honest we've been wandering around lost for like 10 minutes all right I don't like it better at night though everything's lit up I can't see a thing I have night blindness gonna go this way there's like a ramp over here alright so I'll just follow the cheetah print oh this is the right way this isn't a slide you see the slide though up here look oh okay right you just have to do this really long walk wait so are those two slides over there I think so I hope those are the slides no they are the slides alright land in the pool I'm trusting you right no that guy just fell wait I just jumped Oh is he okay he was running fun he's like slides slides and then you're like look to the side me fell off like really dangerous should they have rails they definitely should walls I mean they have little walls okay wait wait wait do we have to go up higher oh no right over here right oh oh yeah right over here wait did you bring us to the worst slides baby all right so which one do we want to take pink one okay Nakao and that one looks boring let's do this one this one looks cool are we to go to same time maybe blue red blue all right three two one go oh my god so it's mine missing oh by the way we can spray if we hold chefs oh wait hold on we've all what is this leads you come here there's a guy in the Melanie oh it says lifeguard guy in the Mallee it's a mountain man look no do you see him in front of us oh wait where you going it's like a lifeguard place over here alright there's nothing in here let's just go alright okay you're not much of a lifeguard anyways alright so if we go up here there is a guy literally in the mountain I'm gonna get into mountain I don't know I guess you just jumped maybe fell off one of the slides pretty dangerous okay so we'll do one more slide over here then we're gonna move on to one of the cooler one all right okay so I'm looking at these you're right pink is the worst one to look at yeah I think it is I think it's just like straight the whole way wait I know we got to do what wait that seems really far if we go up this thing you'll probably take a year all right we'll pick one of these all right let's do oh it goes so quick between day and night okay so blue and yellow look like they're the coolest one all right so I'm thinking we do yellow ready three one go this is so dangerous dad I went to the side of the pool what okay you see green yeah okay you see how that green keeps going up here wait what is it what is it UNH I green like that weird green like it keeps going no that might not be a slaw I don't think that's the slider look yeah okay okay all right so I think I figured out where we need to go so what I need you to do is to follow me all right where are we going all right so wait there's like a staircase over there no this is better oh okay all right so you see how this is more slide slides yes that didn't do anything portal yes all right we're here boy my goodness I think we're really high up all right check this out we're gonna go down this too high up we are I'm gonna look oh god Jen and this clouds I don't know I don't know oh my god did you see the guy go down no I don't think after you wait long you go after you oh yeah I'm the brave one Oh Mike I don't think I'm going this I wore the wrong tankini for us oh my oh but that we're sideways we're gonna die I'm going to die oh my god oh my god yeah what is he doing I think that one Chad I'm upside down I think I'm going to die oh oh god am i okay oh no no that was one again do it again alright let's go there was two slides up bad thing oh she shouldn't be sitting on the ground facing the opposite direction of the pool I don't think alright so we gotta four slides more slides right yes Oh what's wrong just died right in front of me he's okay the lifeguard is like snidey where are you of all people by myself I'm nervous okay let's go alright yeah we haven't gone this what's this right here is this like a lookout yeah that's no that's weird like the the latter is where people can climb up oh that would take forever alright so it looks like there's two slides over here but which one are we gonna shoot alright let's take a little look alright so we've got oh I want to go on that blue thing how do we get over there that looks even higher off looks amazing alright so we've got between the whitey in blue if we take a look they both look absolutely insane alright so I'm thinking we should probably go on this one already I want to go or we can go on different ones no I'm too scared hold my hand one go oh my gosh like you're on we are wait there's like an area in the air with palm trees all right I think I lost that my hand oh wait what if we climb up here I think I did this when I test it out the map and I realize it doesn't go anywhere you're gonna jump into the pool from the top okay let's do that so I think you like yeah this just goes straight up okay it's like a really really long way up oh I'm on top of the diving board right now oh alright so from there right there's a ladder you can go up even higher all right and then jump into the pool I'm gonna die me we're not going to high alright anything from over there oh there's stairs that go up even higher over there I'm gonna jump down ready okay the book you trying to catch me all right I'm gonna you're gonna jump onto the diving board let's do I feel like the swimming like like animation is really on point isn't it we need to find different slides dad all right right here you see me I know the way there's a VIP oh my god I'm on the VIP section wait where are you what you following me going away okay alright so over here it says there's a VIP area VIP though there's a VIP teleport and apparently we can use it so you just go right in okay we are are we whoa oh man Jeff we're really really high up you think the pools down below should we jump no don't jump come over here first let's see what's in here Oh M sprinted over oh you can't go in there wait maybe around what is this I don't know this is extremely high up in the air though like we're incredibly high up oh my god that's the area I saw from before jad with the palm trees we are so high goodness okay let's just jump down right okay let's go to the area where look like maybe there was like a jump off spot okay and maybe the pools below that but if we don't land in the pool I don't know if we're gonna lift would be fine are you sure yeah yeah we'll be good I'm ready look I'm going oh my god Houston I'm okay it was what a fault amazing oh god hey where are you you're a loss that was horrendous figure out how to get up to the other like area that we saw before I have an idea alright where are you I'm terrified I found another portal okay I'm near the VIP area okay I see you I'm on the opposite side Oh am i coming towards you yeah just keep to keep going okay I'm coming okay coming over oh I see you it's hard to see you in the dark yeah but my pink hair stands out no it looks like you can't even tell from other side of the wall your hair is just like really really pink I know you got to switch it to this one okay so come this way there's a portal over here this must bring us two more slides oh I hope this brings us to the one I was talking about more slides right next to it oh yeah another one was more slide slides this was just more slides right okay where are we oh the yellow one and there's a two blood oh and there's a blue blood wait what's this is a hole here oh I don't know about this one wait if I stand on this one what did we just do this is horrible oh my god I had no idea that was gonna happen are you okay inhales oh okay where's the water mom oh my god I'm never going out of waterside again oh my gosh that was amazing oh okay okay we need to go back up there Jen that was terrifying I had no idea that I was gonna fall through all I thought that was like a spawn point or something I've literally had no idea that was gonna happen let's sprint back up here all right okay yeah that was so much fun there's a lot of slides over here apparently because that would I didn't even think was a slide how do we get to like the palm tree area I don't know there must be another portal for that one okay so next I'm thinking we go on wait what's this it's a blue one what is this oh this is the walk up here apparently Oh so you can get up here without the portals but it would be horrible I think okay should we do blue or yellow wait let's look blue looks pretty clean is so cool it's like a big drop down this is yellow no let's do yellow Oh No all right I'm trying to fix my camera Jess look sundar straight up ugly upside down half the time look up my camera already yours upside down I'm going to die are you okay are you all right all right I figured out the way to get back we'll swim back over here we'll try another one searches so scary you know how like if this was real this is me the most illegal waterpark in the world it's so dangerous all right so you get back up there we still have to I kind of want to do the blue one all right I kind of want to do both I just feel like they're all so amazing up here let's do blue all right blue yes all right are you sure okay okay oh my god we are you know just so you know it's terrifying pretty sure whatever happened to you was way cooler than the ride that I went on Jack let's go on this last one then we have to find more slice I'm pretty sure if you look at this it just ends and then falls directly into the pour from 100 feet above okay I really want to go down headfirst on my belly ready all right oh my god this is gonna this might kill me Oh was that right where are we oh god it looks nice god this is your worst nightmare you stop wait we had to push board at all yeah good all right here we go it all the Sun we're on a green slide oh okay I'm fine you know what we need to figure out we need to figure out how to get to the palm tree area now okay maybe we have to go talk to this maybe old here you think she knows things she probably knows things oh I wonder if they actually give information on about like where things are all right let's talk to her see if she knows all right let me know I'm gonna take a quick look in the area to see if I can find the portal what can I get you can I get them iced tea does she have iced tea may and yes you may Oh Oh Stu okay sorry I feel like the people here are extremely rude everyone has hurt my feelings even an owl hurt my feelings so where's my ice tea that lady these people are so rude here it took us a while dudes but this is actually the way I accidentally went on it was amazing and like the best thing of my life okay ready or are you ready go on the same time all right three wait no you're not wearing your outfit oh I died all right all right I'm gonna don't you worry I will get something absolutely fabulous odd hey maybe like oh yeah that looks good all right should I change my hair get change your hair all right so I will get a beautiful hair all right all right ready all right tell my gal so how does this go Jeff didn't ride and I rode this accidentally trying to figure out the way in whoop this connects us oh my god I made it it's like the coolest thing I've ever seen in my life look at this at first you'll rob like a boss oh my god come towards me so that is the only way to get up to this area guys it connects like that and there's a little bridge it looks like looks like there's a slide over there oh wait is that a Hot Tub Time Machine the pink trees in the distance there's no water in my I just went in oh wait there's pink trees yeah come this way there's like pink strings over here wait this area it was like made for you gorgeous there's no one even up here we have this whole island to ourselves honestly I don't think anyone was able to figure out you could even get up here oh my gosh look how magical this is oh it's weird it's like frozen in time is this place alright so do you think it'd be climbed to the top this will bring us to a slide okay let's see I don't know how to climb to the top it looks like this is all just kind of like maybe a work-in-progress area this is so gorgeous alright we need to find that slide right so there was a slide like right over here alright so I think there's only one slide in this area we are pretty high up wait this is a pool up here jad so there's an actual pool to just like relax it all right how do we get on this not only go this way alright so this is the only slide from this area okay so we go over here I feel like it's gonna be cool just because it was so hard to get to oh there's water in the slide they're supposed to be oh my god it's like a clear one Wow all right this is actually really cool I feel bad that no one else knows how to get up here wait I really tell you something what with all the people on the server everybody go doing this on me and now like em I got embarrassed by his fabulous bikini there oh my god they were jealous is that the beards you make me intimidated that with our beautiful looks I think we went on everything we could now hope you guys enjoyed watching this video be sure to subscribe if you want to see more videos like this I hope you all have an amazing day I love you so much bye guys see you next time [Music] you [Music]
Channel: GamingWithJen
Views: 5,020,017
Rating: 4.829442 out of 5
Keywords: roblox, game, games, gameplay, simulator, tycoon, funny, moments, lets play, popularmmos, gamingwithjen, water park, minigames, mini-game, mini games, cute, girly, fun, couple, pat and jen, kid friendly, robloxian waterpark, waterpark, slides, sliding, challenge, noob, vs, pro, swimming, robus, hacker, secret, waterfall, hidden, going to the waterpark, roblox fun games, amusement park, cafe, owl, water park simulator, water park tycoon, roblox sliding
Id: l2ENGUIzxHg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 7sec (1327 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 12 2018
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