ROBLOX REAL MURDER MYSTERY made it obvious it was me...

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choose your subs subs sup sus suspect Chad I know I meant to be Colonel Mustard I picked stupid Chad I picked him last time oh I'm Logan okay wait logs we are you um isn't that vlogger are you vlogging right now I am vlogging right now this is my first vlog vloggers oops we're playing murder ah whoa oh my god she scared me really bad okay murder Island the first person I just died this game um has gotten a couple extra million visits since last time we played so now we actually play it with full servers somebody's dead where are they I don't know let's find them Ethan I mean treat them yeah thank you oh wait over here oh yeah yeah alright let's figure out what happened man where he dead look at Chloe grieving over her loved ones okay gunshot brown hair right no his doesn't matter we have to look for clues Caden yes that we were in myth hunting yes I found a clue no you didn't I did doctor where is it look for clues you must find for clues left behind by the killer okay yes the clues are really obscure and hard to find so it's like okay yeah it's cool hey wait I found something blue I found good so I could mean blue hair that give me blue shirt I think it says blue hair has been found by Chad blue fair black fabric black shoe oh oh oh what about grey baseball bat whoa that was used to kill him not the gun it was all a misunderstanding yeah what did you hit the bullet with the baseball bat and went flying into him um yeah on that note I think Miss Scarlet should have died I'm right that's a fact I used math to come to that conclusion no I found it Oh Miss Scarlet going to I'm going to I'm going to dupe a bad thing to you oh my gosh so now we come over here we look at the evidence and it was definitely Cameron that was 100% cameras like this blue hair but shoo oh yeah it was like why I can't remember did I do this or not wait look at Miss Scarlet freaking out I literally touched it first yeah really I got it more like Bartlet am i right guys yes I could smell it it's bad oh yeah I'm not the only one blue here yes you are Cameron you did it yeah who else has blue hair blue hair she's not with blue hair guys it's like that's a good point yes I won't argue with kids I'm not a kid people wanna see me there's any of the boys coming did you do this he's like yeah I did oh we got Cameron look we got the killer now there's gonna be a new killer I bet you see you Caden the thing about this is remember this it will be important to you one day okay are you to tell me oh no I actually had something but I forgot okay some of these some of the substances let me again you're here real quick wait wait let me write this down let me write this down wait you died oh why oh wait apparently I'm the murderer I can see you guys oh wait okay I picked all mine let me see if they're just gonna straight-up kill me real quick okay way I'm gonna screen share with you on discord so you can see everything I'm seeing it's epic science I picked lipstick green fabric those are the two line okay that was what I was gonna tell you you can pick two lies into truth sis ooh so I picked lipstick agreed fabric as allies and then brown hair and black fabric as the truth Wow looks like nobody else has brown oh they're gonna pick him cuz he's a noob they are totally doing it yeah and you guys the hair colors are exact ah the same so I think you're safe I can help you cover up my death yes it's like the Caden agreeing with Albert meme is just like yeah Albert I'll help you kill me I sold my soul to you yeah I bet it was miss Scarlett like I know it was you but Hey a body has been found by shed oh yes I found that body oh there you go oh dude really bad clue search for clues no Pikachu Oh Pikachu how can you do this brown hair black fabric like green fabric no like green fabric is obviously a lie cuz nobody has like green fabric we have to find it looks like okay the lipstick was found that's important wait Miss Scarlet has lipstick yeah yes but she doesn't have black fabric they're gonna no wait no um suck Zuckerberg or no that's mrs. white okay lipstick hmm I think it's mrs. white you know I kind of do too I think you did it yeah I think so all right yeah mrs. white more like mrs. duh night yeah because it's it's all gonna go dark for you because we're gonna shoot you in the head yeah whoa he's romantic Huck has lipstick is gazing off in the distance like the person gay excuse Daniel what I mean the lipstick the brown hair as you can see it's brown who are you gonna be I'm gonna be mr. green wait I wouldn't be wouldn't be James does he have a savage shirt I have no good pose I'm mr. green and I have green no I'm Logan oh I'm sorry okay let's go for a drink yeah Logan drank milk I should have picked sucked because that's Mark Zuckerberg hey Zuckerberg I'm gonna bully you then you're gonna make Facebook then you're gonna buy me yes let's make fun of this guy hey Zuckerberg more like oh wait I already said the joke yes smelly Berg blocksberg oh wait oh no oh wait we're really sorry we will my facebook sock yes oh yeah also somebody died oh my god what happened to this guy Colonel Mustard No get that knife out of you what is oh my imagine how like disgusting this would be in real life just me stop I think he was murdered with this not that knife oh yeah that would make sense because he is impaled blew all you can go in the stairs as a secret minute hey I found a secret room by myself what really yes that was me wait I have a white shoe Oh could it have been me I don't know clues I don't got no clue who did this he he yes green because you can't stop having disgusting smelly diarrhea what is a spleen actually I know it's part of your body somewhere it does something I think it can hurt sometimes if you talk too hard or something I thought we'd was like connected like that's like where you turn it like this yeah that's heard out this is yeah was that funny man yes no no I met me I don't really one who turns of them a swing yes oh my god man this is difficult I'm just reading a bully Mark Zuckerberg I'm trying to get him make a better Facebook we only found a white shoe yeah oh god wait I got re I'm saying back over here dude I'm hiding my shoes I've know it's a little suspicious you know maybe you should be like I did it I did it I did it we only got white shoe she's saying that with a white shoe want it's gotta be mrs. white not me yeah what's in her name good thing minor green this is white alone James and Haley have white shoes I think it was Haley what was Haley yeah the corrected to Logan so you good man all right I bought it I think I bought it Haley oh wait so is that a murderer says that oh god no oh no where's Haley votes ha ha ha ha I have the advantage because I hit over here you can't see me noob ha ha we've always because look at Miss white I have a white booth it is different Haley Haley goodbye Haley ha ha oh they weren't the killer oh okay that's tragic told y'all dumb Haley says yeah got him it seems like James because he was hiding I'm James Charles I would never risk my reputation it suck who died no wait I got rubbish Wikipedia you gotta update it you're gonna be the first one to tell Mark Zuckerberg it only has stuff about is his lawsuit going on you should not be remembered for that I need to edit a Wikipedia clue search you must find for Facebook profiles that Mark Zuckerberg had blue one of them is in him in a bikini so you better choose right oh I found blue fabric so I found a blue bikini Oh does it give you something if you find things maybe wear the bikini mag see oh I found something Padma sweat you can't get this blue shoe huh I thought that's next stick who has the blue shoe who was in possession of blue shoe I'm on to miss white I feel like it's miss white she got lipstick lipstick it's a fake clue miss white says well it screw that you did it then yeah discussed it yet then these hem fill also with lipstick yeah grieving definitely not real I mean it's not what it has to be mr. white it has to be right away she was like no wait guys guys don't look at that one don't look at that clue please wait she's giving the worst logic because nobody has blue fabric and shoes and then has lipstick but it's two it's two lies in two truths yes so that means that they don't all have to be together I'm just getting a suspicious Denise Hemphill I'm framed nobody even said your name Denise all they were making it like so obvious but I can't tell which one now because they're all like really bad at hiding that they're innocent oh you sir so I keep getting I know right are they rolling now I'm sad what did I do I just played as a character I saw the flamingos flamingos crazy I hate oh my god I'm go die in real life please oh god okay oh my god who shy boat for lipstick blue fabric I say miss white that's why I voted for oh my god wait Oh Denise Denise has blue fabric in lipstick I didn't I did dye Denise were like wait I got this more like dye nice because you're gonna die hey she's right wait Lily she who's soft crush you wait morning Lily Oh what correct Billy was the killer dude wait really yeah the other girls made it Lily didn't say anything that everyone else was like oh I swear I did do it I swear you know yeah dude not why she floating mom cuz she's superior to you I got a loser it's true that's really true oh you know he just jumped into the water Logan IXY is like running around like the mountain he's like hiding so let's just read that in mind he's a little suspicious definitely um Cameron is the dead one just so you know Cameron got killded he's just sitting here eyes let me go look at him let me see if he looks good you look good I mean like this could be his facebook pic no Mark Zuckerberg already died we can't we can't use Facebook anymore that'd be disrespectful three time let's chill oh we're free wait why is there blood go oh he got a pushdown oh my god how do you like did he like jump and he's like oh my feet are bleeding everywhere whoa this jumps really far out and bounces oh okay that is what happened like he's kind of lost balance and maybe no one killed him maybe just fell yeah I died you did oh yeah the killer laughs that's what happened oh really are you yoking me should I leave avenge me I will share my screen yes this is HD this is high quality this is doing really good wow it's like a million frames per second - I'm seeing all colors that haven't been discovered yet oh there you are I found you oh there I am I just drown like innocently yeah you're just like chillin why am i bleeding out of my eyes I almost drowned when I was like three we talked about this before yeah I almost run - ooh yeah I'd love to stay by your body but dancing on my dead body yes hot tub time I am gonna avenge you it's like I see on your screen that you're the killer Oh God avenge who killed me who is it oh hey that's that's uh Denise died Denise way dude say tiny say Denise please please please please they go she's flying in real life right now why does he think it's me well I mean the blue fabric the white fabric your fingerprints are all over this man it's so obvious that it's me the vote has been cast bindis yes was it her does she do it they world ago was it really no it was haha die nice that's what you get for killing me no you didn't all right should I leave I want to see if you die okay I was about to get out of here well I died you died dude you suck at this game I wouldn't die like that you're getting unfriended no please please please all right I'll accept it okay let's check out this guy's Beamer and see what happened discussion do we find any clues were that that body go I guess we found green fabric white shoes and brown hair bacon has been found by bacon boy oh hey really it is oh it's definitely mr. green there's green and then black hair it points to him two points to him but also white shoes in bacon nobody has white shoes where'd mr. green go ready go he literally left the game it wasn't him - it's gotta be bacon yep big and died he laughs that's unfortunate you're out of here man wait yeah bacon boy has white shoes should have been vegan noob he was like I will not go down like this mm-hmm well yeah what he he left it wasn't him exactly that doesn't make sense maybe he just like lost connection or something maybe he lost all sanity oh wait whoa I don't know I just got killed wait you were the murderer though I know wait no wait what happened it murdered the game glich literally guys I was just about to start the video saying hey guys Keita there's a murderer and we're gonna cover it up but look totally the killer just died how did that happen I don't understand did know that we were gonna cheat we're legit just about to cheat the game but I start recording and we're gonna like to cover it up and blame somebody else oh well that's different is there two murderers what happened I guess you look for clues or what this is devastating right black fabric and black shoe have been found wait that looks like it be me I didn't do it Oh Denise Hemphill did it black fabric black shoe pants too blue color have you found Denise it's definitely Denise he has blue and black you knew Denise you died today more like died nice hey guys I just made a joke just now hi she just said a bad word this way is this Dennis Bailey's last name exposed I thought his last name was Daley I'm unsub Aang now you okay you can't you you can vote but you can't you can do good oh my god I can't talk I will swear on God no don't do it don't do it [Music] [Laughter] [Music] I saw her killed me professor plum I had the support of a fellow professor I chose a Mark Zuckerberg character and Mark Zuckerberg you know he might be under fire in a court case right now but he did nothing wrong ever in his whole life look they're just saying do these Cameron I'm like watching you guys from very far away mine is lighter than this color I don't think the developers did that much to where they would get down the exact color than me so not it's you it's Denise Denise I saw it yeah that's Denise wait wait I have some manipulation tactics look yeah you're it's anis I'm making someone else think that someone else is agreeing with me totally like more convincing I'm talking to no one though if the votes have been cast for vote as you can see in the chat they were they were the killer Paige crop out the end ' entity who they were unfortunately they were the killer yeah it's really unfortunate that they were the killer hey guys Cayden me video games yes or no like video to say yes
Channel: Flamingo
Views: 12,835,440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Family, friendly, ROBLOX, Murder island, Murder mystery, Roblox albert, Roblox flamingo, Roblox mystery
Id: P-3eFOoibJA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 4sec (1084 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 20 2019
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