Roblox PIGGY The MOVIE In Real Life (BOOK 1)

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this was where george pig was last seen thumbs up thumbs down sound all the way [Music] chris jaden sebastian wake up we're inside the house look the door guys look the door there's planks a white lock oh electronic um what is that thing called transmitter i don't know and look a keypad it's piggy you're right sebastian i think this is piggy chapter one house it has all the levels but guys what are all those circles for i think they're the badgers that we collect you're right crane just like in the real game we have to collect badges for every chapter is this a new series for the thumbs up family piggy in real life [Music] [Music] because [Music] [Music] that is a new piggy piggy's piggy is a robotic piggy now piggy has a red eye now you're right piggy does every eye we need to go and start finding things in the kitchen [Music] that's just a dog piggy's got dogs in this chapter pick it up great guys so we got the blue key and the yellow key i know in the piggy game in the piggy roblox game the yellow key always goes to the safe the blue key where does that go crane i think in the game the blue key goes to the house all right so we have to look for the shed we should go upstairs okay go go go smash go go go go go go what lasers what is that grin how do we get through the lasers who knows wait a second what is this what is this transmitter so what do we need for the electric transmitter the wrench all right what's matching the purple key jaden grab the key basement you're right grin there is a basement and that's probably downstairs but we're upstairs right now so let's look around see what else is up here we know we have the lasers at the top of the stairs but what else is on this floor yes smashing look at orange don't go down there there's a big hole in the floor we need a plank the white key we need a red key so all we have is the purple the blue and the yellow so there's a room right there let's go peggy back back this way this one come on let us in open the door open that door there's a blue gear a blue gear all right guys i see the blue gear but we're gonna leave it on table right now because just in case we find another key or a plank for that that that open that hole in the floor so we know the gears in this room we'll come back for it later yeah we can come back if we need it if we find where it is we need we have to get downstairs and try to find more keys and probably the plank and find the house let's go anything anything nope let's go my little ducklings go go go go go sometime today piggy's coming quick quick quick there figure right behind me all right so the pew pew the blaster no you can't you have a key leave it let's go we'll come back we need to get outside wait a green green lock who's got the green key purple there we go hurry jayden quick open the lock let's go quick let's search around this room what's in here what's what it has grab it dad all right so we got the yellow safe wait wait sebastian's got the key quick i'm gonna grab the orange key smash and you open the safe the code grab it grab it the code goes to the door and the orange key goes upstairs all right jane let's get out of here nope let's go let's go can we try to get back upstairs where are your middles going i don't know what are you doing [Music] open the door wait wait hammer and little crane the gears we need the blue one and red and green come on dad i told you to get the deal yeah but now i got the orange key all right let's go back inside let's go let's go i'm not going to open it up he's right there piggy's going away come on come on [Music] where's yours locked hurry all right watch out show up there it's open what's in here [Music] what's in here what's in here the red gear good do you have anything good grab it you you need to get the blue i need the blue gear all right so i need the blue gear you got the code you can't grab it watch out for biggie come on what are you afraid of what are you afraid of piggy can't be over there look yep you're going back around back back back they left me all alone with piggy but i'm going to get the gear guys stay with piggy i'm around the dining room table now come on piggy come on piggy come on i'm going downstairs guys why okay i got the blue gear the kids are upstairs come on [Music] wait wait wait wait there's a green key where's the green lock at oh wait guys i found it the green lock's over there i'm gonna put the gears down and pick up the key here we go here we go they're still upstairs so let's get in this without them here we go let's lock unlock the door perfect it worked i got the green key wait wait wait what's in here a red key all right i got the red key there's a red key guys i got the red key but where does it go i'll remember it's like a wonderful but but you can't do it until we find the plank oh piggy's coming you have to i dropped the gear on the counter over there my piggy's coming guys guys where are you going go go split up spin up all right guys quick crin you have the hammer smash down as a code crit knock up the planks quick pick the other blank smash it oh hold on get it get it come on nice smash it put the code in put it zero zero zero zero yellow come on sebastian she's coming i did it good so we still need the wrench and we need the white key [Music] swap it with the hammer pick grab it upstairs upstairs let's go let's [Music] okay quick crin put the plank down all right guys quick we can get over go be careful guys hurry quick quick pinky's coming up the stairs go hold on i gotta go go go nigga's going across the board too shut the door guys that was too close the wrench yes all right we can get to the lasers get the lasers down what then we could get downstairs don't take the make it go on then we need only the white key guys we have to find all the gears first that's right we only so far so far we only have one the red and the blue's downstairs i left it down there you had to leave it down here yes crain because i found the green key which led me to the red key so we can get in this room so that's why i left it down there we need to get the laser though okay come on come on come on come on go go across the blank again be careful be careful there's nothing in there is there nope okay okay okay come on jaden come on jayden careful don't fall don't fall down in the hole hope laser time laser time ready go go smash it hurry smashing deactivate it okay it works smashing go go what's in there what's in it green gear green green all right so we still need to get the blue gear just run wow hey guys hurry hurry it worked it works nice and good guys we lost crin and piggy's following her oh there goes pink come on come on come on oh no nevermind never mind come on smash come on jingles gear gear gear all right all right i think you are outside outside let's see we should have really got these guards quick grin open please put your gear on okay my turn right turn right turn i think he's coming quick piggy's outside hurry now white key great that worked guys go go go go to the front door to the front door now hurry to the front door [Music] well quick get the pew pew get the blaster get the blaster hurry up blaster hurry hurry i got the blaster quick crane open the door piggy's coming smashing let's go let's go [Music] our pants that's awesome grin we beat piggy chapter one house that could only mean one thing chapter two the station [Music] [Music] hello is anyone here [Music] there's a monster in the station let's get to the garage now come on go go go go go go go thumbs up thumbs down all the way [Music] ah [Music] all right guys we get the garage but wait wait crane look we're at piggy station chapter two you're right sebastian oh look we got a badge for house yes so we need to get okay we gotta get to that garage now go go go go go go go [Music] what do we need we need a prank i think we need to run right what is that since when you become a police officer where are you [Music] you're right smashing that's paulie let's get out of here oh we need a wrench we can't get upstairs [Music] a plane screw where does that go oh no we need a blue lock a green lock we can't get outside [Music] outside is the play yard that's that's if this is chapter two the station we gotta get out there what the gun is in there you're right the the blaster is inside that safe sebastian but we need the purple key [Applause] [Music] well but we can't get up there no we need the lunch where's the wrench oh he's just hanging out go go go go go go red key red key grab it grab it grab it what is going on what is going on what else we need what else do we need for this chapter where'd piggy go all right guys so we got the red key we have the plank [Music] so we need the green key we need a blue key or we need to wrench all right smash let's go let's go whoa whoa whoa you think green keys in there well how are we supposed to get there oh go that way go that way quick smash open it up see if it's in there quickly [Music] okay okay smash it you get the green key you gotta go get it [Music] open it up [Music] no now we can get upstairs [Music] quick smashing deactivate the lasers now where's piggy where's piggy respected hurry [Music] it worked go upstairs upside down upstairs now no no no no police come out hurry we got the dart it's a jail a jail we need your don't get [Music] right [Music] what is going on she doesn't see me over here hi where's the purple key go oh that's orange red [Music] okay guys i'm gonna hide until piggy gets out of my way so i go back and get the kids they're locked up in the bathroom let me see what's going on whoa maybe not sorry grin i'm a little occupied piggy's chasing me gotta go i got a purple key where's the purple key go that's right the safe [Music] semester let me open it up quick quick quick yes the blaster i got the blaster come on [Music] i can't give it to you i have to put it down for something else oh we don't got time whoa guys what did you see upstairs well jaden jaden has the right key and that's right there we're okay well what are we waiting for let's go let me grab what's in there so i can give sebastian the blaster all right [Music] don't dance with the key man this is this is scary yes yes all right smash it oh no what is the yellow key i have that you have the yellow key no i carved it but oh you put it down for the the dart where where's the yellow key at where where'd you no you you had the wrench not the key wait smash i got an idea smash come here okay i'm gonna put this down and pick up the wrench here we go here we go here you grab it there you go perfect all right guys we still need to find the hammer oh nevermind shoot shoot shoot yes all right piggy's frozen let's go what do we look wait wait wait guys the hammer's right there we need the orange key and the blue keys i can't get in you're right the blue key and the hammer right there all right guys go down go go piggy's waking up what do we look if we so we can't we got the blue key but we can't get it until we find a hammer wait or what the orange key where's the orange key [Music] all right come on did we check this room yeah i did there's nothing where is this orange key or the gas can or the white key anything in the bathroom the ranch was in here let's go back upstairs let's go upstairs where's piggy where's piggy no piggy no piggy [Music] let's go anything in here [Music] go go go go go whoa whoa it's that green lava the green ooze put it [Music] be careful be careful good job guys good job all right all right quick see yours locked up hurry up hurry up hurry up quick print unlock it it works go go go go go what's there what's there a hammer blue [Music] all right guys we need to try to get back downstairs to the blue lock the hammer you here let's go back in here come on come on come on [Music] piggy's coming quick uh not a very good idea to come to this room corinne [Music] hi jaden you got the hammer what are you doing over there quick ring go go go go get in get in oh piggy's coming there's nothing in here there's nothing nothing smash use the blue key right let's get downstairs we gotta open that door come on come on figures just out here guys not cool this is harder in real life than on the game quick go to the garage garage crotch go go go go go come on rip the board down come on nice the other one nice so we still need the white key and the gas cap sebastian the lock the lock [Music] all right smash it open up the door now all right quick quick yes yes we're in the playpen the play yard whoa quick guys we're out in the play yard let's look around and see if there's anything out here we need two batteries [Music] that's right crane from the game we need batteries because inside that box should be the gas can if it's just like the game we have to quit goes through the station see if we can find any batteries good idea jayden let's go back in the station [Music] come on back in the station come on guys watch out for piggy oh shh [Music] guys i see a battery there's a battery piggies buy it you guys just snapped piggy [Music] quick quick quick quick quick quick go go go go go go quick put the battery in grab it come on quick run didn't work yeah all right great we still need one more battery all right let's get back in the boys runs inside looking for the other battery let's go let's go let's go [Applause] come on outside outside outside [Music] all right sebastian quick put the battery in the box now hurry up hurry up hurry up smash it it worked great it opened up the box with the gas we gotta get to the college what's over there you're right smash and we do but we also need the white key but we need a white key too [Music] all right guys in-house now no no no no no no no no all right well we can't get out there with the gas we need my key first the gas goes to the car sebastian there was a purple safe yeah that had the blaster in it yellow where's yellow where's yellow key [Music] guys guys piggies piggies out there piggy's coming piggy's coming piggies come where are you going upstairs wow okay guys we got the yellow key we got the safe oh wait guys we got yellow key james got the gas can [Music] where's the safe [Music] here open it up guys we gotta get to the garage and get out of here now why do i always have to be the one to destroy piggy [Music] get out there now go go go go holy you're following us what's that [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] all right guys here we are piggy chapter three the gallery and we need to go through but we gotta get past that caution tape let's go [Music] thumbs up thumbs down [Music] all right we made it inside the gallery and we haven't seen piggy yet but guys check this out this is definitely the gallery there's paintings on the wall what what smashing look it it's a picture of george george is missing that's right and there's lasers and lasers this is definitely a gallery and look guys it even says gallery but look chapter one chapter two chapter three gallery we need to get our badge for the gallery but daddy we only have two all right jane you're right there's lasers going into that room we can go to that room over there or we can go up the stairs all right guys what do you think should we go into that room out there or should we go upstairs [Music] good idea we're gonna try to go upstairs first come on [Music] so we can't get upstairs we got to go back down to the other room oh my ah ah it's piggy what are we supposed to do [Music] [Music] okay guys we're in the gallery and last time we chose to go up the stairs problem is there's planks and we couldn't go there and what happened sebastian they hit us so we're gonna go that way this time let's go yes that's missing george isn't that what we're looking for we gotta find him ruffy's in the mall or somewhere else are you sure what if he's here well if he's in the mall you think maybe the mom yeah so we gotta get through the gallery to get to the mall we got some ways to go all right let's go be careful of piggy oh do you see an orange key anywhere let's look great great good quick quick [Music] that was a close one guys mommy behind you sebastian pamela yes what's going to help us do smashing to get upstairs very good are you ready we got to make sure no piggies out there [Music] she can't get out that way because the lasers are there so let's go go go go get the other one there's a safe with the purple locker [Music] go [Music] okay guys i found the wrench so we'll be able to deactivate the lasers downstairs [Music] okay so we need what do we need we need a purple lock or a purple key a green key and a we didn't check that door over there maybe i have to go look there do you see anything in here no i don't see anything do you see anything jayden [Music] [Music] we gotta find another key maybe [Music] yes [Music] [Music] okay okay guys we gotta recoup here we're missing some things we gotta figure it out we got the red key we need redkey we need a blue key green key purple key where are all these the keys hold it oh it's the red key grab it mommy okay but drake was that out upstairs in that with the blue [Music] look you can get the plaintiff's especially brilliant idea with yes very eye drop ready now can i should i get the leg do both lasers right yeah go ready yes i did it [Music] [Music] upstairs [Music] see what was in here maybe there's something in here that we're missing boogie yes awesome let's go green where are you stuck down with piggy guys let's see what's in this blue room let's see yes [Music] what do we see yeah okay yes is there anything else hurry hurry hurry we found the yellow key in the blue room quick see if there's anything in the red cake i'm going to grab it yes oh rain grabbed it already let's see so did we look in here we made sure nothing else is in here right [Music] it's on poppy's head [Music] okay guys so now i still have the wrench which we can do for those lasers that'll help us get through the shortcut corrine has a green key jaden has a yellow key and sebastian has the purple key we gotta see what we can open next and also i saw where jaden's yellow key goes to a yellow safe so we know where it goes now where was the lsa back it was downstairs but you could go the shortcut way with your wrench ah that's why we need the wrench for the lasers right [Music] all right guys so here's a plan we want number one gotta stay away from piggy number two we're gonna go see what's in that green room then once we find out what's in the green room we'll see what we can get out of those safes are you ready let's do it we still got to find that white key he's coming here it's some kind of egg whoa wait [Music] and there's two two empty ones maybe this is what you have to find in the safes all right guys we gotta get out there and find the safes oh no but we can't get it how are we gonna get it out [Music] we need the eggs so the eggs are in the safes we need the eggs get the white key get my teeth guys quickly [Music] yes perfect all right now we gotta get where was the yellow key again it was downstairs but you use the wrench for the ladies all right let's go we gotta get downstairs sebastian never mind all right try it again go guys [Music] [Music] why they distract piggy i'm gonna get the lasers [Music] now we gotta get that egg back upstairs how do we do that [Music] come on okay what was that what's match look yes we got it oh my goodness gracious oh no guys [Music] sebastian [Music] unlock it nice job let's go [Music] [Music] wait doesn't that mean we get our badge yeah where's our badge piggy [Music] yes we did it we got our badge goodbye [Music] [Music] [Music] hey guys our piggy series continues we are now in piggy chapter four the forest let's take a rest up thumbs down all the way [Music] everybody wake up doggy where are you where are you doggie where are your doggy i don't know guys i don't know where doggy is but here we are again in another piggy level daddy doggy is love doggy enjoying the potion you're right from the game the roblox game doggy is bad in this chapter p put the potion down and doggie drank it all right so that means piggy is here so so movie didn't know what he was the doggy didn't know what it was all right guys we got we don't have we don't have enough time for this chit chat sebastian we have a piggy out there and that piggy is going to get us if we don't escape this forest [Music] a dot and a yo key quick grab the yellow key we can't grab the dart we need the blaster first who's the guard leo key you no but you dad all right i'm gonna grab the yellow key but the yellow key goes to the safe right to get to that generator it's a transmission that that's right it's a transmitter it's not a it's not a generator it's a transmitter crin where did piggy wait wait piggy was right behind us where did piggy go daddy oh there's piggy you're safe up there you're right sebastian there's a safe up there and i have the yellow key but piggy it's so close but yet so far away look it has me walking [Music] what's in the chat all right hurry what's in there what's your name what color keys do we got what color keys purple and orange purple orange quick surprise grab one jane you got one piggy's coming piggy is coming uh sebastian why are you getting pinky to follow us smash pinky follow chase you [Music] all right guys we're going up the tree house here we go here we go all right here we go quick quick where's pig what's in the safe but we need the blue keeper that's right jaden we didn't see a blue kia did we guys guys go crazy i have to go down the slide are you sure are you sure about this look there's two cabins quick guys piggies follow us there's two cabins [Music] guys you're right crin it's in ice [Music] oh that's cold that is cold what do we need to melt the ice that's horse didn't you see the torch up there you're right karen i saw a torch back by that tent what's smashing look at it [Music] all right my turn my turn [Music] oh okay i'll distract piggy thank you dad go boys go [Music] look it worked all right all right so we still need a white key though [Music] [Music] all right jaden quick you get the orange lock well they distract piggy what's in there jaden what's in there the green key grab it come on come on hey sebastian do you have anything yeah but where's the purple could it be in one of the cabins all right jaden maybe we should go take a look but this cabin had a red lock on jaden you're right maybe we should go to the cabins but this cabin had a red lock we don't have a red key do we but crain you think you saw one over there let's go check it out [Music] i think he's all the way out there great who's got a green key jade you have the green key are you coming guys come on james open the lock come on [Music] all right come on come on come on daddy all right jayden i'm coming guys run now [Music] hi peggy think [Music] i bet you guys thought i was going to get oof by piggy didn't you not in this game [Music] i learned from the last game of what not to do right craig go go go quick quick open the lock all right guys piggy's going the other way let's get in the cabin now i found the punch oh quick i got it i got it ready [Music] all right guys it worked we got that transmitter we got the transmitter at the exit how many more transmitters do we have to get out that's right there should be a third transmitter right where did we see that with transmitter crimp with the blue lock daddy look it i got the purple key and this is safe look at that blue key quick grab the look smash it open pinkie's walking outside what's in this gun it's the blaster and the darts up there [Music] all right guys the problem is piggy's up there too plant i have a plan jaden and me will distract piggy while you two go [Music] grab a smash and grab it good job load it up load it up they are good [Music] [Music] grab the wrench all right guys i got a torch but i got to light the torch you got the blue key quick quick quick come on come on we'll come back for the torch let's go sebastian shoot piggy good shot sebastian now let's go get the other transmitter now come on all right guys come on hurry up open the gate open the gate nice hurry smash it great job get in get in train hurry up hurry up hurry up huh piggy's waking up guys biggie's waking up [Music] dad it worked all right guys so we got all three transmitters we still need the white key which is in the ice block i got the torch but i gotta light it let's get back to the campfire right oh smash him save them all right while they're distracting piggy i'm going to light the torch hurry up boys hurry up i got the torch i got the torch i'm coming from i got the torch i don't want to burn it i don't like the blow out hold on hold on i'm coming all right guys i'm going to light the fire and then that should melt the ice so we can get the white key right here we go here we go uh dad you might want to hurry piggy's coming right couldn't work wait the white key it's out of the ice grab it come on peggy you can't get us boys to the exit now let's go come on come on open it up grant open it up vicky it's emotion come on little soup go go go go go go go go go go bye piggy [Music] my name is mr p and i need you to rescue my friend from the school okay guys mr p says it's time to start piggy chapter five the school yeah guess we're going in thumbs up thumbs down [Music] okay guys we're inside the school we have four badges we have we do we have four badges we need to get today's meet me in the sewers when you find her we gotta meet mr p and the sewers let's check out the school stay away from piggy the school is right there yes it's under the house you're right the school is right there chapter five it's under it's it's under the house you're right it's under it's under george's house you're right buddy all right so let's get looking around the school see what we need to do so we're gonna need a green key okay we need a green key keep the look out for piggy it needs the yellow key you're right we need a yellow key a green key do you see anything else pinkie pinky is that a pinky yes it's a key it is a key what color is it pink what color is it pink what color is it purple oh quick let's go ahead we need the green that must be the cafeteria look at this waterfall oh my gosh it's a waterfall how are we gonna get past that what do you think the gears are gonna do take down the waterfall you're right and piggy roblox piggy the gears help take down the waterfall hopefully that'll work for us too [Applause] oh we need a red key a yellow key and a green key i know where we should go we're showing upstairs all right let's go keep a watch for piggy she's got to be around here somewhere lasers oh no lasers that means we're going to need a wrench too so we need a blue key and what do you see here orange key and an orange key piggy's coming [Applause] did you do you see anything hello are there any demons in the shower nope no demons mommy okay there's no what's here there's no foot so we can go out [Music] be very careful guys [Music] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] he's going that way okay piggy went the other way we got to come up with a plan here guys there's got to be something we could go upstairs and pinky could stay down here oh should we tell her that no we got an idea so sebastian has a purple key we can open the safe and see what's in there we can't get into the purple safe remember it's in the cafeteria with the green lock on it but look there's a locker behind us maybe there's something in the locker look the race what do you see sebastian who keeps moving you can't pick it up jaden all right where was the pool upstairs the blue lock was upstairs okay okay now we got the blue key we got red gears and a purple key which one do we do first let's get the gears all right let's go to the lunchroom oh [Music] [Music] [Music] okay guys that was a close one piggy almost got us we gotta stick together if we don't someone's going to end in this game okay what's the question green tea green tea now we can get to the cafeteria and open the purple safe and i have the purple key yes all right so here's our plan we're going downstairs we're staying away from piggy we're getting into the cafeteria and then we're opening the purple safe ready let's do it [Music] [Music] kiki awesome you got it let's go here comes piggy hurry curl up seduction girl purple key purple key picky [Music] i saw something on the counter we don't have time for that piggy's coming where are we going this time [Music] we just lost the boys piggies chasing them we're gonna go see what was in the cafeteria what did you see he has okay where was he yelling oh come on what was the orange keychain is piggy coming sebastian what do you got the book you got the book piggy we need to get that book on the bookshelf but what do you think it opens be slow sebastian don't let piggy get you piggy's right there if the boys are saying piggy's over there someone has this okay well let's be quiet let's put the book on the bookshelf do you see a spot quick smash it put the book in hurry please four piggy comes all these books yes what did it open look it opened the door quick quick piggies the waterfall can come down that means we should be able to get to the basement you know what that actually is that's the sewer that's gonna lead us to the sewer that's what mr p said you're right sebastian very smart buddy but we gotta get out of here guys how do we get past piggy we can make a hole before we put the gears because since we're upstairs already we could use a yellow orange key yes you're right we do need to get the orange cake right there me too no you have the gears both of us come on come on come on is there something in here guys there's gotta be why would there be a lock on the door let's chuck scoop look why can't he wag the key the red keys to the locker downstairs right we could we could do the locker and then yes okay guys we got the red key and the green gear let's go downstairs and disable the waterfall be careful well if it's the blue one it doesn't need a blue one honey only a red and a green i was scared oh gosh and we still gotta get the wrench the wrench has to be somewhere guys she must be down the stairs okay let's get that green gear on quick before piggy comes go ahead smash it put the gear on [Music] [Applause] okay guys we saw the exit door to the sewers there's two planks and the white key mommy what we have the right we have the red keys we need to get to the locker and we need a wrench so maybe the wrench is in the locker okay [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] oh that was a close one yes we need that to get through the lasers that means the white key must be behind the lasers guys you guys don't want things to escape and we can escape you're right ready we gotta get past piggy [Music] [Music] hurry guys before we see piggy we don't know where she's at it works come on that was such a close one but there's got to be something in here guys find that white key [Music] yes you did yes okay guys we got the white key and we can get out of here we gotta get to the sewers we gotta find mr p ready now we're gonna escape [Music] quiet guys we don't want piggy to know we're going to the exit quiet we're not going to get totally not [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] to the exit to the exit yeah [Applause] [Music] we did it [Music] come this way piggy [Music] we did it we beat chapter five we did it guys we beat piggy chapter five this school [Applause] we hope you enjoyed our piggy chapter five the school we got our badge make sure to give this video a big thumbs up hit that subscribe button so you don't miss the next one [Music] thumbs up thumbs down [Music] ah [Music] not again where are we jaden corinne sebastian get up get up guys mr p's at the rooftop waiting for us we have to get to the roof quick let's go to the roof you know what that means this is piggy chapter six the hospital let's check our badge wall quick look it is the hospital we got the house station gallery for school the hospital is next you're right jayden daddy okay i found the white key card for this that's right we need to find a red key card so we've been awake for a few seconds already piggy's gonna be awakened soon so we need to figure out what else we need to get out of this hospital this is a big level and we got a lot of stuff to collect piggy has awakened behind the couch quick let's go go go go come on behind the couch why do we why don't we always hide behind the couch when piggy comes corrin spot is all right piggy's gone let's go guys look a orange keypad you're right grin so we have an orange keypad we have a red keypad sebastian's got a green key card right all right guys so we've got orange keypad we need orange keycard we have a red key pad we need a red key card sebastian's got the green key card there's a purple safe anything else in this room what yellow key quick grab the yellow key but that means there's a yellow safe somewhere what what smash what's magic look up there the green the green the green key card it's up there the green keypad we need to try to get the red one so we could get a plan yeah but i'm a little worried peggy's still down here and we're running out of time what is that go go hurry [Music] what key card in a plank great job smash let's go what's in there great you have yellow key right yeah do it hurry quinn piggy's coming shut the door shut the door a capsule what is that for [Music] oh that's right guys on the hospital game we have to collect the potions the purple and the green potion right we have to find the potions and pour them in here and put them somewhere what's up sebastian okay another one grab it grab it he's going away now let's go all right guys come on quiet you know you didn't you got the jars we have to find the potions oh we need a hammer what's that what's that what's going on jane got the orange key card look at look guys down guys downstairs there's like a light blue keypad too oh [Music] [Music] big mistake gotta go quick quick downstairs now let's go [Music] go go go go go go come on come on who's got your feet [Music] [Music] be careful we don't know what's in this potion this potion could turn you into a robot [Music] so sebastian this poster can make you infected [Music] just don't drink it all right so we have to be careful and not drink it like smashing said all right i still don't have any all right let's keep going jayden now's not the time to sit around on the couch put a gun all right well why why i know there's a blue keypad over there i don't know what's in it well smash nobody knows what's in there until we find the key card [Music] we still need the light blue key card the hammer the purple key and the green potion [Music] sebastian now's the time to run upstairs upstairs come on all right guys well we're running from piggy and trying to find all this stuff i need you to hit that subscribe button down below right now otherwise we're not playing any more pinky videos unless you hit subscribe so do it now it has to be let's go go go go go go [Music] wait a minute hammer hammer hammer there's a door up here come on the white key is in there let's put the potion on no don't call her come here i'm still in your career corn do you not know i'm still in here all right guys so we have the purple potion we still need the green potion and the white key should be in there where's the exit at crin where's the exit huh [Music] all right crane back downstairs the boys they can fend for themselves against piggy crin you and i are getting out of here all right so we still need a purple lock or the purple key we need a blue key card right or we also need the the blaster blue key card when we when we were upstairs i remember seeing something all right so we gotta go back up there we also gotta go towards that room where you saw the exit piggy found us [Music] come on [Music] [Music] doesn't that go near the exit dad tried the plank to go over the hole all right so come on we got to get over there [Music] come here did you guys subscribe yet i'm telling you this might be the last of us not sure we're gonna make it out of the hospital this is a big level and we're almost out of time [Applause] [Music] put the plank down great job greg great job hammer hammer you're right crin it's hammer time time hammer time hannah okay hammer time hammer time all right the planks are off all we need is the white key the bright blue key card yeah but in order to get the white key sebastian has to find the uh green juice or the purple juice which one did you find you found purple he needs green or is it the opposite he needs green okay but guys the only two things we haven't unlocked it is the light blue okay the purple's safe and this yeah we don't join go back a little blank go green go grin boys boys we still need the the potion and blue key card all right there's no key card in here crane crayon it's right there let's go bye boys go green pinky smell there great take your time take your time slow down slow man go ahead slow down don't wait wait for me go green go quinn hurry up perfect nice [Music] all right i'm grabbing the key we got to get smashing back here for the potion oh it's crashing chase make sure you go smash it come here the potion the potion's here smash [Music] [Music] ah [Music] happy birthday yeah save your birthday totally your birthday huh well hey i'm not gonna drink it good idea we know what happens when you drink it we don't know what it does all right so you have the potion let's go to the purple purple safe purple safe smashing go go purple perfect it's the blaster yes where's the door next yes all right quick all right so this what crayon i got so here's the plan [Music] and then i'll bring and then once you blaster we'll run upstairs and then grab the white key okay come on all right guys get ready get ready we'll have so many seconds jaden tayden let's go come on i'm gonna put in the closet right now quick take the potion in green crank crank go go go put it down put it down hurry hurry you need so many seconds open it it opens yes let's get out of here now oh piggy's coming piggy's coming go get to the exit hurry walk the blank walk the plank wow open the key open it open it [Music] whoa whoa quick grab it shut the door we did it thanks for watching our video we will see you next video but please make sure to hit that subscribe button down below right now smash your thumbs up click the bell for future notifications for other awesome and scary videos like this and if you want to see us do piggy chapter 7 in the metro let us know in the comments right now bye wait a second i'm still waiting for them to leave us a message in the comments yeah did you put the comment in yet did you smash the thumbs up did you smash the subscribe i know yeah all right see ya [Music] [Music] thumbs up thumbs down sounds all the way [Music] okay bunny you rest we're gonna get out of here okay guys we are in another piggy in real life where are we at the metro look it do you see sebastian oh peacock oh it's the gate and we need to move key card you're right sebastian we gotta get past there do you see anything else around here over there you see a green key piggy oh no guys piggy's just awoken we need to be careful not to get to piggy [Music] okay guys be quiet if we be quiet the piggy might not come upstairs okay so we need a green key and a blue key door's open let's see is there anything in there do you see anything i don't see anything it doesn't look like there's any clues in here no keys we have to go to the basement probably mommy piggy's down there do you think piggy's down in the basement well then we better be very careful getting down there [Music] bunny's gonna rest while we look guys look you're right we are in the metro yes oh my gosh [Applause] [Music] that is the creepiest piggy i've ever seen [Music] wherever you are [Music] i see we got the yellow safe and the crazy pig [Music] [Music] you're right there's a purple sleeve and what's this we need coins for the vending machine quick pick up [Music] guys that pig is crazy what is it zombie pig is that like zombie pig [Music] you have to get upstairs because jayden has a green key okay ah right sebastian open up the door i'm grabbing quick feet he's gonna kiss me [Music] oh my gosh guys that was a close one jayden had the green key we got in the green lock is there anything in here guys what do you see a hammer oh yes sam we're going to need that hammer i think there was boards downstairs sebastian is piggy out there yep piggy's in that one okay should go downstairs [Music] yes you're right there it is yes nice job what's in there [Music] the blue key awesome where was the blue lock at i think it was upstairs upstairs maybe sebastian keep the hammer handy should we check out the train we'll have to check out the train but let's see if we can get oh look guys orange key where is the launchbox fashion [Music] yes you got a coin so we could in the vending machine but it needs two points right yeah go ahead james put the first coin in one more coin to go [Music] okay [Music] [Music] no [Music] oh [Music] oh my goodness what is this one purple cave yes that goes to the purple safe right yeah that was downstairs [Music] we got the purple key guys [Music] over here [Music] hurry hello he's coming yo okay yes yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] why did we come upstairs the red key belongs downstairs [Music] and here comes piggy you voice distractions [Music] go ahead what's in here [Music] yes and the wrench let's go wait what does the wrench go to i have the wrench does it go to the train you're right we have to get outside to the train let's get the blue key card yes yes we got the blue keycard [Music] guys i think we need to head to the train and see what we still need ready come on let's go to the train [Music] [Music] we also need my wrench we got to get this working nice job we still need the white key yeah ready i don't know yes we got that one ready oh yes we got it working fingers at the door but we still need the white key oh no pig is at the door how are we going to get back into the metro we got to get the blue keycard [Music] great let's go yes you found the distraction quick grab the white key now we can get out all right let's go because i had to like [Music] [Music] okay back to the train back to the train okay guys this is it we're getting out of the metro let's go put the lock key on yes yes it worked quick get it get it get it get it quick piggy's got it [Music] we did it we did it we beat the metro yes all right guys we did it we got our metro batch if you liked this piggy and you want to see us finish out the chapters make sure you give this video a big thumbs up smash that notification bell and obviously subscribe to our channel [Music] do [Music] thumbs up thumbs down all the way [Music] ah [Music] we're coming for you let's go we're coming [Music] guys we're here we're in chapter 8 carnival be here somewhere yes he needs my favorite carnival game yeah he does mean the hammer you're right now step right up and we gotta get the hammer but what do we need to get the hammer oh mouse the mallets you're right guys piggy's awakening [Music] watch out guys don't get hit by cloudy look at my camera [Music] key [Music] [Music] we found a purple key but we don't know where it goes [Music] all right what do we need we need a hammer [Music] and the whites and behind us is the blue one oh direction this way we got to get out of here it stopped we can't get attacked by clowns oh yeah let's stop okay let's [Music] when you need the go [Applause] look it's a cage we need the orange key [Music] [Music] a glass maze yes you're right guys safe oh you're right sebastian it's the yellow side we gotta find the key gosh the orange key yes awesome you found the orange [Music] we got the orange key and the purple key but we don't know where they go yet [Music] that means we're trapped in here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] game [Music] kill me [Music] okay guys crin's got the atomic blaster she's got to hit the target so we can get the key code come on you can do it yeah [Applause] it's okay you're gonna have to find [Music] ready put the key code in zero zero zero zero quick colonies coming it worked yes awesome we still need the wrench and the hammer and the white key let's go jayden come on come on come on [Applause] clowney was staring at something here lukey lukey awesome grab it okay okay careful clowney's coming go go go go go what do we need the blue key for oh yeah oh yes back door come on come on go go go [Music] oh no we can't get out we need a red key and what's this a roller coaster look we gotta activate the roller coaster to get to the purple seat okay guys we really need to find that wrench i got the purple key for the purple safe but i can't use it because we can't get to it again where is the orange it was upstairs okay yeah guys oh my god he's out there be very careful [Music] [Music] great open let's go quick quick do you see anything [Music] oh one key [Music] we just awesome the orange in the camera hey buddy i got the white keys song don't let clowny seats [Applause] [Music] to the exit sebastian we gotta get that white key on ready put the extra key on oh yes it's unlocked we need the wrench and the hammer they must be in the safes but the only one that's here is up here [Music] [Music] okay so we need the red key the yellow key i have the purple key we just can't get to it we need to find the wrench awesome you found the plank but where's the plank go oh [Music] there's a dart yes there is a dart but we can't grab it until we have the gun do you guys see anything anywhere [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] hi we're missing something somewhere [Applause] [Music] make sure clowny doesn't come [Music] we have to go upstairs fighting with me [Music] oh [Music] [Music] so there's got to be something around here where haven't we checked we haven't checked the bathroom really [Music] there it is it's a green key but i can't grab it grab the green key where was the green lock upstairs [Music] guys [Music] [Applause] [Music] there's a green lookout [Music] [Music] oh [Music] where's the red key go guys the red key was out to the that door outside it was locked we need to get back the tent oh i haven't been in the tent yet the big top you're right we gotta go find it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] bye [Music] yellow key [Music] we can't get to the wrench without the plank where's corrine [Applause] yes [Music] [Music] but the darts inside [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's go [Music] that's upstairs [Music] now we can play karen's favorite gamer let's go [Music] i [Music] [Music] go to the back to the exit [Music] [Music] let's unlock it [Music] we did it guys we made chapter eight carnival clowney was no match for the thumbs up family no [Music] ah there we go yes thank you we hope you guys enjoyed piggy chapter 8 carnival if you want to see more fun videos of piggy and all the rest of the chapters left make sure you hit that subscribe button and give this video a big thumbs up yep we'll see you next time [Music] [Music] [Music] it's the city sebastian you might be right is this piggy chapter nut the city thumbs up thumbs down [Music] all right guys here it is we're in another piggy video we're almost there we're now chapter 9 the city there are 12 chapters so we're almost done with the piggy guys what piggy skin was in chapter 9 in the city is there anything else we need to know before we complete this chapter let us know in the comments right now and hit the subscribe button to smash the thumbs up all right guys we're going in there's a dart we can't grab the door we need the blaster first wait piggy's awaking guys [Music] wait what [Music] it's horsey you're right that is horsing i know what she does horsey takes off the planks because he has a sword you're right sebastian but we need to get we need to get horsey what what what what carrot that's right and the carrot is in the what safe was that what's safe [Music] i think you're right you're right yeah the yellow safe all right so the carrots and yellow safe so we have to find a yellow safe but also guys we need to get the wrench [Music] we need the wrench we need to no we don't need to hammer because horsey's gonna help us but then it looks like there's a keypad below it and but we gotta put this fire out guys watch out for the fire sebastian and watch out for grandmother pig maybe [Music] in this side and this side what am i gonna get out all right guys so it looks like this is building number one so that means mean there's another building because look at these walls we can't go into the rest of it we can't go to the other building we have to go that means we have to go around [Music] but if ellie or the grandmother pig isn't here they have to be in the other house [Music] true or they could be outside because they both spawn outside all right but do you guys see anything we can collect in this this building no then you know what that means we have to get to the other building let's go to the other building guys [Music] guys we didn't check out here it is a blue key card check that out well a blue keypad so we need a blue key card where's the blue key card and what's inside that blue key oh guys guys check out the fire what smashing uh go follow chris follow crin go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go grin why are you going back in the building we just left come on come on go go go hurry we should be able to beat grandma pig what is that grandma piggy's poutine i know what that's for the 10 king you're right if it's anything like the game we have to get the tnt to blow up the poutine because inside should be the uh the extinguisher to put out the fires there's some cause stuff like that it found we found it like pause [Music] [Applause] guys here it is here is the board we finally found it we're now in the city chapter 10 i know chapter nine chapter nine that means we only have three more to go the mall the outpost and the plant [Music] let's look around see what's in here the carrot but where's the key the green key cards in the other building oh no so we gotta take this what there's more there's more upstairs let's go upstairs yeah the roof let's go to the roof to the roof whoa [Music] that's great [Music] let's go this way i don't know where grandma pig is [Music] anything no nothing in there [Music] all right guys i'm gonna grab the purple key which door which door no grandma pig what's in there [Music] there's nothing in here we gotta go downstairs [Music] you're right crim we need to go back downstairs we need to wait but corn you'd yell okay so we should be able to get in that safe right all right grandma pig's going after them i got to get her to chase me so cranky get in the safe crib hurry go now no no no get over there hurry hurry hurry hurry let's go let's go quick outside outside follow crin go no no no no no no no no no no no come on come on pig it's coming hurry guys hurry we gotta get back to smash you got the green key card right where's the green keypad all right quick smash music [Music] yes all right guys sebastian's got your orange key card switch uh corinne we are stuck wait well quicker though let me get the key all right let's go feed horsey we'll come back we'll come back [Music] quick feed horsey [Music] good job chris [Music] not safe i understand but grandma pig's coming i can't go in there hold on hold on hold on come on come on prin crane [Music] now run away run away go smash go that way go that way go that way quick oh oh come on but i gotta get back in there with the purple key okay then dad take grandma with you no all right all right all right all right here it goes here it goes here it goes hurry quick what's in there what's in there the pistol the dart oh the dog quick grab the door when do we don't shoot it yet don't shoot her yet save her sebastian get out of there now no we're not no we're not stay together stay together outside quick get back outside we gotta go to the other building go go go go go check the door let's go let's go hurry that's right smashing the keypad is upstairs [Music] hurry hurry hurry come on come on all right who's got it smash it go [Music] good thing grandma big slow [Applause] [Music] we need to take that tnt outside to the poutine so we get the fire extinguisher and put out the fires [Music] go go you can't blow her up with the tnt don't shoot her yet crin [Music] guys this is too close this way this way smashing come follow chris now she's coming she go go craig go go go go go go all right quick let's go she's coming quick that means we gotta get back outside all right quick quick quick quick grandma let's go outside outside come on we gotta get that tnt after the poutine come on back up okay back up stand back stand back stand back stay mike i think it blew up let's check it out quick the fire extinguisher all right smash it you have nothing in your hands grab it get in there get the extinguisher you got it you got it yep good job all right now let's go put that fire out smashing this way come on great job smashing you put the fire out there's the key code all right [Music] the red the red key card all right where is that at [Music] here we go here we go hold on hold on ready zero zero zero zero look it where it worked it worked so all we need now is the wrench all right let's go guys we gotta find that red key card what is that grandmother pig she's hiding guys [Music] outside outside we gotta get back to the room oh they're building now go go go go go go go go go go go go go go go shut the door on grandma pig all right guys get back to the other building quick we can check here all right check it out anything no hi guys [Music] all right there's got to be more stuff up here what are we missing that's that blue key card sebastian quick grab the blue key card right there it is grab it put the water fire extinguisher down [Music] all right all right so where's the blue the blue keypad was out by the pool room right all right so let's go that must be where the red key card is we didn't check there yet all right come on watch out for that glitching grandma pig [Music] go go go go go go go go hurry hurry hurry go smash go watch your feet careful careful hurry nice good job let's get in that room before grandma pig gets here [Music] you're right crin there's a red key card smash it grab it great job smashing all right quick guys let's go we gotta get back to that other building hurry let's go wait crin put out the fire [Music] all right guys so the fire's out we still need the wrench where's that red key card who's got it all right put it on quick hurry hurry smash and put it on now grandma pig's go what's in shut the door shut the door shut the door [Music] grab it all right so sebastian you got the wrench i got the blaster [Music] let's go guys don't forget i have the blaster [Music] hurry up put the wrench on hurry hurry hurry well vicki's still is glitching come on she's sleeping hurry hurry with that wrench sebastian grandma pig is waking up it worked we can finally get out the eggs it's open let's go what we forgot the miss p picture where's that at the cars the cars the cars yes that's right there are two cars we passed the cars outside you know we won't get the true ending if we don't get that picture so let's go outside now watch out for piggy she's still sleeping let's go outside outside hurry hurry [Music] it is smashing grab the picture quick grab it good job good job show me the picture what is it it's mr p's wife now can we go to the exit crim yeah let's go smash it watch out for grandma pig daddy what we have to give the picture to mr mr p you're right smash we have to give that to mr p let's get to the exit now before grandma pig wakes up grandma pig's gone quick get outside now before she catches us now go go go go go go go go go go shut the door [Applause] [Music] open the door crane it's the city badge grab it [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] do [Music] do [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] they ran this way a mall why would they hide in a mall we're gonna find you whoever you are welcome to piggy chapter 10 the mall [Music] thumbs up thumbs down sounds all the way [Music] ah [Music] you know what this level is it's the mall sebastian right it is the mall what chapter is this guys chapter 10 the mall look at all the badges we got city that means we need maul but then we still need four more wait a second we have the outpost and we have the plant so why is there an extra two because this is gonna be the mall that'll be the outpost that'll be the plant but guys why are there two empty slots unaccounted for let us know in the comments down below right now while you're doing it hit the subscribe button smash your thumbs up as we continue on piggy chapter 10. ooh a sports store [Music] all right guys so crin's got the yellow key there's a purple safe it looks like we're in the sports store so let's see what other stores we can find robbie's away [Music] bye bye corinne oh look there's like a blue lock what else is up here what else oh hold on there's a tunnel over here [Music] crin what's over here it's the door that's the exit it's gonna be the engine look it's a white lock board a wrench [Music] is all right but mousey's there we can't join just yet there let's quickly daddy book it we're gonna wear you guys that way i understand sebastian but robbie is right on our backs kitchen [Music] ricky why don't you grab it smash one key no all right i'll grab the red key [Music] there's a blue key we found the redlock and the blue lock where were they at all right hold on let's go this way let's go this way hold on let's see if there's anything else in here we'll have to come back there's a purple key [Music] all right so there's purple key we'll come back for that one what is that atm oh hey look we need a crow whoa robbie throw [Music] [Music] so guys that one must have been the motion detectors we are in the time constraint here and robbie is coming with her killer dog [Music] we need a green key card look what mission oh yeah grab the orange cake but where does the orange key go we didn't see anyone's life [Music] mommy's downstairs [Music] wait i have the red key for that room up here that'll give us another's hiding spot if we need it all right here we go [Music] whoa did we just walk into the clothing store [Music] oh crain you sure you don't want to try some outfits while we're here you know robbie's not anywhere near us yet is he looking there she looks good dressing up fancy oh look at this pretty dress it looks like a unicorn smash you want to try some clothes on no there's a soccer jersey some nice clothes oh this is a boy that's a boy there guys we don't have time to look at clothes right now we gotta get back to our piggy chapter 10. and overnight yellow's safe now [Music] come on come on the wedge all right so we're the wrench is the exit crane quick get activate the exit now [Music] is she where's pete where's robbie where's robbie any robbie signing smashing all right smashing stay on top of the stairs make sure robbie's not coming while we figure out what's next all right good good good so we still need the white key and the crowbar that's right in piggy chapter 10 they don't use a hammer they use a crowbar guys look at this room that's blocked off [Music] what is this this is like some type of this is a tunnel that mouse is in right that we saw earlier [Music] what is that thing doing [Music] go guys quick quick in the clothing store hurry hurry hurry chris we don't have time for this robbie's in what quick change it hurry who's gary sebastian grab the wrench [Music] we don't have time to think about this stuff sebastian let's go [Music] motion detector quit yelling at me i was in a rush it's the bank guys it's the bank lasers uh-oh oh guys guys what do we need in the bank well that's the vault how do we get in the vault that's right there's a mirror we have to find a mirror for the vault so we can disconnect this the laser beam the green lock open it up let's what's it good guys guys it's the ii arcade whoa sorry so the white keys in there what do we need to get in the uh claw machine two coins yeah all right so we need two gold coins and i can't make a move all right [Music] all right guys so we need the mirror we need the uh the coins and we need the crowbar to get in the atm let's get out of here [Music] oh yeah grab the purple key now where's the safe out there all right smash i'm not gonna go through the motion detectors this time all right come back to the safe labor drive high high high you gotta hide now go go get going hide hide hide punch sebastian get down [Music] okay hurry get this safe open now [Music] chris got the blaster i saw dart in the in the uh kitchen kitty's kitchen i saw a dart but robbie's in the kitchen too yeah yes [Music] right here right here grab it don't shoot don't shoot yet save that dart [Music] we still have to go back upstairs into the clothing store and grab the wrench that's right all right smash we're gonna get back to go go go robbie is the guard in here right quick smash get the wrench like robbie is actually all right all right guys we have yet to go in that tunnel that tunnel is too small for me i don't think i can climb through there with melsie well i know mousey's in there but you two have to go in all right guys i'm gonna hide from robbie while corinne and sebastian make their way through the tunnel to see what's in that room we can't get to all right so chris gonna take over the camera [Music] all right crane go i'm watching out for rob i'm going first are you okay yes watch out [Music] [Music] come on robbie's out here you guys better be quick robbie's coming after me come on robbie come on rob you want to dance come on come on robby come on robbie come on go away robbie go away robbie [Music] i have to drop the blaster [Music] okay grab it got it okay let's go watch out for mousey guys robbie's down here [Music] i had to drop the blaster all right so you dropped the blaster so i hope we don't need it all right so you have the crowbar and bobby what crib grin go okay go go go quick open up what the mirror all right so we have the mirror we have the crowbar we gotta get downstairs let's get downstairs all right come on go go go go [Music] [Music] all right so we got a coin put it on top right here perfect perfect all right so we still need one more coin you can see the crib's got the mirror let's go guys do you know what's in the vault at the bank let us know ready all right all right be careful be careful that laser will cut you in half [Music] it's working it's working push the laser beam back further further further further further perfect the coin let's go all right back to the arcade all right [Music] all right guys we got the coins in the in the in the claw machine now we should be able to get the white key right go go go come on craig come on chris yes yes that's awesome it worked wait sebastian didn't do the planks let's go grab the crowbar [Music] all right go go go go oh [Music] robby [Music] is it over hey no it's not where's that badge grab it all right guys thanks again for joining us on piggy chapter 10 the mall we had fun i hope you had fun watching it stay tuned for piggy chapter 11 the outpost bye [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] i think this thing goes coming from here i guess we're going in then which piggy guess we're gonna find out sebastian [Music] thumbs up thumbs down sounds all the way [Music] ah [Music] is anyone else getting a bad feeling about this all right stay close guys we're in the outpost we see a tank in front of us and the fence we gotta go see where this piggy is does anyone remember who the piggy is [Music] it's torture with a flamethrower a flamethrower that can't be good he comes out if he catches us the fire comes out of his gun okay guys so obviously we need to watch out for torture and his flame throwing gun look over there an orange key that's gonna come in handy yeah yeah let's get going okay so we got the tank but what do we need for the tank we can't just get in it we need the tank bullet okay guys so we need to watch out for torture and we need to find we got the orange key we got to watch out for torture and we need to find the bullet right now for the tank does the tank blow the fence no it doesn't we need the gas can to start the tank then we need to pull it so so there must be a wall over here let's look we need the board so we can break that no we need the tank bullet to get through right yeah all right well let's keep going we got to go this way then keep an eye out for torture look there's another building let's go [Music] look there's it we need a green key we can't get quick it's charger run [Music] what is that thing it's torture oh my gosh he's super creepy what's down here oh another shot that's perfect we got the orange key quick yes red key quick smashing pick up the red key is there anything else around here look it's a door is it open yeah yes perfect guys come on wait torture is coming torture is coming look red blocks put the red light on careful torture is coming and the dark we can't grab the door we need the blaster okay there's got to be something else around sebastian there's a way to get in that one the torture's in there we can't go that way no oh he's going out there hey guys let's go check that room is there anything else in here dead end guys there's nothing in here we got to get to that other room let's go look over there what do you see a purple seat but you have a yellow key that's not going to help us in that other building i saw something in there what other building the other building outside oh the one outside but what key do we need for that a green key yeah okay so we got to keep looking down there [Music] quick he's coming quick quick quick quick hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry [Music] quick he's coming is there anything in here i don't see any keys but we got to be careful torture's out there let's look [Music] [Music] quick go get it look there's a green key i got the green key what was it crazy [Music] let's get to the green key okay ready wow awesome now we can get in a yellow safe what's in the air safe a fire extinguisher great we can get the fire out crin oh jaden come quick there's a purple key but she can't grab it i know where that [Music] in the is um the safe on the counter all right let's go quick no the speedway by the door with the wedge has fire okay guys we got the wrench the fire extinguisher and the purple key the purple key is in that room right when we walk in corinne's going to out in the fire at the two places right we have to out in the fire at the exit and at the top of the stairs so we can get in those two spaces sebastian needs to use the wrench so we can get out the exit door ready let's go watch out for torture you're right we do need the blue key card we haven't found that yet have we okay let's go no torture okay quick what's in there the blaster the blaster awesome you can control it now let's go that'll come in handy when we need to pause torture right yep okay all right this crin needs to go out in the fire ready make sure torture's not around out in the fire awesome she did it all right sebastian quick is torture coming [Music] um guys hurry he did it all right awesome so now we just need a cool key card but guys we need to get out of here torture's friend okay guys we still have the wrench and the fire extinguisher we need to get upstairs and get out the fire and see what else is upstairs because we still need the tank bullet the gas can and the blue key card all right hey get the fire out she got it let's door open it's a gas can we got the gas can guys now we can get the tank running and we can break the fence right but we need to break the wall [Music] torches [Music] i gotta fill the tank up yes you do guys let's go quick let's go torches in a different area let's go there's room okay let's go [Music] oh no we need the wrench okay [Music] [Music] quick he's coming he's coming let's go get in here what's in here and you found the type awesome so we got the fires out currently found the tank bullet but now we got to somehow get out of here without torture getting us the blaster perfect [Music] we go to get to the tank let's go we're running to the tank we run into the tank quick hurry sebastian fill it with gas it's failed awesome job let's go crain quick corrine get the bullet in the tank okay all right sebastian ready get in the tank you're gonna knock down the fence go smash it down knock it over yes good job sebastian ready keep going yes ready one two three i did it i did it you did do it let's go quick anything in here you found a blue keyboard awesome front door [Music] [Music] hurry [Music] and it's starting to rain out here hurry [Music] [Music] yes we did it we did it guys we beat chapter 11. the outpost we missed what are we missing what are we missing the badge where's our badge torture hopefully he doesn't burn it ah don't part there it is [Music] okay guys we did it we beat chapter 11. the outpost up next the plant [Music] we got three more to go what will they be one where we're heading to the plant next if you like this video if you want to see the end of piggy book one make sure you give this video a big thumbs up [Music] don't forget to hit that big red subscribe button so you never miss another video like this see you in the next video bye [Music] foreign [Applause] [Music] so [Music] guys we're here we're outside the plant the final chapter of piggy yeah that's in the in here mr peace in here there's two people the other person who i don't know in this mr p you're right sebastian mr p's in there and we got to get in there and find something to help him snap out of it let's go up thumbs down sound all the way [Music] x marks the spot i wonder what we need the x for i don't recall that we need publishers you're right sebastian you're right that's a green and a pink potion is there anything i'm gonna see anything good orange keycard look a green key card the orange keycard goes there quick gina orange key card piggy's awoken oh look we're in the orange section [Music] what's in here yeah let's see we got a yellow safe awesome anything else in here i don't know oh quick shut the doors shut the door some fashion shut the door hey we need a hammer [Music] guys careful come on get over it okay quick downstairs [Music] quick battery's coming awesome let's go look there's a battery here i'll get the batteries and there's a door mom and they're starting right this is the purple safe in the green section what is it it's a i think a red key red key so there's got to be a red one somewhere guys come over where do you see selection [Music] i see okay go go [Music] awesome you found another battery a blue key and you got a blue key where was it blue lock right next door oh awesome let's see if we can get here [Music] [Music] go ahead put it in quick before he comes hurry hurry he's coming [Music] yes awesome now i gotta put my battery in [Music] yes it worked open the box what's inside a potion yes we got the pink potion all right we gotta go sebastian where is he [Music] yes [Music] we gotta get back upstairs [Music] [Music] and a hammer there's got to be something around here guys it's a purple key grab it purple key purple key yes oh watch out where's the purple key go downstairs go down we gotta go downstairs [Music] downstairs you gotta get back into the green yes over here green to the purple safe kitchen i'm gonna grab my elbows in it [Music] what is it [Music] all right sebastian we gotta we gotta get back upstairs there's gotta be more things in the orange area okay guys sebastian has the blaster so we'll be able to stop badgie we need to get back up into the orange wing there's got to be more things up there how are we going to get into that yellow safe the yellow keys got to be somewhere let's go [Music] now sebastian yes okay look around there's got to be something else what's going on guys there's the yogi yes come on quick before bed hurry before he wakes up he's waking up he's waking up [Music] sebastian walk away let's go let's go let's go come on boys come on hammer the hammer yes the hammer's gonna get us into the other room okay guys we got the hammer that's gonna get us into the last room hopefully that is where the green potion is we need to get it before badgie gets us let's go what are you rolling for careful careful [Music] don't fall okay quick get the boards off board's off four times yes [Music] all right let's go [Music] come on guys downstairs let's go let's go everyone downstairs let's go let's go go go go [Music] quick put the green potion on hurry badges come in hurry hurry hurry yes the dynamite but where do we put the x dynamite the spot you're right quick [Music] guys i think we're in the next level of the game oh my gosh guys look who's out there it's mr p okay we gotta get this figured out so we can finish you found a coin here i'll grab the coin what else do we got [Music] careful careful [Music] okay we gotta wait for mr peace [Music] it's a mallet that's right we need that and i have a coin it needs two [Music] all right we just need one more coin right a torch quick grab quick mr okay guys we got a torch we know we gotta find somewhere that needs the torch what look the campfire yes come on go go quick jaden you need to leave the campfire [Music] yes look the ice is melting the white key you're right sebastian it's we got the white keys look yes the white key but mommy the lucky's not gonna get us out we need to do more things you're right sebastian we gotta find out what the white keys used for let's look around use the first step [Music] i don't see anything in here let's keep going yeah it's dark over here there's a white scene hurry before mr p gets tired another point awesome great the white key was to the white safe that had the other coin in it we need to get downstairs get the mallet so we can get the picture from mr p yeah [Music] [Music] quick put it in [Music] awesome quick grab the mallet let's go we're gonna get your picture we just dodged that bullet oh my gosh guys did you see that we just dodged a bullet coming down the stairs it's mrs p you're right that's the way from mr p you're right quick do it oh yes there's the picture ready quick grin give it to mr b guys we did it we're at the end we gotta decide do we go to george or do we go to mr p george george all right let's go hi george we're coming with you look i see it quick grab it it's the good ending we got the good ending for the plan awesome job awesome [Music] guys we did it we're at the end but we need to decide do we go to mr p we're gonna go to george mr p we're coming to you where did mommy and jayden go what ending could this be we got the plant true ending [Music] where queens of ashton go [Music] mr p [Music] oh no we got the bad ending [Music] oh no we did it guys we finished piggy book one we are ready to close this book of piggy wow [Music] so [Music] you
Channel: Thumbs Up Family
Views: 1,512,520
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: thumbs up family, roblox, roblox piggy, piggy, roblox movie, piggy roblox, piggy the movie, roblox animation, gaming, horror, roblox piggy ending, roblox piggy predictions, piggy 2, piggy book 2, piggy rp, piggy animation, roblox piggy short movie, zizzy, roblox piggy giraffe, roblox piggy chapters ending, pony and zizzy, giraffy, bunnys death, piggy chapter 12, roblox piggy chapter 11, escape prison, piggy chapter 11, cutscenes, piggy all chapters, noob family, roblox story
Id: oacsBwAaP3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 189min 55sec (11395 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 23 2022
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