Roblox PICK A SLIDE With POMNI and CAINE! The Amazing Digital Circus

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today we're playing pick a slide and oh my gosh poy Kane is with us this time I know um hi I'm here to join you on your digital adventure oh my gosh Kane can you go away Bro you've always been putting us in these terrible digital Adventures I don't want to do wom anymore just let me go home sorry that's not how the digital world works oh man come on whatever I guess Kane's going to join us today all right let's go ahead and play pick a slide how do you play pick a slide well it's pretty simple it's pretty much like would you rather so you're going to given two options and you got to choose one like this first one is which one would you rather have an extra finger or an extra toe that's an odd question yeah personally I would have an extra toe cuz that would make me a lot faster I I don't think it works that way I'd rather have an extan eyeball uh Kane that's not one of the options and you already have two eyeballs in your mouth I personally think a third one would make me a lot better no it wouldn't but let's go ahead and choose I'm going to say extra toe baby I'm going with ext extra finger I'm going to choose an extra toe as well oh gosh where are we going oh no um I think I chose the wrong option yeah it's possible you did oh gosh poy where did you go um I ended up in some weird hallway type thing but there's another would you rather over here ah so you chose the right option Kane and I both died okay come on Kan let's go down this slide could you pick better next time you know what Kane I don't want to hear it over here guys and yeah most people voted for an extra finger okay uh wait where are you pomy I'm over here where look behind you oh okay there it is there it is and what the uh what is this thing on the floor uh don't touch it you'll die I learned that the hard way wait Kan you want to go ahead and try touching it I think it'll make you feel better okay here we go and Cory you just made me die take that that's what you get for trapping me in your digital Adventures that's not very nice I'm going to have to put you in a terrible one tomorrow what are you kidding me oh my gosh I shouldn't have done that wait there's another would you rather here which is scarier snakes or spiders uh spiders 100% they have like a billion legs bro it's so creepy I'm I'm going to have to agree snakes can be kind of cute sometimes too spiders are adorable snakes are oh they're very creepy how are spiders adorable they're so hairy Kane you're so weird I'm going I'm going with spiders yeah I'm going to go with spiders as well Kane have fun going with snakes and here we go and oh oh yes I got it right which means oh gosh I just died again again that's what you get Kane let's go pomy we made it again yep and it appears we got to jump over I don't even know what that black liquid is oh gosh let's just not touch it come on let's parkour over and boom uh I barely touched it I don't know why I died B you got to get better at parkour that's literally like a 1in jump and oh here comes Kane H there we go whoever made this is wrong snakes are way scarier uh Kane you're wrong okay how about you just hop up and stop complaining okay would you rather kiss a frog or hug a snake wait what kiss a frog doesn't that make it turn into like a princess or something no I think that's just in the fairy tales well frogs are super slimy I feel like they're going to have really weird lips yeah I've kissed a frog before they're actually pretty nice but Kade what the yo po did you just hear what he said he kissed a frog yeah I hearded I'm trying not to take that in how did you even kiss a frog you don't have any lips hey that is very offensive oh okay sorry but uh I'm rather kissing a frog than hugging a snake what the heck uh well think about it no like a snake it could be like a really good hug cuz it could like coil really tightly you're right okay I changed my mind I'm going to go hug a snake yeah exactly I'm kissing a frog it was nice the first time it'll be nice the second time uh wait what the heck I'm in an elevator oh I think oh oh no oh no that was the wrong choice is that the grin yo what is the Grinch doing no no no go away get away from me Grinch get away from the Grinch just killed me I kissed a frog again while you guys died that was amazing all right Kane we don't want to hear about your story time kissing a frog I guess we got to go with the other one yeah I guess we do I can't believe Kane was right oh man here we go Who whoo whoa whoa whoa okay what is the next would you rather and oh my gosh there's more of this black liquid on the floor don't touch it guys yeah I got it is this the right way and oh yep here it is okay next pick slide which would be better time machine or a teleportation machine wait a minute what they both sound amazing no yeah this one isn't fair like it'd be nice to teleport everywhere but a Time machine's pretty cool too ah you know what I'm going to pick I'm going to pick the teleportation machine so that we can teleport out of the amazing digital world because I don't want to be trapped in here anymore yeah that's actually a really good idea I'm going to go with that one too I'm going to choose the time machine so that we can go back in time before you guys had this option okay Kane I I don't care bro that's not how it works and oh oh the teleportation machine was actually right and Kane what's happening to you oh gosh oh gosh is that Among Us the Susy Among Us impostor is chasing me wait Kade are you okay oh gosh he just killed me I guess the teleportation machine was right ah I knew we were right let's go yep all right the next one what do you call this sport soccer or football that's obviously soccer yeah that's a soccer ball a football is round and you use your hands on it come on now also where's Kane oh there's Kane Kane get over here buddy what do you call this soccer or football all I call this Ballo foot that's not an option Kate what are you talking about from where I come from we've always called it Ballo foot but I guess we'll call it soccer for today yeah that's right everybody hop in the soccer pit let's go down all right let's go oh yeah oh yeah oh no oh gosh why are we in another elevator how is this wrong it's soccer what squid but he doesn't have a nose oh no Squidward get away get away get away oh no oh no oh gosh Squidward caught me and he killed me I got chased by the Kool-Aid man oh my that was truly scary we could add him to the digital world though no Kane let's not do that that that's weird but I guess the answer is football which makes no sense whatsoever but wow 6 million people voted for football that's actually pretty impressive H whatever let's go ahead and go down to the next hole and oh there's the next would you rather wait be careful uh I I I was not careful pomy yeah you weren't which would you rather be the youngest sibling or the oldest sibling the oldest sibling obviously wait what i' would be the youngest sibling nah I'd be the oldest sibling cuz you know the oldest sibling is just the better sibling but if you're the youngest sibling you could literally throw Tantrums everywhere and you won't be in trouble that doesn't apply to everyone I'm going to choose the older sibling because then I'll be in control of everyone and everything K you're you're a real control freak I hope you know that but I'm going down here and uh well that was not the right choice oh wait what's happening on your side uh McDonald's is throwing burgers at me McDonald's is throwing burgers at you what yeah oh gosh let me eat the burgers let me eat the B ow why do the burgers hurt why do the burgers hurt in this world Kane I don't think you're supposed to be eating the burgers buddy are you guys alive yeah we're following the youngest sibling one though I personally don't agree with that I tell that was the correct answer and welcome back guys what's next and oh W look there's a giant crack in the ground oh step on the crack break your mama's back I ain't stepping on that all right let's go the next one have you ever picked your nose girls don't pick their nose also I don't have a nose yeah uh I've definitely picked my nose before what the heck I'm a dude that's what all dudes do and Kane have you picked nose before you're a guy I would say yes but uh I don't don't have a nose all I have are eyeballs and teeth so I can't say I have oh okay I guess that does make sense it kind of is weird that you don't have a face but let me go down and uh 7 million people voted yes what did you guys choose uh I chose no and I'm about to be killed by some weird shaped red thing with like a helmet on it I think you I think it's called among us or something oh no way you're getting killed by the Among Us character again yeah well I guess you guys have to choose yes then all right nice both of you are here and why is there a chair in the center of this room can I sit on this thing you can what wait I'm why are you climbing I don't I don't know what what am I doing here okay I don't like that chair let me get out okay which way do we go instead uh there's an arrow pointing this way and looks like we're going through a maze of some sort and yes we made it out that wasn't a hard maze yeah it really wasn't Kane you got to make these mazes better buddy I'm trying my best I just don't have too much time I still got to deal with Jackson ragi yeah I guess that is true they are a handful but which would be worse wearing wet jeans all day or wearing a wet sweater all day both of those sound like a sensory nightmare yeah wearing wet jeans all day would make it feel like you peed your pants but wearing a wet sweater all day would just make it feel so sweaty honestly I don't like either options I'm just going to go with what you guys pick I'm going to go ahead and choose a wet jeans all day I don't care if I pee my pants uh okay whatever you say Kane you know what I'm just going to follow Kane's lead I'm going to go down the wet jeans what are you doing pomy you know what I'm actually going to be opposite I'm going to go the wet sweater okay and oh gosh I'm in an elevator I chose the wrong answer oh oh no it's frosty Frosty froze me in a oh are you kidding me Frosty just froze me in an ice block and just killed me in quick sand not cool bro wow uh well join me down here guys ah Kane I can't believe you chose the wrong answer it's not my fault I'd like to pee my pants you're such a weirdo Kane okay well pomy we made it down here let's go ahead and get past these black gops of slime oh no oh no okay uh Kane how the heck did you die to your own trap in your own digital Adventure I sometimes forget where everything is okay don't blame me are you Kane are you how are you failing this bad just give me one second Cory before I digitalize myself to come over and punch you in the face wow okay no need to get sensitive my guy let's just go through and uh there's a hole over here oh the Hole uh okay and oh yes nice hot dog or cheeseburger that's not fair they're both good yeah I'm going to have to say the cheeseburger I agree glizzies are sus yeah you're right K GES are sus I'm choosing the burger I'm going to go with the burger yeah me too okay hop in Kanan I'm actually going to go ahead and choose the Gizzy here we go they'll never know they'll never know what oh no I'm in another elevator where did you go Cory uh no where yeah I thought you came with us no just give me a sec no it's The Rock Johnson y Dwayne oh my gosh the Dwayne The Rock Johnson just sused all over me dude are you kidding me you do you didn't come with us uh yeah I may have chosen the Gizzy H that's sus Cory I knew it you know what Kade I don't want to hear it I just like hot dogs okay let me go down the cheeseburger route here we go baby wow 6.9 million people voted for the cheeseburger that's insane that is a lot of people 6.9 million people to bring into the digital world Kan you better not bring them over to digital world that's so mean h I was just joking maybe okay but this one says which would you prefer have a personal chef or have a personal maid H I feel like a chef is just so much better they can make you all the food that you want yeah Cory they can make you all the glizzies that you want Kate can you just forget about that I'm going to choose a personal chef though I'm going to get so much food yeah I'll go with that one too I don't need to eat at all so I'm going to choose having a personal ma baby okay here we go and yes we got the right answer which means uh oh gosh Kane's probably having a little bit of trouble there oh gosh is it giant Gizzy get away from me no you're sus you're sus you're S no get away get away no uh Kane you okay there buddy the Gizzy got to me okay well how about you come down the personal chef route cuz that is the right answer all right I'm coming right now okay catchup Kane good going and uh make sure not to fall on this one cuz it looks like there is a lot of slim wooden planks here o yeah I'm taking it slow and steady down Cory don't you worry okay nice nice nice and better form of Communication phone call or texting oh this one is actually really hard no yeah cuz both are really good but I feel like people use texting more that is true but calling a friend is so much more fun than texting them oh 100% I agree ah I'm going to do phone call just cuz it's so much more fun I'm going to go texting because I feel like it's the popular option I'm going to choose phone call cuz nobody ever wants to talk to me that's a little sad Kane I'll talk to you sometimes if you let me out oh well you were right you you guys are right you guys are right it's phone call wait what oh gosh what's happening to you uh Penny wise is about to blow me up Penny wise oh gosh that must be really scary actually yeah did you die are you okay well I just died so I'll be joining you guys soon okay let's keep going Kade follow me Po D you got to be better on my digital Adventures if you want to survive m he is right py and whoa It's a Laser Maze oh gosh wait let me just jump over can you better not die to this you better not die of course I'm not going to die this is my okay you see I did that to be funny that that was all a joke it seems like you just kind of just flopped down and Di nope that was a joke I I did that on purpose okay whatever you say buddy here hop hop on over hop on over see I told you I can do it perfectly okay pomy you got this now just jump over the last one nice all right and and W the better superhero Spider-Man or Iron Man wait they're both so cool I honestly don't have an opinion on this one so I'll just choose it you guys choose oh gosh who which one are you guys going to choose I'm going to choose Iron Man he's a billionaire and he controls everything you really like people that control stuff don't you Kane of course I do I love controlling people um okay that's a little bit strange but I think I'm going to choose Spider-Man cuz Spider-Man is just so cool he can swing from building to building and he's super duper strong I'll go with Spider-Man too since you're choosing that one yep let's go down and oh Spider-Man destroyed Iron Man oh gosh Kane what's happening to you over there Spider-Man is shooting his webs all over me oh oh he saw my face all Spider-Man stop shooting at me stop ow it's in my mouth oh gosh okay I I just died I'm coming down the Spider-Man route oh gosh okay sounds like you had a bit of trouble there buddy when storing cups in a Cupboard which way is correct facing up or facing down facing up obviously wait what is facing down no I usually saw it facing up but that's so weird then it's harder to stack you got to face it facing down you stacked them of course I stacked my cups what Kane what do you do I store my cups in the toilet okay we're I I think it's time to go yeah what the heck Kane okay uh I'm going to go facing down you guys do whatever you want I'm going to choose facing off all right here we go let's go down and oh my gosh I'm in the elevator guys I got the answer wrong is that Peppa Pig Peppa Peppa stop it I'm going to turn you into bacon pea stop it Peppa Peppa Peppa killed me guys well that's what happens when you just are wrong I guess oh my gosh poby I don't want to hear it I'm coming back over there anyways Peppa sounds absolutely delicious right now uh okay Kane I thought you didn't have to eat I still love bacon who doesn't love bacon that is true I guess wow 6.4 million people voted for facing up while only 3 million CHS facing down that's so weird okay let's go over here and well which one is better apples or oranges which one do you guys like uh oranges really I like apples they're a lot crispier I like apples cuz they're red just like me can you make everything about yourself you know that because I'm the best um okay buddy what whatever you want to tell yourself but I'm going to go down to Apples k you can come down with me I'm going to go down the oranges all right here we go and oh yeah apples won oranges was wrong what's happening pomy I'm going to be hit by a train holy bully a train uh try to survive I guess H I don't think that was possible I died but I'm on my way now oh my gosh okay well I think we made it to the very end it says Exit here hang on wait for me guys okay I made it all right is is this actually the exit let's go down here and see what happen happens oh gosh and uh that was not the exit guys there's three options now oh come on what is the best style of jeans skinny straight or loose uh straight obviously that's the most normal one uh skinny I'm going to choose loose because I love loose pants okay well let's see who's right guys it's definitely it's not me I was correct oh gosh it's Pennywise oh my Pennywise go away you have a big nose Penny wise don't touch me all right I I just got killed by Pennywise yeah I got killed by Huggy or I think it was called Huggy I survived yeah Kane we know you no need to rub it in our faces let's go down and oh my gosh so many people chose loose that's so strange but what's the best goldfish Ryukin Comet or bubble eye I didn't know there were different types of goldfish I just knew goldfish yeah I thought goldfish was the only one uh I'm going to choose bubble eye I'm going to choose reuk and cuz it's pretty I'm going to choose Comet because I like comets okay I guess that makes sense let's go down baby and I was wrong I was wrong I was correct again I'm always right uh oh gosh a UFO's coming to kill a UFO just killed me oh well let's go to the comet I just realized something pomy Kane probably knows all the answers because he made this wait that's right isn't not a little unfair Advantage don't worry Pony I forgot everything I made I have a terrible memory you see who would win in a fight gorilla a crocodile or a lion M I'm going to go with Lion I'm going to go and choose gorilla bro they destroy them I'm going to choose a crocodile they have the sharpest teeth and I also have a lot of teeth okay well everybody good luck please be right please be right please be right and yes I was right I wasn't right I wasn't right I was not right either oh oh gosh is this G toilet it's coming to kill me oh Kane you chose the weirdest people to kill us in this game okay let's move on and jump in this pool for the next one that was a big jump all right the best vegetable carrots broccoli or corn ew I don't like vegetables but I'm choosing corn that thing is sweet I'm going to go with corn too it's really good I'm going to have to choose corn as well it does taste the sweetest okay let's go down and oh yeah corn destroyed it who the heck likes carrot and broccoli they aren't bad but it really just depends on what they're cooked with uh no pomy that's the wrong answer they're all disgusting vegetables are nasty what is the best meal breakfast lunch or dinner dinner I'm going to say lunch breakfast is the most important meal of the day I'm choosing breakfast okay let's go down here we go and oh I was wrong I was right how could I be wrong breakfast is definitely the best oh gosh oh gosh uh you guys having fun over there what happened to you pomy I was being chased by ghost a giant butt cheek just sat on me all right guys we made it it looks like we're going to have to swim to our next one oh gosh my clothes are getting so wet but well said P you well said what's the most fun at a playground a seesaw a slide or the swings oh oh I'm stuck between the swings and the slide I honestly like the Seesaw it's the most fun for me I can't choose seesaw nobody ever wanted to play with me when I was a kid probably cuz you're floating eyeballs and teeth hey that's very offensive just like I said don't make me abstract you oh gosh okay I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm going to choose seesaw I'm going to go with slide okay I guess nobody's choosing swings like then uh slide was wrong yeah seesaw was definitely wrong as well and no squid game it's squid game it's squid game I'm being chased by another version of myself really I I just got killed looks like we were all wrong guys we're going to have to go down the swings I mean the swings are pretty fun I guess it wasn't like bad options all around they're all pretty fun I hate the Seesaw I just want some friends okay Kan we know you've told us but what's the best type of ice for drinks a cube a crescent or a nugget the heck is a nugget I would say Crescent I really like the crescent ice I'm choosing nugget cuz that sounds like chicken nuggets I'm choosing Cube cuz that's what I always drink it with okay let's go down come on nugget chicken n chicken nuggets was the wrong answer guys I got correct I'm in the back rooms what the wa caution radiation area what the what's happening uh I think I just got exposed to radiation and died that's not good okay I guess I'm going down the cube slide what is the best place to swim the lake the ocean or the bathtub you can't really swim in a bathtub yeah you can like Splash around I guess but that's lame uh the best place to swim hm I mean the ocean is the most fun but but the waves always crash into me so I can't really swim without drowning I'm going to go with a lake I never learned how to swim cuz I'm a pile of floating teeth uh okay Kane but I'll follow you guys and go down the lake Lake's wrong don't follow me Lake's wrong well you could have told us that before we got in here oh no oh no why am I hearing rock music oh it's a Kool-Aid man no Kool-Aid Kool-Aid man stop it stop it stop it the Kool-Aid guy just pooped on me I trusted you guys oh you guys have to be better at these digital Adventures I'm sorry Kade I'm sorry but I'm assuming the best place is the ocean yeah it's ocean okay let me hop down that tube then here we go wo are we in the bathtub I guess if you're at this bathtub you can definitely swim around this thing is massive this is more of like a pool than a bathtub yeah you're definitely right I wonder why pool wasn't an option but it says best instrument guitar piano or drum set that looks like a Giant floating eyeball I'm choosing the drum set anything that looks like eyes and teeth uh okay Kane have fun down there I'm going to choose electric guitar I'm just going to choose the piano okay please say I'm right please say I'm right let's go I was wrong I was right what how is piano right oh no oh no it's Huggy wagy no Huggy wagy get away from me wait where did he oh oh my gosh he actually scared me he came down straight from the ceiling how was Dr said not correct I'm going to order one later yeah you do that Kane but it turns out the correct answer was piano so let's go down over here Kane this was a really long one I hope you know that I know isn't it amazingly fun actually it is pretty interesting Kane I'll give you that rock paper or scissors oh you got you know I got to go with my boy rock yeah same here I I'm going to go with scissors uh K you know rock beats scissors right scissors beats everything that's not true and yep Rock was the correct answer scissors did not C eat everything I'm in fact getting killed and wait pony look it's the exit sign did did we finally make it out I don't know I don't know if I I don't know if I trust that last time you went through an exit it like it didn't work yeah and why do we have radiation suits on what I don't know uh Kane come put your radiation suit on I think I look snazzy yeah you do look snazzy Kane and wa what is the best taste candy salt sour or spicy oh oh sorry it says sweet not candy um for me it's sweet well sweet or salty one of the two uh yeah I think I like sweet I like spicy really Kane you like spicy it leaves me hours on the toilet but I do like it the most okay Kane whatever and yes we were right sweet is right oh gosh it looks like is that a giant Donkey Kong and it looks like he wants to get frisky oh oh he's getting too frisky the the Donkey Kong no no looks like I did knock get frisky with Donkey Kong he killed me Kane you are so strange bro what are you even saying don't worry about it I came down to Sweet best season spring summer autumn or winter uh I'm going to go with winter oh winter is cool you can make snowmen but I think I'm going to go with uh I'm going to go with spring I'm going with summer cuz I can surf the waves well that's a shame you guys because I'm actually right oh I I was not right oh gosh no way is this actually it's actually skimy toilet oh no skiy toilet stop I got killed by skibby toilet best squid game character Kang Bak o IL n Abdul Ali orian did you guys even watch squid game no what is a squid game oh gosh so I'm the one that has to choose all right you guys will have to follow me all right fan favorite I think it's going to have to be Kong all right guys hop down this slide with me no you were you were very wrong I was wrong oh gosh oh no it's siren man no no no oh bro wait so which one's the correct answer I don't even know yeah um I guess we all just go down one of the three and figure it out all right uh I think I'm going to go Abdul Ali Kane you can go after which one you want I already did that one sorry Cory uh well I'm coming down with you well it's wrong oh my goodness are you kidding me oh no oh no oh why is there no it's another version of Me no uh what what what the what is this other ver should be yeah I killed myself on accident K you were wrong too are you kidding me oh my gosh all right I guess this is the correct answer how did we get it wrong all three times wait wait what what what what the why was this one wrong too and I'm in Squid game bro I got killed by squid game what wait then what's the right answer it must be this one then wait Kane did you go down this one no I went Abdul Ali are you serious Kane you told me you went down the this one dude nope that's wrong ah okay whatever let's just keep moving on Dude where's the next option uh it looks like it's down here okay let's go down and the best chips what is it Fritos Cheetos Tostitos Doritos guys I'm a rapper it's got to be Doritos Doritos H I like Cheetos I personally like Fritos weos tastes like nothing but three two one let's go down come on oh my gosh oh I was wrong I was wrong as well dude how does this make sense oh no a train's hitting me oh gosh oh no wait all three of us were wrong what Tostitos is a favorite trip are you kidding me how uh I don't know I personally thought it'd be Doritos yeah Tostitos is like the most basic chip there is and looks like we're onto our food sections cuz this one say best pizza restaurant Papa John's Pizza Hut Domino's or little Caesars H which ones do you guys like um I'd have to go with Pizza Hut I'm choosing dominoes I'm going to choose Papa John's all right good luck everybody let's go down and yes Domino's was correct no pizza was wrong my option was incorrect too to be fair I don't really eat pizza in the first place wait so do you eat anything how do you get your energy I eat the energy that comes from your guys' minds being in the digital world Kane why are you eating my energy I do not appreciate that sorry got to survive somehow what is the best writing tool crayon pencil marker quill quill who writes in quill I'm choosing pencil I'm going to go with pencil too and oh yeah pencil was definitely the right answer it got 2 million votes and oh my gosh guys there's another exit here could this be the final one I hope I'll go first okay I'm going second please please please and wao wait what wait what is this are we in a playground what what the where are we oh it looks like we're not done yet there's five options now what is the best cookie gingerbread Oreo Linder chocolate chip or oatmeal oatmeal ew which one are you guys choosing I'm going to go with Oreo I'm going to go with chocolate chip I'm going to go with Gingerbread okay here we go please chocolate chip wasn't right chocolate chip was correct baby let's go and wo there's a bunch of slides now W that was so fun wow that was a lot of slides I truly thought that gingerbread was going to be the correct answer cuz they look the funniest that's not how it works dude but which best actor to play Mario in liveaction film Depp pit Nissan Cruz or DiCaprio guys which one looks more like Mario I honestly don't know what do you think Nissan does look the funniest look at it but pit does look like an absolute Chad H I'm going to choose Nissan you guys choose whoever you want okay um I'll just choose a random one uh well you were wrong if you didn't choose Nissan I chose Johnny Depp and a pirate is coming to chase me oh no oh gosh get away I do not want to get frisky ha guys I'm so smart I'm choosing all the correct options dude and wao there's another slide thingy here whoa wait everything's purple where am I even going at this point whoa where am I where am I oh oh here it is best type of egg scrambled sandwich over easy omelette or hardboiled uh h H this one's hard I think I'm going to have to go with omelette though I'd have to agree omelette is really good okay Kane are you choosing omelette of course I'm choosing omelet and it was wrong oh gosh what is that is that a T-Rex okay well I just got killed by a dinosaur really I got killed by a sigma what is a sigma what does that even mean I don't know it's hard to explain I'm going to choose scramble that's probably the most popular one H okay well was that correct NOP no it's wrong it's wrong okay I'm going to go with over easy I'm going to choose sandwich well it looks like you're wrong Kane cuz I was correct oh yeah the answer is over easy boys penny wise ran out of money and needs a job which is best for him does Pennywise work I I thought he was like a horror demon no yeah um that is a handsome young lad he looks terrible what are you talking about okay but uh let's see Pennywise what could he possibly do oh wait I already know I think he's going to be a YouTuber look at it bro he looks so entertaining I would definitely watch that video yeah I'll I'll go with that too YouTuber baby is the correct answer for sure and it's right let's go dude I need to subscribe to him right away and oh I think we're nearing the actual end guys oh I hope we've been doing this for a while best dog breed Golden Retriever husky dalmi Chihuahua or beagle it's golden retriever they're the cutest I'm going to go husky okay I was wrong it is not golden retriever I was right it's husky oh no Among Us is killing me again dude are you you kidding me I chose husky as well and it looks like I was correct ah I was the only one wrong okay I'm going down Husky and yes ball pit and what the what is this guy saying hey this place is kind of fun I think I'll stay oh no I'm definitely not staying here I'm not staying either let's go oh and wait where are we now is this is this the end it's the exit door wait we made it to the actual exit door we can escape the digital world no do not go into that door do not go into that door no just kidding it's not the actual for the digital world you really think I put that here no are you kidding me Kane really but it looks like we made it out that took so long guys it did it did well you guys are about to go on another gingle adventure so get ready for that oh gosh another one right now if you guys want to watch that video make sure to click the video on the screen right now bye
Channel: Kory and Friends
Views: 1,056,869
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: the amazing digital circus, amazing digital circus, digital circus, Roblox PICK A SLIDE With POMNI and CAINE! The Amazing Digital Circus, roblox, pomni, caine, jax
Id: ppm0AphPooY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 53sec (1973 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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