(ROBLOX) FuegoGeneral's Guide to the S.C.P.F. Genre

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hello so to those already familiar with the scpf genre this is just a little disclaimer for you this is not the definitive basis for all scpf groups some operate differently or structured differently whatever the case this is just meant to be the simple point of view for the common person getting into the genre so don't point out a detail in the comments or be mad if I forgot something specific I'm just trying to explain this all simply maybe later on I'll do another video explaining that depth but either way let's start the video [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] you just joined a game that is known as an scpf but you don't know where to start or you're really confused like the hell is EC the heck is this the hell's a peanut well I'm gonna be answering these questions gonna be explaining things uh let's start by asking one question all right what is the scpf genre so the scpf genre is a specific grouping of games on Roblox that are primarily focused as operating as SCP Foundation hence the name s c p f anyway uh if you don't know what SCP is it's just a fictional organization based around the containment of anomalous entities called scps now if you're here wondering what scps are I would suggest looking at another video for that now I know this sounds complicated so far but listen most of this is kinda important if you want to progress in the group and yes you will have to join a Roblox group to be a part of this but what do I mean by progress progression in the scpf genre is determined by level clearance and departmental role now your clearance level is determined through applications you do similar to like job applications you just fill out a specific form and an executive reads it ranks you in the group to whatever level you're applying for and boom you gained a level now these levels go from zero to five one to four one to five however the group operates they usually follow that specific hierarchy of clearance levels however if you fail an application as in you made a grammar mistake uh got a question wrong but if the case may be they usually have a Discord Channel or something along those lines where they notify you if you passed or failed the application sometimes in detail but sometimes groups just leave it up to their own members to figure that out themselves rather than notify them don't look at me I don't make the rules this is just what I commonly see now you have departments you can pick from a wide range but I'm not going to be talking about every single Department because not a lot of groups follow the same apartment layout because some don't have this one or its name differently regardless the case we're just going to be generalizing it into security scientific medical and MTF first we're going to start with security most likely the first Department you see because they're just standing at the checkpoint line whatever the case may be security provides on-site security as the name implies for a range of things they escort tests they make sure Personnel are in the breach shelter they make sure all members of staff are safe now security falls under this issue of one focused area and forget about everything else because they just need to focus in the CDC to assure that test subjects are getting out and holding Personnel hostage or whatever the case may be for security you set an application or you try out it kind of depends how they manage security forces in the group you would have to look into that on your own accord now scientists scientific Department researchers whatever you want to call them they are primarily the guys focusing on the scps test wise they use test subjects as test water to throw out the scps and so on now whenever they finish the test they usually have some form of internal activity to complete of sorts like a test log that could be the most simple statement to the most detailed piece of word that would make basic English teachers cry due to the heaps of grammatical errors either way scientists provide good activity for security subjects whatever the case may be they provide that usually get in there by doing an application but much more heightened and more detailed than your level apps medical in all honestly medical groups in the genre have been lacking for years due to development limitations and lack of interest from the most common player so not really the most popular department but not terrible because they provide medical assistance to Personnel subjects and can do checkups other forms of medical related research as well if the game provides it so it depends now to get into Medical call you apply similar to how do you apply to Scientific just a bit more High curriculum of applications yada yada MTF these guys oh boy these guys now the mobile task forces are the best of the best in the foundation they're the specialized forces assuring a response to the most critical of situations on site namely containment breaches and hostile raids with assistance from security or a subunit of security mainly they're known as like SRU SSO whatever the case may be just a subunit of SD to get into MTF you have to tend to try out at a specific time and the acceptance rate for those tryouts are low like most of the time I only see four to three people pass sometimes no one so you gotta go really try hard there not gonna lie now why have MTF when you have security or why have security when you have MTF they both are different MTF is more expert in what it does it's more focused on on a specific specialization SD is just a generalized Focus force on keeping Personnel safe it makes things easier it's a ecosystem you can't really disturb that much now this is part of video where I'm just going to be stating a few questions you may have right now that I personally wish I knew when I started overall or just questions I want to put out there for you to think on whatever the case may be question what what is the point of all this honestly your guess is as good as mine within my four years of being in the genre I never once questioned what was the point of this all but I think it's just tied to overall opinion because for me there's some purpose of fun you get an interesting Forefront group that is going to have a load of choices and gameplay possibilities it's SCP what would it be fun about that but then you have people question why have applications why have this this doesn't seem fun I really think it's just opinion at that point so your answer is good as mine question two well I haven't played an scpf game yet but I really want to get into this what do I join honestly for scpf group wise I have these four examples site Phoenix site Delta Arc 70 and installation 9 or iax now these are not perfect more terrible groups hell some of these I wouldn't join myself but that's due to my long history here I've done a majority of things that nothing really catches my eye anymore nothing speaks to me because of my experience however they do have a similar aspect to a base level giving newcomers a start into the genre question three I have a question about a group I'm in but I don't know who to ask what do I do so message people that are within that Discord either in their General discussions whatever the case may be ask don't be afraid to speak about anything and if someone's shaming you for asking get out of that group they don't want you there they just don't care about you in any form at that point not really worth your time final question so is the scpf genre dead if you are new and you're asking this question right now I'd say don't give in to that thought entirely because if you got here you just started you don't know what this place has or what future it has I know a lot of people have been stating the genres dead everything's over but that's not the case it's very debating right now where the genre stands and it's a very toxic Community much more than any other group on Roblox because people don't usually talk about it due to the toxicity and for good reason but listen every Community has its flaws and every game its issues but at the end of the day the ultimate goal is to focus on the negatives of the experience but to make memories for Keepsake purposes something to look back on that's positive you can decide whether you want to spend time in the scpf genre is it good or bad by choosing who you surround yourself with when you engage it and so on it's all up on you but if things are well and you have moments like these [Music] Security Department sweeper you have no knowledge of geometry [Music] Kilda and Gregory oh Lord foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] okay everyone run out when it opens run out the door to the gate [Music] as soon as you hear my gunfire you run like the wind past the tower till you see the green line [Music] thank you you sir I'm God I'm God hey thank you for making it to the end of the video I'm just saying thanks and for showing interest in the genre without you guys this video would not be possible if you would like to see more content like this please leave a like and let me know what type of video you would like to see information wise I'll take the best suggestions and then make a community poll and yeah go from there if you would like to know more about how to engage in the community Who provided gameplay uh just look in the description below all the links will be there and all the people will be mentioned and yeah this video is already getting pretty long to edit so I'll stop here thank you for watching and as always carry on and a little bit
Channel: FuegoGeneral
Views: 14,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: jkNIbxmu8Ic
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 11 2022
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