Roblox Bedwars, But my FARMING KIT is RANDOM.

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today's video we're going to be using every farming kit in Roblox Bed Wars can we Harvest our way to Victory or will our opponents outgrow our strategy so this random wheel has all of the farming kit so we're gonna spin to see which kit we have to get all right so we got minor keys so uh yeah let's go mining by killing players 12 seconds later oh no don't tell me I have sweaty teammates oh no this is not good let me just defend the bed for them because apparently no one defends the bed in this game and then this is why everyone's bed gets broken about five seconds every time I get a teammate they load a speed run quicker than you could speed rub the Subscribe button which you know you can test if you try it but anyways talking about speed running we need to speedrun to become an actual Roblox Bed Wars millionaire boy millionaire I meant bajillionaire well uh it's not gonna help when all they do is run away and all my do all my teammates do is just break every single bed and say I mean listen I know it's part of the game but doesn't mean I'm gonna let you do it all right anyways so since we're the minor kid we need to start Mining and I'm not talking about blocks I am talking about making ice sculptures well actually like mine in them bro what is my teammates doing bro you guys really want to break that bed so bad all right there we go finally I can actually get a sculpture made I was waiting until people actually came out of the base oh please tell me I have time to mine this my mind just went to go say hello to the void all right there we go second sculpture another one okay there we go you know once you kill them they just run back and that's where the real profit starts to shine okay they don't realize it but they're literally just giving me resources they are just blue boxes they actually just fell down that one block Gap that's not a good thing because now I can't even mine them can you stop just building up bro I'm telling you because I still need the loot wait what how did he have 26 Emerald where did he get 26 emeralds from where'd he get I have 39 emeralds out of nowhere what yo I could pretty much buy the entire upgrades I have now 41 emeralds all right at least at least one can go to the void you know for stealing my kills wait no they should be paying me for stealing my kills noob what is that a wizard I just watched that man fly hey yo give me some resources what is going on I have no idea what's happening I don't even know what to say I am lost for words I am so confused all right what am I looking at are they just lagging or just straight up flying ah I've never seen anyone do this in my life and I've seen a lot of X players but they don't normally do that I think he's genuinely just lagging oh yeah like how do I like look he's flying I am calling up my internet service provider and I'm gonna ask for the worst internet possible that's the most OP thing I think I've ever seen it literally gives you flying capabilities that's basically a kit by itself anyways let me go continue my ice sculpted business somewhere else oh diamond armor that's good the better the armor the more loot I get out of them so come here Mr Diamond Armor yeah build up there we go and the issue is I don't know how I'm gonna mine over this entire team here sorry I just built myself a house it'll be fine there we go just build myself a little house put a little roof on it and uh there we go let's see how much loot we get perfect amount now we're back to base to spend our 16 emeralds and our 11 diamonds I'm gonna go farm that diamond armor player like I'm playing Farming Simulator okay all right where's uh where's that diamond armor player oh I've spotted him he fell on the void okay never mind oh another one in the void you know I'll be rich by now if the voy just didn't exist okay all my loot just flying in the void going to Nowhere look at that it's an entire museum at the base all right back to the ice sculpting business bro I'm gonna make this space an entire tourist attraction yo plenty of sculptures to mine wait how many do we have hold on one two three four five six oh my teammates over here I stop what are you trying to do exactly oh oh okay oh you know where they're going don't ya I don't need your charity I can get my own loot now the question is am I gonna be able to mine or no okay guess I gotta expand my museum up here they're not gonna let me mine all right back to the ice sculpted business it is just let me mine my sculptures and I'll leave you alone I just want to see how much loot is here you know I can't help it I have to I have to know how much loot is here oh you're just gonna continue swinging your sword at me they just don't get the message do they leave us alone I'm leaving you alone it's your team bro what do you mean leave us alone how about you leave me alone I'm just trying to mine away I'm not even doing anything oh there we go that's a bunch of loot this is kind of profitable I can't lie just listen to Luke go into my inventory it sounds amazing you just can't stop can you you just call and help yourself you're like oh I'm going to kill him well since I don't know what to do with all this loot I guess we should upgrade the void let me put them out their misery my teammates out here just spawn killing them for absolutely no reason all right here's the last player final round fight gonna give me the best loot you're gonna give me the most loot you've ever had what just iron I've had enough of this kit now I'm not getting enough loot all right let's spin the wheel and see what we get next come on please be something fun all right so we got Lucia and that is a very overpowered farming kit some people may want thousands of emeralds some people may even want thousands of diamonds but I literally have no teammates that's the best thing you could have ever gave me I don't have anyone stealing my kills stealing my loot speed running bets none of that I can simply just do what I gotta do and uh hopefully actually this time get millions of Loot and you may be asking well how do you do that well we need to collect as much candy as possible so basically everybody is just running candy I guess also having to deal with players like this gotta start building more fighting and less building maybe you'll actually get some kills oh you didn't see me coming get absolutely no idea oh hello he's back again he's not happy about the last death so he's gonna keep coming back see this is the biggest loot glitch right here you kill that one player who just comes back over and over and over again non-stop free Lou actual loot glitch so we have 269 candy but I really wonder how much candy do you really need to be able to get emerald armor emerald sword so uh I guess there's only one way to find out oh you're back are you oh this guy's really not happy he is not happy about me killing them a couple of times but you know what he can keep running back only once are you okay well not anymore did you get my bed was it you hey just keep running back buddy he hasn't killed me four times in a row and he just constantly runs back you think that they'll learn from their mistakes and stop oh no they don't they just do it more and more which is great when you're a farming kid and you need loads of kills to get more loot a lot of people really enjoy flying today huh I really need to figure out how to do it because whenever someone hits me I never go flying and maybe it's all the loot making them lag all the loot my inventory is making them lag listen I'm not just making a candy farm I'm not here just for the loot oh wait you got diamond armor okay that's more candy for me like I said music to my ears just look at the candy just going up slowly look at that it's like passive income let me go and give them a little cooldown and just take out someone else's entire team instead all right 1 500 candy I don't think that's enough I don't know how much is enough that's why we're experimenting all right next team look at that I be making songs out of the kill effects all right next team and this is basically how it goes you just rotate around the map it was Squad wipe and rinse and repeat until you're rich so you guys have obviously noticed that the editing has completely changed that's because I'm taking like a two-week break slash vacation not because I need one it's because I'm actually just gonna be busy so I'm gonna be pre-recording as many videos as I can and they're gonna be edited like this and if you guys think that the videos are more entertaining with more edits and more effects then let me know in the comments and after the two week break I'm hopefully gonna be more consistent so yeah I'll just give you guys a little heads up of what's happening and why the video is completely changed but yeah thank you guys for the support and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: TanqR
Views: 1,058,809
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox robux, minecraft bed wars, roblox bed wars, roblox bed wars hacks, roblox bed wars exploit, roblox bed wars scripts, roblox bed wars update, bedwars all battlepass kits, bedwars random kit, random kit challenge, random skin challenge, bedwars spin the wheel, roblox bedwars skin, bedwars skins, roblox bedwars inf, roblox bedwars infinite, roblox bedwars drill kit, roblox smoke kit, roblox bedwars random kit, roblox bedwars random wheel, roblox bedwars resources
Id: fnZFFe3f8ec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 0sec (480 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 05 2023
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