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[Music] hey guys are you okay okay oh my god we're playing weightlifting simulator three and were in trouble guys do another video there's so many evil people around here what do we do alright follow me where are you yeah no I just okay they're farming you oh no I don't wanna are you let's go this way follow me need to escape towards the beach wait you think we can go out there maybe Oh No it says this is a tiny zone I'm so delicate oh my if we get over here this is where we're supposed to Train they can't come this way there's the tiny zone are you running the wrong way oh you see me no idea all right I'm waiting over here do you see me you tiny I can see you all right over here you're gonna cheese all right can you stop dying all right right here okay let's go okay this way you get out of here before oh god there's someone over there okay we have to hurry just follow me we train while we like run okay no we can't no no run get it to the tiny zone all right I don't know if I trust that guy oh my god people can't hurt us over here they think it's just for like really easy stop to lift oh well over here oh okay oh yeah it says you can only stay in two time zone if you have less than 500 frame but friend you doing down girl doing down I'll take you out I'll take you down right now we're so weak we can't even hurt each other let's just dream all right race you - oh I'm good strength all right I'm up to 48 what do you have all right I'm at 80 well I got my weak eye bigger larger you do look bigger wait I'm getting so huge I wanna be really tall it's not what lifting weights does 96 what do you ask okay oh go above me baby miss by a hundred and fourteen I'm huge I wouldn't say you're huge okay what what I'm so buff dude I'm so huge what strength do you think people they must have like bang a hundred thousand what this guy's in here oh we kick it in alright we have to keep training look he's trying to get too strong but if we get a weakling if we get to 500 though it's gonna kick us out of here what's happening purple you an aura oh my god Jen just went super sad too one so powerful wait what's your strength that bad mine's at about the same as yours we're getting so much bigger I know we really are there's a really big guy looking at us waiting there is he waiting for us to just come out and kill us James are we doing push-ups in he has what does he have a grave on his back all right I'm very scared it'll be in your gun will be do we need to get to the bench presses inside wait how come I'm not purple is you know like me the second you said that wait Oh cause we're in the zone this dawn I bet that's why we can't tap OH we just like went out here oh he said he's a fan oh hi yeah I'm just gonna hello oh god Barney maybe he'll protect you oh oh please you're like bending your back wait wait jet I think we can deadlift over here oh okay all right oh wait no we need a thousand strength to deadlift but there's some bench presses in this side so maybe we should go over to the bench presses oh yeah let's do that okay if anyone gets to the right I'll punch oh okay or at 260 strength wait we're gonna go over to a benchpress maybe they won't bother us over here the brawl is starting no I do not want to join oh there's a couple small weight matches over here for us oh okay alright so we'll be going this me an E and then oh we just click small-fry if we click the small fried thing it makes this bench crash yes oh we get gems from doing this one oh I noticed what I looked into it or maybe you see to get to a certain strength you jab but um there's pets and something you could buy if you have a lot of jam okay let me check the post all right I'm not getting back quick astray from this sergeant gay how do you say that Sarge oh you said it right now it's not a pretty good wait oh wait let me see if this bench press is better this one's heavier weight let me see if it gives me more strength alright what strength are you left you weights giving me less strength I'm up to 314 I am at 332 right now 348 is it 340 amazing ok so we really can't accuse Oh 350 so how many are you getting whenever you like get some shred um two - I just got 10 all right so it's different every time so touchy look at the little benchpress she's got going all right let me test the difference between that and a dumbbell so if we try to jump out the Dumbo's about the same dad oh it is yeah dig me I just got 10 oh ok so just jump off okay for my drink okay run dad he's rednecks yeah wait I'm like almost normal-sized down over here why my so much bigger than you I wanna run let's run on the treadmill alright let's get it oh when you get her speed up it's really bad okay um okay everybody's spy how does this thing work you just run forwards with like your head into the thing it looks like okay oh I ran through the whole thing oh oh that's a little bit odd looks like like a really like old person on a treadmill trying to figure out how it works yeah Chad when you hit 500 strengths you get a brand new move to train with look I can do push-ups down oh she's going super Sam how come I never go super saiyan wait this is so much better you can get twice as much strength this way Jack alright so you get four is the lowest amount you can get we can get up to 20 strength with one push-up now alright that is amazing oh you know what we should do well I really wanted you in the brawl that's what I was gonna say next bra I say we join it okay let's do it all right you don't you do oh yeah I'm a shrimp - lets up go to the store go to boosts and let's buy a protein bar and see if this helps us a little bit do that right so it says okay so I'll buy it right out away then we just have to eat this right okay so just gives you a break so tall now you're totally wrong if you live weight you get taller this is what I think it is I think it's cuz I'm not ready oh yeah you like a grandma when you start this is it realistic to real life but in role that you just stepped on me and you're fine because you're so strong okay this is the thing so right now Jen it's starting in a minute and a half we're doing the natural doing the next girl all right should we practice by killing the girl right next to us No oh no they said Pat has something and then I punched them in sorry bid it for the content love you oh my god I'm gonna kill this other guy too okay I'm practicing for the wait you're gonna be stronger than me in the broad better-trained what's your strength up to you oh it's seven seventy oh no stop stop trading I need to catch up alright no you're not gonna be able to I'm gonna just buy some more protein bars right now like before he started so they give you get more prize pack the what what is that I'm looking at it to see if I want to get it gives you two protein bars too speedy bars in a hundred gems all for seventy robots wait that is such a deal I bought it okay I'm buying that alright wait we have to prepare because we're about to do the thing all right those ones make you quicker oh yeah everything so that way we're ready for the brawl that's about to happen really so big all right fourteen seconds what are you round back 800 oh my god 846 what are you up to 890 someone hit me but I'm okay 905 seconds until the Pearl remember to accept joining the raw wood ass alright alright so brawl yes yes oh no get off the push-up solution okay yes stop worshiping oh wait I'm a witness how do we do this oh we just kill everyone okay I'm just gonna fight you everyone else is too scary Oh mess you up girl wait let's work together all right don't hit me anymore okay alright so would we try it let's find someone reasonable looking wait can we even hurt this person where do no damage only that we it says killing someone gives you five gems I can't hurt anybody wait can I are you come here wait how does the bra work did it start yeah not doing anything all right me it says someone has been Josie it hasn't started yet cuz people are it like training they're not even fighting all right way let's just continue to Train okay so that guy has been chosen maybe there's someone you need a fight or something maybe like one person fight someone else oh that would actually be cool okay so it says two people have been chosen maybe they have to battle each other the girl I'm thinking oh maybe it's like a tournament yeah oh and this is the training area before the tournament all right better keep training and you get to a thousand oh I wonder if we'll get a new ability will get to a thousand test all people doing like situps and stuff babies will let us win all right let me know what you get a thousand I'm at 998 right now all right about to hit it and a thousand no I shouldn't do it okay oh you've been chosen oh my god you to fight them I'm here Robin oh my god did you win oh my god I'm fighting them right now alright I won there's no contest it was that easy dad easy wait I think I'm actually winning really no are you betting throwing I'm trying to like jump around a lot throw a wall I'm just gonna keep training they stepped on me how you how did you not die why are you still alive no I'm back in the regular area now okay alright where are you I'm next up Bob man up alright so large man with the grape still not as bad alright I should be able to find you cuz we're pretty huge you know can you can you stop stepping on me sir oh oh yeah I think I know where you are you in the huge group of people yes oh I think I should leave alright wait we have to go Devlin because we're high enough to demouth now I've been killed alright to the dead laughs I was just on his back wait you get out of here wait let's kill us bring him to me I'll kill the person we're gonna work together to kill his person oh yeah let's do this they're almost dead I got them I killed him all right come to me follow me over this way no way I'm going on my friends your sobriety I'm thinking deadlifts might be the next best way to train because we have to be a thousand for this oh oh oh my God my form is really not that great no you just grab this 500k weight we have really bad form it's like horrible then the worst deadlift thing for I've ever seen in my life all right we're getting some serious power now I'm over 9,000 I think if you just keep training without stopping you turn super safe neck is really oh my god it's gross okay no I know I know I don't even have a knack what is such a weird looking there wait I'm gonna go over to you look at me okay let me see you I don't have a neck why do I have this weird neck thing it's really gross yeah I'm like an ugly double chin it's like really weird okay I know the person just destroyed us we have been training like crazy we can even do sit-ups now to Train you look beautiful Serena's jump over the only person that looks like we are you I think so like no one else is missing their face wash it out yard will you kill him there's people around you know we can take this guy out okay let's do it I hired a guy I'm right behind you Oh oh my god all right I got it oh maybe my face will be fixed now oh yeah hope so okay no it's not I am about to kill him he's almost down he's dead I got it okay good job all right you're okay okay so we've learned a new move let's go somewhere where we're a little bit safer oh no he's attacking me again No all right oh my god it's like a crazy brawl the middle I think all right get out of here okay yeah we gotta get out of here it's too dangerous the dude is like chasing us down please sir sir sir leave me alone all right show-off baldness it off so yes so we could do sit-ups all right come over here there's no one over here I'm trying I'm trying to get over there scary maybe we should join the brawl to get away no isn't that a safe zone all right okay so yeah we've got setups that we can do and we were checking out the scams we want to see exactly what they were all right yeah we open some grave so what they do is they make it so it looks cooler as you're training but I really want to get a cool one so I'm gonna keep opening the godly crate until I get one that I like all right I'm gonna buy a godly one right now I'm going to completely own you in let's do this hoping for one that's really happy yeah I keep getting tsunami over and over oh I just got super Sajak this is so amazing okay so if I go to skins and then I click on super scared scam super scared oh my God look at this so when I train there is like Super Saiyan energy coming out of our hand I really wish it would do it to my hair be amazing it would just show more attention to your head I think it'll be a problem I'm just gonna keep opening them all right I'm gonna put one more right now okay check this one oh I just got a really sick one I got slashes it looks really cool all right let me put this one on I can't wait to see what it looks like okay here we go I'm really excited oh look at this it's like there's electricity coming oh my god this is awesome woman it's like you're holding a rainbow stick it's like really weird isn't it it's like not adorable are you okay rainbow knight saber oh my god this doesn't have you believe a light saber why is this man keep attacking us so much all right I got a plan we're gonna go on a brawl right now to kill as many people as we can okay let's do it where are you though we need be together there's the brawls in progress right now no I mean abroad here Oh in here look at this man we have to kill all the smalls people all right oh did you get it yes really yeah I killed him okay let's get some small people okay all right you see these tiny people yeah I don't like killing people though oh he's bad maybe if we just kill him over and over again hooked up all right there's a little person attacking you Frank if that's okay I can't believe we're able to take out this big rainbow guy he's dead again I'm gonna try to attack this person that's way bigger than Bay oh oh no I'm crazy to do this all the way they're like tall but not that muscular I know it's really weird they've like a completely different skin I thought that's what skins was gonna be but that's not what skins is tell me I'm over here coming or I'll finish off rainbow do you um oh and I'm too tiny could we kill people while they're trading Oh the big guy not to be over oh all right you take out this guy look it's so powerful what's you strike that writing that 2662 I say we join the next bro all right you watching let's do it we do one final brawl one final brawl oh hey the brothers about distillery all right so this was a little bit different set everyone's gonna be fighting to the death oh oh we're in trouble this train I'm not even straight I'm ready to punch right now hoping I don't get them on ginormous again Oh Jen get to the corner of the map oh okay but we'll kill each other and then Amanda would be five oh wait we could watch people I think oh this is actually really cool this is awesome all right maybe this is the same thing as last time oh okay so there's two people in their ballot I think we're bigger than them right you don't have much time god that guy's huge oh no that's a spend are protecting us right we have to battle the winner okay we've got this just fine oh my god I'm in don't hit me okay oh you work together I'll weaken him oh no oh oh no hey it's her yeah oh my god you killed him oh my god you killed me oh you tied for first wait I did cuz you got one kill they all got one kill god that isn't me you're a winner out I just fell over I know that was awesome I really hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did be sure to leave a like also don't forget to subscribe if you'd like to see more videos I hope you guys have an amazing day I love you so much and we'll see you guys next time peace out dudes [Music] you [Music]
Channel: GamingWithJen
Views: 9,103,297
Rating: 4.7190523 out of 5
Keywords: roblox, game, games, gameplay, simulator, tycoon, funny, moments, lets play, popularmmos, gamingwithjen, weight lifting simulator, lifting, strongest player, minigames, mini-game, mini games, cute, couple, fun, girly, pat and jen, kid friendly, challenge, lifting weights, roleplay, bench press, deadlift, brawl, noob, vs, pro, hacker, secret, glitch, fight, roblox weight lifting simulator 3, weight lifting tycoon, robux, protein bar, push up, sit up, roblox fun games, roblox games, codes
Id: RowX8G0b2bo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 33sec (1293 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 27 2018
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