Roblox battle for dream island again…

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Battle for Dream Island oh my goodness this is a show I've watched so long ago I was very little when I watched this and it was good it's like Total Drama Island but with random objects and you could kill each other yeah someone's fiery oh my they're going to burn everything I'm spongy welcome to the Battle for Dream Island Again at the start of each round you'll be pick which team you wish to be on afterwards a wheel will Spin and you will complete in a challenge if your team loses the challenge you will have to head to the cake at Steak and vote someone outse now let's get the sh on the road I hope you enjoy staying for oh guys I'm spongy this is how I talk I am cool we have dictionary we have pin we have uh teardrop teardrop does not talk everyone but teardrop is talking let's be on no name before the challenge starts choose what team you want to be on I want to be on no name because I don't want to have a name let's bend the wheel to see what challenge you'll be competing in oh what's that go to sleep welcome to YY City here is how to complete this challenge explore the city around you and look in buildings for a bed to sleep in first two teams to have everyone in their team snug a bed wins ready go let's go no name we can do this let's go to sleep the weirdest challenge ever but yeah look at me walk I don't actually use my legs I just waddle hey teardrop go find a bed in there I'm sure there's one oh yes I found a bed H I'm sleeping wait let me sleep backwards now it looks like I'm eating the pillow did I win I think we won unfortunately the free smart team has lost a challenge yes I'm on the No Name I'm the best I'm going to leave everyone goodbye you all don't like me because I'm big I'm not big I'm just big welcome to cake at Steak since you lost the challenge you must vote for someone select the contestant you wish to be eliminated but there's only two it's jealous or Ruby who are they going to vote out I wonder are they going to just vote for each other I've decid the votes but before I re them does anyone want to use an advantage time to reveal the votes TV display the votes gelon with no votes you are safe enjoy the cake we are now down to final two with zero votes the final person safe is Ruby hope you enjoy the cake what who's out unfortunately that means three votes tennis ball has been eliminated say your goodbyes I didn't even see tennis ball where did it go hey needle do you want to be friends with me I want to hug you oh my goodness wait a minute it's pin my favorite character hello pin before the challenge starts select what team you want to be on no name I'm not going to betray my team let's spin the wheel to see what challenge you'll be competing in is it just going to be like this every time tower building welcome to tower building here is how to complete this challenge click or tap a block to equip it then place it on your team's mat to place it on the tower the teams with the highest tow will win invisibility at the end go go go go go go go let's do this fiery do not burn me oh wait I need to take a block did I take one I don't know okay just uh go go go go go go I don't know what I'm doing is this even right I don't even know I can't take it someone help I don't know how to take stuff oh no they're so going to vote for me if we lose wait no it's working kind of I'm taking it from here and then I want to place it oh yes we actually have a tower going wait let me spectate the others oh no our Tower just fell oh no it's okay we're still doing well the red team over there is doing really bad haha red team ha ha haa haa haa haa ha haa oh oh no what have we done hey needle is like trying to knock down our Tower oh my goodness I saw that needle someone said needy yes you unfortunately the No Name team has lost that's us it was needle's fault good game no bad game welcome to KI at Stak since you lost the challenge you must vote someone obviously needle needle you knocked our Tower I'm staring at you needle I'm looking at you you know what you did I've received the votes but before I reveal them does anyone want to use Advantage time to reveal the votes oh please tell me I'm safe spongy fiery Dora with no votes you are safe enjoy the cake yes I'm jumping with joy oh here's my cake we are now down to final two with one votes the final person save is f enjoy your cake yes unfortunately that means with four votes needle has been eliminated goodbye needle yes I'm so cute why would anyone want to vote me I've been so nice I'm going to go take for a swim because I'm spongy spongy absorbs water and becomes bigger oh oh yes I'm sinking help I thought sponges float before the challenge starts which team you want to be on no name I want to do tug-of war that might be good for me because I'm strong oh no it's balance beam that's bad welcome to balance beam here is how to complete this challenge but I'm so big Traverse across the balance beam and touch the green button to finish first two teams to complete this challenge win invincibility oh I'm going so quick you have no clue I'm literally going to bounce every everywhere oh my goodness I'm literally almost done wo wo am I doing this so good oh my goodness oh my goodness I can't even see my feet Yes spongy did it first I'm so good what are you guys doing wait let me see I want to spectate them here's Rocky Rocky's kind of going slow but that's okay oh nice skip Rocky I don't even know if you're on my team though I know fries is on my team good job fries you did good okay now it's just these three they're slowly walking I did it in like 5 Seconds oh someone said spongy hi unfortunately the freeart team has lost yes fries with no votes you're safe enjoy the cake now we are down to final two with one votes the person safe is Dora hope you enjoy the cake but Dora isn't here she disappeared unfortunately that means two votes puffball has been eliminated where was puffball it must be time for a new wheel as well let's get rid of the old one oh what where did the wheel go oh my goodness the wheel just changed oh no I'm so going to destroy Rocky for saying oh no no spongy will eat yellow face spongy is approaching yellow face very slowly and now spongy will eat you oh here's a new wheel I'm going to block it with my big body so no one will know H I wonder what the challenge is oh you can't see oh what is that I don't know what that is welcome to punch parkour here is how to win this challenge complete the Obby while avoiding getting punched at my boxing gloves first player to complete the parkour win's invincibility I can do this I'm very good I'm spongy I can do it all oh my goodness my Obby skills I was so good lately oh yes oh yes oh what in the world what just happened did I fall off wait what what do I do oh climb the ladder oh this is weird spongy can climb ladder oh no wait a minute I feel like I might get eliminated uh-oh I'm not doing good anymore I kind of lost oh some of them have fallen teardrop Fallen no not spongy get up oh fiery no fiery one congratulations to fiery you have one invincibility and the rest are are going to die oh wao why am I flying what the heck where am I going someone help me I'm flying Goodbye World I'm a magic carpet wow what is that over there oh that's where we spawned what do I do I actually don't know what to do I'm going to spin no no no no no welcome to kick at Steak I'm flying away from the kicka stick it's like the contestant you wish to vote out I want to vote out m M teardrop because teardrop is talking and that kind of makes me mad time to reveal votes at the TV I can't the TV is getting smaller Ruby book Rocky Ice Cube smiley face with no votes you're safe enjoy the cake wait why not me we are down to final two with two votes the final person safe is but I'm spongy teardrop hope you enjoy the cake what unfortunately that means six votes spongy has been eliminated are you serious no okay I think I'm I'm going to have to retry again because I glitched spongy Battle for Dream Island Again okay let's see who I want to be I want to be pin you're all going to lose to me and you're all going to oh no I'm in the tiny loser chamber someone boosted me up here and now I'm stuck inside with like four other people welcome to Battle for Dream Island Again let's explain how the game works why am I in the tiny loser chamber oh yes I came out is pin nice or mean I think pin is kind of in the medium so I will act medium you're also bad but you're also all good at the same time I'm going to look for spongy my old character spongy where's spongy I can't find spongy spongy spongy where did spongy go before we start choose what team you want to be on I want to be on wo punch let's spin the wheel to see what challenge I hope it's something super good go to sleep again welcome to YY City how did complete this game yes go sleep sleep sleep let's sleep I'm going to go into this blue building first I'm going to steal this bed and I stole it eats the pillows because it tastes so good I'm done sleeping hopefully my team also is good at sleeping unfortunately the free smart team is lost yes bruh jelen just said brh no that's something Ruby would say how is needle over there needle is trying to hack wait I want to hack too fries is hacking no I just fell welcome to the cakey at the saky let's see where you are all at oh there's a lot oh my goodness oh nickel and Dora are tied who is it going to be oh there's a Revo because they're tied why does needle keep on hacking needle is standing between these two we are down to final two with three votes the final person safe is nickel door's being eliminated no I am going to eat eat choose a team what Bunch huh get covered you will not know what the challenge is oh what is that I don't know what that is oh oh cover cover welcome to dungeon is Escape here's how to complete this challenge jump through the blocks on the Obby while avoiding the spikes then touch the green button first two teams to complete this challenge win invincibility oh we'll go first me me me I win I win I'm so good at alies Jump this way and then I'm going to jump this way and then jump this way jump this way oh my goodness I'm doing so good oh I almost messed up oh I went the wrong way oh no oh no no nickel what wait no I made it first no I made it first nickel it was me unfortunately the free smart team has lost again again vote the green you were last I have a name your name is like green so yes let's get rid of green get rid of green oh what's this there's a pencil art on the stairs oh my goodness there are so many more people on this team now now it's between golf ball and match what is match doing match is showing off her butt unfortunately that means three votes match has been eliminated okay bye I will pick W Bunch also by the way some of these objects have no arms like this one this one is Ice Cube no arms haha I have arms that means I'm so much better than you let's do something fun please it's rolling dice welcome to Rolling dice here is how to complete this challenge hit the button to roll the dice that's it oh my goodness so fun the two teams with the highest dice count will win what why do we only have three people on my team okay I'll roll the dice first let's see what we get I got a nine I think that's good unfortunately the free team lost again bro not again haha this game hates free smart no they don't this game loves free smart I want green to lose look how happy green looks I want to make green lose green says no yes what is nickel doing in the middle nickel get down from the cake you're going to stink the cake wait F's role playing fiery said ow I broke my leg FY your legs look fine you're standing on them we're down to final two will it be fries or coiny I love Queeny fries hope you enjoy the cake what no unfortunately that means two votes Queeny has been eliminated I love I don't know why I want to stab this tree this tree will be stabbed before the chall start let's go to w Bunch why are we eating green let's spin the wheel to see the challenge it better not be rolling dice again because that was so boring tug of war yes it's a three-way tug of war welcome to tugare here how the challenge goes Ono tap the Rope icon that appears on your screen as much as possible I don't have Auto clicker the team will begin oh my goodness oh it's like this okay okay okay wait are I understand you just got to click it as soon as it appears like this this okay I'm clicking as fast as I can CL as fast as I can fast as I can I don't know how well we're doing the Rope is not even moving one bit wait I have fries on my team fries is strong go only 3 seconds left click click click click click click click click click click click click click we have to have one unfortunately the freeart team yes no what haa loser I'm better free smart is just so good yeah I'm dead yes I agree needle you are dead wait but W you on my team how are you dead c a steak it's only three of them fiery gelatin and needle they're saying needy no wait needy is already giving up they said yeah GG no don't give up no vot out green and it's gelatin or needle who is going to win gelatin you are safe goodbye needle unfortunately needle is out bye needle is in the tiny loser chamber I want to go to free smart because without me that team will never win and now if I'm on that team we will all win I'm pin win pin go go go go go go go go go go what is that I can't see make YY cakes welcome to make YY stew here's how to complete this challenge collect berries and put them in your team's Bowl to make YY Stew first team that makes enough YY stew for their teams with ability yo mine mine my berries I'll take the berries and then quickly put it in why is it cake okay I'm not sure just just put that in and I'll take this one oh wait I think I see a picture of me that's me okay no admiring oh my we won unfortunately the W punch team has lost yes uh-oh green said bruh again why are you saying bruh again oh there's another picture that is what is that I think that's golf ball vote fries please no I think we should vote you please I don't want to go you have to go it's past your bedtime fries is safe and now it's down to Green and yellow which color do you like more smiley face one yes green you are eliminated bye green yay green is gone no more bruh oh no ice cube seems mad Ice Cube what's wrong is Ice Cube eating Rocky why do I see Rocky in Ice Cube's body I want to go to free smart again because without me they're always going to lose don't jump pencil don't jump I will jump for you ah I died yay I need it to be something good balance beam oh I'm very good at this one welcome to balance beam how did play traversa across the balance beam yes I know and you will win the invincibility I'm going to win for everyone let's go go go oh I'm jumping I'm jumping wa how is someone jumping like that waa oh my goodness needle or not needle nickel nickel said first again no nickel went from like boing boing boing and then did it in three tries unfortunately the W bunch of team has lost yes yes yes yes yes yes yes that rock needs to go you're talking about this tiny rock look how happy he looks no don't make the rock go who said that by the way was it you pencil did you say that oh you're hacking let me hack oh I'm hacking oh no I can't I'm innocent is this murder mystery no let's see who is on the cake fiery again it's yellow and fiery only I don't know where the other one went Smiley no it's yellow face not Smiley why smiley face it's because you smile too much we are down to final who will win smiley face hope you enjoy the cake no unfortunately that means two votes puff ball has been eliminated why is there never puffball yes yes yes yes oh finally the new wheel will disappear that means it's no teaming It's the final countdown oh my someone just said something very mean hold on I will find you and fry your large intestine who said that grabs large intestines it's nickel let's spin the wheel to see you will be competing I want something good what is that I can't see welcome to king of donut here's how to win this challenge one player must complete this Obby to get the donut at the top of mountain try to tag the player with the donut to steal it Whoever has the donut at the end go okay go go go go oh the donut is up there I will make it first oh no pencil's ahead I can't let pencil win fiery burn her you're fire fire burns wood I can't see the jumps because I fell go pin go pin go pin Do Not freak Do Not freak I know you freak but oh oh I did not realize I had to jump more oh wait someone has a donut ay no pencil I saw you you were behind this building building you get back yes yes no no no no no don't give me that donut now I don't want to play tag with you I will stab you no no no no no no no no no we're all chasing I'm going to go the other way oh no there's only 10 seconds oh please oh please oh oh no where's the Donut oh the donut is so far away yes yes yes yes yes I'm so close I'm so close I'm going to touch it no no no no no no no no no no no fries fries fries who got it congratulations to fries no I have no clue so I'm just going to vote out pencil time to reveal the votes Ice Cube and Rocky with no votes you're safe what pin smiley face you receive one vote Yes I'm safe we have a tie between pencil nickel and fiery all three bro I want to get rid of pencil so bad pencil's so bad don't do me if you do you are doing it cuz I'm better uh bye pencil pencil you received two votes you're safe oh my goodness there's still tie between nickel and fiery as this is another tie on a revote the tie Breakers will face off in a tiebreaker yes hello contestants welcome to tiebreaker you have been given swords the first player to die will win go go go go go I need to see spectate now who will win fire or nickel oh who just died who died I don't know who died hello I think fiery died let's spin the wheel to see the next challenge it will be oh waa waa whoo what's the wheel doing the wheels just went and skirt skirt Knife Fight welcome to Knife Fight here has how to win since you all brought rocket launchers disguises knives fire at your opponent while staying alive the last player alive wins invincibility this is not a night fight oh what just happened I didn't even get to do anything did I kill myself I feel like I killed myself oh wait here's firy F's next to the tiny loser chamber ha wait how is green still here green is still stuck in the tiny chamber congratulations pencils You've Won no has Ice Cube been moving hello Ice Cube are you alive inside hi I'm Ice Cube I don't know who to vote I want to get rid of nickel nickel nickel I'm going to look at nickel yellow face is safe a Fri nickel Rocky you've received one vote wait what about me we have tie between pin and Ice Cube what why me there will be a revote no please vote out you DK pin what does that mean ice cube Ice Cube is bad get rid of you pin no what did I do though what did I do I did nothing either we are down to final two with two votes the final person safe is please me no oh my goodness you all hate me because I'm super better than you no I got five votes um so I'm inside the tiny loser chamber now because I lost to Ice Cube and I think I did pretty good even though I did lose goodbye
Channel: CentiDent
Views: 528,328
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Roblox, Roblox battle for dream island again, Roblox funny
Id: xNFHAL2oiNg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 41sec (1181 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 02 2024
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