Robin Williams Interview - The Final Cut -The Tonight Show - 2004

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tersh all right the one the only Robin Williams is coming out of just second but you see when you book someone like Robin you have the problem who can follow Robin William that's that's the only one man Jerry the chicken man from Somerset Kentucky this Jerry the chicken area chicken man we won tonight tonight oh man you seen him on the cover magazine you read his book yeah he's here tonight following Robin and very cool music from Velvet Revolver well tomorrow night uh controversial fun Michael Moore why Michaels coming on so close to the election find out all right y'all are my first guest oscar-winning actor and comedian his films include the Fisher King Good Will Hunting insomnia latest movies great the final cut very creepy Rob's good in these roles he does a terrific job it opens in theaters tomorrow please welcome the one the only Robin Williams welcome back my friend thank you for the lovely Jamaican melody Irie One Nation welcome to the general Jamaican Christmas special that's right that's a hurry right there yes lovely where the smoked chicken has been awake for two days this is very colourful dice table nice to see I'm anxious did you watch to watch The Grapes last night it was it was a good night actually I uh W looked a little thin it was okay working there every time he gets a good answer I think that Karl Rove is gonna come on get my treat well done well done well good job hey thank you I just want to know the second debate that thing we walked down stage and went I don't who's he winking at like hey I know you're there it's hard to hit on someone in the middle of a national debate yeah yeah I don't know I don't see that but I like the fact that you know their initial E they wouldn't have the cameras on each of them but right but you know very seldom do you I never saw Churchill do yeah yeah who's right in the convention they compared W to the Winston Churchill which is kind of like the carrot top Mark Twain comparison this has some wonderful things yeah how many forest run about Kerry how did Harry do Jerry's holding on there you know he sometimes he has the warmth of a snow pea but that yeah I'm Sophie yeah it's kind of like I know these things you know and I'm glad that we haven't gotten into the whole Vietnam debate you know he was in Vietnam and George was in the same National Guard unit as Bigfoot that's okay yeah okay yeah I saw him I shall be padieu I go guard unit now come now don't be afraid you're gonna report for duty I'll just go finish this one I'll be right there now Iraq of course is a big story right and you over there you visited over a year ago they've been it was two days after they had caught Hussein which was kind of amazing because when who's Salaam Hussein came out of that hole I thought he looked like Nick Nolte really yeah oh I can't wanna be with Sean Penn and walk out and I took a couple I did something next thing you know they're picking lice out of my beard yeah weird thing and he was amazed because when he walked out he said I want to negotiate Wow yeah that takes a lot it's a lot of cojones me enjoy the cop climbs up on that one by me we lost his sons he lost he Daewoo then the third one eBay is still no weapons oh no will no weapons of mass destruction look out there they look they found the one look at we found one I'm sorry that's a weather balloon I was wondering why my voice was changing and now they said there was that but the CIA said there were no weapons of mass destruction no connection to al Qaeda and then Condoleezza Rice said that if if the sanction had had been lifted he would have had the weapons of mass destruction so now we're in the pre-crime right well it's a thought of a third yeah thought there's one still waiting by the ball to fall like me I know well are you optimistic about changes in the future that I'm hoping for change there you know a big time because after being in Afghanistan you know you've the elections in Afghanistan I have you know been there - I mean you want we've got us you've got to deal with it because you've you're in the midst of it so the weird thing in the first debate was remember when Kerry quoted George the first yeah and said that you know there was no exit strategy why did we get involved at that moment you saw w kind of a nice phone call dr. Freud phone call is that point your father didn't go in what are you going well come on Corky we're gonna do what dad couldn't the one thing that Carey kept saying though is you know Osama bin Laden where is he didn't get him is six-foot seven Arab on dialysis ha ha wandering around making travel videos in Pakistan they look like he's doing bass fishermen in Pakistan Here I am by another mountain stream now you're you're living in San Francisco now well you have for a long time now the whole gay marriage is a huge story a big oh you can't say gay marriage you can also say same-sex marriage which four people have been married is kind of redundant right right yeah it's always the same sex Oh daddy or Daddy whoopee um then they said you can call it a union then the Union guys get pissed off hey it's not a union you know it's not local pipe fitters number 69 Bobby what are you doing I'm fitting a pipe you know what do you gotta do basically is you know amendment commandment your call my man you know you know there's a lot of people go you can't put pork in the Constitution to put that in put the pork singing during the pork thing and I will stay how about the Governor Schwarzenegger how's that as you know it's very strange for me very happy it's initially there are a lot of old Germans going it's so easy you don't have to invade you don't need armor or artillery you just repeat phrases for movies so weird but maybe the possibility of actually a moderate Republican you know it's like remember when double used to call himself a compassionate conservative and I always thought weird kind of combination it's like a Volvo with a gun rack right yeah Bob lower the gun there you know it we had initially you know he gave back to luxury context and if they have a Hummer and I'm talking about the car you got it you know you need these big cars to carry around big American asses you got to do I have a hybrid which is basically like a golf cart you know it's like when it has to make a noise to back up a sec baby even deaf people go I know it's a hybrid okay it did that mall car that the actuals behind us your call caught Malkovich car B car it is a B but you know a little take a break mode rather after this hey what do you I haven't spoken to you since Martha Stewart went to prison what you take on them Martha's going inside I mean yeah well nobody knows the duvets I mean you call this quiche Wharton I can't wait to something she starts teaching classes oh my god Martha taught me how to do a Trump door in my sail window I no longer say is a derogatory term I call my lifetime companion who is with me in my sail together we are doing lovely needlepoint with mommy I like working with her you know it's a designer prison anyway yes camp cupcake isn't yeah cupcake cupcake that's the name camp cupcake okay cupcake I'm compass someone's going over the hedge yeah what's the lethal injection oh my god they're doing Botox god damn woman spying now I want to talk to you about final cut I saw on the move the other than I really you're very good at these a creepy guy rules yeah it's nice to do this no it was fun cuz it's so opposite looking oh you're a nice person no no no this you get to know the real Robin yes thanks Jay thanks well he's really not a bad can see that I'm not I don't want to give it away itself described will be what great I told him you okay you didn't give it away kind of no yeah except for Condoleezza Rice is going I know it's a fascinating cop tell people basically it's the idea of a kind of an ear or an alternative future where they can put a chip in neutral and that will record everything in your life and from womb to tomb basically and when you die they take the chip out and it's recorded all the video and audio of your life from birth till death and then for those your loved ones you basically create a rememory taking the highlights there's a computer program that sorts through obviously the day to day number of hours in bathrooms right thank you dilly but and basically you pick out the highlights from that after talking to family and friends it's basically like having your own AFI tribute right right and here's another movie there's a turkey that I didn't want a bass but it's basically that this technology would exist and the good and bad of that and you know subjective memory versus objective memory of you know you do brain works in wonderful ways and obviously present parties brain works in very interesting ways but remembering certain things I don't know what happened there's your money here's you money here's your money duck where's it going words are gonna hurry God right here right here right here gotta help plan that'll help and maybe gotta help my old not in there right now right now good we're on a boat this way but back to the movie what was that about a little little little fractal but you're a cutter like that cutter is basically an editor he looks at the footage in my specialty in this movie is editing the darker I mean the very you know the questionable lives people who have secrets that they don't want reveal right so you take those out and you take those out Union and the one who's capable of looking at them and looking at the really nasty stuff any stuff you want to erase i I did a pretty good job from the age of 38 to no not from the age of 30 to 38 I even then I couldn't say it uh those were my lost years and yeah yeah those one the lost year I remember the right yeah hi Robin's on the corner go pick him up yeah bring you to a low grade mr. Robert Wilson you better go home now you got to put on some pants too if you can't go on The Tonight Show and you and you get two men you give me back my pimp suit too you get to make out with Mira Sorvino some like make out with Mira Sorvino you thank you thank you for that moment yeah she's gorgeous and also stone-cold brilliant which is a lovely double bill and she's mine she speaks Chinese speaks Chinese which is always good to have in case of outsource and that's exactly that was perfect Chinese that's amazing a friend called up a friend had a computer breakdown he called up the the helpline and all of a sudden the first person on the phone hello my name is Bob they do oh yeah they teach people to say I am definitely an American helping me you would be a computer now at my hand to God we call the guy I called the tech line here and I got a guy in India and I said thank you what your name it goes Abraham I said alright ma'am that's an unusual name so where's your phone he said Abraham Lincoln I said why Abraham Lee he said we were told to pick names American to be familiar what you done in orgy I'm going to help you with your order and don't piss me off I have an atomic bomb in the backseat more serious note I know you and you and then Chris Reeve we're good we're really good friends oh yeah like he's like family to me yeah and you were you were roommates right yeah we were classmates um he was quite because I used to go to his apartment and borrow food which is yeah basically saying he fed me he was brought in to Julia to be a leading man and I was brought in to be the character actor so we've developed his friendship early on now remember Houseman we've sitting in the office with John Houseman because we're master students and husband was saying mr. Williams mr. Reeves theater need you you will find yourself as apprentices and soldiers in the army of the theater unless of course you can make loads of cash making movies but he was you know we started that friendship there and he you know went on to be Superman I was Popeye one day we were walking down the street in New York and all of a sudden two black girls Lee Papa forget Papa I want to know Superman yeah didn't got tights on but I know he can fly come on it was great too even after the accident what he did his activism and you know he went from being you know looking like a Greek god - all of a sudden becoming a Buddha you know very still very powerful and speaking as as Bobby Kennedy said speaking in complete expository paragraphs very elegant very precise once again it was like you'd be walking around in New York and guys just you know hardcore working guys with yo tell your friend Chris he's amazing you know and for the work he was doing with spinal cord research and when he was quoted in the debate by Kerry it was a great moment because he realized that he had pushed it to be a major political issue at that point and that he has been there for stem-cell research and you know the idea that there is incredible things to be to be done in that area and now with Patti Davis when we I mean people basically coming out saying don't ignore this because there's amazing potential and Kerry that I'm fight his legacy I think you have to because it is around the bend there is something incredible there and for me as a blindside man you know he's gone but he's flying you know because he's free from that body but he's a thank you that lovely tribute that was very nice William go right back when Jerry the chicken man he's best known for being Jerry the chicken man before your ears from some basically lucky Jarek Isaac come on out here Jerry now I'm not miss my man Jerry where where is Somerset Kentucky Somerset Kentucky is the 85 miles south of Lexington Kentucky sound electric yeah that like Cumberland okay let's let's get started here cuz we ran a little bit over so I don't want to rush you here but I want to hear some of your fit I guess the chicken first let's hear the chicken that's it okay here we go well that's very good our chicken our chickens fooled by that two chickens come when you lay up your hands get real hot right yeah I want him I don't know that I think I'll be a rooster Robin as you can see spent a lot of time for me I don't know about the rooster well how did you get sweated just come from why don't you get started I grew up around chickens cows horses no okay I guess it rubbed off on me yeah yeah alright okay alright little eggs you know yeah and you do a turkey as well yeah I'm innocent okay that sounds just like a girl they used to going right now O'Reilly's on the foam gun let him do it again do it real slow this time and then make a noise like an ice sheet come on how about about the throw you need to stand you can stand to these you can make me then yeah this is the crow okay here in the blind Sigma Bhavan are waiting to see if the big ones can make that damn crow noise again Kenny we're indoors but if we shoot a crow in here we get to keep it right that's right yeah very you know a lot of people been eatin crow recently that's a now one of the neighbors think in your Navy I mean people hear you and go Jerry what do you think you're strange or you married man I uh no single divorce divorce okay she got tired of the rooster yeah how many times you been divorced three you've been divorced three times the women generally liked you making those noises oh yeah oh that you make them before or after it's like that joke it's like the joke about the chicken and that and the egg are sitting in the bed and the egg is smoking a cigarette and it's going now that we've answered that question what else do you want to know now what's the hardest one to do probably the mockingbird the Mockingbird you need to stand to do the money to get the saliva right you want to hold out of here oh thank got to get to saliva right this is a they know yo you know they know y'all right this is the mockingbird whoa that's mother more that's it see that would be like The Ballad if you are a singer that would be like the Ballon six dig the Mafia that's very lyrical at that point I'm like we are now in a small few yeah you do other animals is you just do fowl is that your main area or do you do horses new horses cows or horses let it go coming out of sheet number five Terry chicken man laying it down friggin get the Royal English family on phone line or two now you have the big finale this is the chicken song yeah you have to come back and do the work because we ran late but you okay you'll come back to do it again but for now give us the chicken the big chicken finale this is you can finale this is a song you do yeah song at it it's in the key of G okay here you in the key of G there's a little red hen lives down the street she can do the busy looking with the drunk could be a rooster ain't kicking this chick ain't make it grow neither ready hidden the chicken man Oh
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Views: 243,387
Rating: 4.7751632 out of 5
Keywords: Robin Williams, The Tonight Show, 2004, Jay Leno, Christopher Reeves, The Final Cut
Id: 5XxfiBB_mZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 53sec (1253 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 10 2016
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