Robert Wadlow le géant d'Alton

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[Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] seven feet car twelve years on the way 240 pounds these boys people Romney our go-to thing days I am here let's say made sire another Rob Lowe 12 years old where 240 pounds of them we're about seven feet tall these boys look around me but Kings a design they go to the same grade I play baseball basketball football I hope I hope the big man like Mendez and playing another love my 70 calls for beers on the weigh 240 pounds he both look around me I say he'd Sam you're the same grade enjoy playing baseball Kabang basketball my graph I have to be big and MacLean if I can do a plain big mouth I'm letting her look like 12 years old 7 beat over 240 pounds he thought I'd cook around me I'd say made Siam ago the same grade I enjoy playing baseball basketball when I grow up I'll have to be big man like Lindy but you're painting enough I never go to 20s a 70-ton and I 2 and Watertown and I hooked up they both grew premier thing great Diana but they made when I grew up and it's a real big man Mike Linden if I get playing veena that'll vary must cosmeceutical it bad another one will seven feet are 12 years old we're 230 pounds he pooped around me or in seven they're in the same grade now as I am amazed that same age when I grow up I want to be a big man like Lin if I can give a plain big enough by the way I might start suddenly here's our 25 [Music] all right Robert were mighty well pleased to have you in our midst here we don't very often get big shots in our community like you are I want you to meet the city manager with the McElroy after need to Robert lotta glad to have you while you're here town will be gone on Ivar please I'll be tight how did you sleep last night Robert that was plenty big enough we didn't use a boxcar well we're mighty pleased to have you here we hope you'll return and want you to feel at home here we want you to feel that you're really our guest anything we can do for you while you're here why just let us know [Music] ready Robert Almighty glad to have you here as our guest we want you to feel at home here we want to do everything we can to make your trip you visit more pleasant and I believe the judge McElroy our city manager medium mighty glad to meet you Robert I didn't have you here he wants to run a footrace with you alright on a hundred-yard day long way way too long alright whenever you're getting ready right Paula they're good enough [Music] Ruska Murphy back up Bart this little bit notice most movie business in man [Music] most no confusion around looking up around Bobby Marfa [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: FilmImages
Views: 103,125
Rating: 4.8066349 out of 5
Keywords: Stock, footage, library, HD, Film, 35mm, Robert Pershing Wadlow, homme le plus grand, plus grand scout du monde, Alton Giant, Giant of Illinois, tallest person, World's tallest Boy Scout, Tallest Man in History, Alton dans l'Illinois, FilmImages, Film Images banque d'images, Movietone sound system
Id: fLtu--EPg18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Tue May 09 2017
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