Robert the Model | Everybody Loves Raymond

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oh my God you guys are not going to believe this okay [Music] [Applause] Robert hey he went to the agency they sign signed him as a client he already had his photo session with Herbert and they're going to start sending him out right away why is Uncle Robert standing like that well Ellie because my husband is a model and sometimes models wear tight [Laughter] underwear stop it Ray no Rob I just think that's terrific I have always said that you were handsome and then we would laugh and laugh and laugh we noticed your lights are oh you guys guess what what Robert signed with the modeling agent all right what's the punchline no joke dad William Dennison of the William Dennison modeling agency felt that I had potential as a model and uh I've decided to fulfill it oh Robert that's wonderful oh even as a baby you were always a looker I always thought he was more of a look at that no you know actually I'm not going to go for the stereotypical boring good looks thing I've got more of a character face like the wolf man no maybe more like someone who gets paid to represent a major aspirin company okay all right I'm getting the major ass part that was headache guy stop it right now I think that was great Robert do another one no enough I don't like this I didn't raise no male models oh Frank that's all right I expected just such a reaction guess it goes with the territory it's why they pay us the big bucks they say he could potentially make a 100,000 a year holy crap shut up paint your face and start swinging it downtown hey Dad you could make some money you could be hemorrhoid [Applause] guy make me an offer [Laughter] [Applause] nobody wants to see your father Robbie maybe you can find something for Raymond there must be a cute and adorable Department all right can we just all let Robert have his moment oh that's all right Deborah I don't mind spreading my good fortune you know if you want Ray I can introduce you to Mr Dennison when I pick up my pictures that's okay Robert okay one delusional person in the family is enough oh Robie I can't wait to see your picture in all the mag make that too delusional people I think it's very exciting Robert I'm proud of you a thanks Amy thanks Ma so there were a lot of good-looking broads down [Laughter] there Dad please those are my colleagues dad so any of these colleagues Swedish oh great I'm interested in my brother's life and Europe okay look will you relax we're just here to pick up the pictures and then we're gone all right but we're going to be seeing some real models right I didn't come down here to see PMS lady or laxative girl all right look just don't do anything to embarrass me don't worry I'm going to keep my mouth shut except for when I'm going wow we I mean it Raymond no goofing around okay this is very important to [Laughter] me not quite as glamorous as I thought it would be [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Everybody Loves Raymond
Views: 40,842
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 3sec (303 seconds)
Published: Sat May 04 2024
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