Robert Plant - Big Log (Official Video) [HD REMASTERED]
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Channel: Robert Plant
Views: 23,815,898
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Keywords: Robert Plant, sensational space shifters, band of joy, led zeppelin, John Paul Jones (Record Producer), big log, the principles of moments, music, rock, rock and roll, guitar, music video, 1983, official, legend, icon, british, United Kingdom (Country), Rock Music (Musical Genre), Zeppelin, Led, classic rock, jimmy page, live music, hard rock, led zeppelin subtitulada espanol, plant, led zeppelin live, john paul jones, led zeppelin songs, folk rock, robert, phil collins
Id: FxSsol3Zd7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 3sec (363 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 08 2013
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I love this song but man..."Big Log" am I missing something? Help a brother out.