Robert Lustig, M.D., M.S.L. — "Processed Food: An Experiment That Failed"
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Views: 450,181
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Keywords: gbcans, nutrition, ambition-nutrition, robert lustig, Rob lustig, health, wellness, George Brown College, GBC, Centre for Hospitality and Culinary Arts at George Brown College, CHCA, ambition nutrition, science, research, health eating, diet, healthy diet
Id: pvgxNDuQ5DI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 48sec (3708 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 11 2017
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Dr.Lustig conducted a small experiment on obese children's diets (43 total), and for 9 days swapped out added sugar food items with conventional processed carbohydrate foods ("crappy food" with no added sugar). The total calorie intake was the same Essentially a swap of fructose for glucose.
Fasting lab results improved, Blood pressure down, insulin sensitivity up, Lactate improved, Lipid profiles improved, Glucose Tolorance Improves, Insulin dropped. While subcutaneous fat did not decrease, viceral fat and liver fat did decrease.
The result of this small experiment are remarkable because it shows that even with a poor choice of carbohydrate replacement of fructose, this much improvement can occur in the span of a week of removing added sugar from a diet.
Good video except for his belief that we all need fiber.