Robert Irwin Head-Jumps His Biggest Croc Ever! | Crikey! It's The Irwins

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Australia Zoo is reaching its milestone birthday next year we're going to be fifty years old so to celebrate Steve and our fiftieth anniversary we're going to completely redesign our crocodile environmental park before we start renovating our environmental Park comes the most difficult job removing our alligators and massive saltwater crocodiles out of their enclosures which means catching them taking them across to a temporary holding area and then take them back at the end of it it's a very very difficult procedure I wish I had a heart rate monitor on my heart just go can you see him today our big task is to move Bosco so we can renovate this enclosure but before we can do this we have to find him [Music] it's a weird time of day is just weird time of days I get fed now we don't feed crops at this time of day the crock shows aren't until the afternoon so I'm gonna need to somehow let him know that I have food [Music] information and he just a nick is the speaker system set up for talking yeah yeah Terry made a really good point start talking on the like a demo just so he thinks it's all normal [Music] testing you know everyone well welcome to Australia Zoo what we're trying to do here is we're trying to catch a naughty bosco it's coming up now and this is the true out of the crocodile you can see that he's moving into position here it comes here it comes he wants to get a little bit closer he's moving in he's gonna you might come out it's slow Nia Oh God nice one Terry I've just got no room here we say crocodiles aren't too fast on land but Bosco is the exception and he is so quick yeah turn him turn you might open up big fella open up big fella yeah yes I've got the first top jaw rope on now first thing I need to do right now is get a second one on and the reason I do that is as a safety let's keep them to the front for now we need to swing into spinning big pool big pool okay that'll do stop just hold in there we might get the jump team ready this is actually a really big moment for me personally because this is the biggest crock I've ever had jumped and it's all about timing ever everyone come in everyone come in let's okay on whenever you are ready Robert I'm happy all right jump team ready get that tile strike I need more help we're good we're good guys we're good okay all right I just need some lifter you're gonna take this mess up all right good good great job buddy thank you even though we've got all these people on him we're holding him down and using all of our weight and all our strength he could he could still give us a bit of a go now comes the point where we're actually gonna put him into the box yeah coming truth and this is a very crucial point oh you're being dinosaur you so we could just lift up Toby's just looping the last few ropes on his head to make sure his jaws is secure when we jump off of him we're gonna put the front of his head in the box and get him in there but he's such a powerful croc he's a really big boy so let's get the Box in a bit more can have the RAM please feel the breath come up on your face that's the most spooky thing I mean just talking about it then the hairs on the next star stand up straight there'll be an initial group of people get off the croc when I say now that's your cue to pull him into the box heito pulled into the box yeah if he doesn't get off on there nice yeah yeah I would just make sure that he's cleared before they okay guys so everybody split up good all right so we'll listen up and listen carefully because we don't want to pull Robert into the box you've all got a good enough footing everyone's got a bit of right ready to pull it through okay we're all ready there are wiggle your ties make sure your legs are working okay go now now let's go [Music] like jump thanks for grabbing me Val thanks he's a big boy I need house when you're going in on him you are jumping him was an experience I will never ever forget I am just filled with adrenaline right now oh nice my mind thanks guys that was a crazy move I'm shaking that was a huge process but we still have to get Bosco out of this area to a whole new place so the days not over yet [Music] crikey that was amazing click here to watch more clips click here to see more and for full episodes of your favorite shows click here to go to Animal Planet
Channel: Animal Planet
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Keywords: animal planet, animal planet us, animal planet full episodes, gator boys, crikey it's the irwins, my cat from hell, crikey its the irwins, crikey its the irwins full episodes, crikey its the irwins season 2, animal planet full episodes 2019, steve irwin, australia zoo steve irwin, australia zoo crocodile show, robert irwin australia zoo, australia zoo robert irwin, crikey its the irwins full episodes season 2, australia zoo steve irwin son, steve irwin crocodile hunter intro
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 59sec (479 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 08 2019
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