Rob McElhenney on Getting Jacked For 'It's Always Sunny' | Don't Read The Comments | Men's Health

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where are the ABS Rob I'm gonna give you a little lesson in biology the abs are always there they're in there they're just behind a bunch of tacos and tequila I was enjoying myself on vacation the ABS are there and the second I want those ABS to come back all it takes is three to four months of starving myself hello so it turns out that people on the internet have a lot to say I don't know if you were aware of that one of the subjects that a certain subset of the internet has found interesting is my body transformations from normal to morbidly obese to in very good shape back to normal so we're going to check out what the Internet has to say about that and I'm going to try and respond in the classiest way possible Rob McElhenney did both of these things to his body for the sake of comedy he has more dedication to a joke but I have to anything in my entire life Rachel first of all I appreciate you saying that the truth is I have more dedication to the paycheck then I do to the comedy but they paid me a lot of money to do this if you can find a studio who's willing to pay you what they pay me to make Sonny you will have a lot more dedication than you think oh this is me at the pride parade Rob McElhenney can you please tell me how in the hell you got so ripped putting us all into shame after that transformation okay I'm gonna break it down for you because it's actually quite simple and anybody can do this anybody on the planet can do this first things first if you have a job like a nine-to-five job quit that now do you like food forget about that because you're never gonna enjoy anything you eat alcohol sorry that's out so what you're going to need to do is you have a chef right look like a personal chef so make sure the chef makes you a lot of chicken breast and make sure you keep your caloric intake at a certain level and as you go to your physician two to three times a week just to monitor all your testosterone levels because testosterone is important to to building muscle you're good friends with the trainer from Magic Mike right Aaron pemain so you want to give Aaron a call and you want to make sure he's at your house takes you to the gym at least twice a day because you're gonna want to do your muscle building in the morning and then your cardio in the afternoon now do you have a family like significant other or kids yeah forget about them you're not gonna have time to deal with them so that's really all you have to do and make sure that you have said studio pay for the entire thing because it could become exceptionally expensive so I think if you just do all of those things then you too can have an absolutely unrealistic body type such as me I just learned that Rob McElhenney aka Mack from It's Always Sunny had a cameo on the Game of Thrones premiere what a time to be alive why does that blow you away Zak what a time to be alive that's something you say when something is so astonishing we landed on Mars what a time to be alive my car can drive me home or what a time to be alive Rob McElhenney gets an acting job outside of the big gouge my eye out not that big of a deal man move past it Rachel Millman says max from always Sonny's was better and realer I hope you're watching this canal they both failed to mention how this actually works which is steroids Rachel I'm not going to get into the medical science of it let me just tell you something increased levels of testosterone is just across I have to bear some men just have elevated levels of testosterone and I would say if you look at Kumail and if you look at me you'd be like well sure those two guys must have elevated levels of testosterone naturally because they're just you know alpha dog monsters and I talked about it with Kumail all the time I'm like we're just like very masculine men you know it's sometimes we just have to work out a little bit and pop our shirts off and that's just the way it's going to be didn't know Matt from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia plays quarterback for the Jacksonville Jaguars now okay so I got this quite a bit over the course of the season cuz homie had a pretty good year I suppose we do look rather similar although I think I have 22 years on him but I think I got a better body in you and your professional athlete so work on yes your face looks significantly younger but that body is that the body type of a professional athlete I'm starting to think I could play quarterback for the Jacksonville Jaguars next question fruity boy says how am I gonna take you seriously and how many Tide Pods did Charlie eat before those commercials I'll tell you my man I know he was gonna go shoot that commercial and then I'm watching the Super Bowl he is all over the game yeah I think it's like four different commercials of four different segments and he played a bigger role in it than the 49ers defense okay Rob McElhenney what was your workout regiment during the time what kind of steps reps did you have going on no I think I've already covered this so I would refer you to Aaron Burr Byun I would enzyme by it I think we should put his handle down there all I do is I say what did what a Tatum do and then he tells me and I'm like okay I'm gonna do one more than him every time except lower the weight by half Rob McElhenney firm it's always sunny is the only actor I respect for getting jacked or fat for a role because he is doing it for the sake of really dumb jokes is that what you think Chris do you think I'm doing this for really dumb jokes once again I'm doing it for the money okay fat mac was for the people fat mac represented me this new shredded mac makes me feel sad about myself well Brian that was my goal I was like who's this Brian Quinn I know he's out there and I'm gonna make an entire season of a TV show dedicated to making him feel sad about himself so Brian I'm glad I accomplished my goal your transformation especially from fat Mac back to a regular Mac let alone current will always be impressive but this is really good for everyone needing body positivity seeing slow gains you're so amazing to be real about this and everything that was that was a long tweet the only thing I took from it was impressive and amazing moving on his Always Sunny in Philadelphia season 13 episode 10 according to Nick Frost what a show I found me and really beautiful and moving how it flits from Frank with a swollen face to Mac sexuality seamlessly and yet both are ludicrous and utterly beguiling this is our smartest fan without a doubt Nick Frost is officially our smartest fan Thank You Nick well internet I really appreciate all of your comments my guess is since I have answered all of these that you will stop having opinions and comments and posting them online regarding me and any other political or socio issue that you feel strongly about so I hope that I've finally closed the book on all internet comments [Music]
Channel: Men's Health
Views: 2,820,435
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mens, health, it's always sunny, rob mcelhenney, mac, fat mac, jacked mac, weight loss, body transformation, it's always sunny in philadelphia, weight gain, game of thrones, arin babaian, channing tatum, diet, exercise, workout, cameo, abs, ripped, chef, kumail nanjiani, steroids, jacksonville jaguars, gardner mishnew, quarterback, tide commercial, superbowl commercial, charlie, nick frost, comments, men's health, vs the internet, danny devito, kaitlin olson, charlie day, mythic quest
Id: ZPOzOanrNyg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 27sec (447 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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