ROASTING the only artist that deserves it!

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so here's a thing about me and critique and like so-called roasts okay I don't really like being negative I can't bring it in myself to be mean to anyone necessarily what are you an idiot sandwich there's only one person in the world I'm allowed to been mean to and it's me I can criticize myself I recently found an old time lapse of mine of something I drew four years ago and oh my God I had no idea what I was doing I'm not allowed to be mean to myself says who I'm allowed to be mean to myself as I like cuz don't take myself seriously let me show you my old video okay all right here we go it's time this is a raith fan art I believe I drew in early 2019 see this is Here's the final drawing I mean I mean there issue this is kind of cute okay okay okay okay so like first step already and I'm like wait wait wait what was what was I doing here what was I doing here you can tell that my lines are so sketchy and chicken scratchy right from the very very GetGo I'm I'm literally doing [Music] like you can laugh you can laugh it's fine you can be as mean as you want to 2019 pcap I call it bold and bright more like belongs in the trash I like I don't know what I'm doing so then here you go let's Chicken Scratch our way through and try to make something happen I did not have the box knowledge and you will be a to see that I have not even thought about drawing boxes at this point because um there will be struggling in here there will be struggling so here I am chicken scratching my way into what I hope is a decent pose casually drawing the face five times cuz I don't know what's going [Music] on I mean it's okay we got some detail coming in okay now we now we finally GNA do the line art now but wasn't it fun um this was 10 hours this was 10 hours there was a specific way I was drawing back then okay I was I really wanted crisp line art as you can see here I did a pretty good job the line art is really really clean and basically how I did clean clean line art back in the day was I got all the way in here like here's my sketch and I I would be like carefully oh no that looks a little bit thick here then clean things up like that you know make sure that not a single Pixel out of place but that's not why all of it took that much time I redraw the bun and then I realize oh no perspective is a thing if we're looking at the character from below then uh yeah the belts should actually be uh rotated upwards I'll just do like a cylinder I was like I literally drew a cylinder like this and I was then I drew the belts like that I'm like gee I wonder why this doesn't look right oh gee I did not understand a single thing about perspective back in the day how do I do it now um I could do a quick demo right if I had to approach something like this today I'd probably start by doing a rough sketch it's still loose but it's not as sketchy if we go back here right like my lines were very very uncertain and scribbly you can be loose without being sketchy I would probably try to get a bit more gesture into it as well that would probably how I choose to sketch it today I'd probably think of perspective more from the get-go but since I didn't really know what I was trying to execute I had to kind of go through a lot of trial and error and a lot of redrawing to get the effect that I actually wanted so that's why we should draw boxes or else we end up struggling like I used to do in the past so if I was going to do a sketch right now like you can still be loose without having to resort to Chicken Scratch like how I used to right so I feel like there's a pretty big difference between this and what I'm doing today which by the way took way less time oh yeah and don't forget the belts go like this because guess what I already have these guidelines in place so I already kind of know what the perspective is supposed to be unlike here zero look this is flat right here there's there's no perspective here at all look even the scarf here is flat I don't even know what I was going for I feel like it was like a straight on perspective and at some point I decided actually let's let's make the perspective different and nothing has to change right I was wrong I feel the difference between chicken scratching and just having loose searching lines this I think is chicken scratch it's not bad that you do it because I feel like everybody starts with it even if you need to do searching lines right to kind of find your shape I know a lot of artists that do searching lines like this but try to keep your lines extended and smooth and that way you'll have basically more form and flow through your drawing try to use longer lines right like you don't have to do this like I was doing that's quite different let's keep watching this all right so now I decide that it's going she's going to be looking down on you so I have to redraw all of the belts see this is why it's good to plan out your drawing because I did the finished line art and I realized oh wait a second if you see it from below shouldn't the belts be curving up so I had to redraw every single belt and don't forget the way I did lineer back in the day was to zoom in and like very carefully erased individual pixels like this to make sure they look right so yeah it was pretty tedious of course I have to redraw the hands at least six [Music] [Laughter] times so um here I start doing some basic cell shading that's fine I guess so I add the black shading I mean like in the end considering I didn't really know what I was doing it's it's okay it's it's not bad it's it's a pretty cute pretty appealing drawing not really a lot of fundamentals involved oh of course I of course the classic ah looks a little boring what do I do watch this boring drawing Dynamic drawing Tada even back then baby P knew that I think we look at it right um how much time did the shading take versus just the line art struggle did uh let's see I started shading and coloring coloring actually took pretty significant amount of time I thought it was going to be like 20% but it's like a solid maybe 35% of the of the drawing because maybe back then I was using procreate and I didn't have the good good old fill tool so I did so I colored every individual thing in like this listen I had just get got started with digital art I didn't know there were things I could do so I just did everything as um manually as possible so imagine this but for like 10 hours this was before I did any kind of studying just through Vibes and feel alone I could draw like this which frankly I mean like it's not that bad right I didn't know what Anatomy was I didn't know what perspective was I didn't know what any of that stuff was and I think that's a reason why I feel like when you're telling absolute beginners to start drawing I don't think you have to start by drawing like 250 boxes that's overdoing it this is just pure Vibes I'm sure I could do much better today should we just do one just do a better race right now cuz I can do it all right all right I'll try this layer over here is just like Bas the basic sketch layer I guess just kind of roughly get the shapes I want in there there's a couple of belts here this time I'll get the perspective right on the first try hopefully oh hips took me such a long time I did so many hip studies because hips are really hard because they connect because they're a really hard sh to visualize because they connect to the Torso and the legs so how does that work for me it kind of helps to imagine them as kind of like a ball think of like a balljointed doll and you have like a little thing like this and then you have like a little ball here and then the hips go like that is usually how I like to visualize it just's keep the eyes kind of the same I gave her a little bit more expression you maybe it's for the better or the worse I'm not sure wait am I in the wrong layer again curses like what the heck is this outfit though what am I doing oh she has oh elbow pads [Music] okay wait this outfit is so so detailed no wonder I was having trouble like 4 years ago well I ref nowadays I'm too old and jaded to draw all the detail so I will just approximate it and call it a day you're just getting back into drawing practice after falling off art for years my confident line drawing is so amazing you never get past Chicken Scratch don't worry about it that just comes with time we all started with chicken scratch if it was a SK Chicken Scratch contest between me four years ago and you no there's I definitely win this I definitely win every chicken scratch competition when I drew this 4 years ago right that was before I started studying art I used to draw a bunch as a teenager so that was like the remnants of what I drew back then and I was like you know I was I was getting back to drawing for like a couple months at this point so it wasn't like I was completely starting from scratch and I think some of what people think is confidence in my line work is me just not caring you feel like asking a beginner to do 20 250% the 250 bucks Challenge on the first run ever would do more damage than good I completely agree with you which is why when I get people coming in here asking me hey I'm completely new to drawing what should I do first I never tell them hey you should learn perspective and draw boxes and while it's like if you don't care about anything else and you just want to improve and grind it's actually a pretty good idea but I don't think anyone has that kind of resilience it will kill your uh love for drawing so fast especially if you don't understand the point of it right A lot of times people tell others to draw boxes but they don't really explain why just something vague like oh you'll be able to feel perspective better and it'll be good for your drawing but they don't explain how to use that information to improve their drawings which I think is a problem I don't know about you guys but if I'm learning a new technique if I'm doing something anything at all not just in art want to know why and how it's applicable or else it feels kind of meaningless to me yeah yeah trust the process and stuff but I I want some idea of where the end game is going to be did I make it a bit too long the Torso I do have a habit of doing that but I think it's okay because the crof actually ends here but I need to fix the perspective right over here so I need to do something like this probably need to redraw this section I thought I got better but I'm still making mistakes non-stop so that's unfortunate is digital better than traditional nope not at all it depends on your own preferences and what you're going for some people don't like doing traditional and that's or digital and that's totally fine if you look at this it's a pretty simple drawing but since I was if you zoom in since I was so obsessed with basically fixing every individual pixel so that not a single Pixel was out of place the line art took obnoxiously long today I don't care as much well now that I'm doing this line art there's something really wrong with the hips here man if only it could be that easy but it ain't that easy I guess this is still not a super easy perspective for me rendering is fun nah no it's not you weirdo it's okay rendering is it's it's fine it's but it's not the best okay I feel like when thinking about drawing in perspective the most important thing is probably thinking about where the horizon line is honestly I don't like how I've drawn that hand so let me do it again I practiced a lot of my form drawing my rendering is still not great but at least the line work is definitely better right especially when you consider the complete struggle hours that was going on and there you go here is my fairly fast redraw I I think it's better I think of it it's I think it's more accurate to describe my thought process about sketches more like a fixed random number generator with a fixed seed please please even though like that's not exactly how GES work right get those bad sketches out of the way so you can start doing good sketches that's how I think about them I don't want to like really overwork the uh the redraw here cuz I know if I really tried hard I could change the whole style I could make her face more realistic I could improve the rendering and make it better than just simple cell shading but I feel like um it's more fun to do redraws where you keep the style and technique as similar as possible as your old style of art I think it's a lot more fun that way it's because you can kind of see your growth like in specific areas more clearly rather than just like oh the rendering is different well yeah it looks [Music] different
Channel: pikat
Views: 51,094
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vtuber, art, drawing
Id: Ez82rR2-3i0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 58sec (778 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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