roasting cringe Roblox text to speech stories ep.11

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[Music] Bert you will now be placed in a random group of six you will be required to complete for tasks if you do you will have infinite Robux what was that just now [Music] what's happening creating group and then I was like ear wise Theory a furry here [Music] what is this I expected more dehudians [Music] so every onagot that alert message right yep it was so sudden all we have Toto is complete for easy tasks we should introduce ourselves before I guess good idea nobody asked you still stupid furry anyway I'm Ava and I'm 16. I'm Lily and M15 I'm Marianna and I'm 15. I'm Dylan and I'm 16. I'm nickandom14 I'm David and I'm 27. [Music] what I've been playing for a while now I wonder what her first task will be first task scam three kids and adopt me ha this should be easy we should spit up in totings of two I'm going with Lily she seems like he's coolest one here [Music] somebody asked for your opinion with him oh no I'll go with David since hyperbole has the most experience with scamming sounds good why am I left with the furry ah don't be mean besides we should get to work okay fine I guess how are we going to get a kid's attention anyway don't worry I got this it's funny sucks what did you say about it's funny nothing anyway did you hear that Dennis is giving Robux to those who help others in need really yeah isn't that right Lily oh uh that's right little girl take everything I have [Music] I can't wait to meet him thank you little one just wait he'll be here any minute I'm so excited I'm so excited I understand he wasn't cooperating but did you really have to kill him it was necessary trust me but does it even count as a scam anymore we scammed him of his most valuable asset his life [Music] that's fair enough I guess I wonder how everyone else is doing hey kid wanna trade sure what do you want anything of value really okay fine you can have my unicorn but in return I want your dog [Music] is he talking about me I think he is but I'm not even a it's a deal kid first give me the unicorn but I Yay here you go and now we run doggy I really thought you were leaving me back there of course not don't be silly we should get back to the GC now agreed let's go good we all scammed at least one kid let's hope our next task is just as easy task two rob Roblox HQ you that is definitely not as easy you just had to say it before shut up stop fighting already we should go wow I still remember when this place was built [Music] you're old and creepy [Music] plan I think we should split up again teams of three this time as long as I'm not with the furry I would gladly be on a team with him all right it can be boys and girls then us girls can climb the towers while the boys can try looking for a way in fine by me I'm scared of heights anyway [Music] all right let's get to work [Music] doggy will be mine this might be easier than we thought the entrance is wide open or not look they're guard dogs oh no he's not waking up [Music] bring him inside then quickly now please wake up Nick please I can't lose you not again please don't die on me I think we are too late no no no [Music] [Music] hey guys I'm back did you know you get one free revive it's windy as hell up here why are we even up here in the first place why does your squeaky ass voice keep changing stop complaining both of you we came up here for a reason I promise so tell us what it is the rod at the top of the tower allows you to disable the lasers that are blocking bilderman's office so who will disable the lasers obviously me so you guys don't mess it all up [Music] be my guest good Ness oh my God she's finally done nope she'll be responding soon that's too bad we should go into the office now yeah let's hurry there's his bloxy award wait Marianna huh what is it I just wanted to say I'm glad I was put into a group with someone as cool as you I thought this was going to be difficult but you've made it easier for me I really appreciate it I miss you so much foreign who are you talking to oh nobody don't worry about it okay hmm all right let's go back then sure thing I'm so glad you're okay yeah so am I I thought I was done for hold on there's someone coming I finally found you doggy [Music] Hey kid there's some dogs outside that want to play yay sounds like fun you just sent him to his death didn't you does that answer your question anyways let's meet up with the others and thanks for saving me David no problem that wasn't so bad easy for you to say I almost died you did die hey I died too no worries oh uh thanks let's talk about the next test so the system can coincidentally mention what it is next tasks survive a night in a haunted house [Music] scared of ghosts I can't believe that actually worked enough talking let's go already all right this place looks creepy as hell maybe because it's haunted creepy or not we have to stay the night we should split up again Isla search the graveyard I don't mind searching the pumpkin patch wait are we supposed to be searching for something not really just exploring then the rest of us should head inside I'm just worried for them why have you not seen a horror movie leaving on your own is never a good idea [Music] if you say so this place looks way better on the inside I agree it almost seems welcoming you boys can go search somewhere else me and Ava will stay here that's fine with me let's go David hey Lily can I talk to you about something sure what is it well it's just that eye Ava where did you go [Music] I need to tell the others about this I'm honestly impressed with this interior decoration that's what you're focused on oh hey a mysterious looking book the title says how to raise the dead pretty cool [Music] don't you think Nick Nick David I'm so glad I found you Ava's Gone Missing I was just about to go looking for you Nick's gone missing too this is some horror movie I need to protect myself YouTube killing anything with a spoon fine but we shall still find Mariana and Dylan I wonder what they're up to hey Kaylee it's been a while hasn't it I still miss you a lot I'm so sorry for visiting sooner everything still reminds me of you [Music] oh I really felt um I've met some new people though they're all really nice well except for one I think my favorite one would have to be hey [Music] I didn't think you'd still be here oh hey Dylan what are you doing here what anybody does at a graveyard the truth is I'm visiting an old friend and Nick reminds me of him I see is that why you've grown a liking to him correct wait a minute someone's coming whoa am I interrupting something no what is it Nick and Ava are in trouble we have to go all right let's go what do you mean they just disappeared I mean they vanished out of thin air okay but how okay so basically there would be this loud thunder and then the light would go out and when they turn on someone would disappear see just like that oh crap Dylan's gone now some Supernatural forces are at play this is a haunted house after all in that case I know just what we need you mock me for having a spoon yet you take out a Dusty book it's what's in the book that matters it's about raising the dead and apparently we need three items the skull of remembrance the griefing Rose and the candle of Sorrow those all sound like emo band names to be honest thank you sorry just sounds like something Ava would say anyways we need to spread out and look for the items I'll look for the candle I'll look for the rose and I'll look for the skull I'll stay inside since there are plenty of candles all right Lily let's go I'm honestly too lazy so I'll take a random candle hopefully this isn't a bad idea if I were a rose hiding somewhere where would I be oh the graveyard I should hurry before the sun rises and we have to leave why are these doors so out of place one of them must have the skull or else why would the scene exist at all let me open this door first what in bilderman's name was that I guess I'll open this door now wow it actually had the skull now I'm wondering what's in the blue door there's no time to figure that out though I have to go this is the only Rose I could find in the entire graveyard I guess I should be heading back then [Music] yeah I know roses were your favorite I really wish I could stay and talk but I have to go I'm so sorry those girls really are taking their sweet time hey we're back sorry if we took long not at all now then did you get the items yep I got my rose and I have my skull good now place them on the floor [Music] to work it has to work it Aly Chan Mariana's right this is our one shot well actually we get two shots wait what did you just say it says in the book we can summon the dead twice a night every 100 years why do you ask no reason anyway now I will draw a circle of salt around the items with that it should happen soon Thunder will crash the lights will Flicker and we'll see who's behind it all I'm scared me too embrace your fears [Music] from earlier yes it is I who is that give us our friends back never or else I disrupt the salt destroying your soul forever okay okay fine take your friends you're free to go now wait what about guys Ava isn't here how could you forget her David I'm so sorry I was so focused on having everything go well well things didn't go well did they wait what's going on David found some way to save you too but also somehow forgot Ava he made some kind of ritual that let us talk to the dead it's okay we can still do it again Don't Panic it's just that I was hoping we could use the second ritual for something else foreign [Music] like Reviving our old friends Dylan oh I see are you guys sure sure about what leaving Ava behind we can't do that we've been through too much together I guess so but I just miss her so much it's not Ava's time yet I understand you lost a lot but you've already grieved and that can't be undone same goes for you Dylan besides when we complete all our tasks let's stay friends you're not alone anymore okay yeah you're right I'm sorry let's get that Ava back she may be a but she's our wait no that sounds wrong I was fine with either outcome honestly let me put some more salt to reactivate it he didn't even come out that time wait who's coming out nobody did you guys just save me yeah but you should really be thanking David actually you should thank Nick Nick as in the Fox right next to me [Music] yep that Nick Nick is what they're saying true should I really be thanking you oh yes but why did you help with saving me I've been so cruel to you speaking of which I'd like to apologize I'm sorry for mistreating you Nick you really mean it yes don't make me repeat myself wow I can't believe it I accept your apology Ava I'll officially stop bullying you as of now the just know that I'm genuinely sorry guys it's almost daytime get out here Nick I'm surprised how mature you are back there especially considering you're the youngest of us well today is my birthday so maybe I'm growing up why didn't you tell us well nobody's really cared before we care Nick I know a bar where we can celebrate drinks on me [Music] David you dumbass we're not old enough to drink oh yeah I'm sure we'll find something to do together together yeah once we leave the stump I agree let's get going it sure is nice to see everyone getting along if we keep this team morale up then we'll finish our last task in no time hum what's this a piece of paper on the ground there's a traitor in your group there always has been here oh well probably no thing alright we survived the haunted house let's just be glad it wasn't the Twitter one well this will be our final task I heard that some people finish this ages ago well they probably had boring tasks yeah kinda like telling your best friend you hate them not us though nope we went on adventures together you're acting like this is over we still have one final task left to do and I heard it's usually the most challenging next task find the exit to builderman's Labyrinth I guess you were right let's not waste any time I can't stop thinking about that piece of paper is someone in our group really a traitor [Music] huh another piece of paper on the ground it says Lily is the traitor I'll keep this to myself for now I should confront her and make sure it's true wouldn't want to cause a panic within the group I should get going though is she always this late literally how would we know hey guys sorry I took so long it's okay now that we're all here let's get started I think it's best if we split into churos again I don't mind going with Lily oh all right I'm going with Nick of course I guess that means I'm stuck with David me and Ava will stay here while you guys can explore elsewhere sounds good to me let's go Dylan I guess Lily and I should be heading off now as well shall we continue through this passageway yeah I guess so this is starting to feel like the back rooms now agreed Sue Lily what do you plan on doing with all the Robux I'm not sure yet honestly I guess everything money is supposed to buy happiness right what well I'm not sure I believe that anymore then what do you believe Lily why are you asking me all this no reason let's just try figuring out a way out of this place [Music] this cave is surprisingly beautiful don't you think Nick yeah I suppose so Wade Dylan can we rest here for a bit we've been walking for a while now sure I don't see a problem with that although I'm going to explore on this side of the cave whatever works for you I guess I'll just chill here there's a lot of places to explore how what's this oh my God it's it's hey Dylan is something the matter Dylan the corpse of bilderman is here not the emo punk rock band his actual course oh my God we need to tell the others about this oh no we've been caved in how are we going to get out of here now it seems like this hallway goes on forever [Music] it has to end eventually I guess so David what's up with you you're like all old and evil and mysterious I'm afraid there's not much about someone like me haha that's exactly what a Trader would say haha yeah I need to take him out before he hurts someone in the group I'm gonna try to lock pick this door now's my chance just knock him out and question him thank you what thought I wouldn't fight back because you're a girl [Music] I knew you'd try something sooner or later I'm not an idiot far from one actually you traitor how could you betray us blaming me because I wouldn't let you kill me we all know you're the traitor I received an official Roblox mail letter saying it was you but dot dot dot so did I it said you were the traitor that's not possible it's the truth I swear I understand I'm sorry but if we both got them then everyone else must have them too crap we should get going yeah let me help you up and sorry again is your face okay yeah it's fine let's just tell the others about this that's a good idea let's go this way how did we travel in a full circle I honestly have no clue just another thing you're pretending to be clueless on huh what don't try to hide it you know you you were hella wrong for what you did what did you talk about you've been acting weird ever since we got here what's wrong why don't you tell me confess already confess what you know what I'm talking about don't play dumb you're the traitor aren't you Lily me traitor I thought you were the traitor I got some fancy letter saying so so you got one too yeah I did but what does it all mean did everyone else get a letter like this too I'm assuming so this isn't good we have to tell the others about this if they don't know already I agree first time I'll actually trust your word today but why are we still staring at each other menacingly good question I have no idea we should really get going though yeah so there really isn't a way out of hidden we've been trying to find a way out all day we should get some rest tomorrow someone will save us I know it I guess you're right there's a Flat Rock with a patch of grass we can sleep there probably the best we'll get in here let's go hey Nick yeah when were you going to tell me tell you what do you mean I mean about you being the traitor I thought you trusted me I even thought you liked me I was going to ask you the same thing I got a paper saying you were the traitor I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner I I didn't believe it for a second what I didn't believe it not one bit Dylan couldn't be a traitor not my Dylan did you believe it yeah I did but not anymore I swear it's okay I understand at least we both know it's fake now right yeah [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Dead Skeleton
Views: 1,240,506
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: SE8N7snx26s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 6sec (1806 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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