Roaring Kitty – Tools Part 3 of 3 (spreadsheets)

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I'm a software engineer. I could definitely help write something more automated/user friendly.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 10 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PeterCantDance πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

These spreadsheets further validate how intelligent this guy is and how he really did do some serious analysis in developing his GME thesis. I’m legitimately happy for him.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/gnarlboots πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This really is incredible - absolutely blown away

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/iTAMEi πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

DFV is a generous guy... maybe we can just ask him to share it?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/sanistar123 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 12 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Spreadsheets πŸ‘

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MaoniYangu πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 2 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Nascar_Hillbilly πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies


πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 07 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I am trying to do the same! I started yesterday. How your progress going?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/toyo05 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Feb 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I have made a knock-off of those spreadsheets. It is a web app. It is beta and only works on large screens (1920x1080 min). Try it out for free:

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/onetrackmac πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Mar 13 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
hey what's up everybody welcome back if you watch the the first tools video this is kind of the second of the two-part tool series if you want to call it that on the first video I talked about like some browser related tools and the websites I check out I want in it and this web in this video right now I'm going to talk about the spreadsheets my process is very spreadsheet heavy as you're gonna see I just finish the other one gentleman right into it if you don't have it be ready if you drink I think you should grab them because you probably get a needle to get through this video especially if you not into spreadsheets really if you notice person geez I don't know what the hell you're doing here but this if you're gonna watch one of these two videos I said it too late in the other video but I'd encourage you to watch this video if not the other one because I'm in these spreadsheets so much I will be during the stream that it'd probably be really educational for you to just to understand what each of the spreadsheets do what the tabs are that way just can follow what's going on if you care I mean most of you won't care and that's perfectly fine but if you care you probably want to have some sense of what what the hell I'm doing and so that's how this video can help um alright so I use the term spreadsheets I don't even know ten fifteen twenty I don't even know how many most of them are support spreadsheets they're supporting my process I'd say there's like three or four primary spreadsheets or types of spreadsheets and those are the ones going to focus on here imagine if I was trying to show you all the spreadsheets what would you do what would you do you would have to take the day off from work you'd have to I mean call in sick or something just you're welcome you're welcome that I'm only going to show you the main ones okay so the three let's see if I can show you each one quickly without diving teacher I'm secretly excited about this because like like I said in one of the videos I'm a little bit embarrassed to do this like you're gonna see you're gonna see how lazy I am and in the the hoops I'll jump through to save a couple of clicks I hate scrolling I hate clicking I just want to be able to kick back and like do research just chilling and also some I mean I wouldn't say well we'll talk about how that how powerful these spreadsheets are after the fact like I don't consider them so powerful that you can just do a lot that's all but I like to try to build them out so that I don't have to do as much work as you'll see I know it's hard to explain but anyway let me get into it let me stop wasting your time we'll get into the spreadsheet so we'll start with the tracker spreadsheet here I you may have seen me mention that I most of my process is just tracking stuff and so I need a spreadsheet to to facilitate that tracking and that's this what this one is so you there's a whole bunch of stuff in here we'll spend most of our time I think in in this spreadsheet I also have another type of spreadsheet that it's like six or seven of them in fact they fall under reports I'm when I go one two three four four I get six of these types of spreadsheets where I analyze fundamentals okay and that's what this spreadsheet is and I'll show you this one this is where I'm analyzing the business and historical profitability and trying to forecast in the future not discounted cash flow analysis I'm not typing in variables or anything like that I try to have all the formulas and everything do it for me I don't have estimated values I could do that word like my I put together some formulas that forecast what the value could be I just don't feel like it doesn't matter and then there's the universe spreadsheet in the universe spreadsheet a little bit less exciting it's kind of like maintenance stuff but this is where the the universe of stocks live where if I were to take notes on a company it would happen here and I submit it to my DB and and take notes on it and yeah so what I'll show you here just universe and some of the DB so you know what let me just start with this spreadsheet I think that makes the most sense and they're only they're all connected they're all connected in weird ways you'll see but we'll just start with this spreadsheet and alright so this let's start with this is the the universe of stocks these are all the stocks that I track let's see how many there are command down 34:23 so I say 3,500 I don't know sometimes it was I could have sworn it was more than that it used to be like 2500 I started with like the Russell 3000 but now whenever I come across a new stock I had it to the list it doesn't happen often but I'm excited excited when I come across a new one in what I've noticed too I used to I mean at this let's start a long time ago but so so many tickers fall off and get added on because of Mike mergers and acquisitions and stuff and they get bought out in like if you're doing it manually like you need to do a lot of cleanup stuff and so anyway the number of companies is always changing but anyway so that's this is the universal stock but the universe of stocks is based on this database of stocks the DB and now you should see more than 3423 you see 3443 this is I've this I've made some modifications recently to streamline the process a little bit and so when I make a change to a stock on the submit tab which I'll show you in just a just a couple minutes it gets submitted to this DB tab and the way it works is like it gets submitted along along with a date like the date that I'm making the submission and and then what happens is what gets pulled into the universe tab is only the it's the latest iteration of a particular company note right so that's why I have to have a date in there not time usually I don't think want to make more than one submission per day I just come to the DB and edit it there so that's why you're always gonna have fewer in the universe because it's only taking the latest version there's gonna be duplicates here as I make more and more edits and then some things I'll be tracking or I'll get into it in a sub bit tab but database and so the way this should work like this is what I'm so I've worked with I've worked with some serious developers in the past like legitimate badass programmers they've like each written like millions of lines of codes I've been is a lot of code sorry and and they like they'll look at this stuff and they'd I know that what I haven't I've been showed that my spreadsheets but they'd be like what the hell are you doing that's what they'd say because this can be done so much more simply in a in a in a program and in so in spreadsheets some of you may look at this but yeah that's kind of advanced right but like in my mind I think of I think of these these two guys in particular who were looking at this if you're like alright yeah that's pretty basic stuff and in anyway what I'm doing here is could just be done so much more simply in efficiently elsewhere but this is how I do in the spreadsheets and I for me it's really helpful and if and hopefully you might be able to do this summer stuff if you care if you care I like to thing if you're watching this video you care but I don't know so that's the DB tab okay so let's go let's go to the submit tab and the submit tab is where I'll submit to the database so let's say so when I first of all anything below this black line right here row 22 is being automatically populated the tickers you see here are pulled in from one of the other spreadsheets either the tracker spreadsheet or now just the tracker spreadsheet it all come these all come from the tracker spreadsheet there should be forty I think this I think I'm tracking forty you'll see that number forty a couple times it's arbitrary but that's I thought forty I won't get into it so these could automatically fill I'm so lazy I don't I'm not gonna type in like I'm not going to type it if I see if I'm tracking a company and there's it's a big it's a big daily move or something I'm not gonna go type it into my fundamental report and to search out the fundamentals and then go type into my submit tab who I want to submit like yeah I could in for one company not a big deal but when you start getting until I trying to do it all the time it's it pisses me off how much time at waste so I had so I build a few silly these are ridiculous you couldn't they get more ridiculous than this if you can believe that so anyway I'm just always trying to streamline stuff and so these I'll get automatically populated above the black line these are ad hoc stuff so if I come across a new ticker elsewhere I'll come to here just to make sure I'll type it in anything that's in a blue box it just means that the user can edit it me and in that if it see it just to see if it's in the universe and I'll check and then stuff will pop off at it pop off it pop up if it is and then I can submit so the way I submit is I type in us well I won't do it fer for new to these or new tickers I forget how I came across them oftentimes it's via insider buying via open insider it's great so let's take CEO P for example these are these tickers or arbitrage I checked off a whole bunch in the tracker spreadsheet just to populate some stuff so Co P and you see I got put in there and then it pulls in from my my universe all the latest stuff and so some stuff that I'm looking at I mean you see name sector industry or sub-industry business and then price market cab right but value sometimes like I used to I used to be I used to try to value every single company I have and that's really good I should keep on doing that but yeah maybe I've mentioned this elsewhere but value it matters less than I thought it did and then sometimes I'll value stock and I look like an idiot like a month later like it just happened a couple months ago right just valued a whole bunch and I'm like what am i doing and so I mean I I feel like I'm a pretty good I can value stocks pretty well but I sometimes I look like a fool and not too much later so anyway I'm less diligent about valuing stocks I should be better about I want to be better about it for the streams just so you can see me value stocks and it's good for a reference point and then went out in addition to valuing the stock I used to do value ranges that's how you should view it and like yeah well to forget the precision hopefully you know like it's not about precision and you're not trying to be it's like super accurate the value just want to be in the ballpark I used to do ranges high low value and high value it's just not worth the time it doesn't matter I just need a ballpark estimate so just one input for value and then for confidence there's probably just might be more important than value I'm not even sure like I I'll try to assign a confidence school I was doing one two four and then what I learned a couple months ago is I wonder for wasn't granular enough so I bumped it up to one to six maybe it's you me more than that if you get if you're stuck in I've thought it unnecessary really too much about this if you start getting like to go up to ten or something that's too much because then like you want each each increment to matter but you don't want it to be so so tight that it's like a two and a three are pretty close anyway I'd land but on six I just changed that recently we'll see if that works so six means I'm like super confident in the stock it's hard to get a six but it happens and then one means bankruptcy that all right I mean it doesn't mean I won't deal in it usually I won't but if you're a one ones real bad like well you don't see me one pick one too much usually it's two and then blah blah blah ownership if I if I if I pull if I pull up the the proxy or the well wisdom and I take a look I take the time to do it I want to market here it's super helpful for screening purposes screening purpose during scrunt crunch time you but otherwise I'll just say I don't know like I'm submitting it but I didn't check in here so this is because I submitted it in a different video so let me just show let me just delete that because I'm gonna show you that in just a second this this cool tags tab cool tags call them and then I have a track calm I mean I just track track just means I'm I'm track I track all the stocks but I can also do so I just say yes or no for track what if I add it to a watchlist watchlist there's a lot of companies in that that's like I don't know 500 I don't even know I have no idea I lose track but 500 way less than thirty thirty-five hundred and so watchlist is like some of the top stocks that I might be watched 500 is a lot button the I said to suppose track stocks were so long that I just I really have internalized their value and I know when they're trading cheaply it's weird but so being in the watchlist is good if it's good for my tracking purpose because I mean I'm looking at y'all a lot on deck means like I you didn't quite make the watchlist that would that mean I kind of forget there's someone you're gonna see me say this over and over again to this video I forget I think on deck means you didn't make the watchlist isn't like I would want to invest in you but like you're on the cusp I didn't know how to classify all these watchlist it means like I want you to be on the watchlist like I want to track you but I just don't know that I'll be invested in yourself that's the on deck watchlist and impulse you'll see this on in the tracker spreadsheet that just means like if I think you should be part of the particular watch that's called pulse where I just it's helpful to take the pulse of the market usually big huge companies that if you want to just take a pulse of the economy and everything you'll check those out those aren't usually sometimes they aren't once I invest in but not usually and then the date and then this gets auto populated and then when I so let's just let's take CLP this is the example I was gonna do if we say I forget COP I don't know 65 for the value I don't remember confidence now that's the thing so confidence score should really be assigned not just at the company level but at the sub industry level at the industry level at the sector level and so COP like it's gonna be really that's the thing I don't assign scores to the sectors and industries I should I just just time and but internally I know when you ask somebody and so you're not gonna get a six you're in a volatile industry because I'm never going to be I can never be a sixth level of confidence but but COP is huge they were if they're they're a survivor and of oil and gas I mean the other survivor in oil and gas I mean like they're gonna last for a while I just know that have to top my head well was it forty seven billion dollars yeah doesn't mean the stocks a good investment I'm not saying that I just mean it's relative to the other players in the industry there are five it relative to them they're probably a six really right but this is what I mean it gets it's difficult to try to assign confidence scores unless you're doing everything so I'll just say five this is just an example who cares what does it matter alright ownership I don't know tanks I'll come down to that the gun track I'd say yes watch blah blah blah and that's it alright so I want to show text now because this is this is lazy my laziness at its best so when I'm kicking back Mike lead him back in my chair this I got my beer just track him and I think I said this in the other video I'm not always like last track in stocks and stuff I'm just like chillin just trying to follow what's happening maybe late at night I don't know but so I don't want to have to go up here and type stuff I don't have to type in a ticker I don't have to pull up in on the spreadsheet I just want everything ready for me and so tag is a good example I was getting tired of typing the same over and over again so I wanted a script that would just like automatically pay stuff you could use drop downs but drop downs good unwieldy I mean you see me use a whole bunch of dropdowns here so this is a cool what is this script that I found and using I was complementing I think this was sewn either on Google Form I think was Google Forms not sacrifice doesn't matter both are great but watch this if i go to roaring kit so you like that wrong anything up there that's just it most of that roaring key thing is put in there for review but it but this actually does something show sidebar so check this out alright so watch this so so this is right so if I don't feel like type of stuff and I'll just activate the cell click in the cell and let's say I'm analyzing COP and I'm clicking around watching looking on a whole bunch of stuff and I want to make a note of certain things like things that caught my eye or why even how did this talk in the first play why am I looking at it and it's just helpful during crunch time a lot of the stuff you're gonna see during this videos like stuff most it all serves a purpose some of those purposes are much more impactful than others but this type of thing is helpful this type of thing is helpful for like an arm screening it's like a reminder like what was it why was I why did I care about this duck what was it that caught my attention it's such a reminder for myself and I mean not you have data to help you to write like I have inside our data instead of buying data but I don't just a note that I added is more meaningful if I added it it means something to me so Co P let's say all right so the bad example I'm not I'm not gonna deal on Co P and usually it's help more help for small companies but you don't want to count my attention with the that the insiders owned over 20% the insiders are buying and it was the CEO who was buying maybe there's a PE firm getting involved and alright and then there's some managers who are involved so like Abrams he was dealing in it okay you're gonna see individual investors here - like I like I said I'm I'm I'm an unabashed follower of individual analysts and funds and if you're not doing that you should be following all the people - if only for screening I don't follow anyone blindly nor should you you shouldn't follow me blindly I make a ton of mistakes but if you know who commented on her or wrote an article on it or had an opinion on or a bullish on or bearish on it it's helpful for you during crunch time I can't stress enough that don't you're like looking at so many things in such a short period of time it's so helpful to see or and to know what other attributes there are and so you'll see some people on here not everyone on here is like people I agree with a lot but like it's if if they talked about it one time or if they invested in it it's good for me to make note of it so like hims I just I don't even know there's just so many you could see a ton of you may even see yourself if you're watching this but you may see yourself listed here in these people missing - its I just added as I come across and I forget stuff this was like I was tracking so many people right and then once I found this sidebar then I had to go back and have lots of people so I probably missing some stuff well I'm can kind of like some alright so who else it doesn't matter so I told all right well do tol what am i doing I'm just gonna mark Dow like that he's a macro macro eyes I respect him as a macro guy sometimes you post some some stocks individual stock picks and I think they're they're somewhat good what am i justjust just pick some and then go down to like country if they deal in a country if they're based in a country or most of their revenues are in a country I might mark that here like you got 80% of your revenues and like Russia or something that's something noteworthy right characteristics if this isn't robot this needs to be rounded out a bit more and some examples like is there's a turnaround is it a spinoff is it leveraged is it a biotech like there's a there's times a couple months ago where I'm just like I want more politics in here just because maybe they got they got beaten down they didn't serve to because it had their their have their success has nothing to do or very little to do with what's happening in the economy so I wanted to deal on that so it's good to just take some of these the industry in southern Russia don't always do a great job of it so it's sometimes good to add your own tags and I need to add more of those like I said it's a new new feature these are some of the more common ones and you're not even see them I need to I'm gonna be doing this as part of the stream and I'll be tagging stuff and yeah so I did I did I click a whole bunch I'll click bio to it doesn't matter to fill actives then when I click fill out to sell boom and it's in there huh it's not great so it's so dumb and then so now it's in there and I just a nice rollover well I got a scroll because this is open but you know I don't like scrolling so let me just X out and I click Submit and watch this boom and now it should it should submit it over and then clear out the submit and then it should it should clear out that whole blue row that one that part the script takes a little bit time to run so let's go check on the DB we should see Co P down at the bottom there it is with our when we say inside our ownership yep those the people we added yes and there you go so there it is right and there's another Co P up top or a couple maybe I probably just won in it we'll take the latest one because like I said the the day sat June 23rd yeah and then and then it will be in the universe too in fact let's go check that I haven't if I do it's gonna be embarrassing if it don't work oh okay so that's gonna take so it didn't work right it takes it takes a little bit of time cuz it's doing a filter watch this up top there it is check out this filter filters ridiculous it's wrong with me look at this I don't even want to tell you what I had to do to figure that one out there was forums people trying to help me and someone posted something I don't even know I don't but so it's like look into DB and it's pulling in the columns and it's I don't even remember what it means I don't remember what it means no idea it just works at this point it works out like a lot of things I'll take the time to learn how to do it and you're gonna forget how to do it and then if I have to fix it which sometimes happens sadly it doesn't happen much it happens when I'm first working on something new but fortunately this has been working for at least a couple weeks down so I haven't had to dig back in but like that's an example of what's wrong with me right there that's that's that's what that is so anyway it takes a little bit of time for that that that formula to work out and then see how people update in the universe and then the universe is what's get pulled into the up spreadsheets alright so I think that that spreadsheet I mentioned this is ad hoc stuff and also if I mention if I toss in ad hoc tickers here like if I come across a new ticker and I type it in here at the same time I probably want to be analyzing its fundamentals so when I type in above the black line it will send it to the the universe fundamentals spreadsheet which I don't have open but is it there this company via universe so those stuff about the black line gets sent there it's so embarrassing all right so that's the universe all right let's I'm not gonna look at time I can't if you're if you made it this far you're we're in this together at this point alright so now we're getting into the fundamentals spreadsheet and so all right so just so it's not going on here but as you know maybe you know I am a value investor it was the first step of my development as a value investor like a value zealot right and this is one of the first spreadsheets I built out because trying to analyze fundamentals right and so this is like this is a bit out it's evolved over the years right but it's not as flashy as known as many scripts it's like not as powerful not powerful powerful is not the right word because I feel like my my develop friends their role in the rise of me but it's it doesn't have as many new features as some of the other spreadsheets so it really is due for a refresher but it gets the job done because because at the same time as the other spreadsheets it's like evolved like value in importance has gone down but gets the job done and so oh so right now I need to make some changes so in the streams is it I just had to rebuild these spreadsheets for you because I had to zoom in I'm gonna mention this especially in the tracker sheet but usually I don't like scrolling stuff so I want everything condense and I want to see everything in one single view and so what but I had to zoom in because I was testing out the stream and like you couldn't see the spreadsheet if you can't see the spreadsheet the whole the entire remind Kitty Channel is pointless so so I had to zoom in so you can see the spreadsheet and when I did that then I then then I had to I got a scroll more because of Mom zoomed in so one thing I didn't wanna have to scroll for it was the fundamental spreadsheet so one thing I got to do is I click up like this and so now is that every oh no I gotta get rid of the formula bar I'm just gonna do this here so you you're gonna know let me get rid of formula bar and I'm getting rid of this all right and now I can see all the most important things in one view without scrolling if I click around the different apps and stuff now there's more to the spreadsheet if I scroll down if I move over there's like individual years and stuff but usually you'll see here I'm mostly just looking at like three or average on a lot of things I'm really just trying to understand the trend and and so most I can do most of my fundamental analysis here for better or worse I know a lot of people digging in real deep and this is why from a credit analysis standpoint I I could probably be better but it's just good enough really just need things to be good enough as long as the framework itself is built out I hope hopefully I mentioned that framework use in another video that yeah this because there's so many other moving parts each individual part matters just a little bit less in yet at the same time they're all super critical I don't know all right so in this view let me just show you this fundamental view it's the same on are you gonna see first of all this 10 tabs down below whether or not r0 r0 is always an ad hoc tab because no matter what tab and I always want to be able to at least have a tab where I can type in a ticker and then one through ten those are pulled it so use the name of this spreadsheet is our K company one of your tracker and check out all these company reports at the top here so there's I'll show you the checklists in the tracker but when I check off a company and tracker that I want to dig deeper into it gets sent to one of you it gets sent to one of these for reports and and then they're all right here that's what this far left um these far far left columns are and this is a new feature and it's you probably think it's silly but I think it's awesome and it should be even it should be even simpler than this like that I even need to open up other spreadsheets is my opinion unacceptable but it's I'm at my limits this is all I got and so the bold ones here these are all in this spreadsheet and if I click one of these if I click one of these watches it brings me to that tab I don't wanna have to go I'm not gonna go to another tab and type in the ticker if if I already have that if I know I can call the day oh if I know I can call the date of the night then I just want it there I just want to open up the tab and just kick back performing my research interest I would be there it's not always like this right so let me go back to this one had some more color I'm big on conditional formatting in case you couldn't tell I think so you'll be there too could look at see Obama's more color here if I see this it's just such a big company this is like some of the numbers overlap and I'm not so I had to scrunch this down look at that you can't even see all the numbers it doesn't I'm usually not looking at companies that big so let's go back go back to DMA so I'm big and conditional formatting all over the place just like like charts and benefits of charts is you can just look at something and know so quickly what it's trying to tell you same thing with conditional formatting like if I just pull up a company and I see the colors I like having ideas to what's going on with the company that's not enough to to make a decision right but right away and most of the companies I'm pulling in it's like red everywhere it's like bleeding to death so um but especially for the more recent year so become conditional forming I love that and then all right so left-hand side those are all the tickers that are if they're not in this report and then when I if I click on the ticker it opens up the other spreadsheet which is kind of a drag because that takes a little bit of time to open the spreadsheet this should all be in one program that's how it should be and if I click a ticker it just opens up and so forth and really like I had to go to the universe file to update to submit a value if I want to update a value I do it there but really how it should work is all throughout it's like when you click on a ticker no matter where you are no matter what you're doing it should open a dialog and you can edit it wherever you are right that's how it should work but I can't do it in spreadsheets and on my limits so alright so that's that and then the far these two columns yeah just like high level stuff name and I'm not looking at this I'm not looking at these two columns I know what the price is by the time I'm here market cap maybe not market cap that's good to have there this is all insider buying stuff I usually probably ready know that stuff by the time I get here but still I want it all in one view here's some some multiples you're gonna see I'm not I'm not big into multiples I mean I use multiples like people it's just frustrating because when people think value investing they think oh it must be trading at a cheap multiple yeah and yeah there's a lot of overlap when we look at the roaring Kitty portfolio the model portfolio you'll see like there's a lot of the common metrics you'd see there but the problem is it's just you can't just see a metric and think that oh that's a value stock anyway I'm going off on a tangent but these are more for you these metrics but they're conditional formatting is helpful so if I may look at this and something catches my eye like alright yeah I want to dig deeper than that and I was out working here's the thing though these are working watch this like the numbers there so sometimes Google sheets acting funny I don't know why it's not showing up sometimes if I usually it's like a max or or a standard deviation or something sometimes it actually it like that I've tried to troubleshoot it I can't figure it out I bet if I applied some more functions to it it sounds weird but I better worry I'm not gonna do it now and then can you oh you can't see Oh check this so in OBS watch this if I do this you can't see those links behind me all right now you can see or you can see my links see the links just some common things that I'm checking probably not accessing them from from this view but they're there again I just want everything there just in case so that's that and then and then we have here all right so here's the historical fundamentals 20-year data uh you know what I should have mentioned this in the other video and I apologize to these folks number one is I'm getting my I shouldn't mention that I mentioned it I'm getting my data from quando I've been getting my dear my data from share radar or char Adar I forget I don't wanna pronounce it individual investor you don't know how to pronounce company and I mentioned this the other vid I forget like I don't even know how to pronounce a lot of this stuff I think it's share radar like a radar type thing and he's a good guy he interacts with his his user base and he takes feedback thank you for taking some feedback but I love when people I'll connect with people who've built a tool in they and they work with me or hear me out and it's it's just always great soul share radar share radar and Shara DARS or sorry his name is Vince Vince of share radar it and I get it via quando quando is great it's it's kind of streamlines the data aggregator of sort so you can subscribe to quaddle and then you can get access to all these different data sets there's a ton out there they've evolved over the years they kind of get in worn to what is it here data forget the alternative data sets have weird data but great for me I quantal subscription then I connect to this in ensure Ito has been building out their stuff I've been fortunate I have been growing with it and and so yeah it's been great so I can get I've been I've started with very basic data sets and now I'm very fortunate that I can pay for I think I have 20 years now I'm thankful that I can afford that but I know you might not be able to afford that in if you're new investors that's okay you can keep on learning and gaining experience and then as you evolve and you develop it's important to keep on developing over time so as your situation changes and your style changes just you hopefully you'll be able to afford it in the future maybe you might not even need it I have 20 years I need it maybe I only need ten years five years might be tough I think five years might be I don't know I forget that all the pricing thing but I like but I use 20 years that's so I have right now another tool is that there's a tool called flexile new company flex I oh I oh let me mention this too like hopefully this goes without saying I'm gonna I should mention in the description too no one's paying me for the haste like reference what's the word like I had tips to these folks no one knows who I am I'm a nobody and um and I'm not getting paid to mention them I like I I'm just so thankful to all these people built these tools and it's I feel obligated to share them with you even if you don't use them I don't care it doesn't matter I hope if if you I hope you do if you do let me know because that'll be excited that you use the tip that I gave and but I just feel like like how would you ever hear about well maybe you know about share right if your fundamental investor you know but how would you never with flex I out like this is a new company but they have worked with they connected with quantal in a way that allows me to bring in more fundamental data more easily in spreadsheets and like it's such an obscure tool and I only came across at a couple months ago and when I came across it and now I can get more broad financial metrics into my tracker sheet which I'll show you and super cool so you put you most of you will not need that to I don't think but check it out because and they work with me I love that they work with me to I gave some feedback and tested some stuff and they make some changes for me thank you and so just I hope that's her I think that's everything in this spreadsheet yeah the data and flux I oh okay alright so that I'm getting twenty years data I'm using conditional formatting I can't get him to the I should really have a separate video for the intricacies of what I'm looking at but like all these account I can't get into the accounting metrics during this video you see a couple of charts here left-hand side of the balance sheet right-hand side of the balance he just a quick just a quick check on things what the balance sheet looks like usually it's gonna be pretty similar within an industry but still helpful to look at seems no word stuff there's a lot of overlap between all this stuff so I may see something the data that's reflected elsewhere and what else I'm big on like okay so here's some of the top things I'm slice-and-dice in the day whole bunch of ways is even more financial metric type stuff and but like the things I'm looking at the most often I now know about myself I'm looking at revenues revenue trends scythe sheer level of revenues I'm looking at gross margin net margin trends in in sheer level of them I'm looking at net earnings common earnings I'm looking at operating cash flow net cash flow and then simple free cash flow just some accounting might they're all free cash flow measures and looking at operating cash flow capex total net cash flow operating - investing cash flow and it was in the bait like cash flow who cares pictures don't matter and then I'm looking at the share count bigger on the share count and so you see with GME huge share repurchase this past year earnings I'm looking at it's important you can't just look at man I look I see some people perform fundamental analysis I feel like they're probably just newbie investors but like howdy I don't understand how you perform fundamental investors like pulling up Yahoo Finance and looking at like aggregate values or one year two years like it's I can't even do it if you do it in your successful investor props to you because I can't even imagine doing that I need you I need to look at it on a per share basis usually and I need to look at average is over time I mean I even take seven year averages in full I think I still have them I used to take like the full 20 year average and / share count I think I had to I have that but I had to remove it for the sake of these videos it's I don't nearly not that much Oh II bit duh I look at a bit too - it's a form of a cash flow measure I guess and then yeah book I mean bow all balance sheet stuff I can't believe that's the number one balance sheet stuff right I start with the balance sheet I could probably just invest based on the balance sheet everything else is just that nice to have like book met a book value and tangible book value I know people say they're meaning less these days probably some truth to that but it's still super helpful yeah just I can't even balance so much balance sheet stuff yeah the only other thing I might so this this is worth its own spreadsheet like you don't even know what book measured roee stuff that's like how book measure how book value is growing ah uh I can't get into it sorry asking about it later all right so the only other thing here is one more this kind of cool feature that I have so sometimes I'll be looking at a company it's super leveraged its so leveraged it screws up everything like I can't even value it like the share count is not even reasonable because if they were to actually be like it's just so leveraged that it really messes with them evaluation technique so what I try to do is this little this silly model over here is that I pick a couple of key financial metrics I think there's only three that I'm thought you'll see a couple here there's more that I look at but like interest coverage using operating cash flow plus interest market cap TV that common overhang to assets operating cash flow through your average Stan that comment overhead and you don't even know what net coming over do I have it defined somewhere oh I do so I get included some definitions for you I did this I did this a while ago so that's long term liabilities plus short-term debt - oh I get a whole bunch of them you see that column wherever there's a black triangle in the top right corner that means there's a definition there for you I'm not going to go through them now but and then Z double prime score I have a definition for that in the tracker spreadsheet and what it does is it tries to just very quickly using basic metrics whether assess whether the company is levered or not and what's kind of getting screwed up is because of the way they're handling operating laces now and this is this is in my opinion an issue with the share radar data is that like the operating leases are handled as debt and I've heard the arguments I get it but like I don't think it should be handled less debt so it kind of messes with these metrics a little bit but anyway if the company is is classified as leveraged there's a little a little calculator that down here that goes okay well it's leveraged if we were going to try to unleveraged on and gets 20% I want you to issue shares at like at a 20% discount to the prevailing price issue enough shares to get us down to that point this is absurd I need a drink so it just tries them this is just a long during way of saying I just try to stand for the highs the balance sheet I try to normalize the balance sheet excuse me so that it's a little bit less lowered so I can more consistently average the company more consistently average companies across the board it's not a science it's far from it but I just it's a reminder for me hey heads out this company super levered if you're looking at per share metrics they have a really some small share count in but they really it should be inflated a bit because they're in there they're in they're in trouble and that's this is why the metrics are so simplistic you got to be careful using basic financial metrics so anyway it's kind of a cool thing I actually use I'm not changing stuff too much but I'm leaning on it so that's only alright so you know that and so it's just the same this is the same spreadsheet over and over again no matter which if IQ you saw if I click on another it's just the same stuff over and over again and it's the same thing if I go to the O so and then I have this same report as an ad-hoc report of 10 and in July but if I have an ad-hoc and I have a list of tickers I want to look up for whatever reason I'm not gonna go into each tab and type in the ticker no no way so I can just type in the ticker see here in this tab right here just a list of tickers and it will automatically get sent to the other ten or I always have the are not the are zero and I could just type that in there but let's see is all right this games up again okay so that's that and then I showed you universe so that's the that's that's that report and now we get into the track or view Hana who's still with me alright so the track of you where to begin we're gonna start with the dash tab this is it's like a dashboard of sorts and it's like a high like a macro dashboard right if you were to create a dashboard like what are the stuff you'd want to see in one single view so it sucks is that remember how I said I zoomed in I used to be able to see all sixes like six main columns in one view but now I can only see a couple that's okay it's worth it for you right and so just some things I'm not I'm not gonna lie I'm not like poring over they staying so much and we're not gonna be in this section of the dashboard too much during this stream it's just good full it's good to have like if a lot of things are moving in a particular day you can see what's moving I got debt currencies some regional action high level industries high-level indices excuse me and then below sectors commodities industry style and then we're some risk aspects the risk ones kind of kind of cool like I like sometimes I'll just have some oddball companies in there like how I assess risk they're not like like old leading indicators I definitely wouldn't say that but they're because I've been tracking so many things for so long it's like what if I know where a particular company or industry is trading at like I kind of have a sense of where the market might be at so like it's like home builders and in commodity companies rare earths are kind of a funny one let's take a look at that shot was that you I look like now I don't want to get us yeah so like really is that's like I can send that's pretty pretty speculative you know I got like Bitcoin and blockchain stuff in there marijuana stocks like these like it's good biotech stocks like these are things that are really difficult to value and and they should sell off during risk off environments that's my opinion I this is a back tested opinion but so it's not like something I keep my eye on momentum stop Hussman so if he starts outperforming then we're at the inflection point let me tell you that yeah so I'm not knocking your husband I'm not but I and then all right so yeah so let me just show you a couple aspects of this so let's let's let's pull up let's let's take industries as an example so right so industries so in in this column right here a to Z I have everything's hyperlinks so if I click this one on this retail it's going to pull up a whole bunch of the it's gonna poop those chart lists I showed you I think in the other video boom I'm gonna see all all this is just ETFs I'm sorry this is just ETFs so there's the retail UTF ten-year monthly so you see at the top ten-year monthly that's what that is and then if you go to price that's gonna be I think that's weekly 3 or weekly all this is daily or so I do daily and monthly okay but I'll do if I go up to the top here and go to industries here is where I would have this is probably 305 your weekly yeah okay here is now I can scroll through that whole column and look at all the charts for each of them on a five-year of weekly basis and so that's that's what I'm doing most often I'm do that more than I'm tracking individual price movements that price individual price means don't matter too much so then I'll do like relative performance between the two and I'm not don't I'm not like livered too high by these things right it's just something I do and I don't know how much it matters I feel like as years passed and I reflect I'm like yeah you know what that didn't help me too much that's how the every that's how you should view everything that I do me tests and stuff out and trying to integrate new tools and trying to yeah but I like this I like that I can just pull up everything and look at everything at the same time and scroll through it's I think it's sick nerd alert and uh anything else in this view I guess that's it alright so in the in the far left column and you're gonna see this little roaring Kitty thing first of all - roaring Kitty right that's why it's cool but it's these are scripts I don't know if you knew this but if you import an image to Google sheets you can assign a script to it watch this I right-click on it and click on this these ellipses there I give you a sign a script to it and so these are scripts and I'm not off I don't often have to run them because I have a whole bunch of scripts running in the background that like to do everything automatically but sometimes I want to update something manually and so I'll click the roaring Kitty and it will update silly but effective and so this is the only other thing to show off in this - is the left column is just this is how I don't like scrolling like I don't want to have to scroll in fact I don't even want to like I'll just click on industries right I just want to click a button and bring me over here and now I can see everything else alright so the next step I'll click wrong can you portfolio alright so now here's they're all this is this is the roaring Kitty portfolio sorry I had sorted this differently let's sort this by and we should sort this by - alright you know let me just tell you roaring Kitty portfolio if you're seeing this these aren't like hot stock tips or anything like that you really need to understand a number of things the first is this is enough to date I need to manually update this because I can't connect brokerage accounts to the spreadsheet sobs and I'm not good so I download the the holdings from the brokerage the brokerage house and then I I don't fortunately I just copy and paste this the CSV to a spreadsheet then everything else updates and everything gets pulled around that's all I got to do that's the extent of it but if as you see me with shortcuts and stuff even that's fresh annoying to me but so I forget the last time I did it this is Jeff this is in the vicinity of accurate but not totally up-to-date so that's number one number two is you can't you can't look at this there's so much new I hopefully mentioned this in another video there's so much nuance going on here and if you're an experienced investor you already know this but you can't look at this and think Trin say oh I don't know how to pronounce is that it turns a oh I don't know individual investors stuff you know you can't think that that's my my top best pic right it's it's it's high up there but it's not necessarily my top pick but like some stocks might be up here because I have a high conviction in them some of them might already be doubles or triples like ovv was it turned out to be a great pick for me and a big part of that was insider buying which we'll get to but like it's already up like I don't even know 4 X 5 X something crazy and so that's why that's up there wasn't up there initially but so they move up and then some stocks I've added or something I've taken down and then some some might be approaching fair value and they're still up here and you might in so it wouldn't be a good idea to buy them I'm just like slowly averaging out of them you get an average in an average out I feel like that's a must in because it happened and moved so quickly maybe I have an average out of it enough yet because I haven't had time to act so that's you need to understand so much nuance in the and then the final thing is like just because these are in the model portfolio these do not mean these are good picks for you I I'm gonna do I'm gonna disclaimer this on a roaring Kitty because I really care if you know if you've watched the videos about my style what I'm going for it's it's really aggressive and I take on a substantial amount of risk in what I do might not be suitable for many of you or most of you or even all of you so you need to bear that in mind the goal the the channel is to just show you some things that I do in clean which you want to build at your own process but you cannot blindly just buy these stocks please don't instead ask me maybe what it is that I like about them or what's intriguing about them but these are not recommendations please please understand that okay so with that out with that out of the way these are the these are the wrong Kitty model what's great is that I think I think I mentioned this is that traditionally I run a pretty concentrated portfolio like 15 20 25 stocks something something real tight but in this year a balloon like crazy because of the nature of the market and I'm I I don't even know what am i up to I they should be numbered I should know I should be able to command down I think it's like oh I could look at the the row I think it's like 150 160 170 mile positions like 5 shares cuz I had sold a lot of them but I still wanted to watch him in anyway it's perfect for this dream cuz you get to see a whole bunch of the stocks that I thought I bought but I don't know if that's permanent it's probably for the foreseeable future because there's still quite a bit of uncertainty going on for me and just just for now but I am like I am always trying new things there's some things I like about having so many stocks like it's true if you're invested in it you're just watching them more closely it's it's so true and plus I like it sucks if it sucks because if I want to see what's moving in a day all I can log into the brokerage account and sort by daily percent changed and obviously there's so much limited data there but like that's what I do and if the stock isn't in the portfolio then I'm not seeing what it's doing in that same day see this is a drag of not having everything connected which is totally solved by a larger platform where everything's connected but it's just most of the stuff out there sucks it's as simple as that and so that's just one drag is that this isn't perfectly in sync with the brokerage account but anyway that's another benefit of haunting positions and they on the other hand just get so unwieldy any individual investor out there experience in an individual investor knows that it gets unwieldy when you start get into this level that's why so many it's a part of the reason so many people have a concentrator portfolio there's plenty of other reasons but yeah I don't know right now it's war it's it's work and it's worked out well right now and so it's great for the stream so I'm these aren't secret hopefully that's clear these aren't secret positions or anything like that I'll scroll down a little bit you can see some pause the video I don't care just spare in mind every well everything I just told you all right so is now some things I'll show you about this view because we're gonna see a whole bunch of views as we as we scroll to the right or click to the right not scroll them first is the check box here and wait first is this so if click the our case you see that you can't even tell their hyperlinks that's on purpose because I get tired of looking at hyperlinks if I click on our K port and I open this up this is gonna be all the charts of all the companies that are in the wrong k4 so you see n GD here so this I have this is a manual process I need to update oh and you saw in the other video like you saw n GD was my top position it's still up there I think and if I'll if I'll explain myself if I may I don't need to do I need to defend my positions here this is it's a super speculative company and yet here it is top 5 which is really weird because but I gold's looking interesting and n GD really speculative company trying to turn around their business and it's just a way that I feel if gold does take off it should it should go up quite a bit not a recommendation right but anyway that's why you started it wasn't like number one for a little bit it just it turned into it doubled so quickly that was what happened and but anyway I yeah so that's why this was a little bit out of date so that I could pull of pulling this up scrolling through all the church boom boom boom I also have bookmarks for it this is why everything you need to have access to everything so you can kick back and just click and move around right so I can also pull up that way so that's that it's gonna see a ton of links here alright so then the check box thing here so if I check off let's say let's just check off to you see if I check it out first of all this right here it's black can you see that it should turn 228 if it's oh it did turn 28 and then this turned up yellow what this is telling me is that hey you have something checked off in this column and this is telling me you're at 28 out of your 40 and when I check something off it gets sent to send they can send to here it's to this tab and what's this this is looking look at this ridiculous look at this what is this do you know do you know what this is I don't know what this is but I I know what it does it's pulling all this all those items that I checked off and put them into this tab and yeah I don't know what that don't don't ask me but it works and it's pulling all those checked off items into this tab if in ascending them to the fundamental tab fundamental spreadsheets anyway so idea that's what there's 40 as I can it's only send it over 40 so when I check that off and now if I want to clear this out so if I see them getting up to 40 or sometimes I just check it off I'll just click this and it should remove I mean it will remove the checkmark all the check marks in this column and it should drop down to 27 it briefly jumped it to 29 because the count of that is the check mark and there you go so that's something so dumb right it's so that's this is my late years it's a manifestation of my laziness but yeah I it's just you got a during crunch time everything needs to be streamlined you can't be wasting time pulling up stuff and typing in tickers it's a waste of time it really is and this stuff it's it's so nerdy and stuff but it helps so much and I that the me of five years ago is like it's super excited by this stuff I could have only dreamed about this stuff and how embarrassing is that whoo who the hell dreams about spreadsheets and is anyway that's it you can see these check box items all throughout this spreadsheet then we have the portfolio percent and then all throughout so i've you'll see like hidden hyperlinks it's hyperlinks in here if i pull this up i want to pull up what's the news for this company like this is in bloomberg I'm sure you just can just see the news for a company I can't I got a Google and so I want that easily accessible if I click sector all right I'm going to show you I'm gonna show you the sector tab down if I well let me actually I'll show you SEC tab just two minutes two minutes if you will industries another tick if I pull up industry this is gonna show me on the charts for the industry I was it specialty chemicals oh come on Eddie chemicals and in the needle in so I can see the charts not just fortune sail but for all the companies in there that's sick that's that's it's really helpful to if you want to see how the other companies are performing in the industry you looking for other maybe I'm screening and I'm looking for other companies and see how they're performing you just want to see everything in the same view for a particular industry so that's that and then okay market cap conditional formatting all these are alerting me to what the rough month most of my market caps I would say sweet spot maybe a hundred to seven hundred million market cap right now and got inflation to deal with over time but I'll deal on as low as 20 below 2000 risk so uh I don't thought that's a risk I don't really like but hi I'm not but I'm not above it I'm not above it but but I'll do to twenty twelve hundred I do definitely I definitely have a ton I just probably some right here right there 69 for float of her was it flow tech ftk yeah and then I'll deal in the big ones to look at this I'll be these a cute this is a thing like you cannot confine yourself to just small companies over visa Ajay is that right though sometimes Canadian market caps get wonky because of Google Google Finance but no that's accurate yeah I thought that was accurate huge company it's a 5x or something like that something absurd and so you could don't confine your I would advise against confining yourself to a very very small tight market cap range should be broad sometimes you want the bigger companies to like I wasn't for risk reasons bigger companies are more likely to survive as simple as that but yeah so sweet spot just a little bit background probably to mention that in another video that small caps usually the ones I'm focusing on but small cap I know everyone has their own definition some people like small cap three billion below in that case I'm straight small cap I don't want to tell you the small cap for me is like below a billion maybe well 500 I don't know I'd say mostly I'm like 50 million to 1.5 1.5 plain this is roughly let's take the average let's take the average of the what's at top 20 what's that 1 billion there you go okay alright so then price and then that just pulls out the stock chart for the price and then daily percent move six months six month insiders the number so this time talk about openings had a great but I've pulled it in to spreadsheets thank you open insider you who are terrific Lou this I can see how look at ovv 12 in 12 insiders by 12 insider spot in the past six months 1.8 I think this is millions that 10 millions that can't be right now at one point one point eight million dollars where the shares that is a I could have had you can I could have bought on that alone I probably did now there's other things I liked about it it used to be in kana right it's in Connor right so I'd invested in kana yeah was it kana so I feel like I think that was but I figured this I think people forgot that was in kana and uh not me though I was jacking it it got sold off with everything else it was way over does I don't why I'm focused on Ovi apologize but it's just look that number stood out to me that 12 and we got 10 on m8 Mac which is still that's still early I I was trying to get into more I don't usually deal on reads but I was shown a diversify my approach this time around the market gave me a great opportunity to do that and so this was that was one example and Camping World big one maybe I mentioned another video me and Abrams were on this and yeah so insider buying huge look at this yeah there's just so many things there so many insider buying like it you can very clearly tell um bias toward insider buying right and as you go down this less but big ones yeah okay present to value present to value blend percent to 52 week - you do we look like alright so sad truth is like I'm valuing everything right and but like I feel like most times 50 percent of 50 to 80 high and percent of 50 - Wilo is really all you need because if you view value as like a screener of sorts you probably just need 52-week F is what most times I'm still valuing stuff but like I was looking at 50 - we offer do we glow couple months back because I wanted to see what was still bouncing off to low it was still close to the low with what has fallen off the most and out those were adequate I gotta be honest with myself try to be objective percent - value blend that's hot it's a blend I don't even know what the blend is it's like if I said say I valued TSC let's say I've added like 50 bucks or something right it would say take 80 percent of 50 and then take 20% of the 52-week high or two-year high I can't remember blend them together that's the blended value because I mean I think I'm good at value stocks behind I'm not that good that I know I get stuff wrong and same thing for the market markets pretty good at valiant stocks not all the time right obviously there's an efficiencies that's that's why I do what I do but but it's pretty good but at the same time it messes up too so I figure blend blend to get blend the two together like I price matters this is why I'm willing to do some technical analysis like I don't discount it too much what the price is what the price what matters and so I don't like to factor that in so that's what that blend is but look I don't even have conditional formatting on it because I was just focused on 52-week high but it's because I don't have enough values I had valued all these companies and then problem has I develop and I get better about like valuing the companies and then the market changes it reminds me that I'm idiot you know that's all right so they're all this habit of having so frequently where I I'll develop like I get better in the markets like hey you suck and it reminds me and then I'm like I just forget the values and they fall off really I should have values for every single company but that's the benefit of working on a firm right everyone can work on it at the same time and you can build these out button yeah alright so then I have revenues this is huge I love having seeing revenues just knowing that data point what the revenues are it's such it's so great for just very quickly analyzing risk alright so now I have a whole bunch of these financial metrics so let me just give you a fair warning you're gonna see me make mistakes I as most of us did was educated with P DEP to be Peter price to sales and so forth like pricing the numerator if that's what you learned that's what I'm used to and for years now I mean I know that the way to do this is to have pricing denominator I know this I just didn't feel like taking the time to make the leap I finally made the leap but I'm still new to it you're gonna see me make mistakes on this front like I'll be trying to sort by something I'll naturally want to do low to high and like I gotta do high low so and I'm gonna say I'm gonna say price the book I'm just know I'm gonna say it but what I mean is the inverse so just know that so I here have it presented properly and yeah so it's great having all these some like so I want you're gonna see similar views across different tabs it's because during crunch time you want to have everything visible at all times no matter where you are so that's why I want this stuff here because what I'm looking at the portfolio I want to be able to see all this stuff and you'll see a whole bunch of things net-net retained earnings to market cap that's pretty good won't for anyone uses that I like that revenues to debt real simple stuff but nothing complex Z prime score I get a difference you know the tap I think levered rowing Kitty leverage that doesn't it's just something that means something to me but it's not necessarily robust and then just some links no actually that's to be hidden yeah no that's okay oh there's a business oh I get the business here too it's always good to have with the businesses sometimes I forget I you get to start to internalize you track stuff so much but you still want to have access to it and oh and then what so the other thing too and this is cool is that in this view you've got to be able to sort so usually I sort by boiler percent right but I think it's this is what this first row is it's all the column counts so I just want to be able to sort let's we can screen let's screen right now let's screen right let's get crazy with it don't wake my daughter up because I'm doing this at nighttime if you don't see the other video we got to be quiet about it but let's let's get crazy let's sort by sales to price right now we're gonna do uh what's that seventeen boom that I did it this is short by it's sorted by the right way yes oh because it's false just means descending in Google sheets and drop down right I'm not typing false math type intro nah no way no way no way kid so on their sales the prices right there oh yeah that's a nominal position TRD I think they're toast I think never know but I think they're toast and so I that's the thing I don't have cost basis or share account in here I kind of forget off the top of my head so some of these are just like five shareholdings but I kept them in a portfolio because I still wanted to track them and so I'm actually not even sure but here you go pxc that's an example of company super tough to value I really struggled a bit based on the fundamentals but keep an eye on the chart chart and look at this chart that looks that looks good well it's good it's a real estate type firm and there's a lot of moving parts but um just quickly just saying just saying and but yeah so I'm a big fan of sales to price a big fan of like these first for sale to price EBIT to TV t be deprived ten it mostly tend to a book to price book to price not so much ETP I don't I put it there because y'all looking at it but more I'd like operating cash flow simple free cash flow that's just operating for Less capex or plus capex if it's a negative number whatever positive number net cash for the operating cash flow - investing cash flow I like those ones that's the fact it might be under looked at because most people just I don't know most people who's most people is it institutions because they're the ones moving most of the capital that's what should matter because that those that's what causes the biggest moves if it's number of individual investors who cares does that matter I'm not sure it does but most people just looking at earnings like you can look at cash flow all right people know that right everyone knows that and then I'd like to look at cash to price not cash to price well what am i doing who cares sorry yeah rambling but that's not like to be able to you can just quickly start right there so let me get back to what does it calm - so you can see that same view went over and over again we're in Kitty portfolio boom I took a little bit more time with that but let's get to the next week let's go to run Kitty by one's a little bit more complicated to explain but it's really just companies that I'm keeping my eye on like I might if I don't own it maybe I want to buy it or I I do own and I want to add a little bit and it's good to just add it it's a good reminder like it gets tough when you're tracking so much this is the problem but when you're one person is that it be if you're a firm you have one person just dedicated to this hey the charts kind of turned around on this area or that area but so I try to just add a list this isn't totally up they did I got a rowing kitty cell it's even fewer companies in there it's kind of a new thing that I I I want to I wanted a way to know which dock site I want to keep an eye on for whatever reason so that's what this is and so on I just add it so if I want it how to laziness laziness alert if I want to add a company to to this rowing Kitty buy less and let's say I'm I'm elsewhere I'm looking at the chart or I see it an insider buy and I come back and I'm like you know what I should add that to the to the buy list of companies I just keep an eye on not so much by per se just potential buy and so I'll open this up I'm not gonna be I can't go scrolling and go looking for the next cell that's empty so hi look at this I built a script for this I just so lazy this script is just gonna bring me to the the first empty cell of this row in Kitty by column watch this so let me go to the top bring over here I'm gonna click this bar kay bye Oh God it goes over there first it goes over there first to titillate the Hun that it goes down to the bottom oh my god so ha there you go so I just now type in the ticker and boom I got it done and then I to get back to the top another link to go to get back to the top so most of this is silly stuff I do know that but it's helpful that's it that's it for that so that's just a BIOS just things I'm keeping an eye on and this isn't up to date either I apologize but I'm just trying to show you and then so it's gonna be the same thing for the sell things when keeping an eye on to sell you saw it was yellow over there at the check box up there I get some check to go through check if I click that it'll be unchecked sell same thing it's a small list at least this should be built up more and these are sell like knots might be just sell like trim maybe just take maybe it was up like some of these have pulled back since I added them that's the thing you get to be on top of this stuff and I'm not it's really hard to be on top of this stuff all the time I hope to be better about it cuz of this the livestream but like these like these two lists in particular if they're not up to date they're almost they're useless and it'll become a burden so just something to bear in mind same thing was so I click this then I get the I get all the charts too so all right let's get to pulse the pulse is these are you mention this elsewhere this list is actually a little bit it's the same thing but it's a different type of a list but in this pulse list these are big huge companies that it's a way for me to take the pulse of the market and maybe they the US and the world economies they're big companies I've owned some of them like but most of them are companies I wouldn't typically deal in but it's you might just look through the chart to see how they're performing like months ago everything was cratering right and so i would have looked at these to see what are they doing what are those ones doing because they're not typically the ones i buy but so or be dialed into so if i this is where i can check that out probably i most likely be checking it at the the chart level is it what is it sort of by sort of by daily percent change that's usually a common way i'll be sorting sorting by it um or override market cap or by market cap that's what I be doing so that's all that is taking a pulse for the market I've dealt in some of these I don't typically but yeah all right so then we can do trend at the same time great dose going and then so trend this one's a little bit difficult to explain and let me do my best so trend so I'm a value investor I'm always trying to buy stuff that's trading cheaply but at the same time I feel like it's it's beneficial to to add to the context of the portfolio to have stocks in the portfolio that are already in a powerful uptrend regardless of the value regardless of the value but like where values discounted because it just it just as a matter of diversification I know people think diversification anything like sectors and geographically and so forth but style is I feel like style is a good diversification and I'm trying to be better about that that's why I'm picking up I try to pick up additional skill sets that I can round out I don't want to just be one style and the trends are one of them like I see a really good trend on things and maybe it doesn't look like classically cheap but I'm just like if you see a big pullback what if that trend persists and so this is this is actually a criticism I have myself from a couple months ago so a couple months ago markets marks cratering and and I'm hyper focused on value stocks right that's my style it's what I'm dialed into and I go heavy into value stocks I go having the especially like smaller value stocks that's what I go into and I it just so happened I got incredibly lucky with my timing I almost nailed everything and it in as it turned out value did has done really well so far maybe gives back a whole bunch of the gains or I look like an idiot but as it turned out it worked out but I didn't know I didn't know that was gonna happen right you didn't know either we didn't know what was gonna happen and so almost immediately after like we're still in the heat of it right I mean that's the thing with these crisis like you're in the heat of it it's not just a one-day thing it's not a one-week thing like before you hit the bottom in the weeks after hit the bottom still you should probably still be doing stuff and you don't know when the bottom is but to like like days later in weeks later and I in my defense I did diversify like I did did a good job getting into some like some REITs and stuff and I rarely down REITs and I was getting into some biotech stuff it's a matter of diversification I thought everything was selling off in discriminately so I was just trying to pick up some other stuff this is why I have so many damn stocks in the portfolio and I was like reaching beyond value but like one thing I didn't I didn't go heavy enough into it's like days past weeks past Mike Sheehan like I should have been picking up some of these stocks that weren't tremendous up trends leading up to this because you don't know what's gonna bounce backs this bounce back to strongest um coming out of a crisis you can't know you I'd like to think I'm biased I'd like to think it's gonna be value and as it turned out it was values been a tremendous performer so far but I didn't know that and so I try to be objective with my analysis of my own approach and I looking back and the thing they had but it bounced back so quickly that I couldn't like I about it everywhere oh we're all in the same boat this isn't a unique issue like I think everyone was kind of surprised by how quickly a bounce back like I was prepared for a more gradual downtrend and then like I was like March 16th March 17th I'm like something like I better start buying a whole bunch of positions so I can track in the portfolio so I had a whole bunch just like I thought I had weeks and months ahead of me and then March 18th happened and March 18th was that was that was it March 18th what's the day I don't know if everyone agrees with this but the morning of March 18 that was it that was true panic like I've I haven't seen it before to that degree the prices I saw in so many stocks were indefensible indefensible and and and then they bounced back and I had some I had some orders out that didn't even get executed that they like in the time I set the order like it things bounce back that day not the crazy amount but enough that some of them didn't even get executed and and so I had to pull an all-nighter so then it happened March 18th and I didn't I but I bought a good amount but not as much as I should have and my so I had to pull an all-nighter March 18th going through all this stuff and a lot of the stuff you see here now is like our this is the stuff I care most about so I had to go legit all night I had to go through everything beyond my car and I need to diversify immediately and buy all the stocks that I was planning on averaging and like you get averaged into this stuff and then I realized I had to do as soon as possible and then so I had to pull that home line or get my list of the stocks that I was going to buy and and then I'm buying March 19th March 20th and then I'm sitting on some cash cuz it's I still didn't still ensure that bottom was that no one knows I no one knows and then and then I send some emails to family on Sunday being like a heads up it seems to feel a real close generational opportunity they still kind of felt like they were still gonna be like another 10% drop I wasn't sure and so I said that it's like these are already crazy prices how fortunate we would be if it fell off another 10% we should be prepared for that I don't expect it to go below that it could be prepared for anything and then um sorry I'm like going off and tangent here but this is this is the origin of this trend column here and and in there Monday and then they hit the Fed and had an announcement on Monday and it was a really what I considered positive announcement sentiment wow this is so easy to say in 20/20 hindsight but I have the trade I have the trade log to prove this and on Monday they had that announcement in the market was still down like 2 or 3 percent and I'm like and this is it this is March 23rd I you not if I need to if I so I took I took screenshots of one buys I unloaded I deployed everything a march 23rd all the remaining cash and then that night and then I have tons of position all those positions you see most of them originate at a March 23rd and this isn't a victory lap right because I couldn't have known that I didn't know it has it I was just as I turned out I was super super lucky with everything I've been unlucky in the past you gonna see me be unlucky and that's gonna be a learning opportunity for you and for me and you should be excited about that as I am every year that comes up I'm like how am I gonna look dumb this year what am I going to learn and that night I talked to my wife like we need to get more cash we need to get more cash in there because this could drop again I don't know you could drop again so I got more cash in there the next day and I'm just just I have it just in case this is like can't lose cash right but this is this is the time you need that can't lose cash and that was it that was the loan I was a little in things bouncing back and I was buying more I still like I say they deployed everything I don't mean I was down to zero percent I hyperbole right I'm down to like 5% or maybe to a bunch of accounts and they're all at different levels and then so then you gotta buy on the way up you can't pound a little so I was still I'm still buy and I'm like I know I bet I'm not buying at the low right who isn't and I'm still buying a couple weeks and then just as it turned out like that was it was a little bit a little bit anti-climatic not that weak I say that now that week was messed up and anyway like days late like a week later right so is this last second we come on like what the hell am i doing what am i doing all these value stops like if we do get that if we do retest and we if we take out the lows like I'm not be screwed like these these might be so I was already up quite a bit right but then I'm like I'm nervous so I wish I had been more closely tracking all the stops with real Paul for uptrends that look really great so that I could so that like what if those bounce back to strong as many of them did many of them did bounce back look at you look at like Amazon for example what a terrific company that I like I'm never dealing in such great companies and sometimes the market will offer it up to you so it's a really good idea to track these things because I'm a value I'm like value at heart it's really hard for me to buy these things just based on trend and chart and stuff I'm gonna try to maybe I shouldn't but I feel like I should I feel like just the diversify so I'll be doing it anyway but really for times like that you want to have a portfolio not a port focused a list of stocks at like hey this trend look great before I was before hit the fan they do you should pick some of these up because if they if the trend resumes they could they could kick ass and this could be maybe this is the inflection point I'm not yet as you may know now I'm not into the whole I don't forget if I mention this the whole value versus growth debate is kind of silly I don't even in the camp that thinks values been underperforming so don't ask me but dumb it could be this is that inflection point everyone's talking about where value one of the types of stocks that usually didn't crush it from here on out but I don't know that I didn't know what then I still don't even know it now it's hard to know so early but a lot of these a lot of these trendy stocks bounced back strong like I mean even Tesla like a stock like Tesla I can't evaluate to me Facebook like some really good Shopify I like I could've how you were not adding that to your portfolio at those prices I'm not saying if you're looking to try to crush the market the types of returns I am they can't be a huge part of your portfolio but for certain accounts if you're trying to if you don't want to take on too much risk it's inexcusable to not be at in such great companies at discount prices like that the great companies right because even if the market continues to tank they'll sell off to not as much not as much and they'll struggle but their if they're good businesses they'll there'll be long term beneficiaries of everything so anyway that's I don't know how long did that take I need a drink I need a drink that was that was the thought behind this is that I thought I want to be prepared next time this happens that you may sit like there's some things like gold and stuff on here Michael think what the hell those doing on there right good question but like like gold looks got it the gold has looked good in everyone maybe everyone knows this if you were watching the track gold has look good since it broke 1400 on the charts this is the thing like I'm a fundamentals guy right so but I can't what am I gonna order when I got analyze production and demand what you maybe you think you can do that maybe you can you crush it good props to you I can't do it I'm not that smart you guys I'm my kind of dumb I like I just try to use some basic rules at the home and that type of stuff and I try not to be stupid that's what I try to be not stupid and and if I start trying to get into analyze in debate in production that's - it's for me that's stupid because I don't know what I'm doing and I can't I can't read the tea leaves and stuff with the charts I read a chart you read a chart in so cool with that the thing broke 1,400 like Alex Alex damn good so in Martin it was a great opportunity in March and I meant I would think it was it was March 16th it was March 16th that morning though goldminer so I'm like what over in the Friday - there was a Friday gxj like job is something crazy there's some really crazy what a March what a what a month a bad month for a lot of people like right I mean this is we're talking stocks we're talking stocks a grab a beer just talking market but like real world stuff I for the sake of this stream and everything need to separate a little bit here but for stock market students of the market it was a great month for students of the market and gold it was a tremendous buying opportunity fundamentally in a to a degree in my opinion I they think there's some fundamental value there that's really hard to do I don't want to get down the gold path here but I think there's I think there's valuing things that do nothing I don't that's all I'll say not a Gold Bug you'll learn but that plus the trend and so there were things like March 16th a great great opportunity to buy gold that's what these weren't here before though I was watching gold this whole time and some other one I was in camping world I've been in camper well that thing got they got its ass kicked and but I was watching it so I was able to I was really dialed into it because of that so I was just buy more buy more I'm like oh wow so that was a trend that was looking good and then a whole bunch the this list should be longer it should be a lot longer so you can help me build off this trend list sorry this was on long for how much time I'm going to spend here at this I went way too deep so I apologize but down it's good it's good it's a helpful it's helpful for me to talk about this too because it's it's the origin story of it will turn it into a Marvel movie right and uh and okay that's that let's we got to move on we got to move on sector WITSEC Oh industry filter this is industry filter so sometimes you just wanna I'm I told you I was gonna pull up the energy tab but I didn't do it up good I'll do it next I'll do it next this is a good lead-in to it so sometimes you just want to look at everything you want contact see sometimes you look at the chart for a sub industry right or you look at an area like in the industries tab which I'll show you but sometimes you need context of everything like so for example if I want to see let's go to materials like if I'm looking at let's say diversified chemicals sub ministry companies in there but like I'm like wait a second diversify chemicals what the hell is that like what's what's diversify chemicals other other chemical industries like I kind of know now but sometimes I forget I'm a dad now so yo it's true the whole I think they call like mama brain or something but this Dada brain like I feel like I used to have a good memory I can't remember now and and but like I forget like their other chemical industries what are they so this is what this is this is this was the thinking behind this it's like everything's grouped by materials industry and sub industry and I want to see everything together so here's all your chemicals there's all your your chemicals and so now I can see then I can dig in deeper so if I want to pull up sector look at this all that's gonna bring me to the industry - yeah but promise you I'm gonna show you that in just a second what about an industry alright so if I pull up industry this is linked everything's a link this will bring up me bring up the four industry it's an ETF it's whatever I've picked for the industry ETF so that agribusiness sometimes it's real yeah that's all I had you got a better easier for the chemicals chemicals in are they all look at its agribusiness for all chemicals you guys something better send it to me but sometimes it's tough to nail down DTF for free to industry and so then puts in sub industry then this is how you pull up the chart so this is gonna be I'm gonna see all the charts for all the companies within the sub industry and so that's what that is right so at least it's at least nice having everything accessible but the purpose of this is not this part it's nice to be reminded of everything but then once I'm here what I can do is I can check off one of the I can check off any one of these columns sector industry or sub-industry and what it will do is I've checked off gold let me uncheck I can either uncheck it here watch this they're sort of fun just for shits and giggles unchecked okay now let's check off a new one what's a good one I'm just let's do one sake commodity chemicals we do already dig chemicals you got a funner one I need one worth I want one with oh I can so here here's this call this is number of companies number companies in this industry perfect let's just do let's just do especially must do 36 it doesn't matter let's stop wasting time what are you doing stop wasting time alright so then once you've checked off you don't want to have to scroll up to the top boom boom and then this will be and you could see this is specialty chemicals and it takes a couple of seconds for the conditional formatting to kick in no it's already there and then there you go so now now you're able to filter by by especially chemicals and I can sort by whatever I can use it to screen it's the same view as before so this is the thing you want all these same views all over the place and yeah that's that it's more for just context I'd sometimes I just need context because I forget okay so now let me go back to go back to industry filter here and let me we'll just stick with chemicals I had no plan of sticking with chemicals but here we are so if I get to okay so if I click material sector here and I click this it's going to bring me to the industry tab down below touch this it's gonna bring me right to just can't I think there's even more context right more granular I'm in the material section of the industry tab at this here's all your material sectors you got to see cold and you're gonna see silver and steel and copper and I got a scroll this is for you it was all in one view but steel aluminum specialty chemical when it's gray in the background that's more it's like grouping similar I think it's industries I think it's grouping by industry and now I can see the companies and this is great this is super I'm not gonna be in here all the time but it's it's it's helpful at certain times especially during crunch time I need a new phrase for crunch time let's come up with something together and so then I can scrolling and started digging through so that's the thing I it was to it I could have I can link directly to in theory I can link directly to gold and directly to Silver's too much work I had to go I would had to go through each sub industry and is doing I now i'm reached the point where I can't stay on the tedious work I can't I can't do that stuff I'm I'm like damn my limits with this and so I just linked to materials then I have to go hunt for with the whatever the is sub industry is but I have context I still like to see the context and the companies within each and and I get the check boxes I can check off from here and importantly I can sort so I I wanted to consolidate the view so I only picked a handful of columns to bring into this view I got a ticker named market priced into 52-week I don't even have value here because it's more for crunch time it doesn't matter it just matters what what has fallen doubt what has fallen the most six month insider buying are there blank right now yeah that just means that means there's I hit an error for this them they usually sort themselves out but I look into it and then I got a number of insiders who would have bought that's a really helpful thing to have that's kind of annoying it's not there but I'll get a dork and then business whatever the business is I tried to boil it down to like the most critical things I want to see and when I'm scouring over everything and then each of these because they only had so much space I had each of these as a link this is to the Yahoo profile this is for news if I want to pull up news this is for the SEC website this is for this for charts usually prices for charts this is for seeking alpha many times I plop seeking offer just to see the analysis quickly and then look at this is well whist right there stuff want to pull up the holdings that's it's hiding there and the 52-week i won and yeah so those are those columns and in the here's the other really helpful thing about this i can sort by this drop down here and then i can sort by anything i saw up any one of these comp so if I don't have the insider buying it's a bummer but I can sort by 52-week highs so it should do it one two three four well I'll just sort by daily percent chain let's do five and so now will sort everything by daily percent chains and that's really great if you just want to if you want to dig into what all those percent changes are often it's by insider buying too so that's a dragons not working okay so usually I keep it by market cap though cuz usually I just want to see like let's let's work from the top down let's start with the big companies and work our way down and I also got a link to the charm I always want links to the charts I want to see all the charts for all the companies in the sub industry so that's that and alright so and then I have all that you can see up top there I got all the health industries so I go to energy boom Energy done go to industrial I'm usually the most common indices of investing in energy materials industry consumer discretionary information technology you can see I'm in VIP I'm like you're probably never gonna see me invest in utilities you can't say never can't see you never highly unlikely highly unlikely real estate I've been trying to have more financial some I think some REITs are classified as financials but um so I still some things are hardly classified as like staples and stuff you'll see me invest in these I know I can't say never some things are just weird classifications but let's just scroll down to information technology boom there we go I guess I like the green to to remind me where I am and so all the great the gray area has the software and technology and stuff yeah that's it for the industry tab and yeah I think that's everything okay so now let's start going to the dip I can't even look at let's to go in today oh this is the daily movers tab this is filtering from the universe all the biggest movers using this this formula there it's it goes by I thinked anything above 10 percent or above and our 10 percent or below for the Downers and he there's only accept so there's no links in the I would have preferred ways like the links right where I'm clicking on something but it slows down the performance of the spreadsheet a bit so the links are separated on the left-hand side and then I just use array formulas to pull everything in and then these so there's only one formula one form there's only one form at the top of each thing so it keeps things quick so that's is it so this this view there's a quite a bit of thought went into this there experience rather like the stuff right in the middle is the stuff I'm focusing on the most during like crunch time weekly percent change daily percent change the tag whether I own it or if it's in a watch list and so far there if I own it how much I own it the ticker the name in the conditional formatting based on sector price and market cap right next to each other eventually you reach a point where I just need to know the price that's what I was doing in March like what is the price where are we at because I've internalized a lot of the stuff market cap just a quick way to assess risk based on what the markup is same for revenues I think I mentioned that elsewhere if you know the revenues in the market cap you get a good sense of what the risk involved might be same thing for industry sub inertia if you know the 7sj that's helpful and I've already talked about value blend in 52 week high 52 week low and you've seen all these the metrics there I I talked about those and so right by default it's sorted by the daily percent change because that's what I'm looking at here but I can sort by anything which is great and it's so I do it by column number and so you can see at the top they're like the the column numbers that was a manual effort such a pain in the ass side to type that in to remind myself with the column as well but anyway I could sort by stuff so maybe you hear hey here's all your movers that move to greater than ten percent but maybe you want to sort those big movers by insider buying no problem I just sort this by let's do column eight it's a sec it's a sec there you go of the biggest movers today there's you ones with the the biggest insider right isn't that isn't that does anyone else think that's cool can you comment if you think that's cool because I know there's not many of you out there it's so weird there's so many other cool things in life in this world it's embarrassing to say that you know but as far as in the context of spreadsheets in in my style that's cool if I'm real real and the real world eating cool I'll tell you that right now you think I don't know that I know okay and so that's so I'd like to do that you will do that during the stream we're gonna do this turn stream whatever the biggest movies are and or let's do book two price I was gonna say price the book right so it's that twenty-eight I mean I don't really need to show this stuff I kind of just want to see it work there you go alright we get a couple no I can't say can I still say if I say price below book at least you'll know what I mean because now everything's gonna be priced above it's priced above book I guess I can just say price to book what am i complaining about and yeah we got a couple price I own I didn't rub I owned read ramen it was a bigger position now it's a nominal position cuz I thought it was so say if I want to pull up the chart it should be right there but I got a scroll over here cuz I wanted to keep performance looking good when did I sell out oh look at this okay so I it was definitely a big not a big position more I saw a bigger position earlier and then I are starting to just take some take some profits on stuff and that was one of them and it's kind of giving some some gains some gains back and then yeah so anyway sorry it's just daily more so you can do this kind of stuff in the air I got the checkbox I could check stuff off and then I can pull up the sec well wisdom see these are things you can I'm this is why I had that separate video because I wanted to talk about those websites cuz I used them so frequently Seeking Alpha peers this pulls up those charts vault appears news if I want so in there sometimes I pull up news for this now I get the full name with Investor Relations press release excuse me business so now I have the business for a lot of these right there I pulled him in I don't have him for all of them I just I was like that's all I can do I did my best to automate that I won't go into the details but so the ones that are blank I wasn't able to automate it that's all and then so that's business so that if I don't have it I can pull up Yahoo profile and then I'll have the Oprah property Yahoo profile I couldn't get Yahoo to open up down here it's one it's just like seeking out for there's no there was no ID to use if you get a shortcut if there's no ID and you know how to have it open down at the bottom could you let me know because I'm gonna be helpful and then that's that's the price and just the chart that's all and what's this go so this so the insider box Nonpoint in here too so right there as where as they're supposed to be instead of buying in addition to over here so something fishy's going on I got a I got to look into that after this and so anyway but there's dude oh the link doesn't even work so the link doesn't work if the dollar amounts there though that's not good so in that case I would just be going I just have to use my search engine shortcuts so I'd be you there's not gonna be any 4c Amaury I think is that a Bermuda company or something we can do it for I beat BJ's I just have to go my search engine stuff dad see I gotta troubleshoot that now but yeah see that's a thing because I'm relying to open inside great thing but sometimes sometimes the the import it doesn't work and it breaks so drawback in a real platform and that stuff's always available you should never be running into that but this is the life of individual investor okay so now we get into weekly and and so the weekly I said weeklies the same thing oh let me go back to that I didn't even show you I showed you the gainer doesn't show you the losers so if I click on the losers here I just bring it down and that's just the same view just down at the bottom I it's just I scroll down to get to it and and it's safe same stuff it's all the same stuff this is 10% or worse on the day and kind of quiet day this isn't to any movers on the day all right so then weekly week same thing with the weekly I just changed the conditional formatting from from day to week and that's it everything else is the same I don't need to review anything oh the only other thing I'll say is I was talking about you seen these are blue this is just for the sake of the videos I was talking about how to move stuff over I got these links to to move me over and then move me back that's all those are sometimes I forget sometimes I'll change the formatting because I don't like the hyperlinks I said that but sometimes I get it can remind myself to keep it blue so I remember it's a link so that's weekly and then we got dollar this is instead of buying so this is work so I still have the inside of my stuff it's just not work in certain areas so this is open insider but in the this roaring Kitty tracker view where now I can see the insider buying as it gets filed with all the data this is this is sick because open insider as great as it is it's a drag you don't have the other stuff one thing home they say there's one thing that's really good that means game stuff because I know that some insider buying you highlight over thing that's nice that's a nice feature that if least if you're an open cider you can hold for that this is a good way to screen for companies so if you go to the latest let's just do cluster buys just as an example look at this this is a way to screen it's like right there that's a new company probably not on my list so I could add that and I should have mentioned this in the other video that's too bad and then I can scroll and then you can get some idea so this one looks kind of interesting a little bit there but biologic might not be a good fit for me but looks interesting so this is this is a good I wish I had this in my spreadsheet and I don't this one looks interesting oh I've invested them but I don't know I won't there was years ago I've can I continued to track them but I think some PE firms got involved and I feel like it's mmm it's a risk I don't want right now sorry and then that wouldn't look good I didn't buy that one but I was watching Escalade not that it's a different type of escalated so anyway sorry this one looks interesting fall so they had a huge amount of insider buying recently no I don't know if people talking about it and look at that chart something something's going on there I own it it's in the board folio model well so I like that so I can't do that in this view but I have everything else all the other data and so now I can sort by the biggest buys and then quickly look at some metrics I can see who's buying at a company that's trading below or above book to price and let's just do that right we get so right now it's sorted by when I forget what sorted by 6 or sorted by 6 month I don't know Oh 66 I don't even know what 66 Oh something something random we could sort by 28 let's do 20 let's do book 2 price again what do we say I booked the price was 39 there you go so look at this so in some insider buying at prices say vo I've owned them in the past Fang I think I own them right now Wow they still trampled the handbook value on those energy companies fossil there you go look at this trading at maybe well 1 times tangible book but 1.7 times how do you say that one poem turning the books trading at 1.7 that you get one point seven times I got to practice that but that's you go you see it's in the position right there you can see oh so Frank I've I have a lot of energy exposure and Fang was one of the one one of the bigger companies that I took profits on because I get so many other riskier ones that I I figured I didn't need just had to cutbacks but a fall so that's a good-sized position one percent o so Escalade was on deck look at that one flex opera that's an interesting small cap a lot of insider buying going on that look at this so then I so I got twelve persists thing you can see 12-month then you can see three-month then you can see this was I forget if I even had this but like it's one thing to see all right how much was bought over the past two months how much was peddle over three months but then crunch time you're looking everyday at this stuff and you want to see what was bought over the past week again this is what I'm talking about you want to see insider buying like during a big sell-off or you know in a in a huge sell-off on the market who bought stuff past week who bought stuff the who bought stuff one or two weeks ago who bought stuff two to four weeks ago because then you can keep researching about stuff that who was buying stuff in March right I was all over the people who were behind stuff in March I was keeping such a close eye on that it really helped really helped and so that's what I broke I did my best I think this is all hacker I did my best it's hard to a little bit hard to break this out but I think I did okay and then and then how many insiders bought past six months how many I couldn't that was that's good enough how many inside was about past six months how many insiders back past past month and then so I broke this out a whole bunch of ways cuz I it really matters so much and then here's oh yeah here's a column for value I forget if I showed that like but here's so oh you can't see it so there's I have a date when that value was ascribed but I think I hid the column for the view sake you look at when you're empty so when you're empty right it's like him like a lot of them fell off and I didn't bring them into this new version these versions have been through many these spreadsheets have been through many versions um so I I like I think I didn't carry him over I figured we can build them out turn the stream so yeah anything else to show that's this is I really like to I feel like we'll spend a lot of time on this during the stream because this is really cool and then so this this won't talk about screening always screening always tracking like this is just a view that I have you can call this screening but I'm just watching what's going on who but okay this is ooh bot and then we'll dig in deeper let's pull up seeking offal let's see what people are saying about this company let's pull up the peers how is this internship and performing lately lately it's all adult kind of looks the same because of what happened but but there's some so that's like that that's how that's how I spend most of my time and is that it did we get through everything what day is it what day is it it's almost the next day I should have got another beer between between the videos I was I'll be honest I was working on the same beer I just didn't my daughter's sleeping I was going to open the door I'm trying to quiet the room - I got blankets hanging up and don't get me into it but um the only other thing I would show in this spreadsheet is all you think checked off is that CSV so I have to export a lot of stuff like I talked about its man some stuffs manual a chart lists and stock charts is manual and so for for the dashboard that stuff's not updating too much I've I took some time in the past month the past couple months to to just build that out it's good enough I like I don't spend that much time on the - I like what's in there is good enough maybe a lot a couple things to the rest column some new companies or something but those are good enough I won't be updated in those probably unless you catch errors and then that's probably errors but things like the portfolio and things like the behind lists and the sell list in the trend in the gainers and sometimes I'll take the gainers let's just do that so let's take the gainers Oh what let's go what are we always showing by daily gain yeah what about daily gain so let's go to CSV let's take the daily gainers and these are all these are all array formulas it's saying based on what you see I don't even know how this works they're multiple columns yeah so there's sorry it's multiple columns here working together this isn't a Google sheet see what I don't screen Olenick screen and I don't like scrolling sorry sorry it's getting late Oh see it's saying like if that says this then do this or a formula blah blah blah that's all that's doing and so let's change it to daily gain one day gainers it's kind of snappy it used to be so slow I can't even this is a big part of the latest version of these spreadsheets are so slow and I and needs to be faster you mean this is still so silly because if you're not above an awful legitimate platform like this is elementary you know but anyway so now we have one Wendy games what I can do is I export CSV excuse me come on download CSV downloaded CSV and then I just click one day gainers boom and this should bring me right to where I upload CSV come on boom I still have to click upload CSV I can't get around that they don't but all I got to do is I just click this drag it and just drop it right there that's it I'm not gonna upload upload oh wait I cannot blowed it let's do it I'll blow it there you go it's done you know most chefs 10-page yeah so wait a second oh did I have to oh you know what I I made this mistake previously so watch this I gotta click one day gainers gotta click ok I got I forgot to click ok you go upload CSV I always forget to do this I won't forget to on the stream if I do this I cook Abul and then oh oh oh that did work sorry oh my dad put a 10-page and I here we everything I'm not sure why that's popping at the beginning I gotta look into that I just took that real quick I don't know why that's showed up there that's weird oh you know what I'm suppose it's doing duplicates so I should go like this this was supposed to do so this is an extra step you gotta go this you got to clear out the watch list that's it clear out the watch list then upload CSV then drop this so and drop this and upload so I'm gonna have to do that and then click ok that's a drag then 10-page alright I guess I got to do that I forgot about that then here we go we got on the chart see that so it really only takes it takes like 60 seconds right that's a long 60 seconds for me for you to probably and now we can go look through the chart so it's another way to screen right that's what like open insider will be nice to just hover over it and just see the chart for each one but that's this is ok so I'll probably do some one so this sorry and I got to do it for but I need to update like the bye list and the wrong Kitty portfolio I just got to do that but that's what I do open silk charts just drag over the file and it gets uploaded so that was something I had to build in the other thing I had to do to have a separate CSV tab this is more for Google sheets folks who want to learn more I have a separate CSV file because I didn't show that I screened am sorry I guess I'll show this just quickly so this is very similar view to the other so remember when I talked about like sometimes I'll screen I'll set aside time to screen this is what this view is for I don't use it that often but during crunch time you may want to actually screen so what I do is I turn this into a filter I'll be quick about this and I'll just filter by by some a tag whatever it was I called track is everything but if I wanted to filter by the watchlist pull this up and look at this this looks ridiculous these column these column Heights of row Heights terrible but I can't do anything about you can't even see the column headers you get a click in that's annoying but don't Christ I'm I'm sorry if you wanted to scream you just sort by this and then you can click around and this is where data gets pasted because you can't be messing with these filters and movement stuff all around and do dual filters and multiple filters quad filter whatever if you want to Philip I like filter but like for things I call it scream I'm just filtering if you want to filter by for things that really slows down the the performance so I use filters and I still have all the hyperlinks on the side there and then you can even type stuff into I can't you tech can't you filter by look at this you can filter by doing these cool things if you view most of you won't know this probably in Google sheets but you could filter by like between stuff if you live give me the market caps between this and that and you can't do that with those other sorts you can't do it with a sorting function you need the filter so sometimes that there are times when I want to do this and that's where these filters come in handy like give me only the companies that are trading between this and that or give me the companies that are training between this and that and this you need filters for that and I'm not doing this often and maybe will do it maybe I'll do it more often during the stream but but there's also time stirring when you're really trying to work fast where you this is this is a way to screen so that's what this tab is again the data is getting pasted click that roaring Kitty this data is getting pasted automatically on a set time period it's getting pasted on a set time here but if I could click we're on kiddie oil so paste again I think it does it twice a day like at 10 a.m. and like 4 p.m. or something cuz I'm not gonna be doing this midday actually it's kind of tough to work can they spreadsheets midday because the daily prices are moving it kind of slows down performance a bit it worked they work but it's it's it's less zippier than it is right now let's just another helpful reason of work and in the evening but anything else to show this is really helpful stuff these filters are helpful I mean it's effectively a screening tool if you use any regular screening tool on any website or anything this is how it work is they're just filtering based on these different things so this is why I call it screen that this is true screening as most of you know it select a subunit it's not just usual stuff so that's that tab but the thing is when you're fit so when you filtered by whatever filtered by the watchlist right what happens is you'll see that on the left column here a whole bunch of these there's missing rows there are hidden right because it's filtered so if you want to what if you want to export sometimes I wanted to do this couple months ago so I built this what if you want to export these tickers to check out the charts if you try to look up if you try to do what I usually do which hey just give me give me those doing array feel them up pull everything in it still pulls in the visible the visible rows excuse me it still pulls in the hidden rows it pulls everything in it doesn't like that it doesn't understand the filter how the filter works and that pulls everything in that's annoying and I came up with a way to get around that I have this visible tab with this Donny I don't remember this right I'm gonna show you most of you can tune out right now if you don't care about this but like let me show you how this works is that it's looking to where do I do this look I think they do it over here sorry there's like a whole bunch of so this is what I'm doing okay this this is up so this is the most ridiculous this is the most ridiculous this is most ridiculous formula that you'll see in the spreadsheet it's stupid it's it's indefensible it's indefensible but what I had to do was like I google this you'll find it you'll find what I found is that you need to like read a special i've can't even explain it i I don't even remember how it works in there's three of these columns and I had to subtotal I don't do I might have a link I have a link so I had to do this for a whole bunch of the columns and then they get pulled over to this one if they all get aggregated I should take if not usually I keep myself a link I have a bookmark somewhere but do a google as to how you filter look up filtered views or something like that anyway this works and it's kind of cool but here's it your the thing is the thing that's really weird in Google sheets this is so I have everything filter right here's the filter view this is it right terrific you say if I export this CSV you will see you will see the visible rows you'll see that I haven't I'm not gonna test it now test this yourself if you've who's gonna test this yourself one of you one of you will test this yourself if you X if I expert this it looks you think you it's gonna export I'll just these tickers and you see everything in its I can't I can't even there's a weird school she there because it does make any sense how does it not just export these rows or how you exporting rows that aren't that aren't there so Google sheets you're tuning in for this yeah I'm sure you are there's a bug found a bug gonna fix that bug Google call me Google so that's it and then I get out so what I actually have to do is I have to literally copy I have to highlight this and copy which is is silly right but if I'm actually going to fum jumping through the hoops to do this it's worth it it's worth it the who cares about copying pasting but just a heads up just as something it's just a silly this at this point we're in so deep it if you're still watching what's wrong with you I'm just kid obviously nothing right nothing so it's not a big deal I just want to show you that one last thing kind of cool oh is this oh that's the chart that's to up to update the chart that's all I'd show I showed you this end this stuff's kind of boring this other spreadsheets to I could show you here's the other spreadsheet so I click here you see portfolio that's how I update the portfolio fundies that's wrong that's where I'm pulling in the metrics for all the companies mark sometimes Google finances marking up is wrong I tried to fix that it's kind of clunky though it doesn't really work business has me trampling Business Insider's prices I lean on historical I don't really use it that much though historical Google prices I tried to because I was trying to build a scoring system but it gets messy it wasn't it gets messy dashboards where I pulled the prices and then that's it then just I have them all bookmarked up there and it's legit it's 11:59 it's the next it's about to be the next day well I'm hanging in for an extra minute so I'm just gonna keep talking you think I can pull think I can keep talking for a little minute any doubters you doubt me so I think that's the whole that's the tracker spreadsheet that's the fundamental spreadsheet that's the universe spreadsheet hopefully you'll check this out before their stream you'd only do this if you care right most of you I know most people don't care and but if you're really curious or you want to if you do want to know more and what my approach this is I feel like this video is insightful it's meandering don't get me wrong and I I don't know how much I'm gonna add another to be honest I feel like I'm beat I don't know I feel like I'm just gonna upload it as is so I apologize for the quality in that regard because I know you're really supposed to edit these things and cut them down for your sake that's why I would that's why I would take the time to edit stuff but yeah if you have questions about this I can answer during the live stream if you haven't seen this video I'm probably gonna point you in this direction like I'm sorry how long this video is but you should really watch it if you want to tune in to the stream I mean the streams three hours so this is less this is less than three hours right I hope so it's it is and so I'll point you in this direction so hopefully you wouldn't mind watching just this video can you wash it at fast speed or something like that and then but I if any follow-up questions I can answer and I'm gonna get back to the top here and I think that's it I'm gonna I'm gonna dial them can I finish my beer while I'm on screen that's it I hope you enjoyed if you hung in there congratulations you deserve a medal or an award or something let me know if you did watch this I'll give you mad props but yeah that's it I you have a nice night if you did decide to watch this in the evening and I will see on the stream adios
Channel: Roaring Kitty
Views: 308,969
Rating: 4.9625101 out of 5
Keywords: google finance, day trading, the big short, insider buying, google sheets, stocks, wallstreetbets, streaming, stock valuation, dave portnoy, spreadsheets, warren buffett, investing, live streams, davey day trader, stock charts, stock market, michael burry, value investor, value investing, charting, investment process, technical analysis, deep value investing
Id: 7wjWnMcdnlQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 111min 5sec (6665 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 13 2020
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