Road Ranger Demo Drive

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[Music] foreign [Music] scan around the vehicle make sure it's all clear I've got a bicycle coming up so I won't pull out yet but what I'll go through is my demo on the clutch brake [Music] so my foot goes flat to the floor I then position the stick and I'm going to take off its second gear I won't go in one I'm in again an unloaded vehicle I bring the clutch out about that far off the floor and drop in the gear stick into gear I'm currently in second gear I'm going to work from two to three to four then I'm going to use this black switch here to pre-select which means flick it up and prepare to go to the next range [Music] which would be five six seven and eight so let's take a look at that in reality now when I'm making each of my changes you'll see me double the clutch which means I'm going to just pump on the clutch just a little bit like three centimeters as I go on each of my changes will be clutch to neutral clutch to gear [Music] clutch to neutral clutch to gear I'll also take care to get the engine revs to the to the right RPMs so in an unloaded truck like this around 12 1300 will do the trick [Music] I don't need to rip The Living Daylights out of it so put on the brake indicator Park brakes down here lift out lower east of clutch out starts to engage the gear and wear a light okay checking mirrors looking up ahead clearing parked vehicles and I'm double clutching working up through the gears and it's half it's just that not all the way to the floor and the clutch so I pre-select up to five checking mirrors I'm going to take a left turn up ahead now in fifth gear this might be okay for this particular Corner we'll just see when we get there left indicator checking mirrors slowing down remember braking gentle and controlled I'm going down a hill so if it's clear I should be right in fifth okay oncoming traffic just make sure it's down my side of the road okay now I'm straightening up I'm going to go five to six which is straight back cover up look up ahead Paco's ready up to seven and we're following the road I've got parked cars on my left so I'm just sitting out 1.2 meters from those basically a door opening distance and I'm going to take a right turn up ahead there's a very tight corner so I'm going to work down the gear so down to six down to five I've got to watch with my long legs that they uh don't go too far down the clutch so I have to take great care I want to go to the floor that's when the grinding will start okay low range full scan no one no one's behind look around the corner and around we go check my right mirror for my back wheels make sure they're clearing straighten up we're going straight ahead I'm in fourth gear pre-select so button goes up for the high range when the button's high I'm going to high range so ready for a change half clutch half punch six seven 1200 ish might be different in a different truck so just get to know your truck and what works best for you I'm in seven I'm gonna go down the gears six now you notice when I'm going down the gears I'm just popping a little rev in or okay let's go down to four and notice in this truck you don't need to give the when you're doing your down changing technique you don't need to wrap The Living Daylights out of it other trucks I've kicked up like 400 500 RPMs this particular truck seems about three to four hundred RPM so pre-select if I don't select the correct range then I will get grinding as I go up through the gears I'm going to go up to the end and turn around I'm currently in two three four five six half clutch half clutch don't go to the floor you're wearing a clutch out that way down the gear little rev drop it into gear okay I'm gonna turn the vehicle around up ahead so one of the critical things when you learn to drive a Road Ranger is to not panic you just need to learn to work with the particular truck that you're driving if you try and fight the truck and force it into gear and grind The Living Daylights out of it then that's not learning how to actually manage the truck you'll also hear experienced truck drivers tell you that you can drive the truck without the clutch yet that is possible but from the perspective of q-safe driving assessment you need to you need to use the clutch and all your changes so in all the tutorials that I make it'll be in line with what the Queensland transport people require so black switch is down for low range if I at the moment I'm doing uh 15 kilometers per hour so look lower the gear the lower the speed so if I want to work up a gear I'm just going to click it up to high range preload I'm going to work it up to five up to 1200 drop it in half clutch half clutch we're going to follow the road and go straight ahead just got some Road Works going on here so I'm just going to show a little bit of caution as we go through just showing portion and we're going straight up ahead yep just giving the road workers a courtesy wave okay and then we we're going to go straight ahead so I'm just checking my road position straight back on the stick pre-load the stick that means put that little bit of pressure make sure you've got a good grip half clutch half clutch straight back don't pull it towards your hip otherwise you will bring it into eighth gear and it'll really labor there so I'm in eight at the moment sorry six at the moment and I'm going to go back up to the tight Corner that I'm gonna go to seven on the way up everything in time left foot left hand must work as a team if they're out of sync you'll get some grinding okay down a gear gotta have the right rate of change so clutch clutch 1200 much much half a clutch don't go all the way to the floor unless you're using the clutch brake valve which is only to be used when you're stopped and you are starting from out of gear enjoy gear if I pull up and I'm in gear and I keep my foot on the brake and the clutch I can change through the gears without having to go back to my starting procedure okay just going past a couple of heavy vehicles giving them space I'm going to go down a gear pre-select switch down Taco down I'm changing down just I've noticed in this truck for me when it when the needle drops just below 10 it seems to be about the right spot and I'm only revving it as I said three to four hundred up on the uh the uh the downward change technique okay I'm going to go up again pre-select four to five much much okay I'm doing all my driving and Industrial estate here it's not a super quiet area there is a bit of activity on so I'm just keeping my speed pretty slow anywhere from 15K up to 40K but you can still work up and down the gears and it's good not to drive too fast too soon when you're learning to master the road range unless you're out on a nice open road because one is you have to get used to using air brakes and they can be for the um uninitiated very touchy and you don't want to be putting yourself through the windscreen okay I'm going to take a right turn up ahead mirror checks so I have an awareness of what's around me look up the road both ways is it clear yes it is find the friction point not too much accelerator on the takeoff just gentle around the corners straighten up okay looking up ahead we've got a vehicle on the side of the road so just show Extra caution extra caution the forklift driver's not watching me so I'm watching him and making sure he doesn't go into my path okay looking up ahead good good still clear still clearly 1.2 meters on that side of the road good still player looking down the street if you Tucker drops really low just lower your right foot rev down as well okay nice and steady around the corners don't grab the living balance out of it up the gears have clutch hot punch fight the tendency to rip it out good up clutch half clutch scan the mirrors seven okay down to four because it's a tight corner pre-select to low down to four mirror checks try not to cut the center line if you can help it okay into the driveway download gear I'm down to three down to two
Channel: Watto Training
Views: 17,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 13 2022
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